How to use Oracle "partitioning by reference" in tables with 2 foreign keys? - oracle

A little bit late in the project we have realized that we need to use Oracle (11G) partitioning both for performance and admin of the data.
We have an hierarchical entity model with lots of #OneToMany and #OneToOne relationships, and some entities are referenced from 2 or more other entities.
We want to use "partitioning by range" (month) on the "parent/root" entity and "partition by reference" on all child entities. After a year we will move the oldest month partition to an archive db. It's a 24-7 system so the data continuously grows.
From the Oracle documentation: "Reference partitioning allows the partitioning of two tables related to one another by referential constraints. The partitioning key is resolved through an existing parent-child relationship, enforced by enabled and active primary key and foreign key constraints."
Is it possible to use "partition by reference" on a table when there are 2 foreign keys and one of them can be null?
(From what I read you have to use "not null" on the foreign key for "partition by reference")
A small example to illustrate the problem:
A - parent entity
B - child entity to A
C - child entity to A or B
create table
A (
id number primary key,
adate date
partition by range (adate) (
partition p1 values less than (to_date('20130501','yyyymmdd')),
partition p2 values less than (to_date('20130601','yyyymmdd')),
partition pm values less than (maxvalue)
create table
B (
id number primary key,
text varchar2(5),
a_id number not null,
constraint fk_ba foreign key (a_id) references A
partition by reference(fk_ba);
create table
C (
id number primary key,
text varchar2(5),
a_id number not null, -- NOT POSSIBLE as a_id or b_id will be null..
b_id number not null, -- NOT POSSIBLE as a_id or b_id will be null..
constraint fk_ca foreign key (a_id) references A,
constraint fk_cb foreign key (b_id) references B
partition by reference(fk_ca)
partition by reference(fk_cb);
Thanks for any advice.

You cannot partition by two foreign keys.
If A is parent of B and B is parent of C i would suggest partitioning C by fk_cb. weather you'l gain max pruning when joining A and C - thats an interesting question, why wont you run a test for us ?
question - why you have FK of A in table C. isn't A implied by the fk to B ?
(my guess, technically it's possible but oracle would have to access table B. i dont think he will do that so i think you wont get prunning).


Oracle: create a partition by reference (partition by reference(fk)) on non referenced table

We have realized that we need to use Oracle (12 c) interval partitioning.We have an hierarchical entity model with lots of #OneToMany relationships.We want to use "partitioning by range" (day,month... ) on the "parent/root" entity (A) and "partition by reference" on all child entities (B).
From the Oracle documentation: "Reference partitioning allows the partitioning of two tables related to one another by referential constraints. The partitioning key is resolved through an existing parent-child relationship, enforced by enabled and active primary key and foreign key constraints." The problem is that child entities (B) can refer to other entities ( C) that they don't have any link with the "parent/root" entity (A). I can create partitions on A and on B but when I want to drop the partition on A ( partition on B on cascade), I get an error integrity error and it fails. it works only if I delete all records on C and B and then partition them. I don't want to do that as it's not efficient and slow compared to dropping partitions directly
Please is there a way to create a partition on table C based on A(creation_date) without adding any foreign constraint between A and C?
Small example to illustrate the case
A - parent entity
B - child entity to A
C - child entity to B
create table
A (
id number primary key,
creation_date date
partition by range (creation_date)
partition p1 values less than (to_date('20180501','yyyymmdd'))
create table
B (
id number primary key,
value varchar2(5),
a_id number not null,
constraint fk_ba foreign key (a_id) references A
partition by reference(fk_ba);
create table
C (
id number primary key,
code varchar2(5),
b_id number not null,
constraint fk_cb foreign key (b_id) references B
It was not clear in the documentation that partition by reference is transitive ( A->B->C). I have discovered it by testing. we can create table C "partition by reference (fk_cb)" with the result that when we drop A partition the matching B and C partitions get dropped.

How to implement bidirectional relationship in Spring Spanner?

