prototypeJS, change the row color Im 'using' - prototypejs

I'm using prototypeJS and I want to highlight the row of the record I've clicking on...
However, the issue is when I click on a second row, I want the first row to return to its original state - not I get multipls rows highlighted, but I only want the LAST ONE I CLICKED to be highlighted
HTML has a row id - so I know which row Im using.
<tr id="tblRowThing10434" bgcolor="#DDD">
<td nowrap="">bbb</td>
<td nowrap=""><input class="btnSubmit"
onmousedown="getAvailableResources( 10434, 'test', 'work' );"
name="pickThing" ></td>
<tr id="tblRowThing33434" bgcolor="#FFF">
<td nowrap="">bbb</td>
<td nowrap=""><input class="btnSubmit"
onmousedown="getAvailableResources( 33434, 'test', 'work' );"
name="pickThing" ></td>
SCRIPT looks like this
function getAvailableResources( a, b, c ) {
elem = 'tblRowLoad' + a;
$( elem ).setStyle({ backgroundColor: '#fff' });
//other 'work'

You can address all of the <tr>'s siblings and change all the styles and then change the current row background
So change your javascript function from this
function getAvailableResources( a, b, c ) {
elem = 'tblRowLoad' + a;
$( elem ).setStyle({ backgroundColor: '#fff' });
//other 'work'
to this
function getAvailableResources( a, b, c ) {
elem = 'tblRowLoad' + a;
$(elem).siblings().invoke('setStyle',{ backgroundColor: '' });
//reset background color by setting to an empty string ''
$( elem ).setStyle({ backgroundColor: '#fff' });
//other 'work'

I recommend the usage of a simple css:
.activeRow { background-color:#fff; }
/** in case you are using dirty inline css, add !important here but be ashamed pls */
Comebind with some handy features in your javascript:
function getAvailableResources( a, b, c ) {
elem = $('tblRowLoad' + a);
/** clear all rows */
elem.siblings().invoke('removeClassName', 'activeRow');
/** highlight current row */
//other 'work'
If this doesn't work - (for example, because you didn't use a class for your background color and can't change this (which you should!)) - add !important after the color code (#fff) to the class .activeRow.


How to properly reverse sort a BackboneJs collection?

I have a table where several items are displayed.
<th scope="col">Priority <a id="sort"><i class="fas fa-chevron-down"></i></a> <a id="sort2">
<i class="fas fa-chevron-up"></i></a></th>
The priorities holds an integer value, 1, 2 and 3 respectively.
I'm trying to sort the items on button click. I managed to sort once by using collection.sort() in my view and it sorts perfectly. How can i reverse sort by clicking sort2 button? Any help regarding this is appreciated. Thank you.
app.views.ShareView = Backbone.View.extend({
el: ".page",
initialize: function () {},
"click #sort" : "sort",
"click #sort2" : "sort2"
sort: function (e){
this.collection.comparator = 'priority_id';
sort2: function (e){
//reverse sort
render: function () {
template = _.template($('#share-template').html());
You need to use the sort comparator function instead of the comparator property. This allows you to specify a comparator function instead of just the property. For example;
this.collection.comparator = function(firstModel, secondModel) {
if(firstModel.priority_id > secondModel.priority_id) { // change to < in order reverse the order
return -1;
else if(firstModel.priority_id === secondModel.priority_id) {
return 0;
else {
return 1;
In BackboneJS, it is often possible to use a function in place of a value if you require additional functionality.

