Why Google Swiffy does not support audio in Mozilla Firefox? - google-swiffy

I wanted to convert some few flash files to HTML 5 Based Videos, I tried using Google Swiffy which was much better than any other converters. The only problem is it doesn't have support for audio in Mozilla Firefox, android Browsers and Mobile safari browsers. Is there any way to manipulate the JSON data and make it work on all the browsers, if yes, how? if no, why?.
Clear explanation on how Swiffy works is much appreciated.
Thanks in Advance

I've found that a better solution is to separate the audio and animation and encapsulate each. For example, create an AnimationPlayer and an AudioPlayer. Within each of those, implement Swiffy and say Jplayer respectively. This way if you need to replace your swiffy animations with CreateJS sprites or whatever the next cool thing is, you can without breaking your other code. This also of course addresses the audio problem by using a well developed audio player that likely works and is maintained for all browsers.

Since the question was asked, the audio now works in Firefox (23) - the compatibility chart at the swiffy site stops at FF 15. Let's say "partially supported", because in both FF and IE9, the sound is apt to stop when animations get complicated. Works beautifully in Chrome, though.
Michael Prdescott's answer may offer some hope for iPads, which still don't recognize swiffy sound. But, I'm wondering how it would work - the user would press two buttons (one for sound, one for video)? Or the audio and video would load together and autoplay? Either way, wouldn't that make a mess (or at least be risky) when sound/video are meant to be synchronized?


Is There a Method or Extension (Firefox) to Always Show Captions on YouTube Videos?

This is either a programming request or a simple workaround...
Preface: I don't like Google and don't want to give YouTube any more support than I have to. However some creators I follow are only on YouTube.
Question: is there a way to always show closed captions (when available) when watching YouTube videos without being logged in/having an account? Is there an extension with this behavior?
Issue: When I watch multiple videos in a row, using the ?view=57 url trick and "Play All" button, the captions turn off when switching between videos... I have to enter the other room and hit the "c" button on the keyboard to turn them back on every time, which is inconvenient while streaming.
Action: I've searched for Firefox add-ons and extensions but their behaviors are all generically described... and I can't ascertain if they have this behavior. And many that talk about subtitles are you uploading your own .srt which is NOT what I'm trying to do.
Any help would be appreciated... it's a small but very frequently experienced annoyance and I feel like there must be some easy solution! Or... this could be a fun practice exercise for someone to release on github or something ;)
Thanks in advance.

Fullscreen Youtube (or other flash apps) in tab

I have this question mainly about youtube video's, but extentable to any flash app that plays in fullscreen. Is there a possibility to make fullscreen not take over the entire screen, but just inside the tab where the video is loaded? Is there any addon or setting I can use to make this happen?
If other browsers (eg Chrome) do support this functionality, please feel free to reply!
Thanks in advance, Tom
Quick and dirty code for scratchpad or bookmarklet to view a youtube video as full page:
Note: Snippet omits encodeURIComponent and parsing query parameters, which you probably should implement if you're going to use it in an actual bookmarklet/userscript/addon.

Taking screenshots on Firefox and Safari (using their APIs or Canvas code)

I've been dealing with taking screenshots for Firefox and Safari browsers but I can't figure out how to do it! With Google Chrome API I can do it this way (it's pretty simple):
chrome.tabs.captureVisibleTab(null, null, function (image)).....etc
BUT I can't find a SIMPLE way to do it on Firefox and Safari!! The only answer I got here was using the 'html2canvas' (http://html2canvas.hertzen.com/examples.html) BUT IT IS NOT a 100% solution in order to take EXACT screenshots of a specific webpage!! It doesn't work for me in this case!!!
Can someone help me with this issue in order to find a simple solution for Firefox and Safari?
I have personally used html2canvas and I found it quite efficient for taking partial or full page screenshots. But it does require you some knowledge of JavaScript and client side scripting.
If you are looking for a more easier approach , there are numerous extensions on Google Chrome webstore.
A popular one is Awesome Screenshot which even allows you to take screenshot of entire webpage (till the scroll bar ends).
You can use Mozilla's chrome tools to draw some or all of the window to an image canvas:
var c2d = myCanvas.getContext('2d');
c2d.drawWindow(window, x, y, w, h, 'rgb(255,255,255)');
See drawWindow(), XUL.
I don't remember exactly, but that's the gist. The magic is the .drawWindow() method, which cannot be executed on the content side, it must be in an area with chrome privileges (like an add-on/extension).
Edit: Here's a good example.

gif image not looping

I have created a gif in photoshop. It has two frames displayed for 4 seconds each and is on a loop forever.
For some reason the image freezes on the second frame and does not continue to load in some browsers (The exact information about browsers and / or versions is unclear at the moment but it has happened in the latest version of chrome).
The image is embedded in the code in the standard way, no javascript is used and nothing is changing the element.
Does anyone have any idea what could be causing this? Everything I have searched for so far seems to result in people saying "Oh, I forgot to put make the gif loop forever" instead of any real reasons for causing this problem.
Thank you for your help!
Edit: Sorry I didn't think about putting an image in the original post. He is an example of one advert which doesn't seem to work.
Because the current image displays correctly in everything I've tryed so far, try to create image in different application.
Some applications you may try:
GIMP - tutorial
Some freeware crap.
I'd vote for GIMP. Its complicated, but its free and it has wide user suport.
If you still fail...
Now its time to check the enviroment. First, open the image on different machine. Maybe there is something wrong with your browser instalation. In this case, reinstall.
Try to upload on different server. Maybe your browser does not correctly decompress deflated data or has other communication issues.

Is there a standard Control for creating an in-app video player?

Im making a videoplayer in a wp7 app. Im using mediaelement to show the video, and sets its source from a url. Functionality i wanted are play/stop-buttons, forwarding/rewinding, a progressindicator (for the progress of the video itself) and show a progressbar when it buffers. I have accomplished all above, using some customized grids, buttons and so on.
I did get some trouble though, which i dont want to bother you with here (its a mess) and which is why im asking the following:
Is there a standard (or downloadable) control for wp7 that does all these things for me and that works perfectly. Ive searched "everywhere" but couldnt find anything. It surprises me that this isnt an easy to use, built in control that is easy to customize, since standard videoplayers are something id guess alot of apps could take advantage of.
Here is a tutorial on how to create a Windows Phone 7 View Model Style Video Player.
