How to render banners alongside featured items in home page - joomla

I'm making a custom template form joomla 2.5, and one of the goals for the development is to include a banner after each featured article iteration.
After a long research I can render a banner into /template_name/html/com_content/featured/default_item.php with the following code:
$document = JFactory::getDocument();
$renderer = $document->loadRenderer('modules');
$position = "nota";
$options = array('style' => 'raw');
echo $renderer->render($position, $options, null);
But the issue is that each iteration resets the banner list so I have the same banner repeated with each featured article.
I tried to include the banner module using the same code in /template_name/html/com_content/featured/default.php without success. Lately I'd try with <jdoc:include type="modules" name="nota" style="raw" /> and it didn't works too, so I will appreciate any help to solve this point.
Thanks in advance.

You can solve this in two ways.
The right way
Copy and rename the banner module (fx. to mybanners), change the getList() method in the helper file to retrieve different banners on each call. This could fx. be:
class modMybannersHelper
static function &getList(&$params)
static $index = 0;
JModelLegacy::addIncludePath(JPATH_ROOT.'/components/com_banners/models', 'BannersModel');
$document = JFactory::getDocument();
$app = JFactory::getApplication();
$keywords = explode(',', $document->getMetaData('keywords'));
$model = JModelLegacy::getInstance('Banners', 'BannersModel', array('ignore_request'=>true));
$model->setState('filter.client_id', (int) $params->get('cid'));
$model->setState('filter.category_id', $params->get('catid', array()));
$model->setState('list.limit', 1);
$model->setState('list.start', $index++);
$model->setState('filter.ordering', $params->get('ordering'));
$model->setState('filter.tag_search', $params->get('tag_search'));
$model->setState('filter.keywords', $keywords);
$model->setState('filter.language', $app->getLanguageFilter());
$banners = $model->getItems();
return $banners;
This is just a sketch; you still need to handle the case of $index being greater than the number of records.
The hacky way
The retrieval code has only one port open to inject conditions - the documents's keywords.
So you could (in your template file) store the original keywords an replace them with a keyword to identify a banner. The banner must have the same keyword in that case.
$document = JFactory::getDocument();
$keywords = $document->getMetaData('keywords');
$renderer = $document->loadRenderer('modules');
$position = "nota";
$options = array('style' => 'raw');
$document->setMetaData('keywords', 'banner_key');
echo $renderer->render($position, $options, null);
$document->setMetaData('keywords', $keywords);
Either way, caching may prevent that from work, so you might have to turn it off (I didn't check that).


