How to determine the runtime of this function - algorithm

I'm having some trouble with basic runtime understanding, maybe someone can clarify for me.
How would I go about determining the runtime of this function?
I need to determine rather f = O(g) or f = omega(g) or f = theta(g)
f(n) = 100n + logn
g(n) = n + (logn)2
So 100n and n are in the same order; and linear time > log time; at this point do I still need to look at the log part? Or can I determine that f = theta(g)?

You can safely determine that they are the same order of magnitude. There is no need to look at the "log part".
Here is formal proof for this specific case, the general proof can be shown from limit arithmetic.
Let's look at the function h(n) = f(n)/g(n) as n approaches infinity, if it stays bounded above 0 and below some number m we know that f(x) = Theta(g(x)) (because of how Theta is defined).
So we have h(n) = (100n + logn)/(n + logn^2)
We know that if we show for that for any real x, it holds for Natural numbers too. So it is enough to show that for:
h(x) = (100x + logx)/(x + logx^2)
We know by l'Hospital's rule that if the derivatives of the nominator and denominator exist and converge than the limit of the original function exists and equals to the same number too. Let's apply that and get:
lim x-> infinity , h(x) = (100x + logx)/(x + logx^2) =
lim x-> infinity , (100+1/x) / (1 + (2log(x) / x) )
We know that 1/x approaches 0 as x approaches infinity, and that (2logx)/x approaches 0 as x approaches infinity (in your words (time > log time)). So we get from limit arithmetic
lim x-> infinity h(x) = 100/1 = 100
Since the limit exists in R and is nonzero we get f(x) = Theta(g(x)) which is what we wanted to show.