In code, I tried with #Interleaved in 1-many relationship at non-owning side to get child list. Could anyone help with below questions:
How to implement bidirectional relationship e.g. get parent from child for 1-1, 1-many relationship
Regarding many-many relationship, what are best practices to implement it and how to implement bidirectional relationship for it.
Thank you very much.
Cloud Spanner currently doesn't offer a way to enforce foreign-key constraints between non-interleaved tables. You will have to enforce such constraints in your application logic. You could use DML statements in Cloud Spanner(that come with the ability to read-your-writes in a Cloud Spanner transaction) to enforce these constraints at insert time by inserting into your tables as follows:
INSERT INTO Referenced(key1,value1) VALUES ('Referenced','Value1');
INSERT INTO Referencing(key2, value2, key1)
SELECT 'Referencing', 'Value2', key1 FROM Referenced WHERE
key1 = 'Referenced';
Running the two statements in a read-write transaction will ensure that the PK-FK relationship between the Referenced and Referencing table is always maintained at insert time. You may have to similarly modify update requests/SQL update statements in your application logic to enforce the PK-FK constraint for updates.
For a 1-many relationship, when using interleaved tables, then the child row's primary key already contains the primary key of its parent, so it is trivial to get the parent row.
parent_key INT64 NOT NULL,
) PRIMARY KEY (parent_key);
parent_key INT64 NOT NULL,
child_key INT64 NOT NULL,
) PRIMARY KEY (parent_key, child_key),
If for some reason you do not have the key of the parent, and only the key of the child, then for efficiency you would need to create an index for the reverse lookup:
CREATE INDEX child_to_parent_index
ON child (
and force use of that index when performing the query for the parent:
parent as p
child#{FORCE_INDEX=child_by_id_index} AS c ON p.parent_key = c.parent_key
c.child_key = #CHILD_KEY_VALUE;
Many-many relationships would have to be implemented using a 'mapping' table linking table1-key to table2-key.
You will also need a top-level index to get efficient reverse-lookups, and use the FORCE_INDEX directive as above in your queries.
And as #adi mentioned, foreign key constraints would have to be enforced by the application.
table1_key INT64 NOT NULL,
) PRIMARY KEY (table1_key);
table2_key INT64 NOT NULL,
) PRIMARY KEY (table2_key);
CREATE TABLE table1_table2_map (
table1_key INT64 NOT NULL,
table2_key INT64 NOT NULL,
) PRIMARY KEY (table1_key, table2_key);
CREATE INDEX table2_table1_map_index
ON table1_table2_map (
Your application would be responsible for keeping the referential integrity of the mapping table - deleting the mapping rows when rows in table1 or table2 are deleted
If you want to use interleaved tables, then if your application needs to perform bi-directional lookups, you may have to create 2 mapping tables - as a child of each parent, so that finding the mappings from both directions are equally efficient.
table1_key INT64 NOT NULL,
) PRIMARY KEY (table1_key);
table2_key INT64 NOT NULL,
) PRIMARY KEY (table2_key);
CREATE TABLE table1_table2_map (
table1_key INT64 NOT NULL,
table2_key INT64 NOT NULL,
) PRIMARY KEY (table1_key, table2_key),
CREATE TABLE table2_table1_map (
table2_key INT64 NOT NULL,
table1_key INT64 NOT NULL,
) PRIMARY KEY (table2_key, table1_key),
Note that the application needs to keep both of these mapping tables up to date -- ie when deleting a row from table1, the application has to get the referenced table2_key values and delete the mappings from the table2_table1_map (and vice versa).

Why does SQLite not use an index for queries on my many-to-many relation table?

It's been a while since I've written code, and I never used SQLite before, but many-to-many relationships used to be so fundamental, there must be a way to make them fast...
This is a abstracted version of my database:
CREATE TABLE b2c (fk_b NOT NULL REFERENCES b(_id), fk_c NOT NULL REFERENCES c(_id), CONSTRAINT PK_b2c_desc PRIMARY KEY (fk_b, fk_c DESC), CONSTRAINT PK_b2c_asc UNIQUE (fk_b, fk_c ASC));
CREATE INDEX a_a1 on a(a1);
CREATE INDEX a_id_and_a1 on a(_id, a1);
CREATE INDEX b_fk on b(fk);
CREATE INDEX b_id_and_fk on b(_id, fk);
CREATE INDEX c_id_and_fk on c(_id, fk);
CREATE INDEX c_fk on c(fk);
CREATE INDEX d_id_and_d1 on d(_id, d1);
CREATE INDEX d_d1 on d(d1);
I have put in any index i could think of, just to make sure (and more than is reasonable, but not a problem, since the data is read only). And yet on this query
SELECT count(*)
FROM a, b, b2c, c, d
WHERE a.a1 = "A"
AND a._id =
AND b._id = b2c.fk_b
AND c._id = b2c.fk_c
AND d._id =
AND d.d1 ="D";
the relation table b2c does not use any indexes:
0|0|2|SCAN TABLE b2c
The query is about two orders of magnitude to slow to be usable. Is there any way to make SQLite use an index on b2c?
In a nested loop join, the outermost table does not use an index for the join (because the database just goes through all rows anyway).
To be able to use an index for a join, the index and the other column must have the same affinity, which usually means that both columns must have the same type.
Change the types of the b2c columns to INTEGER.
If the lookups on a1 or d1 are very selective, using a or d as the outermost table might make sense, and would then allow to use an index for the filter.
Try running ANALYZE.
If that does not help, you can force the join order with CROSS JOIN or INDEXED BY.

