Control + Break equivalent for Mac in VBA - macos

If I want to stop my code from executing on a PC, I know I just need to press ctrl+break. But since my Mac has no "break" key I am not sure what to do?
What is the equivalent in Mac?

Use ⌘. on Mac to stop the code.

The ⌘ . or ctrl ESC keys do not function exactly like on the PC. They do not break to the debugger on a modal dialog box. Use ESC ESC (Press the ESC twice) to bring up a dialog that allows you to enter the debugger at the location in code of the dialog box display. Tested in Excel VBA 2011

cntrl-esc works like cntrl-break on my macbook pro to stop Excel vba running under Windows 7.

Apologies for resurrecting this. This is the first result on a google search so I figured I should answer.
Working in IDEs within a windows VM environment on Mac (eg: Visual Basic for Applications) the command is actually fn + esc

I am working on a Mac. I use Cmd+Option+Esc to stop my code.


Find background shortcuts on windows

I'm having problem using one of the shortcuts in VS Code ctrl + shift + L but it works from selection menu.
I have noticed there is a loading circle above cursor when I press that shortcut (even in other apps) and I assumed maybe it's a different shortcut for windows which overrides it.
is there any app that would show me what is triggered when I use shortcuts in windows 10?
VS code developer shortcut troubleshooting doesn't recognize any shortcut but it does for ctrl + shift + S(workbench.action.files.saveAs) for example.
AMD Radeon software was interfering with the shortcut on the background.
disabled it on "hotkeys" section.
It didn't solve every shortcut malfunction, it resolved after I updated the graphic driver.

Mojave (MacOs) - How to toggle between windows of same application?

I am using MacBook Pro , macOS Mojave (10.14.4) . I am not able to toggle between windows of same application .
I tried Command + BackTick but its not working . Tried to change shortcut for "Move focus to next window" , but no luck .
Another approach to bring up minimized windows without using 3rd-party app is to use Ctrl + Down (Mission Control's Application windows)
I feel Command + ` should be fixed, it should show minimized windows too. Or yellow traffic light button should default to hidden instead of minimized, so Command + ` can show all windows of same app
Note: Control + Down also works even if all of the windows of an application are minimized
I now disabled Command + ` on my machine. It's confusing to have two shortcuts for basically achieving the same thing.
I think the other windows of your same application are minimized.
Sadly, there's no keyboard shortcut that can show windows of same application if those windows are minimized. Command + Backtick only works on visible windows.
You can bring up the other minimized windows by right clicking the app's icon on the dock, then select the minimized window
UPDATE April 20 2019
Found an application that can bring up minimized windows of same application. App is HyperSwitch. You still need to do command + tab, then wait a second, a preview of all windows of same application will be shown. Then you can press command + backtick to switch to all windows of same application, even the minimized ones.
Found it on
Another good option: AltTab
Use option+tab to toggle/switch among applications
To toggle/switch among windows of same application, use: option+`
You can change the option to command on AltTab, doing that, AltTab will override the default command+tab app switcher of macOS
Download at:
seen from:
If you turn on "Active Corners" you can make windows of same application pop up if you pull your mouse to the far corner you have activated and assigned to "program windows".....
Sorry for the messy terminology, my system language is set to danish, so the english terms I use here are just guesses.
I came here because I had a similar problem, maybe it helps someone in the future.
For me, it was fixed by reassigning the shortcut for "Move focus to next window" (to the same key combination as before). Not sure why, but it worked for me.

How to cancel the windows shortcut key when I use emacs 24.3 in gui in windows?

I download the emacs 24.3 in
In a gui mode, I found the following trouble. So I want to cancel the windows shortcut key
The 1st example is that I define the shortcut "C-F2" in linux and I also want to use it in windows.
The 2nd example "C-space" makes me to mark things but it is not working in windows. It is obvious that emacs are occupied by the windows shortcuts. How can I cancel the windows shortcut key when I use emacs in windows?
I suspect these are not taken by Windows itself, but by your IME. It may be possible to change the keys in the IME Settings.

Windows program to report keypresses

Problem: I am using Windows as a guest operating system in a Virtual Machine and a funky keyboard setup. I need a way to be able to troubleshoot cases when keyboard hotkey combinations are not functioning properly.
Question: Does anyone know of a program that quickly and easily displays on the screen what keypress windows thinks it got whenever I press a key or key combination on the installed keyboard?
Keyboard Jedi looks like it will do what you're after.

How to assign alt + f1 key to an opened Windows application

I usually have more then 10 opened application windows. When I write code I need to switch fast between a browser, an IDE and terminal windows. Alt + tab is too slow, too many windows to choose from.
Virtual desktop is a work around for me. On a first desktop I keep browser, on a second IDE, etc. So I am able to switch fast between my most important applications.
And the question. Is there an utility for Windows XP / Vista which allows to assign a keyboard shortcut like alt + f1 .. f10 to an opened application window?
UPDATE: All programs I've found allow to define a shortcut to an application. E.g. they will open new instance of Firefox instead of switch to an opened one. Closest to what I need is Switcher. It displays big thumbnails of all open windows with assigned numbers to press.
Autohotkey I've found to be very powerful. Here is a part of my test script.
SetTitleMatchMode, 2
IfWinExist Notepad
Run Notepad
IfWinExist Firefox
Run Firefox
IfWinExist Commander
IfWinExist Carbide
Just use Win32 api KBS.
There's a fair number of shareware apps for keyboard shortcuts out there. Take a look at Stardock's Keyboard Launchpad, it's supposed to be able to do stuff like that.
