Theme not getting copied - magento

I worked on a website and it was hosted on bigrock server. But the client want me to transfer into just host. I managed to copy all the stuffs, but the theme I installed into old server is not getting copied into new justhost server. Please help me out in this one.

more details maybe, maybe an error message or something?
But: I found it quite common for file permissions to be an issue when using straight copy/paste/move.
When moving anything like a cms or cart with potential file permission issues, I would through cpanel/UI compress the lot and then move or copy the .zip/.tar ; On new server unzip through cpanel/UI and previous permission are intact too.


pyRevit Profile keeps changing

First I'm not the user using this but am implementing it for a couple of users.
We use VDi machines with all users profiles on the server. I have managed to clone the Git Repo and leave a copy on the server which I use Robo copy to copy to the users.
This has worked great but we are facing an issue when they want to change some settings we get an error. The Setting do work great if in the config file it is pointing to the UNC path (\domian.local\share\users\username) but if it points to the drive lette of the share (t:\users\username) or c drive (c:\users\username) we get an error.
I'll look for the errors and upload it.

how to bring live magento site to localhost without effecting live site

i want a live site to be on local host and without effecting any functionality of live magento site. i have tried many way of doing that but have not get any result from it.
steps i tried are :
1. taken database from magento live site by entering into cpanel(by ftp access) > phpmyadmin > exported all the files to my local machine and i imported all the data to my local phpmyadmin.
2.taken all neccessary files from cpanel > file manager > all files (for example p_html, .htpassword, .trash, access log, etc file and many more) and put it on my local machine and then i put the file in folder and kept it into C:\xampp\htdocs\ all file ( in folder ).
3 Replaced the path of live site with localhost:1234 in the all sql files where applicable taken in step one.
but still not working .
Any help will be appreciated....
Copy your LIVE Magento store to your Local computer:
Download the magento files using any ftp client.
Export the database from live server.
Put the downloaded Magento files in your localhost root folder.
Create a blank database(lets say it 'local-database') in your local computer and import the database backup that you exported from the live one.
Delete/Rename the file app/etc/local.xml
Re-install the Magento using the local-database.
After installation, go to Admin section and then
(i)Flush all cache. (ii)Re-Index all data. (iii)Flush all cache.
That's it. You are done.
N.B. If you have domain specific Modules installed, those modules will not work here.
Seems very simple right. Believe me, it is that simple.
If you face any problem in installing your Magento in localcomputer, here is a post that may come in handy:
Download the files to the local project folder.
Create a new local DB and import the live database backup/dump.
Update app/etc/local.xml file with local DB parameters(Host name, DB
name, DB username, DB password)
Magento have the project URL saved in 2 places(secure URL and
unsecure URL) in the table core_config_data. We need to update
that in imported local DB to the local URL(9th and 10th record in
the table).
Delete the cache: Delete the contents in var folder(That folder
contains reports and logs too. I assume that you won't need it as
this is a separate installation)
The local copy will most probably work by now but there are possibilities that it would not. Things to do in this case:
If you are getting redirected to the live site, check the .htaccess
file for redirects(For various reasons there may be a redirect
defined in the file)
If you are getting forbidden error, this will come in handy(Usually occurs in linux systems)
There may still be some problems probably theme or module specific. In this case you will need to debug the project and find out what the problem is. Xdebug will come in handy in this situation for boosting the debug process :)
Subrata's solution will conflict with some of the Magento Modules installed and will not allow you to re-install Magento in local. I follow these steps and everything works fine.
Just give a permission (0777) after take a backup to that folder in your local PC
First of all you will have to change the secure and unsecure base_url in your database.
These can be found in the 'core_config_data' table.
If you want to access your local version of Magento via localhost, you'll have to set localhost as your base_url.
After that you need to clear your cache folder.
To install and run Magento on your local PC using XAMPP, please follow these steps:

Transfer Joomla Site from one machine to another

I made one simple project, at training center and I want to continue that in my home.
I tried by transferring files from WAMP www director to pendrive and storing in my home pc Wamp WWW directory but Getting 404 ARTICLE NOT FOUND ERROR.
I already attached database related with my Joomla project but could not get into Front end.
Two basic options:
I. Have a look at a took like
II. Do it manually
You need to sync the files.
You need to dump the database and import it to the other installation.
You need to update the configuration.php file to match the settings for database and log / temp folder.

unknown file 663.php in ftp root

For some reasons I have a 663.php file in every folder and subfolders of my httpdoc root in my web server ftp. I don't know where this file came from and my host does not know either
I would very much appreciate any help
Depending on it's content it could seem like a PHP Shell Backdoor.
An attacker would upload this file to gain access to your files, database ect.
They usually exploit a flaw in your application, to upload files.
Be sure to update all the software you are running.
Someone might have gained access to your site, also change all passwords.
It looks like this has occurred before to other users:
Your site has been hacked. The 663.php file is sending out anonymous
spam. If you host with GoDaddy, this is a common theme as thousands
of accounts share one IP and one person with shell access can get in
and place an htaccess file above the root folder on the server and
autoload the files into every folder in your website and onto every
site within that IP address. Year1Media
Quote from AolAnswers.
Thank you all for your help. After a little search i found out that It was a Plesk security vulnerability. The problem was solved by running a patch in parallels plesk. Apart from inserting unknown files it also changed .htaccess to redirect to weird websites.
It Is a Plesk Problem
they are correction patches here:

Symfony2 deployment via ftp

I tried to deploy my project with capifony, becouse I found here an answer, that with capifony deployment is easy. Well I don't think it is, so my question is:
How can I deploy my project via ftp, I put all my files on the server but even if I browse to web/app.php, the only thing I get is an empty page, whatever route I write in the url. So someone please explain me how can I get this work! Thank you!
A couple of things to think of when deploying a Symfony2 project to a new server or computer (as far as I've encountered) might be:
Make sure that the server and it's PHP installation meets the Symfony2 requirements (and perhaps also the recommendations)
Check that you've somewhat followed the installation instructions (found here)
Try to clear the cache
Make sure that the web server and it's PHP process have write permissions to the cache folder
If none of these helps, try to modify the app_dev.php to temporarily allow access from your current (client) IP (instead of restraining it to localhost). Then, hopefully, you'll get a more useful and detailed error message, instead of the blank page (which often is caused by some fatal error that have occurred during the initialization of the framework and its kernel)
Update: Noticed now that you've tagged your question with 'windows', but that you don't mention which server you're trying to deploy to. I wrote the above with some *nix based server in mind, but hopefully some of it are applicable to Windows servers too (but there might be other common sources of error running under Windows that I'm not familliar with