How to add Oracle constraint to below tables

I have three tables:
A {op_id, op_name, .}
B {b_id, op_id, supplier_id, .}
C {c_id, op_id, op_id2, supplier_id, relation, .}
Table B and C have op_id which is foreign key from table A. In table A op_id is primary key, in table B b_id is primary key and in table C c_id is primary key. In table B supplier_id and op_id may have duplicate records. Now I want to add constraint so that if I delete records from Table B for op_id and if a relationship record exists for op_id in table C then it should not allow me to delete. Is it possible through constraint?
Add the constraints normally as specified by you like below
Table A op_id is primary key,
in table B b_id is primary key
and in table C c_id is primary key
Table B and C have op_id which is foreign key from table A
For the last condition that you have specified write a trigger before delete on table B and check if the op_id is present in the table C or not - if yes throw an error else allow it.
Hope this helps.
Most of your key constraints are fairly trivial, the difficult bit is the last part, ensuring that you cannot remove rows from B without first removing them from C.
One approach that might work here would be to create a fast-refreshable "on commit" materialised view which returns a count of the number of unique OP_IDs that exist in C but that are not in B. You could then add a check constraint to the view which enforces that the count must always be zero. This constraint would be enforced at the point of commit and would prevent you deleting from B without first deleting from C (deleting from B whilst matching records exist in C would violate the check constraint as the count in the materialized view would be greater than 0). A side effect of this would be that you wouldn't be able to insert into C without first inserting into B.

