How can I add parameters to the Yahoo MRSS feed generated by Kaltura KMC? - kaltura

I'm using the Kaltura KMC to generate a Yahoo! MRSS feed (per the info here).
The feed it creates looks like this:
<rss version="2.0" xmlns:media="" xmlns:dcterms="">
<title>yahoo mrss feed</title>
<title>My Dog Clip</title>
<media:content url="">
<media:title>My Dog Clip</media:title>
<media:description>Here is a clip of the dog playing!</media:description>
<media:keywords>dog clip</media:keywords>
<media:thumbnail url=""></media:thumbnail>
<media:category scheme="">Entertainment & TV</media:category>
<media:player url=""></media:player>
<media:rating scheme="urn:simple"></media:rating>
This is pretty good, but I see two things that need adjusting:
On the <media:content> tag, I'd like to add the type parameter, indicating the MIME type. Is there a way to do this through the KMC interface?
I'd like to change the default size of the thumbnail it generates (and also add the image suffix, like .jpg, to the end of the URL). Is there an option for that in the KMC?
It seems like I might end up needing to use the API to build the MRSS feed myself on the fly (pulling the video data from Kaltura via the API). What do you think?
Thank you...

You can use the dynamic MRSS
To upload your owned XSD, and modify the original.


Nokogirl scraping talk from AudioDharma page

Here is my code:
doc = Nokogiri::HTML(open(""))
talks = doc.css(".regularitem")
The css seems pretty straightforward, so I can't figure out why I keeping getting an empty array for 'talks'. Let me know if you see something I'm not-- Nokogiri beginner here. Thanks.
If you try to use cURL or another method to fetch the content directly, you will see your XML starts like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" media="screen" href="/~d/styles/rss2enclosuresfull.xsl"?><?xml-stylesheet type="text/css" media="screen" href=""?>
<rss xmlns:itunes="" xmlns:media="" xmlns:creativeCommons="" xmlns:feedburner="" version="2.0">
As you can see, it's an XML file and not an HTML file. I'm not sure why, but Nokogiri doesn't know how to handle it properly when trying to open the URI by itself - it's an XML with some styling properties for browsers. It reads fine usually, I'm not sure about the specs more in depth.
One solution I found was to load the URL using RestClient and once the content loaded it was parsed properly. Also you should call Nokogiri's XML and call it by its name. Then the search by CSS method works without a problem:
doc = Nokogiri::XML(RestClient.get(""))
doc.css('.regularitem') # => has valid Nokogiri output

Adding Images or Thumbnails to Atom 1.0 Entries

This StackOverflow answer suggests that you should use HTML entry content and use a standard <img> tag to link to your images.
<content type="html">
<a href="">
<img alt="test_pic" src="" />
I have also found something called the Yahoo media extensions here which allows you to add custom additional elements.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<feed xmlns="" xmlns:media="">
<!-- ommitted -->
<!-- ommitted -->
<media:thumbnail xmlns:media="" url="path_to_image.jpg" />
Google also seems to have its own similar extensions. See here.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<feed xmlns="" xmlns:g="">
<!-- ommitted -->
<!-- ommitted -->
My own intuition tells me I should simply be able to add links to images like so:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<feed xmlns="">
<!-- ommitted -->
<!-- ommitted -->
<link rel="enclosure" type="image/png" length="1337"
What is the correct approach for maximum compatibility?
The best practice is to do what Wordpress RSS 2.0 feeds do — if you want your post image to appear in feedly for example, put the <p><img...></p> at the top of the content. My eleventy setup has post header image inside article, but outside content variable's contents which are used in the feed. I solve the problem adding the image back:
<![CDATA[<p>{% include "src/components/partials/post-hero-img.njk" %}</p>{{ post.templateContent | textDeletePresentationDivs | htmlToAbsoluteUrls(absolutePostUrl) | safe }}]]>
source in git
I checked, neither Atom nor RSS 2.0 feeds have post images set anywhere as standalone tags. They're simply at the top of the article's content.
With regards to your examples...
The "vanilla" Atom RSS feed has a schema xmlns="" and its documentation is defined in RFC4287.
According to it, "vanilla" Atom RSS feed strictly can have <logo> which is the 2:1 ratio image, the logo of the feed. Sadly, it is placed in the root of XML (notice atom:logo in the spec, it's not atom:entry:logo). Practically, this means, you can put a picture of your RSS feed itself, but not per-article. If you do put <logo> inside <entry>, the feed won't pass the validators and post image won't appear in feedly (I tried).
Also, spec defines <icon> which is vaguely defined as a small, square image, also placed in the root. Feedly seem to detect the website's favicon anyway, although it doesn't hurt to set this tag up in rss explicitly.
That's all there is — Atom spec doesn't officially define a way how to put images per-article.
Here's where additional namespaces come in (or RSS 2.0, different spec, different XML). You mentioned xmlns:media="" in example. I tried it, post images won't show in feedly. Plus, spec link is not showing any specs.
Google namespace you quoted, xmlns:g="" also doesn't work, post images don't show up in feedly.
The link approach, <link rel="enclosure" type="image/png" length="1337" href=""/> would be promising except length is meant to state the filesize in bytes. In Eleventy that's problematic value to get, for example.
To sum up, the best practice is put post header image at the top of the content, inside <content>.

