Add custom tab using Easy Tab in Magento 1.7 - magento

I installed magento 1.7. By default I saw Easy Tab under Admin > System > Configuration > TEMPLETES-MASTER > Easy Tab
When I enabled Easy Tab GENERAL options to Yes. I got the Easy Tab output as on the link below:
Now I want to add some custom tabs like CERTIFICATE OF QUALITY AND EXPERTISE, EASY PAYMENT OPTIONS and FREE SHIPPING AND RETURNS. Please guide me, how can I add custom tabs in Easy Tab on Product Details page.

From my experience, when integrating easy tabs in custom theme, you need to copy all easytabs files in your custom theme, add all fields and them adjust theme's tabs.phtml file according to easytab's tabs.phtml file. This is different from case to case, but if you just replace theme's tabs.phtml file with easytab's one, you will ruin all the design but have the functionality.
Hope this helped you.


Magento 1.9 new color custom option inherit the name of the size existing custom option

I am new in Magento and need to learn. I have a platform based on Magento 1.9 developed by another developer. i have addeded custom option of color. but there is size custom option already added before. in the frontend, the tile appear at the bottom of the new color custom option is the size custom option and the validation also inherit the size custom optio. Where can fix this ?
You can change requirement of this custom option for admin panel. Entry on editing of this product, and last tab from left are for custom option.
This link "Know your size" is not native from Magento, the another developer customized this point.
Customization probably was made in this file: /app/design/frontend/your_theme/default/template/catalog/product/view/type/options/configurable.phtml
But if you can't find it there, you can use "Ctrl or Command(For Mac) + Shift + F" on your favorite IDE to search for this exactly phrase: "Know your size" and if you can't find yet in this way, it's because he may have done the personalization directly at Magento Admin in CMS->Blocks menu.

I wish to add a button on the admin dashboard in Joomla 3.5, where in code do I need to make changes?

This button would be 'share' and placed at the article editor just like we have buttons like 'save','edit' etc
I facing a problem understanding joomla code structure and which file I need to make changes so as to add this button. Should it be administrator/layout/editor/ ?
There is a free plugin that can help you share your contents in social network. have a look .
Also there are several other plugins that may suit your requirements then to hack the core files
if you want to develop your custom editor button then you can check this link
Add Custom Button to Joomla's Article Editor (TinyMCE)

Plone: Change footer text

I'm working on a new site for our Center, using Plone 4.3.3 on Linux. I am also using the Plonetheme Burned. How do I change the footer text to replace the copyright attribution from "Plone Foundation and friends" to my organization?
At least we have two ways to achieve this. One is to edit the registered (template-based) view plone.footer through the Zope Management Interface (ZMI). This approach seems more straight-forward for new comers.
Click into the Plone Site, scroll down to look for portal_view_customizations (Template customizations). You will see all the registered views there, including plone.footer.
Click into plone.footer you will see its template file in HTML format. Click on Customize button to modify it. Thus you can manage the Plone Footer template.
The above approach is much the same with Change the Logo in Plone.
Another equivalent way is to create your plone.footer viewlet in the filesystem, to override the stock one provided by module. See for more info. Still, there is an equivalent way to override the template, online search with keywords like z3c.jbot for more details.

magento product option boxes style

Hi I am novice at magento I just can do simple task and edit some css but now I need to redesign product page layout. What I cant do is change product options (like shoes size, or clothes S,M,XL etc..).
Now it has classic dropdown manu layout what i want is little boxes with options, like checkboxes.
See exemple here example of product
i dont know if there is some plugin for that or you need to see some source code to help me, if so write a comment i try paste neccesary code.
try to add custom option for product,,,,you can see in manage product option in last tab custom option...
The options for configurable products are created here:
Just edit the *.phtml to your needs. In default it is a simple select box.

how to customise the FCK editor toolbar within Oracle's UCM

I'm trying to work out how to customise the FCK editor toolbar for contribution for Oracle's Content Server.
I am familiar with how to customise the FCK editor but am unsure of the correct way to apply custom scripts to the standard WYSIWYG editor for contributors.
I have this reference:
But it does not reveal how to implement the custom configuration scripts and the references send you in loops.
Has anyone done this, know how to do this or has any links to useful sites for this topic?
This is easy enough.
Head to the following folder in your UCM install.
Here you will find the FCK source, and some handy doco files.
In Site Studio; check: Site Assets -> Custom Configuration Scripts
This is where you will find the content based files that will expand the FCK editor.
I believe some samples are installed with the SS component, try your luck with the 'Add to Site' feature.
If they don't show up for your site, search for the 'Web Site Object Type' = 'Custom Configuration Script' or ID = SS_FCK_ and add them.
Once all this is done, you will have to assign the configuration Scripts to your 'Element Definition'. Under the "Custom Configuration" field (you can add multiple scripts).
The scripts are just JS, you can edit them easily enough within Site Studio.
