I have an error when trying to read some data into an opengl Texture. My error is the following:
A first chance exception of type 'System.AccessViolationException' occurred in libCoin3D.dll
It happens when I call the function glTexImage3D in the below function. If I comment out that function, then the program runs fine, but I need to construct a texture from the int array I pass into the function.
GLuint TextureHandler::create3DTextureBonePreview(int* d, Vector3 length){
GLuint bindLocation;
glGenTextures(1, &bindLocation);
int w=length.x;
int h=length.y;
int l=length.z;
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_3D, bindLocation);
glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 1);
glTexImage3D(GL_TEXTURE_3D, 0,GL_RGBA,w, h, l, 0,GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE,d);
printf("Done creating texture\n");
return bindLocation;
I think it has to do with how I am handling the memory in int* d. This data starts out as just a regular int array in some C# code and is filled in shortly afterward.
int[] allDatint=new int[dataSize];
But from this C#, allDatint is passed to a Managed C++ constructor that takes it as an system array:
CallbackNode::CallbackNode(int w ,int h, int l, array<int>^ d)
In that constructor, it is converted to int* before it is passed to some unmanaged C++ code
cli::pin_ptr<int> pArrayElement = &d[0];
mCube=new MasterCube(w,h,l,pArrayElement);
The unmanaged C++ accepts it as an int*
MasterCube::MasterCube(int w,int h, int l, int* d)
And then passes it to the function above, converting it first to a char array to be accepted by glTexImage3D.
What I have looked up about AccessViolationException leads me to believe that the data in 'int* d' is corrupt or not usable by glTexImage3D. Can someone tell me if there is a problem with how I am converting it among array/systemArray/int*/char* ? Or is it simply in the wrong format for opengl to understand it?
And then passes it to the function above, converting it first to a char array to be accepted by glTexImage3D.
Where is the char *ptr to which the casted pointer is assigned to? Just putting a variable into a cast statement doesn't "convert" the variable.
As for your actual problem. I'm pretty sure that the value of the expression w * h * l * 4 exceeds the size of the actual array in bytes. Since you have only a naked pointer there, it's impossible to add a sanity check there.
I'm using stb_image to upload an image to the GPU. If I just upload the image with stbi_load I can confirm (nvidia Nsight) that the image is correctly stored in the GPU memory. However, some images I like to resize before I upload the to the GPU. In this case, I get a crash. This is the code:
int textureWidth;
int textureHeight;
int textureChannelCount;
stbi_uc* pixels = stbi_load(fullPath.string().c_str(), &textureWidth, &textureHeight, &textureChannelCount, STBI_rgb_alpha);
if (!pixels) {
char error[512];
sprintf_s(error, "Failed to load image %s!", pathToTexture);
throw std::runtime_error(error);
stbi_uc* resizedPixels = nullptr;
uint32_t imageSize = 0;
if (scale > 1.0001f || scale < 0.9999f) {
stbir_resize_uint8(pixels, textureWidth, textureHeight, 0, resizedPixels, textureWidth * scale, textureHeight * scale, 0, textureChannelCount);
textureWidth *= scale;
textureHeight *= scale;
imageSize = textureWidth * textureHeight * textureChannelCount;
} else {
resizedPixels = pixels;
imageSize = textureWidth * textureHeight * textureChannelCount;
// Upload the image to the gpu
When this code is run with scale set to 1.0f, it works fine. However, when I set the scale to 0.25f, the program crashes in method stbir_resize_uint8. The image I'm providing in both cases is a 1920x1080 RGBA PNG. Alpha channel is set to 1.0f across the whole image.
Which function do I have to use to resize the image?
EDIT: If I allocate the memory myself, the function no longer crashes and works fine. But I though stb handles all memory allocation internally. Was I wrong?
I see you found and solved the problem in your edit but here's some useful advice anyway:
It seems like the comments in the source (which is also the documentation) don't explicitly mention that you have to allocate memory for the resized image, but it becomes clear when you take a closer look at the function's signature:
STBIRDEF int stbir_resize_uint8( const unsigned char *input_pixels , int input_w , int input_h , int input_stride_in_bytes,
unsigned char *output_pixels, int output_w, int output_h, int output_stride_in_bytes,
int num_channels);
Think about how you yourself would return the address of a memory chunk that you allocated in a function. The easiest would be to return the pointer directly like so:
unsigned char* allocate_memory( int size )
{ return (unsigned char*) malloc(size); }
However the return seems to be reserved for error codes, so your only option would be to manipulate the pointer as a side-effect. To do that, you'd need to pass a pointer to it (pointer to pointer):
int allocate_memory( unsigned char** pointer_to_array, int size )
*pointer_to_array = (unsigned char*) malloc(size);
/* Check if allocation was successful and do other stuff... */
return 0;
If you take a closer look at the resize function's signature, you'll notice that there's no such parameter passed, so there's no way for it to return the address of internally allocated memory. (unsigned char* output_pixels instead of unsigned char** output_pixels). As a result, you have to allocate the memory for the resized image yourself.