Drupal 8 images with image style

In drupal 7, i use function image_style_url('style', uri) to generate new image with style and return image's path. so what will be instead of it in drupal 8? thanks
Per the change records:
use Drupal\image\Entity\ImageStyle;
$path = 'public://images/image.jpg';
$url = ImageStyle::load('style_name')->buildUrl($path);
You should try to use the new Drupal functions wherever possible.
Instead, use:
use Drupal\file\Entity\File;
use Drupal\image\Entity\ImageStyle;
$fid = 123;
$file = File::load($fid);
$image_uri = ImageStyle::load('your_style-name')->buildUrl($file->getFileUri());
Edited as per
$original_image = 'public://images/image.jpg';
// Load the image style configuration entity
use Drupal\image\Entity\ImageStyle;
$style = ImageStyle::load('thumbnail');
$uri = $style->buildUri($original_image);
$url = $style->buildUrl($original_image);
In your Controllers and other OOP part of Drupal you can use :
use Drupal\image\Entity\ImageStyle;
$path = 'public://images/image.jpg';
$url = ImageStyle::load('style_name')->buildUrl($path);
And in YOUR_THEME.theme file while Error: Class 'ImageStyle' not found in YOURTHEMENAME_preprocess_node you can do it with the follwing
$path = 'public://images/image.jpg';
$style = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()->getStorage('image_style')->load('thumbnail');
$url = $style->buildUrl($path);
Another method is provide a renderable array and let the drupal Render engine render it.
$render = [
'#theme' => 'image_style',
'#style_name' => 'thumbnail',
'#uri' => $path,
// optional parameters
I have found that I often want to preprocess the image to apply an image style to an image on a node or a paragraph type. In many cases I have created a paragraph that allows the user to choose the width of the image as a percentage. In the preprocess I would check the value of the width and apply the correct image style.
use Drupal\image\Entity\ImageStyle;
function THEME_preprocess_paragraph__basic_content(&$vars) {
//get the paragraph
$paragraph = $vars['paragraph'];
//get the image
$images = $paragraph->get('field_para_image');
//get the images value, in my case I only have one required image, but if you have unlimited image, you could loop thru $images
$uri = $images[0]->entity->uri->value;
//This is my field that determines the width the user wants for the image and is used to determine the image style
$preset = $paragraph->get('field_column_width')->value;
$properties = array();
$properties['title'] = $images[0]->getValue()['title'];
$properties['alt'] = $images[0]->getValue()['alt'];
//this is where the Image style is applied
switch($preset) {
case 'image-20':
$properties['uri'] = ImageStyle::load('width_20_percent')->buildUrl($uri);
case 'image-45':
$properties['uri'] = ImageStyle::load('width_45_percent')->buildUrl($uri);
case 'image-55':
$properties['uri'] = ImageStyle::load('width_55_percent')->buildUrl($uri);
case 'image-100':
$properties['uri'] = ImageStyle::load('width_100_percent')->buildUrl($uri);
//assign to a variable that the twig template can use
$vars['basic_image_display'] = $properties;
In this example, I am preprocessing a specific paragraph type named "basic_content" but you can do the same thing with a node preprocess. Continuing my example, I would have a twig template named paragraph--basic_content.html.twig to handle the display of that paragraph type.
Displaying the image would be something like this in the twig file.
<img class="img-responsive" src="{{basic_image_display['uri']}}" alt="{{ basic_image_display['alt'] }}" title="{{ basic_image_display['title'] }}"/>
$view_mode = $variables['content']['field_media_image']['0']['#view_mode'];
$display_content = \Drupal::service('entity_display.repository')
->getViewDisplay('media', 'image', $view_mode)->build($media_entity);
$style = ImageStyle::load($display_content['image'][0]['#image_style']); $original_image = $media_entity->get('image')->entity->getFileUri();
$destination = $style->buildUri($original_image);
This is how you get image style from a media image entity.
Works for me from a classic Drupal database Query in .module file :
$query = \Drupal::database()->select('file_managed', 'f' );
$query->addField('f', 'uri');
$pictures = $query->execute()->fetchAll();
foreach ($pictures as $key => $picture) {
$largePictureUri = entity_load('image_style', 'large')->buildUrl($picture->uri);
I used in Drupal 8 this code. It's working fine.
$fid = 374; //get your file id, this value just for example
$fname = db_select('file_managed', 'f')->fields('f', array('filename'))->condition('f.fid', $fid)->execute()->fetchField();
$url = entity_load('image_style', 'YOUR_STYLE_NAME')->buildUrl($fname);

Render module in the right position from code (Joomla 2.5)

In my component view, I can show a module by this code:
$module = JModuleHelper::getModule('mod_login');
$html = JModuleHelper::renderModule($module);
echo $html;
echo JHtml::_('content.prepare', '{loadmodule login}');
But that will usually place the module in the middle of the screen in the main-content div.
How can I place the module in the position defined in the module params?
Take a look at how the admin template Isis renders the quickicons module on the home page or at how the error page in protostar renders the search modules.
$this->searchmodules = JModuleHelper::getModules('position-0');
foreach ($this->searchmodules as $searchmodule)
$output = JModuleHelper::renderModule($searchmodule, array('style' => 'none'));
$params = new JRegistry;
echo $output;
You just want one module, but you get the basic idea.
Try This.
You can Pass the module parameters too.
$document = &JFactory::getDocument();
$renderer = $document->loadRenderer('module');
$Module = &JModuleHelper::getModule('mod_fmDataGrid');
$Params = "param1=bruno\n\rparam2=chris";
$Module->params = $Params;
echo $renderer->render($Module);
This may help you..
You can't, jdoc includes in the template are processed after the component has finished producing its output.
Why not let Joomla render the modules in the right positions? that should be one of the reasons for using it, i.e. taking care of placement and order of modules.
If you have other reasons for doing this, please explain further.

