Need to select column from subquery into main query - oracle

I have a query like below - table names etc. changed for keeping the actual data private
SELECT inv.*,TRUNC(sysdate)
FROM Invoice inv
WHERE (inv.carrier,,inv.ndate) IN
SELECT carrier,pro,n_dt FROM Order where TRUNC(Order.cr_dt) = TRUNC(sysdate)
I am selecting records from Invoice based on Order. i.e. all records from Invoice which are common with order records for today, based on those 3 columns...
Now I want to select Order_Num from Order in my select query as well.. so that I can use the whole thing to insert it into totally seperate table, let's say orderedInvoices.
insert into orderedInvoices(seq_no,..same columns as Inv...,Cr_dt)
SELECT **Order.Order_Num**, inv.*,TRUNC(sysdate)
FROM Invoice inv
WHERE (inv.carrier,,inv.ndate) IN
SELECT carrier,pro,n_dt FROM Order where TRUNC(Order.cr_dt) = TRUNC(sysdate)
?? - how to do I select that Order_Num in main query for each records of that sub query?
p.s. I understand that trunc(cr_dt) will not use index on cr_dt (if a index is there..) but I couldn't select records unless I omit the time part of it..:(

If the table ORDER1 is unique on CARRIER, PRO and N_DT you can use a JOIN instead of IN to restrict your records, it'll also enable you to select whatever data you want from either table:
select order.order_num, inv.*, trunc(sysdate)
from Invoice inv
join order ord
on inv.carrier = ord.carrier
and =
and inv.ndate = ord.n_dt
where trunc(order.cr_dt) = trunc(sysdate)
If it's not unique then you have to use DISTINCT to deduplicate your record set.
Though using TRUNC() on CR_DT will not use an index on that column you can use a functional index on this if you do need an index.
create index i_order_trunc_cr_dt on order (trunc(cr_dt));
1. This is a really bad name for a table as it's a keyword, consider using ORDERS instead.


Query to get Unique Indexes having NOT NULL columns - Oracle

Currently I am trying to find all the unique indexes defined in a table which are NOT NULL for Oracle database. What I mean by that is, Oracle allows creating unique indexes on columns which are even defined as NULL.
So if my table has two unique indexes, I want to retrieve the particular unique index which is having all the columns having the NOT NULL constraints.
I did come up with this query:
select ind.index_name, ind_col.column_name, ind.index_type, ind.uniqueness
from sys.dba_indexes ind
inner join sys.dba_ind_columns ind_col on ind.owner = ind_col.index_owner and ind.index_name = ind_col.index_name
where ind.owner in ('ISADRM') and ind.table_name in ('TH_RHELOR') and ind.uniqueness IN ('UNIQUE')
The above query is giving me all the unique indexes with the associated columns, but I am not sure, how should I join the above query with ALL_TAB_COLS which has the NULLABILITY data for all the columns of a table.
I tried joining this table with indexes and tried subquery as well, but not getting appropriate results.
Hence, would request you to please comment on same.
Analytic functions and inline views can help.
The analytic functions let you return detailed data but also create a summary on that data, based on separate windows. The detailed results include index owner, index name, and column name, but the counts are only per index owner and index name.
The first inline view joins the three tables, returns the detailed information, and has analytic functions to generate the count of all columns and the count of all nullable columns. The second inline view only selects rows where those two counts are equal.
--Unique indexes and columns where every column is NOT NULL.
select owner, index_name, column_name
--All relevant columns and counts of columns and not null columns.
count(*) over (partition by dba_indexes.owner, dba_indexes.index_name) total_columns,
sum(case when nullable = 'N' then 1 else 0 end)
over (partition by dba_indexes.owner, dba_indexes.index_name) total_not_null_columns
from dba_indexes
join dba_ind_columns
on dba_indexes.owner = dba_ind_columns.index_owner
and dba_indexes.index_name = dba_ind_columns.index_name
join dba_tab_columns
on dba_ind_columns.table_name = dba_tab_columns.table_name
and dba_ind_columns.column_name = dba_tab_columns.column_name
where dba_indexes.owner = user
and dba_indexes.uniqueness = 'UNIQUE'
order by 1,2,3
where total_columns = total_not_null_columns
order by 1,2,3;
Analytic functions and inline views are tricky but they're very powerful once you learn how to use them.

Oracle select rows from a query which are not exist in another query

Let me explain the question.
I have two tables, which have 3 columns with same data tpyes. The 3 columns create a key/ID if you like, but the name of the columns are different in the tables.
Now I am creating queries with these 3 columns for both tables. I've managed to independently get these results
For example:
SELECT ID, FirstColumn, sum(SecondColumn)
FROM FirstTable
WHERE ThirdColumn = *1st condition*)
GROUP BY ID, FirstColumn
SELECT ID, SomeColumn, sum(AnotherColumn)
FROM SecondTable
WHERE AlsoSomeColumn = *2nd condition*)
GROUP BY ID, SomeColumn
So I make a very similar queries for two different tables. I know the results have a certain number of same rows with the ID attribute, the one I've just created in the queries. I need to check which rows in the result are not in the other query's result and vice versa.
Do I have to make temporary tables or views from the queries? Maybe join the two tables in a specific way and only run one query on them?
As a beginner I don't have any experience how to use results as an input for the next query. I'm interested what is the cleanest, most elegant way to do this.
No, you most probably don't need any "temporary" tables. WITH factoring clause would help.
Here's an example:
first_query as
(select id, first_column, ...
from (select ABC||DEF||GHI as id, ...)
second_query as
(select id, some_column, ...
from (select JKM||OPQ||RST as id, ...)
select id from first_query
select id from second_query;
For another result you'd just switch the tables, e.g.
with ... <the same as above>
select id from second_query
select id from first_query