I hope this helps you in the future.
There is a mention of memory allocation in the docs but as far as I understand, it's about allocations required to perform the resizing, which is unrelated to the output.
I have a large WxH float array:
float floatArray[W][H];
I want to access it in a fragment shader and I need to load/access it through a texture due to its size:
vec4 v4 = texture2D(tex, v_texCoord);
//Getting v4.x as floatArray[v_texCoord.x * W][v_texCoord.y * H]
I load the texture like this:
int texturenames[1];
glGenTextures(1, texturenames);
glActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0 + texturenames[0]);
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, texturenames[0]);
glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_LUMINANCE, w, h, 0, GL_LUMINANCE, GL_FLOAT, floatArray);
glUniform1i(glGetUniformLocation(program_, "tex"), texturenames[0]);
I don't get the right values. Note that the third (internalformat) and seventh (format) parameters of glTexImage2D are GL_LUMINANCE.
void glTexImage2D(GLenum target,
GLint level,
GLint internalformat,
GLsizei width,
GLsizei height,
GLint border,
GLenum format,
GLenum type,
const GLvoid * data);
How can I load and access a big float array in OpenGLES2?
Short answer - you can't. OpenGL ES 2.0 doesn't support floating point texturing.
Given you only want a single channel perhaps you could encode it in an RGBA unorm texture and recover the value algorithmically in the shader, but it sounds horribly expensive on a mobile GPU.
OpenGL ES 3.0 does support float texturing, so that might provide more luck.
In various sources I've seen recommendations for 'unbinding' buffers after use, i.e. setting it to null. I'm curious if there is really a need for this. e.g.
var buffer = gl.createBuffer();
gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, buffer);
// ... buffer related operations ...
gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, null); // unbinding
On the one hand, it's likely better for debugging as you'll probably get better error messages, but is there any significant performance loss from unbinding buffers all the time? It's generally recommended to reduce WebGL calls where possible.
The reason people often unbind buffers and other objects is to minimize the side effects of functions/methods. It's a general software development principle that functions should only perform their advertised operations, and not have any unexpected side effects. Therefore, it's a common practice that if a function binds objects, it unbinds them before returning.
Let's look at a typical example (with no particular language syntax). First, we define a function that creates a texture without any defined content:
function GLuint createEmptyTexture(int texWidth, int texHeight) {
GLuint texId;
glGenTextures(1, &texId);
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, texId);
glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA8, texWidth, texHeight, 0,
return texId;
Then, let's have another function to create a texture. But this one fills the texture with data from a buffer (which I believe is not supported in WebGL yet, but it still helps illustrates the general principle):
function GLuint createTextureFromBuffer(int texWidth, int texHeight,
GLuint bufferId) {
glBindBuffer(GL_PIXEL_UNPACK_BUFFER, bufferId);
GLuint texId;
glGenTextures(1, &texId);
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, texId);
glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA8, texWidth, texHeight, 0,
return texId;
Now, I can call these functions, and everything works as expected:
GLuint tex1 = createEmptyTexture(width, height);
GLuint tex2 = createTextureFromBuffer(width, height, bufferId);
But see what happens if I call them in the opposite order:
GLuint tex1 = createTextureFromBuffer(width, height, bufferId);
GLuint tex2 = createEmptyTexture(width, height);
This time, both textures will be filled with the buffer content, because the pixel unpack buffer was still bound after the first function returned, and therefore when the second function was called.
One way of avoiding this is to unbind the pixel unpack buffer at the end of the function that binds it. And to make sure that similar issues can not happen because the texture is still bound, it can unbind that one as well:
function GLuint createTextureFromBuffer(int texWidth, int texHeight,
GLuint bufferId) {
glBindBuffer(GL_PIXEL_UNPACK_BUFFER, bufferId);
GLuint texId;
glGenTextures(1, &texId);
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, texId);
glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA8, texWidth, texHeight, 0,
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0);
return texId;
With this implementation, both call sequences of using these two functions will produce the same result.
There are other approaches to address this. For example:
Each function documents its preconditions and side effects, and the caller is responsible to make any necessary state changes to meet the preconditions of the next function after calling a function with side effects.
Each function is completely responsible for setting up all it's state. In the example above, this would mean that the createEmptyTexture() function would have to unbind the pixel unpack buffer, because it relies on none being bound.