Joomla pagination across different components

Because pagination is using getUserStateFromRequest method to get the limit and limitstart variable, I'm having a problem where as I navigate from one component to another, I'm shown a no items found message.
To clarify, I have a products component that has 3 pages worth of products listed. Then I have a branches component with 2 pages worth of branch information. So if I navigate to the third page in the products list, and then go to the branches component, nothing is displayed.
Has anyone any idea how to stop this from happening? Any way to maybe clear the session data?
What I ended up doing was this,
in line 624 in libraries/joomla/application/application.php file I added the following lines
$curr_comp = JRequest::getCmd( 'option' );;
if($this->getUserState('option') != $curr_comp)
$this->setUserState($option . 'limitstart',0);
so the whole function reads this,
public function getUserStateFromRequest($key, $request, $default = null, $type = 'none')
$curr_comp = JRequest::getCmd( 'option' );
if($this->getUserState('option') != $curr_comp)
$this->setUserState($option . 'limitstart',0);
$cur_state = $this->getUserState($key, $default);
$new_state = JRequest::getVar($request, null, 'default', $type);
// Save the new value only if it was set in this request.
if ($new_state !== null)
$this->setUserState($key, $new_state);
$new_state = $cur_state;
return $new_state;
This seems to be working fine at the moment. But please test before implementing on a live site
To prevent editing the core files, but with the effect limited to your extension (so other extensions could load at the wrong page, but not yours), and if your model extends modellist, override the getStart() method:
public function getStart()
$store = $this->getStoreId('getstart');
$input = JFactory::getApplication()->input;
$start = $limitstart = $input->getInt('limitstart', 0);
$this->setState('list.start', $limitstart); // maybe redundant
$limit = $this->getState('list.limit');
$total = $this->getTotal();
if ($start > $total - $limit)
$start = max(0, (int) (ceil($total / $limit) - 1) * $limit);
// Add the total to the internal cache.
$this->cache[$store] = $start;
return $this->cache[$store];
If you want a solution that works system-wide and for all extensions, you should be able to override modellist with your implementation in a plugin. Start here.
This is an old question, but I just had the same issue as the OP, but in my case with Joomla 3.4.3.
After a lot of digging and testing, I discovered a solution for this that doesn't involve any plugin or core change:
If you put limitstart=0 in the URL, the pagination will restart for that page, and this solves the problem between menus.
The way to implement this could be either with javascript, or by overriding the menu module, I chose the override:
I just need this in some menus, so I placed a CSS class into the
menu link (edit the menu, and in the "Link Type" tab, place the CSS
class in the "Link CSS Style" field), in my case it was "
video-area" (without the quotes).
Add override (add the module to the html folder of your template,
in my case it was the menu module, so it was a matter of adding the
mod_menu folder: templatefolder/html/mod_menu)
In the override of the component part of the module
(default_component.php), check to see if we have the CSS class, if
so, add the extra query to the URL (I edited case 0):
case 0: $paginationLinks = ""; if(isset($class) && strpos($class, '
video-area') !== false){ $paginationLinks =
"?limitstart=0&limit=12"; } ?><a <?php echo $class; ?>href="<?php
echo $item->flink; ?><?php echo $paginationLinks;?>" <?php echo
$title; ?>><span><?php echo $linktype; ?></span></a><?php break;
That's it! it solved my problem, and even the pagination links have the extra query :)
BONUS: notice that I have &limit=12, this changes the limit for the pagination into 12 per page, without any extra code!, (before, I had a lot of code to implement this, and by adding this to the menu it calculates the correct page number and totals, and filters the query, nice one Joomla!)

