CodeIgniter Active Record Where Not In String - codeigniter

I'm having an issue with CI Active Record's "Where Not In". I am trying to exclude a series of ID's. I couldn't understand why everything worked fine and dandy with one record, but not with multiple.
My Query
$this->db->where_not_in('crm.user_id', $ignore);
The problem is when I profile the the Query is wrong.
With a string of ID's
// $ignore = "12,13";
FROM (`crm`)
WHERE `crm`.`user_id` NOT IN ('16,13')
AND `survey` = 1
With a string of Quotes ID's
// $ignore = "'12','13'";
FROM (`crm`)
WHERE `crm`.`user_id` NOT IN ('\'16\',\'13\'')
AND `survey` = 1
Am I forced to do a loop of "or_where_not_in" or something like that?

where_in and where_not_in expect you to pass an array, not a string as the 2nd parameter.
$ignore = array(12, 13);
$this->db->where_not_in('crm.user_id', $ignore);
Link to the docs:


Eloquent : Creating additional row with alias to the result set

Suppose I have a user table with columns id, name, age
With a normal get query User::get(), I get all results with those column's value.
But instead of just getting the id, name, age columns, is it possible if I add another column, perhaps a column with an alias of future_age with a value of age + 1.
The above result could be achieved in SQL like so:
SELECT res.*, (SELECT sum(res.age+1) from users where id = as future_age from users as res
I've thought about looping through the result and creating new key. but I think this would make the query execution time slow when the data is lengthy.
Is it possible to create the future_age key/column (I don't know the term hehe) directly on the query?
Currently, this is my query:
$user = User::get();
$new_res = []
if($user->count() > 0) {
foreach ($user as $u) {
$u['future_age'] = $u->age + 1
$new_res[] = $u;
The query works tho, but I don't think this is good if I have a large set of data.

Page views mysql

Codeigniter I want to increase +1 when loading page. but the query does 0
'views + 1' and I did 10 no problem.
It didn't make sense to throw the query for views.
function get_views()
$this->db->set('views', 'views+1');
$this->db->where('Id', 1);
$this->db->update('pages'); // gives UPDATE mytable SET field = field+1 WHERE id = 2
You need to pass a third parameter as false like below:
$this->db->set('views', 'views+1', FALSE);
The Third Parameter tells CodeIgniter not to protect the generated query with backticks. In your case the final query will be
UPDATE pages SET views = views + 1 WHERE Id = '1';

Doctrine 1 allowing SQL Injection?

I found this code on a legacy app:
$salt = $this->generateSalt();
$new_pass_update = Doctrine_Query::create()
->set('password', '"'. $this->hash($newPass, $salt) .'"')
->set('salt', "sleep(10)") // $salt) <- I replaced this
->where('email = ?', array($mail))
I was shocked to see this Dql generated as output:
UPDATE User SET password = "3dbe00a167653a1aaee01d93e77e730e"
salt = sleep(10) WHERE email = ?
First of all, I didn't expect to see the quotation marks around the password value. I thougt that Doctrine would do that for me, so I tried the second argument without them, but I was shocked to see this Dql generated as output:
UPDATE User SET password = "3dbe00a167653a1aaee01d93e77e730e"
salt = sleep(10) WHERE email = ?
If I change ->getDql() for -> execute() that's exactly the query that is executed and the db sleeps for 10 seconds.
Why is doctrine behaving like this?
As Gumbo pointed out, the right API to use with Doctrine 1.* update syntax is:
$new_pass_update = Doctrine_Query::create()
->set('password', "?", $this->hash($newPass, $salt))
->set('salt', "?", $salt)
->where('email = ?', array($mail))
so, the second argument should be "?" and the third one, the associated value.

Vtiger select query

I'm copying a vtiger query in a similar way but there is one change that the query given first having only one output so there is kept 0 in 2nd argument,
but in my customized query there are multiple outputs so what should I kept instead of 0
both are given as below:
original query
$is_recurring_event_query = $adb->pquery('SELECT recurring_group_id from vtiger_activity where activityid=?',array($id));
$is_recurring_event = $adb->query_result($is_recurring_event_query,0,'recurring_group_id');
copying it to use at different way
$is_recurring_event_activity_query = $adb->pquery('SELECT activityid from vtiger_activity where recurring_group_id='.$is_recurring_event);
$is_recurring_event_activity = $adb->query_result ($is_recurring_event_activity_query,0,'activityid');
You have to put variable and have to use for loop for your query to execute and get multiple values.
Suppose your query is like this
$result = $adb->pquery ('SELECT * from vtiger_activity where id='.$recordId);
$noofrow = $adb->num_rows($result );
for($i=0; $i<$noofrow ; $i++) {
Here in $Data you will get an array of the values.

How do I set a parameter to a list of values in a BIRT report?