Time complexity of the program using recurrence equation

I want to find out the time complexity of the program using recurrence equations.
That is ..
int f(int x)
if(x<1) return 1;
else return f(x-1)+g(x);
int g(int x)
if(x<2) return 1;
else return f(x-1)+g(x/2);
I write its recurrence equation and tried to solve it but it keep on getting complex
T(n) =T(n-1)+g(n)+c
Kth time …..
=kc+g(n)+g(n-1)+g(n-3)+g(n-4).. .. . … +T(n-k)
Let at kth time input become 1
Then n-k=1
Now i end up with this..
T(n)= (n-1)c+g(n)+g(n-1)+g(n-2)+g(n-3)+….. .. g(1)
I ‘m not able to solve it further.
Any way if we count the number of function calls in this program , it can be easily seen that time complexity is exponential but I want proof it using recurrence . how can it be done ?
Explanation in Anwer 1, looks correct , similar work I did.
The most difficult task in this code is to write its recursion equation. I have drawn another diagram , I identified some patterns , I think we can get some help form this diagram what could be the possible recurrence equation.
And I came up with this equation , not sure if it is right ??? Please help.
T(n) = 2*T(n-1) + c * logn
Ok, I think I have been able to prove that f(x) = Theta(2^x) (note that the time complexity is the same). This also proves that g(x) = Theta(2^x) as f(x) > g(x) > f(x-1).
First as everyone noted, it is easy to prove that f(x) = Omega(2^x).
Now we have the relation that f(x) <= 2 f(x-1) + f(x/2) (since f(x) > g(x))
We will show that, for sufficiently large x, there is some constant K > 0 such that
f(x) <= K*H(x), where H(x) = (2 + 1/x)^x
This implies that f(x) = Theta(2^x), as H(x) = Theta(2^x), which itself follows from the fact that H(x)/2^x -> sqrt(e) as x-> infinity (wolfram alpha link of the limit).
Now (warning: heavier math, perhap cs.stackexchange or math.stackexchange is better suited)
according to wolfram alpha (click the link and see series expansion near x = infinity),
H(x) = exp(x ln(2) + 1/2 + O(1/x))
And again, according to wolfram alpha (click the link (different from above) and see the series expansion for x = infinity), we have that
H(x) - 2H(x-1) = [1/2x + O(1/x^2)]exp(x ln(2) + 1/2 + O(1/x))
and so
[H(x) - 2H(x-1)]/H(x/2) -> infinity as x -> infinity
Thus, for sufficiently large x (say x > L) we have the inequality
H(x) >= 2H(x-1) + H(x/2)
Now there is some K (dependent only on L (for instance K = f(2L))) such that
f(x) <= K*H(x) for all x <= 2L
Now we proceed by (strong) induction (you can revert to natural numbers if you want to)
f(x+1) <= 2f(x) + f((x+1)/2)
By induction, the right side is
<= 2*K*H(x) + K*H((x+1)/2)
And we proved earlier that
2*H(x) + H((x+1)/2) <= H(x+1)
Thus f(x+1) <= K * H(x+1)
Using memoisation, both functions can easily be computed in O(n) time. But the program takes at least O(2^n) time, and thus is a very inefficient way of computing f(n) and g(n)
To prove that the program takes at most O(2+epsilon)^n time for any epsilon > 0:
Let F(n) and G(n) be the number of function calls that are made in evaluating f(n) and g(n), respectively. Clearly (counting the addition as 1 function call):
F(0) = 1; F(n) = F(n-1) + G(n) + 1
G(1) = 1; G(n) = F(n-1) + G(n/2) + 1
Then one can prove:
F and G are monotonic
F > G
Define H(1) = 2; H(n) = 2 * H(n-1) + H(n/2) + 1
clearly, H > F
for all n, H(n) > 2 * H(n-1)
hence H(n/2) / H(n-1) -> 0 for sufficiently large n
hence H(n) < (2 + epsilon) * H(n-1) for all epsilon > 0 and sufficiently large n
hence H in O((2 + epsilon)^n) for any epsilon > 0
(Edit: originally I concluded here that the upper bound is O(2^n). That is incorrect,as nhahtdh pointed out, but see below)
so this is the best I can prove.... Because G < F < H they are also in O((2 + epsilon)^n) for any epsilon > 0
Postscript (after seeing Mr Knoothes solution): Because i.m.h.o a good mathematical proof gives insight, rather than lots of formulas, and SO exists for all those future generations (hi gals!):
For many algorithms, calculating f(n+1) involves twice (thrice,..) the amount of work for f(n), plus something more. If this something more becomes relatively less with increasing n (which is often the case) using a fixed epsilon like above is not optimal.
Replacing the epsilon above by some decreasing function ε(n) of n will in many cases (if ε decreases fast enough, say ε(n)=1/n) yield an upper bound O((2 + ε(n))^n ) = O(2^n)
Let f(0)=0 and g(0)=0
From the function we have,
f(x) = f(x - 1) + g(x)
g(x) = f(x - 1) + g(x/2)
Substituting g(x) in f(x) we get,
f(x) = f(x-1) + f(x -1) + g(x/2)
∴f(x) = 2f(x-1) + g(x/2)
Expanding this we get,
f(x) = 2f(x-1)+f(x/2-1)+f(x/4-1)+ ... + f(1)
Let s(x) be a function defined as follows,
s(x) = 2s(x-1)
Now clearly f(x)=Ω(s(x)).
The complexity of s(x) is O(2x).
Therefore function f(x)=Ω(2x).
I think is clear to see that f(n) > 2n, because f(n) > h(n) = 2h(n-1) = 2n.
Now I claim that for every n, there is an ε such that:
f(n) < (2+ε)n, to see this, let do it by induction, but to make it more sensible at first I'll use ε = 1, to show f(n) <= 3n, then I'll extend it.
We will use strong induction, suppose for every m < n, f(m) < 3m then we have:
f(n) = 2[f(n-1) + f(n/2 -1) + f(n/4 -1)+ ... +f(1-1)]
but for this part:
A = f(n/2 -1) + f(n/4 -1)+ ... +f(1-1)
we have:
f(n/2) = 2[f(n/2 -1) + f(n/4 -1)+ ... +f(1-1]) ==>
A <= f(n/2) [1]
So we can rewrite f(n):
f(n) = 2f(n-1) + A < 2f(n-1) +f(n/2),
Now let back to our claim:
f(n) < 2*3^(n-1) + 2*3^(n/2)==>
f(n) < 2*3^(n-1) + 3^(n-1) ==>
f(n) < 3^n. [2]
By [2], proof of f(n)&in;O(3n) is completed.
But If you want to extend this to the format of (2+ε)n, just use 1 to replace the inequality, then we will have
for ε > 1/(2+ε)n/2-1 → f(n) < (2+ε)n.[3]
Also by [3] you can say that for every n there is an ε such that f(n) < (2+ε)n actually there is constant ε such that for n > n0, f(n)&in;O((2+ε)n). [4]
Now we can use wolfarmalpha like #Knoothe, by setting ε=1/n, then we will have:
f(n) < (2+1/n)n which results on f(n) < e*2n, and by our simple lower bound at start we have: f(n)&in; Θ(2^n).[5]
P.S: I didn't calculate epsilon exactly, but you can do it with pen and paper simply, I think this epsilon is not correct, but is easy to find it, and if is hard tell me is hard, and I'll write it.