can i set up an SSRS report where users input parameters to a table

I have an oracle query that uses a created table as part of the code. Every time I need to run a report I delete current data and import the new data I receive. This is one column of id's. I need to create a report on SSRS in which the user can input this data into said table as a parameter. I have designed a simple report that they can enter some of the id's into a parameter, but there may be times when they need to enter in a few thousand id's, and the report already runs long. Here is what the SSRS code currently says:
select distinct, n.notes
from notes n
join (
select max(seq_num) as seqnum, id from notes group by id) maxresults
on = maxresults.ID
where n.seq_num = maxresults.seqnum
and in (#MyParam)
Is there a way to have MyParam insert data into a table I would join called My_ID, joining as Join My_Id id on =
I do not have permissions to create functions or procedures in the database.
Thank you
You may try the trick with MATERIALIZE hint which normally forces Oracle to create a temporary table :
WITH cte1 AS
FROM table1 a
INNER JOIN cte1 b ON =

Insert Statement Returns ORA-01427 Error While Trying To Insert From Multiple Tables

I have this table F_Flight which I am trying to insert into from 3 different tables. The first, fourth and fifth columns are from the same, and the second and third columns from different tables. When I execute the code, I get a "single-row subquery returns more than one row" error.
insert when 1 = 1 then into F_Flight (planeid, groupid, dateid, flightduration, kmsflown) values
(planeid, (select b.groupid from BridgeTable b where exists (select p.p1id from pilotkeylookup p where b.pilotid = p.p1id)),
(select from D_Date dd where exists (select p.launchtime from PilotKeyLookup p where dd."Date" = p.launchtime)),
flightduration, kmsflown) select * from PilotKeyLookup p;
Your subqueries get multiple rows back, which is what the error message says. There is no correlation between the various bits of data and subqueries you're trying to insert into a single row.
This can be done as a much simpler with joins, something like:
insert into f_flight (planeid, groupid, dateid, flightduration, kmsflown)
select pkl.planeid, bt.groupid,, pkl.flightduration, pkl.kmsflown
from pilotkeylookup pkl
join bridgetable bt on bt.pilotid = pkl.p1id
join d_date dd on dd."Date" = pkl.launchtime;
This joins the main PilotKeyLookup table to the other two on the keys you used in your subqueries.
Storing an ID value instead of an actual date is unusual, and if launchtime has a time component - which seems likely from the name - and your d_date entries are just dates (i.e. all with time at midnight) then you won't find matches; you might need to do:
join d_date dd on dd."Date" = trunc(pkl.launchtime);
It also seems like this could be a view, as you're storing duplicate data - everything in f_flight could, obviously, be found from the other tables.

Copy records from one table to another with pl-sql

I want to copy records from one table to another.
The only records from table 1 that will be copied to table 2 are the ones that still dont exist in table 2.
If duplicate records exists in Table 1 then only be copied to table 2 the record with the larger size name.
I could already implement a query that almost does what I want.
The problem I have is when there are names with the same maximum size of characters.
In these cases, my query returns more than one record and I just want to insert one new record in table 2.
Does anyone know how I can fix this?
Here is my code:
For x in (Select distinct xdd.id_t, xdd.name_t
From table1 xdd
Where xdd.id_t not in (Select distinct det.id_t2
From table2 det)
And LENGTH(xdd.name_t) in (Select Max(LENGTH(xdd2.name_t))
From table1 xdd2
Where xdd2.id_t = xdd.id_t)
) Loop
Insert into id_t2 (id_t2, name_t2)
Values (x.id_t, x.name_t);
End loop;
Can you give me an example to solve this?
Sure. If I understood requirements correctly, then the merge statement will look similar to this one:
We use row_number() analytic function to choose a duplicate record with longer name_t
merge into table_two t2
select id_t
, name_t
from (select id_t
, name_t
, row_number() over(partition by id_t
order by length(name_t) desc) as rn
from table_one) q
where q.rn = 1
) t1
on (t2.id_t = t1.id_t)
when not matched then
insert(id_t, name_t)
values(t1.id_t, t1.name_t)
SQLFiddle demo
This is a merge statement that should "upsert" data from table 1 into table 2. Matching keys should update only when the name field in table1 is greater than that of table 2. And inserts should occur when keys from table one are not matched to table 2.
USING (SELECT table1.id_t, table1.name_t FROM table1) S
ON (D.id_t2 = S.id_t)
WHERE (LENGTH(S.name_t) > LENGTH(D.name_t2))
VALUES (S.id_t2, S.name_t2);