Oracle - referential integrity with multiple types of data

I'm working on a set of database tables in Oracle and trying to figure out a way to enforce referential integrity with slightly polymorphic data.
Specifically, I have a bunch of different tables--hypothetically, let's say I have Apples, Bananas, Oranges, Tangerines, Grapes, and a hundred more types of fruit. Now I'm trying to make a table which describes performing steps involving a fruit. So I want to insert one row that says "eat Apple ID 100", then another row which says "peel Banana ID 250", then another row which says "refrigerate Tangerine ID 500", and so on.
Historically, we've done this in two ways:
1 - Include a column for each possible type of fruit. Use a check constraint to ensure that all but one column is NULL. Use foreign keys to ensure referential integrity to our fruit. So in my hypothetical example, we'd have a table with columns ACTION, APPLEID, BANANAID, ORANGEID, TANGERINEID, and GRAPEID. For the first action, we'd have a row 'Eat', 100, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL. For the second action, we'd have 'Peel', NULL, 250, NULL, NULL, NULL. etc. etc.
This approach is great for getting all of Oracle's RI benefits automatically, but it just doesn't scale to a hundred types of fruit. You end up getting too many columns to be practical. Just figuring out which type of fruit you are dealing with becomes a challenge.
2 - Include a column with the name of the fruit, and a column with a fruit ID. This works also, but there isn't any way (AFAIK) to have Oracle enforce the validity of the data in any way. So our columns would be ACTION, FRUITTYPE, and FRUITID. The row data would be 'Eat', 'Apple', 100, then 'Peel', 'Banana', 250, etc. But there's nothing preventing someone from deleting Apple ID 100, or inserting a step saying 'Eat', 'Apple', 90000000 even though we don't have an Apple with that ID.
Is there a way to avoid maintaining a separate column per each individual fruit type, but still preserve most the benefits of foreign keys? (Or technically, I could be convinced to use a hundred columns if I can hide the complexity with a neat trick somehow. It just has to look sane in day-to-day use.)
CLARIFICATION: In our actual logic, the "fruits" are totally disparate tables with very little commonality. Think customers, employees, meetings, rooms, buildings, asset tags, etc. The list of steps is supposed to be free-form and allow users to specify actions on any of these things. If we had one table which contained each of these unrelated things, I wouldn't have a problem, but it would also be a really weird design.
It's not clear to me why you need to identify the FRUIT_TYPE on the TASKS table. On the face of it that's just a poor (de-normalised) data model.
In my experience, the best way of modelling this sort of data is with a super-type for the generic thing (FRUIT in your example) and sub-types for the specifics (APPLE, GRAPE, BANANA). This allows us to store common attributes in one place while recording the particular attributes for each instance.
Here is the super-type table:
create table fruits
(fruit_id number not null
, fruit_type varchar2(10) not null
, constraint fruit_pk primary key (fruit_id)
, constraint fruit_uk unique (fruit_id, fruit_type)
, constraint fruit_ck check (fruit_type in ('GRAPE', 'APPLE', 'BANANA'))
FRUITS has a primary key and a compound unique key. We need the primary key for use in foreign key constraints, because compound keys are a pain in the neck. Except when they are not, which is the situation with these sub-type tables. Here we use the unique key as the reference, because by constraining the value of FRUIT_TYPE in the sub-type we can guarantee that records in the GRAPES table map to FRUITS records of type 'GRAPE', etc.
create table grapes
(fruit_id number not null
, fruit_type varchar2(10) not null default 'GRAPE'
, seedless_yn not null char(1) default 'Y'
, colour varchar2(5) not null
, constraint grape_pk primary key (fruit_id)
, constraint grape_ck check (fruit_type = 'GRAPE')
, constraint grape_fruit_fk foreign key (fruit_id, fruit_type)
references fruit (fruit_id, fruit_type)
, constraint grape_flg_ck check (seedless_yn in ('Y', 'N'))
create table apples
(fruit_id number not null
, fruit_type varchar2(10) not null
, apple_type varchar2(10) not null default 'APPLE'
, constraint apple_pk primary key (fruit_id)
, constraint apple_ck check (fruit_type = 'APPLE')
, constraint apple_fruit_fk foreign key (fruit_id, fruit_type)
references fruit (fruit_id, fruit_type)
, constraint apple_type_ck check (apple_type in ('EATING', 'COOKING', 'CIDER'))
create table bananas
(fruit_id number not null
, fruit_type varchar2(10) not null default 'BANANA'
, constraint banana_pk primary key (fruit_id)
, constraint banana_ck check (fruit_type = 'BANANA')
, constraint banana_fruit_fk foreign key (fruit_id, fruit_type)
references fruit (fruit_id, fruit_type)
In 11g we can make FRUIT_TYPE a virtual column for the sub-type and do away with the check constraint.
So, now we need a table for task types ('Peel', 'Refrigerate', 'Eat ', etc).
create table task_types
(task_code varchar2(4) not null
, task_descr varchar2(40) not null
, constraint task_type_pk primary key (task_code)
And the actual TASKS table is a simple intersection between FRUITS and TASK_TYPES.
create table tasks
(task_code varchar2(4) not null
, fruit_id number not null
, constraint task_pk primary key (task_code, fruit_id)
, constraint task_task_fk ask foreign key (task_code)
references task_types (task_code)
, constraint task_fruit_fk foreign key (fruit_id)
references fruit (fruit_id)
If this does not satisfy your needs please edit your question to include more information.
"... if you want different tasks for different fruits..."
Yes I wondered whether that was the motivation underlying the OP's posted design. But usually workflow is a lot more difficult than that: some tasks will apply to all fruits, some will only apply to (say) fruits which come in bunches, others will only be relevant to bananas.
"In our actual logic, the 'fruits' are totally disparate tables with
very little commonality. Think customers, employees, meetings, rooms,
buildings, asset tags, etc. The list of steps is supposed to be
free-form and allow users to specify actions on any of these things."
So you have a bunch of existing tables. You want to be able to assign records from these tables to tasks in a freewheeling style yet be able to guarantee the identify of the specific record which owns the task.
I think you still need a generic table to hold an ID for the actor in the task, but you will need to link it to the other tables somehow. Here is how I might approach it:
Soem sample existing tables:
create table customers
(cust_id number not null
, cname varchar2(100) not null
, constraint cust_pk primary key (fruit_id)
create table employees
(emp_no number not null
, ename varchar2(30) not null
, constraint emp_pk primary key (fruit_id)
A generic table to hold actors:
create table actors
(actor_id number not null
, constraint actor_pk primary key (actor_id)
Now, you need intersection tables to associate your existing tables with the new one:
create table cust_actors
(cust_id number not null
, actor_id number not null
, constraint cust_actor_pk primary key (cust_id, actor_id)
, constraint cust_actor_cust_fk foreign key (cust_id)
references customers (cust_id)
, constraint cust_actor_actor_fk foreign key (actor_id)
references actors (actor_id)
create table emp_actors
(emp_no number not null
, actor_id number not null
, constraint emp_actor_pk primary key (emp_no, actor_id)
, constraint emp_actor_emp_fk foreign key (emp_no)
references eployees (emp_no)
, constraint cust_actor_actor_fk foreign key (actor_id)
references actors (actor_id)
The TASKS table is rather unsurprising, given what's gone before:
create table tasks
(task_code varchar2(4) not null
, actor_id number not null
, constraint task_pk primary key (task_code, actor_id)
, constraint task_task_fk ask foreign key (task_code)
references task_types (task_code)
, constraint task_actor_fk foreign key (actor_id)
references actors (actor_id)
I agree all those intersection tables look like a lot of overhead but there isn't any other way to enforce foreign key constraints. The additional snag is creating ACTORS and CUSTOMER_ACTORS records every time you create a record in CUSTOMERS. Ditto for deletions. The only good news is that you can generate all the code you need.
Is this solution better than a table with one hundred optional foreign keys? Perhaps not: it's a matter of taste. But I like it better than having no foreign keys at all. If there is on euniversal truth in database practice it is this: databases which rely on application code to enforce relational integrity are databases riddled with children referencing the wrong parent or referencing no parent at all.