Proving a given function equals o(N)

I am trying to prove that for any constant,k, log^k N = o(N) (little O of N)
All that I know for little o is that it follows the form T(n) = o(p(n)) where T(n) grows at a rate slower than p(n). Also I can't really do a limit and use L'hopital rule because I do not know what f(n) or g(n) is. Can someone please help getting me started!
You need to show that
lim (log^k N)/N = 0
N -> infinity
Write N = e^x, and that becomes
lim (x^k)/(e^x) = 0
Now, use the Power series expansion of the exponential function,
e^x = ∑ (x^n)/n!
to get an estimate for that quotient.
Spoiler: Picking the term with n = k+1 gives e^x > x^(k+1)/(k+1)! and from that easily follows (x^k)/(e^x) < (k+1)!/x.

(log n)^k = O(n)? For k greater or equal to 1

(log n)^k = O(n)? For k greater or equal to 1.
My professor presented us with this statement in class, however I am not sure what it means for a function to a have a time complexity of O(n). Even stuff like n^2 = O(n^2), how can a function f(x) have a run time complexity?
As for the statement how does it equal O(n) rather than O((logn)^k)?
(log n)^k = O(n)?
Yes. The definition of big-Oh is that a function f is in O(g(n)) if there exist positive constants N and c, such that for all n > N: f(n) <= c*g(n). In this case f(n) is (log n)^k and g(n) is n, so if we insert that into the definition we get: "there exist constants N and c, such that for all n > N: (log n)^k <= c*n". This is true so (log n)^k is in O(n).
how can a function f(x) have a run time complexity
It doesn't. Nothing about big-Oh notation is specific to run-time complexity. Big-Oh is a notation to classify the growth of functions. Often the functions we're talking about measure the run-time of certain algorithms, but we can use big-Oh to talk about arbitrary functions.
f(x) = O(g(x)) means f(x) grows slower or comparably to g(x).
Technically this is interpreted as "We can find an x value, x_0, and a scale factor, M, such that this size of f(x) past x_0 is less than the scaled size of g(x)." Or in math:
|f(x)| < M |g(x)| for all x > x_0.
So for your question:
log(x)^k = O(x)? is asking : is there an x_0 and M such that
log(x)^k < M x for all x>x_0.
The existence of such M and x_0 can be done using various limit results and is relatively simple using L'Hopitals rule .. however it can be done without calculus.
The simplest proof I can come up with that doesn't rely on L'Hopitals rule uses the Taylor series
e^z = 1 + z + z^2/2 + ... = sum z^m / m!
Using z = (N! x)^(1/N) we can see that
e^(x^(1/N)) = 1 + (N! x)^(1/N) + (N! x)^(2/N)/2 + ... (N! x)^(N/N)/N! + ...
For x>0 all terms are positive so, keeping only the Nth term we get that
e^((N! x)^(1/N)) = N! x / N! + (...)
= x + (...)
> x for x > 0
Taking logarithms of both sides (since log is monotonic increasing), then raising to Nth power (also monotonic increasing since N>0)
(N! x)^(1/N) > log x for x > 0
N! x > (log x)^n for x > 0
Which is exactly the result we need, (log x)^N < M x for some M and all x > x_0, with M = N! and x_0=0

When f(n) = n^.1 and g(n) = log(n)^10, does f(n) = Ω(g)?

