Can't create own cube on Saiku - jdbc

I would like to create cube with connection to MS SQL Server 2012. I downloaded Saiku with Foodmart DB which runs successfully. Currently, I have edited schema file to be my own data. Also, I changed to connection in saiku-datasource to be:
type=OLAP name=xmla driver=org.olap4j.driver.xmla.XmlaOlap4jDriver
After restarting the saiku, nothing is shown in the drop-down list of the cube. I am not sure if it caused from wrong connection string. But I have tested this configuration with SQL Server Studio, and it works properly.
By the way, I am not sure if I have to edit file in saiku-repository or not. I think it is the MDX or query file, but I am not sure. I don't know if I also have to edit this file or not as it is not mentioned in the documentation. So far, the file is still the same as original one. Could this also be the reason no list is displayed in my cube?
Could anyone help me figure this out, please ?
Thank you

It seems you should add security parameters in this file
Try this:
security.enabled=true security.type=passthrough
And if its problem related to security and roles refer -
It might be the 2nd case problem related to ssas 2000 and ssas 2005 difference then refer-
And please provide the server log if any error is thrown in the back.

Was there any error ? You can check out the saiku.log files for errors.
Otherwise Try this,
Just use the configurations in separate lines of their own.


How can I resolve that issue?

IDescribableEntity not founds
My requirement is to maintain all logs of sites.
e.g insertion deletion and edition of any field/table in database must be save in log data i try above code in my project but some thing is missing.
You've forgot to add a use.
use TheNameSpaceNameWhereYouCreatedTheInterface.IDescribableEntity;

Importing apache-poi into Oracle

Good morning,
I would like to generate excel file from oracle, therefore I have imported poi 3.16 and all pre-requisits based on the bottom table in this link:
Exctly the following files:
commons-logging, commons-codec, commons-collections, log4j ,poi.jar
The dbms command I have used:
dbms_java.loadjava('filename.jar -resolve');
Everything went fine but all the classes that are within "org/apache/poi/hssf/usermodel/" remained invalid. The most important part. :)
Anybody has any idea what can be the problem? Should I import any other classes? First I would like try solution that does not need to check log files on the harddisk or any action on the server itself. I have no access to the server, therefore I have to communicate with the administrators which is complicated in our company :(. Of course if there is no olution within oracle I have no other option...
Thanks in advance,

Edit JDBC connection string in Saiku

I am using Microsoft SQL Server as database for my web application. I'd like to use Saiku as part of the application. I found the solution to set up the JDBC connection string as below:
location=jdbc:mondrian:Jdbc=jdbc:sqlserver://localhost:1433;databaseName=foodmart;Catalog=res:warehouses/FoodMart.xml;; username=sa
Anyway, I don't know which file in the package I downloaded (Saiku Server 2.4 (Including Foodmart DB)) is for changing the connection string as I mentioned.
Please help. Thank you in advance.
In case someone else has this same problem I thought I would share my solution, because I couldn't find any Saiku specific answer anywhere else.
After struggling for a few hours, getting the error " Invalid object name 'TableName'.", I found that the correct way, or at least the one that worked for me, to specify the database name, was to add the jdbc prefix to the databaseName parameter.
This is my working example:
Just use google:
FYI You'll probably get quicker responses on Saiku questions if you use the IRC channel ##saiku on Freenode, or
The solution is to migueletes spent hours trying to find the solution.
My problem was to try to include the instanceName parameter to connect the hub to a cluster mssql and actually had to add the parameter jdbc.instanceName to it was taken into account, otherwise omit the parameter.!topic/user/q9_5OG6_wrw

AspNet Membership: Warning: Fatal error 9001 occurred

I'm setting up a new website and the site uses membership. This was working fine but today when I try and log in or do anything such as add a new user/role in the configuration wizard I get:
Warning: Fatal error 9001 occurred at Jul 30 2012 7:52PM. Note the error and time, and contact your system administrator.
Searching online, it seems to suggest that the logs are full, but I'm advised by the website host that there is ample free space, so I dont really know what to try next.
Has anyone come accross this before and if so, how did you manage to resolve it?
I have had this problem recently too and after mountains of research it appears to be common when a database is set to AUTO CLOSE. I set all the databases to AUTO CLOSE = FALSE. This started with one database then went over to two and the next it was on all of them. I simply restarted the SQL Server Instance Service instead of restoring databases. Another way to fix the symptom is to take the problematic database offline and bring it back online again.
As it turns out this was a database issue. I couldn't even create a new table or drop a table and ultimately had to get the database restored, which solved everything.

Is there a way to suppress SQL03006 error in VS2010 database project?

First of all, I know that the error I am getting can be resolved by creating reference project (of type Database Server) and then referencing it in my Database project...
However, I find this to be overkill, especially for small teams where there is no specific role separation between developers and db admins..But, let's leave this discussion for another time... Same goes for DACs...Can't use DAC b/c of limited objects supported...
Now, the question is: Can I (and how), disable SQL03006 error when building my Database project. In my case this error is generated because I am creating some users whose logins are "unresolved"...I think this should be possible I hope, since I "know" that logins will exist on the server before I deploy the script...I also don't want to maintain database server project just so I can keep refs resolved (I have nothing besides logins at server level)...
Using pre/post deployment scripts, it is trivial to get the secript working...
Workaround Issue
You have to comment out user scripts (which use login references) for workaround...
As soon as you do that, the .sqlpermissions bomb out, saying there is no referenced users...And then you have to comment permissions out and put them in post deploy scripts...
The main disadvantage of this workaround is that you cannot leverage schema compare to its fullest extent (you have to specify to ignore users/logins/permissions)
So again, all I want is
1. to maintain only DB project (no references to DB Server projects)
2. disable/suppress SQL03006 error
3. be able to use schema compare in my DB project
Am I asking for impossible? :)
If someone is aware of better VS2010 database project templates/tools (for SQL Server 2008 R2) please do share...
There are two workarounds:
Turn off any schema checking (Tools > Options > Database Tools > Schema Compare > SQL Server 200x, then the Object Type tab) for anything user or security related. This is a permanent fix
Go through the schema comparison and mark anything user or security related as Skip and then generate your SQL compare script. This is a per schema comparison fix.
It should be obvious but if you already have scripts in your project that reference logins or roles then delete them and they won't get created.