Approach 1 does not really scale well, and will be painful to maintain in larger systems. Approach 2 is also unsatisfactory because OpenGL has a lot of state, and having to set up all relevant state in every function would be verbose and inefficient.
This is really part of a bigger question: How do you deal with the state based nature of OpenGL in a modular software architecture? Buffer bindings are just one example of state you need to deal with. This is typically not very difficult to handle in small programs that you write by yourself, but is a possible trouble spot in larger systems. It gets worse if components from different sources (e.g. different vendors) are mixed.
I don't think there's one single approach that is ideal in all possible scenarios. The important thing is that you pick one clearly defined strategy, and use it consistently. How to handle this best in various scenarios is somewhat beyond the scope of an answer here.
While unbinding buffers should be fairly cheap, I'm not a fan of unnecessary calls. So I would try to avoid those calls, unless you really feel you need them to enforce a clear and consistent policy for the software you are writing.
I am having problems reading from an unsigned integer texture in my Fragment Shader on OSX 10.9.4 with an GeForce GT 650M.
I am using the OpenGL 3.2 core profile.
GL_VESION reports as: 4.1 NVIDIA-8.26.26 310.40.45f01
Here are the relevant parts of my setup in C++:
// ..
GLuint texID;
glGenTextures(1, &texID);
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, texID);
// data is a void* arg
glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_R32UI, 1024, 2, 0, GL_RED_INTEGER, GL_UNSIGNED_INT, data);
// programID is a GLuint arg
GLint const uniID = getUniformID(programID, "my_texture")
glUniform1i(uniID, 0);
// ..
Here are the relevant parts from my Fragment Shader code:
#version 150 core
// ..
uniform usampler2D my_texture;
// ..
void main()
ivec2 texSize = textureSize(my_texture, 0);
uint pixelVal = texelFetch(my_texture, ivec2(0, 0), 0).r;
// ..
texSize is ivec2(1,1), even though I specified a 1024x2 texture.
pixelVal is a garbage uint.
I have no gl errors (glGetError calls after every OGL API call have been removed from above).
I get the same results when using an integer texture and when using an RGBA unsigned integer texture.
When I change the texture to a float texture, things work as expected.
texSize is ivec2(1024,2)
pixelVal is the correct float value
When I run the same unsigned integer texture code from above on Windows 7 (ATI Radeon HD 5450 with extensions provided by GLEW), I get the expected results in the Fragment Shader:
texSize is ivec2(1024,2)
pixelVal is the correct uint value
Can anyone shed some light on what's going wrong with integer textures on OSX?
Perhaps there's a bug with my NVIDIA card. Searching has not revealed any reported cases...
You have a problem with this call:
glUniform1i(uniID, GL_TEXTURE0);
The value that needs to be set for a sampler uniform is the index of the texture unit, not the corresponding enum. To sample from texture unit 0, this needs to be:
glUniform1i(uniID, 0);
I've been searching through the net for a few day looking for the fastest possible way to take a OpenCV webcam capture and display it on an OpenGL context. So far this seems to work OK until I need to zoom.
void Camera::DrawIplImage1(IplImage *image, int x, int y, GLfloat xZoom, GLfloat yZoom)
GLenum format;
switch(image->nChannels) {
case 1:
format = GL_LUMINANCE;
case 2:
case 3:
format = GL_BGR;
yZoom =- yZoom;
glRasterPos2i(x, y);
glPixelZoom(xZoom, yZoom); //Slow when not (1.0f, 1.0f);
glDrawPixels(image->width, image->height, format, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, image->imageData);
I've heard that maybe taking the FBO approach would be even faster. Any ideas out there on the fastest possible way to get an OpenCV webcam capture to an OpenGL context. I will test everything I see and post results.
Are you sure your openGL implementation needs ^2 textures? Even very poor PC implementations (yes Intel) can manage arbitrary sizes now.
Then the quickest is probably to use a openGL Pixel buffer
Sorry the code is from Qt, so the function names are slightly different but the sequence is the same
Allocate the opengl Texture
glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, glFormat, width, height, 0, glFormatExt, glType, NULL );
Now get a pointer to the texture to use the memeory
unsigned char *dest = (unsigned char*)glbuffer.map(QGLBuffer::ReadWrite);
// creates an openCV image but the pixel data is stored in an opengl buffer
cv::Mat opencvImage(rows,cols,CV_TYPE,dest);
.... do stuff ....
glbuffer.unmap(); // pointer is no longer valid - so neither is openCV image
Then to draw it - this should be essentially instant because the data was copied to the GPU in the mapped calls above
glTexSubImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 0,0, width, height, glFormatExt, glType, 0);
By using different types for glFormat and glFormatExt you can have the graphics card automatically convert between opencVs BGR and typical RGBA display formats for you in hardware.