XSLT to display news item images with consistent size

I have a RSS XML news file, which contains a list of items inclusive of a URL to an image. I also have an associated XSLT.
The problem is that the image sizes are not consistent and I want to limit the image sizes, resize them, to a nice thumbnail.
How would I modify the XSLT to accomplish that?
XML Sample:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<rss version ="2.0" xmlns:g="">
<title>Company Name</title>
<description>Company description</description>
<title>News Item Title</title>
<pubDate>12 April 1961</pubDate>
<description>Software to reduce your job search to a half hour per day. all major job sites, job boards, classifieds. unemployment paperwork, CRM, interviews, more</description>
Here is the associated XSLT:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="">
<xsl:template match="/">
<xsl:for-each select="//item">
<item Name="{position()}" HeaderText="{title}" Text="{description}" NavigateUrl="{position()}" Date="{pubDate}" ImageUrl="{image/url}"/>
Results of First Answer:
<xsl:for-each select="//item">
<item Name="{position()}" HeaderText="{title}" Text="{description}" NavigateUrl="{position()}" Date="{pubDate}" ImageUrl="/Tools/thumber.php?img={image/url}"/>
I made these changes, enabled PHP on the server (testing on from the server and locally), and saw 2 issues:
1. I get no image, merely a no image box.
If I try to edit the ImageUrl and tack on a "&W=xxx&H=xxx", the Visual Studio validator complains and throws up errors on the &.
Update 2
Here is the latest line in the XSLT:',image/url)}"/>
The corresponding image section in the XML
XSLT has no built in function for resizing or thumbnailing. You will have to use an external processor for that eg. by using a PHP thumbnail generator.
Then replace the original image path with a URL pointing to your thumbnail generator, with the source being the original image.
suppose ImageUrl =
the new ImageUrl would become
Please make shure you select a caching thumbnail library (eg ) , since it will be a serious resource hog if you skip that. Also take into account copyright issues when re-serving these thumbnails.

palettes of icons in Google Earth (Mac)

(Cross posted from the GE support groups - now defunct?)
Having trouble using the gs:x extensions to use palettes of icons in an icon
I have loaded the appropriate xmlns:gx=""
into the kml header but get the message "Unknown type gs:x
on my Macintosh under GE Google Earth
I suspect this has not been implemented on the Mac version - anybody
with experience on this?
Final code was as follows and it fails on the first gx:s line.
It also fails in the same way if I use the now deprecated x (rather than gx:x)
Also, as shown it follows the kml documentation but I think all terminating terms should be of the form /gx:x rather than gx:x/
as shown in the KML reference. Making that change does not help as it never gets to that point anyway.
The header was copied from a GE placemark copied and pasted into the
Any help appreciated.
Bob J.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<kml xmlns=""
<StyleMap id="s_Ic_SP">
<Style id="sn_Ic_SP">
<gx:x>0<gx:x/><gx:y>128<gx:y/> <gx:w>64<gx:w/><gx:h>64<gx:h/>
<hotSpot x="32" y="1" xunits="pixels" yunits="pixels"/>
<text><![CDATA[<font face="Comic Sans MS" /><table
bgcolor="#ff8000" cellspacing="3" width="160">
<tr bgcolor="#ffff80"><td><b>Sponsor $[name]</b><br/><br/>$
<gx:x>0<gx:x/><gx:y>128<gx:y/> <gx:w>64<gx:w/><gx:h>64<gx:h/>
Seems my problem was a syntax problem
The gx:x set do work correctly. However, they are not operational inside the ItemIcon group as shown in my example. In fact they are ignored in that group.
Thanks for your tolerance of my stupidity
Bob J.

How do I add an image to an item in RSS 2.0?

Is there a way to send only an Image with a link and some alt text for each item in an RSS feed?
I looked at the enclosure tag but this is only for videos and music.
The enclosure element can be used to transmit pictures. The RSS 2.0 spec is quite clear about that, saying that the type is a MIME type. It does not say it is restricted to audio or video.
Here's an example: a set of photo feeds from Agence France Presse
One of solutions is to use CDATA in description
Image inside RSS
<img src="" alt="Smiley face">
Note, that you may have a problem with hotlink prevented site.
This is possible in RRS2,
So you have to use the enclosure tag, to add media
You should use the enclosure tag within item to include the image. You can use it for images by setting the correct Mime Type (for example: image/jpeg) and including the image size as the "length" attribute. The length attribute doesn't need to be completely accurate but it's required for the RSS to be considered valid.
Here's a helpful article that discusses this and other options.
To work with the Mailchimp RSS to email feature, they expect the image to be specified in a <media:content> element inside <item>. This is their source for the feed item's image macro in their templates.
Thus, you need to add to the declarations
Then inside the <item> element add
<media:content medium="image" url="http://whatever/foo.jpg" width="300" height="201" />
Without the extra declaration, the feed is invalid since media:content is not a known element.
Inside tag ITEM
<image:image xmlns:image="">
http://domain. com/image.jpg
< /image:image>
Inside Description Tag
Some Text..
<br/><img src='http://domain. com/image.jpg' ><br/>
More Text
Regarding the <p> tag issue, You need to encode html within the xml.
Your code would look something like this:
<description><p> Text in the tag </p></description>
Since you are using php you can use htmlentities() to encode the html tags. They look horrible in the xml but RSS readers know what to do with it.