WordPress: snag first image from a gallery

On my homepage, I'm trying to output the first image of each post, and I'm able to successfully do that using this code in my functions.php:
function catch_that_image() {
global $post, $posts;
$first_img = '';
$output = preg_match_all('/<img.+src=[\'"]([^\'"]+)[\'"].*>/i', $post->post_content, $matches);
$first_img = $matches [1] [0];
if(empty($first_img)){ //Defines a default image
$first_img = "/images/default.jpg";
return $first_img;
and then I call it in my loop like this:
<img src=”<?php catch_that_image(); ?>” />
The problem with this method is that it won't work if I place a gallery in that same post. I'm confused because the output of the post still renders the img markup, and my assumption is that catch_that_image() should snag that markup? Is my thinking incorrect? Is there a better way to handle this?
The gallery is placed inside your post using a WordPress short-tag. The shorttag is transformed into HTML-image tags when the filter for transforming the shorttag is applied.
The following might work, but I am not sure:
function catch_that_image() {
global $post, $posts;
$first_img = '';
$transformed_content = apply_filters('the_content',$post->post_content);
$output = preg_match_all('/<img.+src=[\'"]([^\'"]+)[\'"].*>/i', $transformed_content, $matches);
$first_img = $matches [1] [0];
if(empty($first_img)){ //Defines a default image
$first_img = "/images/default.jpg";
return $first_img;
Please let me know if this was useful or if it was pointing you into the right direction!
Codex Links:

Determining which section is being viewed

Folks, I am trying to implement a rudimentary feature in Joomla but having no luck getting my head around it.
My client has setup Joomla with several sections; each section having its own categories and eventually content underneath.
I need each section to have a slightly different color component (e.g. Section A and its all subsequent child pages red, Section B - blue, etc); certain borders and backgrounds need to be unique according to each section.
I have one theme which is used by all sections. Somewhere in the theme file, I need to detect which section I am on, and based on that set a css variable accordingly:
<body class="cars-section">
All I need is to set my body's class to the right section, and all my coloring has been setup to work magically.
Any ideas how this can be done in the Joomla world? Is there another way of doing such a thing.
You need to pick the section ID up from the request.
Use this to get the relevant request variables:
$option = JRequest::getWord('option', null);
$view = JRequest::getWord('view', null);
$idalias = JRequest::getVar('id', null);
if (strpos($idalias, ":") != false) {
$idandalias = explode(":", $idalias);
$id = $idandalias[0];
} else {
$id = JRequest::getInt ('id' , 0);
Then use something like this to see what section you are in, if you are on a section page:
if ( $option=="com_content" && $view=="section" ) {
$sectid = $id;
In section pages you can just use the request, but in other pages you need to do a database query as well:
else {
$database =& JFactory::getDBO();
if ( $option=="com_content" && $view=="category" ) {
$query = "SELECT section FROM jos_categories WHERE id=$id";
if ( $option=="com_content" && $view=="article" } {
$query = "SELECT sectionid FROM jos_content WHERE id=$id";
$sectid = $database->loadResult();
When you have the section ID you can use it to set and insert the right class.
if ( $sectid == '3' ) {
$my_cars_section_class = 'three';
<body class="<?php echo $my_cars_section_class; ?>">
Something like that should do it.
There are a couple of ways to achieve body css-classing:
Utilize Joomla's menu page class suffix system.
Output the class based on the selected menu link from within the template. Of course, if you plan to do this, you'll need to modify your template a bit.
$menu = &JSite::getMenu();
$active = $menu->getActive();
<body <?php if($active->alias) echo 'class="' .$active->alias .'"' ?>>