I was told that "any exponential trumps any logarithm".
But when the exponential is between zero and one, doesn't the execution time of the logarithm grow much faster? So by that logic it would be f = O(g)
I'm having trouble choosing whether to follow my intuition or what I've been told, but what I've been told may have been not totally accurate.
Let's try out some math here. One important fact is that the logarithm function is monotonically increasing, which means that if
log f(x) ≤ log g(x)
f(x) ≤ g(x)
Now, let's see what that does here. We have two functions, x0.1 and log10 x. If we take their logs, we get
log (x0.1) = 0.1 log x
log (log10 x) = 10 log log x
Since log log x grows much more slowly than log x, intuitively we can see that the function x0.1 is going to eventually overtake log10 x.
Now, let's formalize this. We want to find some value of x such that
x0.1 > log10 x
Let's suppose that these are base-10 logarithms just to make the math easier. If we assume that x = 10k for some k, we get that
(10k)0.1 ≥ log10 10k
100.1 k > log10 10k
100.1 k > k
Now, take k = 100. Now we have that
100.1 * 100 > 100
1010 > 100
which is clearly true. Since both functions are monotonically increasing, this means that for x ≥ 10100, it is true that
x0.1 > log10 x
Which means that it is not true that x0.1 = O(log10 k).
Hope this helps!
The asymptotic analysis is really focused on the long run relationship (as n assumes larger values, how do the values of the functions compare)? It also disregards constants, which is why you sometimes see strange situations like f(x) = 10000000*x = O(x^2).
For large values of n, f(n) > g(n) which is all that really matters.
Another way to verify that n^0.1 = big omega(log^10(n)) by using the limit rule?
The limit rule is:
limit as n->infinity f(n)/g(g).
if the limit is positive infinity, f(n) != O(g(n)) & g(n) = O(f(n)) or f(n) = big omega(g(n))
if the limit is 0, f(n) = O(g(n)) & g(n) != O(f(n))
if the limit is a positive real number, f(n) = O(g(n)) & g(n) = O(f(n)) or f(n) = big theta(g(n))
For this problem:
let f(n) = O(n^0.1) and let g(n) = log^10(n)
That gives us the limit:
limit as n->infinity (n^0.1)/(log^10(n))
Using L'Hospital's rule on the limit 10 times we get:
limit as n->infinity ((0.1)^10 * ln^10(b) * n^0.1)/(10!) where b is the base of the log
Since the n term is only in the numerator, the limit approaches infinity.
By the limit rule
log^10(n) = O(n^0.1) & n^0.1 != O(log^10(n) or n^0.1 = big omega(log^10(n)).

(log(n))^log(n) and n/log(n), which is faster?

g(n)= n/log(n)
f = O(g(n))?
Take the log of both sides:
log(f(n)) = log(log n) * log n
log(g(n)) = log(n) - log(log(n)) = log(n)(1 - log(log(n))/log(n))
Clearly log(log(n)) dominates (1 - log(log(n))/log(n)), so g is O(f). f is not O(g). Since it's homework, you may need to fill in the details.
It's also fairly easily to get an idea what the answer should be just by trying it with a large number. 1024 is 2^10, so taking n=1024:
f(n) = 10^10
g(n) = 1024/10.
Obviously that's not a proof, but I think we can see who's winning this race.
f(n) grows faster than g(n) if and only if f(en) also grows faster than g(en) since exp is strictly increasing to infinity (prove it yourself).
Now f(en) = nn and g(en) = en / n, and you can quote the known results.
If Limit[f[x] / g[x], x -> Infinity] = Infinity, then f[x] grows faster than g[x].
Limit[Log[x] ^ Log[x] / (x / Log[x]), x -> Infinity] = + Infinity
So, Log[x] ^ Log[x] grows faster than x / Log[x]
Mathematica gives the limit of f(n) / g(n) as n tends towards infinity as infinity, which means that f grows faster. This means that g(n) belongs to (=) O(f(n)).
You can use this for example if you don't have Mathematica.
f is vastly bigger. By n^loglog(n) -1 . log n
