Website suddenly stopped loading due to php include? - include

I was working on my website when suddenly it wouldn't load anymore. After investigating i found out that this no longer worked:
<?php include 'core/init.php'; ?>
But when i changed it to this:
<?php include '/core/init.php'; ?>
Those includes are at the top of my index.php so the page would load nothing. It worked fine, although none of my links no longer worked, it gave me internal 500 error.
Investigating further i got these errors from safari console:
[Error] Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 500 (Internal Server Error) (localhost, line 0)
[Error] TypeError: 'undefined' is not a function (evaluating 'this.hide()')
close (content_start_0.js, line 1)
I've been working on my site for the past month using:
<?php include 'core/init.php'; ?>
and never had a problem until a few moments ago.
Any ideas?

The second error is caused by the Firebug Lite extension for Safari.
Go to your inspector, click resources, then expand Extension Scripts. There should be a file there named content_start_0.js.
You can make the error go away if you go into Preferences for Safari, click the Extensions tab, then uncheck "Enable Firebug Lite for Safari."


Website Vitals: Oops! Something went wrong

Hello I am testing my website and I have an score of about 80-90/100 if I look it with Chrome Lighthouse Extension. But in and
The report returns an error. There is no error in console and there is no indication on what error is. I opened network inspector to see what was returning and this is what it said:
Lighthouse returned error: NO_FCP. The page did not paint any content. Please ensure you keep the browser window in the foreground during the load and try again. (NO_FCP)
But this is not true, the website loads fast, and works if I check it with the CLI or the Chrome Extension.
Any ideas on how can I debug this to find what is causing this error?

How do I debug a web-page if there's some script running into stuck?

I have developed a web page with more than 10 external javascript dependencies.
The web page will load a file (via AJAX) and do some work.
However, when the page loads a file, the page got stuck totally. I can't find any abnormal stuff in the file, so it must be some script problem. But since the page got stuck, I can't locate the error location.
How can I do with my Chrome DevTools to locate the error?

Firefox add-on builder and Jquery Mobile

I am trying everything under my power here to insert jquerymobile.1.0.1 into an extension I have build for firefox.
I can install, link to any other script and everything seems to work just fine, but have had an assortment of errors getting jquerymobile to work.
I've tried uploading through the add-on builder
I've tried remotely linking the file
I've tried copying and pasting the file into other code.. nothing works.
I've coded this extension for safari, chrome and opera without issue, but Firefox chokes the second I link to/include jquerymobile in my code returning this error:
Timestamp: 12-04-27 12:10:33 PM
Error: uncaught exception: [Exception... "Component returned failure code: 0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE) [nsIDOMHistory.replaceState]" nsresult: "0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE)" location: "JS frame :: resource://jid0-d4zlaxz3cfuahkcdoecsmya637m-at-jetpack/idesireit/data/js/ :: :: line 72" data: no]
and also an error about "unallowed unicode" which I didn't get the chance to copy or paste, but I haven't seen that one in a few saves...
I've read that the above error can be caused by cross domain functions, but all my cross domain functions are in another js file, and they are all working just fine ( judging by those I can navigate to with jquerymobile acting as it is right now )
I'm a novice - if my error is based on my stupidity, please go lightly :O
I went ahead and created an all new extension,
included nothing but the popup, and in that pop up, called jquery and
I got this error instantly again.
I'm just going to go ahead and use the alternative UI I'm using on the dashboard widget, I've wasted too much time on this.
The bug is in the addonsdk, not in JQ Mobile. Any attempt to access or manipulate the window.history object in a panel will raise this error.

Site is Working fine without any error

I have a site in magento (Latest version). The site is working fine without any error but sometime site didn't load and a white screen appears. This issue then automatically resolved after some time.
Can anyone help me. Here is the site url.
Blank white pages are usually a sign that a fatal PHP error has occurred, and error reporting in PHP is turned off. Check your apache error logs (how you'll do this and the log file location varies depending on your web host).
Magento also has it's own error reporting system where it shows a friendly page to the end user and drops the actual PHP error message and stack trace into a file in var/report.
The report files will have a numeric file name and can be opened with any text editor.
If you are not seeing any error reports, it would be worth making sure your web server can write to the var/report folder.
Magento documentation generally recommends 777 permissions for the var folder and everything within it.

Magento Fatal error: Class not found

This is a stretch but hopefully someone has an idea of what's going on here.
I was working on adding a feature to an extension (Amasty Product Grid Editor) to add the in stock status to the grid and allow in-line editing.
I ultimately got this working, but in the process something odd happened. I now have a problem with a completely unrelated extension (AheadWorks Facebook Integrator).
If the FB extension is enabled, I get almost no output in the browser on any page in the frontend or backend EXCEPT on the product grid in the admin.
On every other page it renders some of the header but bails after it tries to instantiate an instance of the FB Integrator helper class.
It throws this error:
Fatal error: Class 'AW_FBIntegrator_Helper_Data' not found in /var/www/vps_local_5/app/Mage.php on line 520
However, this file is there and all permissions are correct. The only thing I can figure is that in my failed attempts to get the feature added to the product grid I screwed up the database or something, but I have no idea what would cause it to think that a class file isn't there when it really IS.
The site works fine otherwise if I disable the FB extension. If I disable or even revert my changes to the Product Grid extension it still doesn't work, so it's not a conflict either.
I am leaning towards database only because after I got the changes to the Product Grid extension working correctly on my local dev server I copied those files to our remote dev server and it works great with no issues or conflicts with the FB extension.
So I have to believe that it was something in my iterations that broke something but I'm at a loss as to what.
Any ideas?
Try returning the compilation process (Magento Compiler) -- only if you have it currently enabled.
Magento loads from /includes/src/ instead of app/code/local or app/code/community when the compiler is enabled.
