Windows 8 - Start screen icon for IE launches desktop version of IE - windows

When I first installed Windows 8 (64 bit, Pro version, with Media Player), the IE icon on the Start screen launched the Metro / Modern / Windows Store / whatever version of IE.
But somewhere along the line, it no longer does so. It launches the traditional IE desktop version.
Any suggestions how to get things back to normal?
Side questions: I haven't done any spelunking on Windows 8. Any tips for the following questions would be appreciated...
What are the relevant file locations for various "Metro" apps (both Microsoft and 3rd party)? I know about C:\Windows\SysWOW64\WinMetadata for .winmd files. C:\Windows\WinStore seems almost useless. What else is worthwhile looking at?
Ditto for registry entries
What's hidden where? I assume that apps have NTFS permissions set so that, even as an Administrator (and with doing a Takeown) I can't even see certain system/app-related things.
Where is the Start Screen located? Suppose I wanted to write a program that lists the Start Screen icons, their captions, etc
And any other internals info of this ilk would be appreciated.

Go to Internet Options, Programs tab and in the Opening Internet Explorer section disable the ckeckbox Open Internet Explorer Tiles on the desktop.


Access Desktop Items in Win10 vs. Win7?

I'm trying to access the names and positions of desktop icons under win10 with no luck. I posted a similar question and solution (SO#58126669) when I was using Win7. Now I find the solution (which worked perfectly under Win7) doesn't work anymore under Win10.
Here's What I Know
Under Win7, the desktop icons are stored in a SysListView32 child of the desktop. Info about each can be obtained using LVM_* messages and associated structures.
Here's What I Don't Know
Under Win10, the view hierachy appears to have changed. The SysList view no longer contains the items, but rather it has a single child of class SysHeader32. The LVM messages did not work on it. I tried using comparable HDM_* messages and structures with no luck there either.
Does anybody know how to access the desktop icons under win10?
Windows 10 uses a different approach to the desktop vs. Windows 7 as commented on by #Raymond Chen. You must use COM objects like IShellWindows, IFolderView, etc. Rather than duplicate the code here, please see the answer SO #58126669 (Window 10 Addendum).

Why did my Microsoft Add-in suddenly stop showing as an option in F12 devtools?

At one point I was able to see our Outlook add-in app in the target options in f12 devtools for troubleshooting, but sometime last month it stopped showing up there. My colleagues are stumped, and I can't find much online in the way of troubleshooting.
I tried checking my Windows version and Outlook version against others who can see it in their devtools, but we're all on Windows 10 enterprise v1803, Outlook v1910, and IE 11. I've tried many things over the month since this happened like rebooting my PC, making sure I have the latest updates from IT, refreshing the options, running some commands I found online for targeting the right browser for devtools, etc. No change.
Another peculiar thing is that I'm seeing some completely different things in the Add-in than they are, like button alignments and div widths and such. I had our dev environment looking perfect on my end, but when a few people on the team screenshared with me there were a number of styling issues I can't reproduce. Even weirder, nobody experiences these issues in O365, it's just the desktop Outlook app on our Windows machines.
Any ideas on how to troubleshoot this would be very greatly appreciated.
Steps I take to produce the issue:
Click on manifest icon for our app in Outlook ribbon. App loads in the sidebar.
Open F12 devtools (both 32 and 64 bit for good measure from the System32 and SysWOW64 directories).
App is not in the target list. Click refresh, still not in the list.
FYI, any IE 11 windows I have open show up there, just not my app.
Starting in Windows 10 version 1903, the latest version of Office will use Edge WebView instead of IE to render add-ins. Edge WebView requires a different debugger (not the F12 debugger) called Microsoft Edge DevTools. You can find out more about it here.

Windows Forms text grows too big when run on another PC

I've got a VB.Net Windows Form application containing several controls (labels, groupboxes, comboboxes, etc.) This application is deployed to several PCs running Windows 10. There are also Win10 tablets connecting to these PCs via Remote Desktop. The issue is that the text on the form sometimes gets resized and overlaps onto other controls when viewed on the tablet. In other words, the text becomes too big.
I thought this was only happening when using Remote Desktop but today I saw it happen on a PC too. This is the first time this has happened. One difference is that the PC was re-imaged in the field instead of being brought back to the office first. The monitors used between the two locations are different, and I'm suspecting this has something to do with it. I know there are DPI and resolution factors to consider but don't fully understand how to rectify them in this case, or if they're even applicable.
Here's how it looks as designed and running on my dev PC:
And here's how it looks when running on the production PC (sorry for the grainy image):
Of note is that some text doesn't appear to get oversized, for example the "Currently: 6 ft/min". All fonts are Microsoft Sans Serif.
The answer provided here worked for me by changing the compatibility settings for the executable. Another method is provided here but I haven't had a chance to test it yet.

Share screen of Microsoft Windows 10 apps using webrtc

When a Windows 10 computer wants to share some of its screens using webrtc protocol (firefox navigator), a list of the windows that can be shared appears. In this list, only "normal" applications appears, not the one related to "apps". By example, spotify window appears, but OneNote window is not listed.
It seems (?) webrtc screen share is not compatible with UWP apps.
Knows someone a way to share the screen of an app via webrtc ?
Note: following link allows to reproduce this issue:
you do not need share anything, just push "window" and see the list of windows that appears.
I believe Chromium (the open source version - not sure about Chrome) faces the same problem as UWP requires to use a new Win 10 API which shows it's own window selector. And then obviously that selector doesn't work on other problems. So it's a common problem on Win 10, with no known good solution as far as I can tell.

SStab not appearing correctly in different OS's

I'm working on a legacy VB6 application in Windows 10. I'm currently trying to get the application to run seamlessly in Windows 10 and I'm coming across some issues. One of them is the SSTab control. See Image below:
Style, Tab Orientation, All the properties are identical, but as can be seen the text in Windows 7 looks proper vs Win 10. It seems to float left and when selected, one of the S's seems to get cut off the top and added in the 2nd line.
Anyone have any idea?
Try choosing Win 7 in the version part of compatibility. There is the App Compat Kit from MS that allows you to set thousands of compat settings rather than just a few common ones in that compatibility dialog