I have a DataSet with a query like this:
select, w.week_ending, w.sales
from store s, weekly_sales_summary w
where and = ?
I would like to modify the query to allow me to specify a list of store IDs, like:
select, w.week_ending, w.sales
from store s, weekly_sales_summary w
where and IN (?)
How do I accomplish this in BIRT? What kind of parameter do I need to specify?
The easy part is the report parameter: set the display type to be List Box, then check the Allow Multiple Values option.
Now the hard part: unfortunately, you can't bind a multi-value report parameter to a dataset parameter (at least, not in version 3.2, which is what I'm using). There's a posting on the BIRT World blog here:
that describes how to use a code plug-in to bind multi-select report parameters to a report dataset.
Unfortunately, when I tried it, it didn't work. If you can get it to work, that's the method I would recommend; if you can't, then the alternative would be to modify the dataset's queryText, to insert all the values from the report parameter into the query at the appropriate point. Assuming is numeric, here's a function that can be pasted into the beforeOpen event script for the datasource:
function fnMultiValParamSql ( pmParameterName, pmSubstituteString, pmQueryText )
for (var varCounter=0;varCounter<strParamValsSelected.length;varCounter++)
strSelectedValues += strParamValsSelected[varCounter].toString()+",";
strSelectedValues = strSelectedValues.substring(0,strSelectedValues.length-1);
return pmQueryText.replace(pmSubstituteString,strSelectedValues);
which can then be called from the beforeOpen event script for the dataset, like this:
this.queryText = fnMultiValParamSql ( "rpID", "0 /*rpID*/", this.queryText );
assuming that your report parameter is called rpID. You will need to amend your query to look like this:
select, w.week_ending, w.sales
from store s, weekly_sales_summary w
where and IN (0 /*rpID*/)
The 0 is included in the script so that the query script is valid at design time, and the dataset values will bind correctly to the report; at runtime, this hard-coded 0 will be removed.
However, this approach is potentially very dangerous, as it could make you vulnerable to SQL Injection attacks: , as demonstrated here: .
In the case of purely numeric values selected from a predefined picklist, a SQL injection attack should not be possible; however, the same approach is vulnerable where freeform entry strings for the parameter are allowed.
FYI: the BIRT World article should work (I wrote it) but that was an earlier solution to the problem.
We have created an open source plugin that you can add to BIRT that has a much cleaner solution to this problem. The Bind Parameters function in the birt-functions-lib provides a simple way to do multi-selects from multi-value parameters.
If you are still interested have a look at the birt-functions-lib project on Eclipse Labs.
Here's another one. Based on some hints I found elsewhere and extended to preserve the number of parameters in your data set SQL. This solution works with a JavaScript function that you call at OnBeforeOpen of the data set:
function prepare(dataSet) {
while (dataSet.queryText.indexOf("#IN?")>=0) {
dataSet.queryText = dataSet.queryText.replace(
"('"+params["products"].value.join("','")+"') or ?=0"
In your query, replace occurrences of (?) with #XYZ?. The method above makes sure that
the query has the actual values and still a parameter (so that the dataset editor and preview doesn't complain).
Note: Beware of SQL injection, e.g. by not allowing string values
I created a more general solution, which handles optional/required parameters behaviour too. When parameter is not required and user doesn't select any value, the IN-clause gets disabled. It also allows the user to select both real values and null value.
In report initialize script I add this code:
/** Fullfill IN-clause in a data set query,
* using a List box report parameter.
* Placeholder must be the parentheses after IN keyword with wathever you want inside.
* If required is false then the whole IN-clause in the query
* must be surrounded by parentheses.
* dataType and required refers to the parameter, they must be passed,
* but should be better to find a way to retrieve them inside this function
* (given parameter name).
function fulfillInClause(dataSet, placeholder, param, dataType, required) {
if (dataSet.queryText.indexOf(placeholder)>=0) {
var paramValue = params[param].value;
var emptyParam = (paramValue==null || paramValue.length<=0);
//build the list of possible values
// paramValue==null check in ternary operators
// will prevent exceptions when user doesn't select any value
// (it will not affect the query if param is optional,
// while we will never arrive here if it is required)
var replacement = " (";
if (dataType == "string")
replacement += (emptyParam ? "''" : createList(paramValue, ",", "'", "varchar(10)") );
else if (dataType == "integer")
replacement += (emptyParam ? "0" : createList(paramValue, ",", "" , "int" ) );
//TODO implement more cases
replacement += ") ";
//if param is not required and user doesn't select any value for it
//then nullify the IN clause with an always-true clause
if (!required && emptyParam)
replacement += " or 0=0 ";
//put replacement in the query
dataSet.queryText = dataSet.queryText.replace( placeholder, replacement );
params["debug" + + "Query"]=dataSet.queryText;
/** Create a string list of array values,
* separated by separator and each of them surrounded by a pair surrounders
function createList(array, separator, surrounder, sqlDataType){
var result = "";
for(var i=0; i<array.length; i++) {
result += separator;
result += surrounder + array[i] + surrounder;
result += "cast(null as " + sqlDataType + ")";
return result;
Usage example
In dataset query put your special IN-clause:
select F1, F2
from T1
where F3='Bubi'
and ( F4 in (''/*?customers*/) )
In beforeOpen script of the dataset with the IN-clause write:
fulfillInClause(this, "(''/*?customers*/)", "customers", "string", false);
Note that I used a placeholder which allows the query to run also before the replacement (eg. it has quotes as F4 is a varchar). You can build a placeholder that fits your case.