computed properties returns undefined

this is code to display students table, i try to use commputed property for students full name but it displays UNDEFINED in the fullname column
<tr v-for="student in students" :key="">
<td>{{ }}</td>
<td><a href="#" class="nav-link">{{ student.index_no | uppercase }}
<td>{{fullname | capitalize}}</td>
<td>{{fullname | capitalize}}</td>
<td>{{student.department | capitalize}}</td>
<td>{{ student.course | capitalize}}</td>
<td>{{ student.regular_or_weekend | capitalize }}</td>
<td>{{ student.nationality | capitalize}}</td>
<td>{{ student.created_at |datetime }}</td>
this is the vuejs code, all the methods works fine with the exception of computed property which displays UNDEFINED. i have excluded the methods
import { Form, HasError, AlertError } from 'vform'
export default {
data () {
return {
editmode : true, // for edit conditional
students: {}, //student object
// Create a new form instance
form: new Form({
id: '',
firstname: '',
middlename: '',
lastname: '',
department: '',
} //end of data()
return this.firstname+" "+this.middlename+" "+this.lastname;
It appears you have an array of students which means you cannot use a computed property in this way as this implies there is only a single fullname property when in fact there are multiple (one for each student)
You have a couple possible options here. (code untested)
Option 1
Make a new component called Student, and pass the student object from your v-for into it as a prop like so
<tr v-for="student in students" :key="">
<Student :student="student"/>
the Student component would contain all the HTML to render a single student from the list and you could make your computed property similar to how you did originally now that the Student component is only rendering a single Student. This is probably the "best practice" way to do it.
return this.student.firstname+" "+this.student.middlename+" "+this.student.lastname;
Option 2
You can use a computed property to simply add a new property to your students array
studentsWithFullname: function(){
return this.students.forEach(element => {
element.fullname = element.firstname + " " + element.middlename + " " + element.lastname
then iterate over the "studentsWithFullname" array instead of the students array (or whatever you want to call it) and output fullname
Option 3
Don't bother with any of this and just use student.firstname + " " + student.middlename + " " + student.lastname directly in your template as you have done already
Use a method instead of a computed property, passing in the student.
<tr v-for="student in students" :key="">
<td>{{getFullName(student) | capitalize}}</td>
methods: {
getFullName (student) {
return student.firstname + ' ' + student.middlename + ' ' + student.lastname;

getting error 404 while passing an array through ajax to the controller

i have a loop like this in my view that generates the list of student`s names
<Table id="your_table">
#foreach (string item in Model)
<td id="td_name" style="border-left: thin">#item</td>
<td><input type="text" id="txtGrade_#item" onclick="" style="width: 40px;border-left: thin" /></td>
<td><input type="checkbox" id="chkStudent_#item" value="#item" /></td>
i use the script below to get the text for the first cell of each row :
.click(function() {
//get studentslist
function getFirstCellTextList(tableElement) {
if (tableElement instanceof jQuery) {
// Create an array
var textList = [];
// Iterate over each table row
tableElement.find('tbody tr').each(function () {
// Get the first cells's text and push it inside the array
var row = $(this);
if (row.children('td').length > 0) {
return textList;
return null;
// Get the array
var lststudents = getFirstCellTextList($('#your_table'));
var result = [];
$(lststudents).each(function(index, item) {
$.ajax('/TeacherPages/GetGrades/' + result).done(function () {
the problem is. when i want to send the created array to the controller i get error 404. there is something wrong with this array. because when i manually add values to the array the ajax works without any problems
this is my action:
public PartialViewResult GetGrades(string[] result)
return PartialView();
You cannot just append a javascript array to your url. It just converts the values in the array to a comma separated string whereas you need to generate a url which is
Change your script to
url: '#Url.Action("GetGrades", "TeacherPages")', // don't hardcode your url's
type: 'POST',
traditional: true,
data: { result: result },
success: function (response) {
As a side note, your getFirstCellTextList() function is returning the array you want and its pointless to create another identical array from it. You just need
var result = getFirstCellTextList($('#your_table'));

How to calculate a total in a grid with breeze.js extended entities?

I am working on an MVC web application using the MVVM pattern, breeze.js and knockout.js. This is the first time I use these js libraries and I still have to grasp how they work.
One of the pages of the application has a grid where both columns and rows are generated dynamically. I need to add an additional column where for each row I have the total of values displayed in the following row cells. Here an example:
Data type | Comment | Fact 1 | Fact 2 | Total | Value 1 | Value 2 | Value 3 | Value 4
Item 1 | any comment | fact 1 | fact 2 | calc. sum | 10 | 20 | 30 | 40
The grid is generated by binding a breeze entity object (planningItems) to templates. The object has the properties DataTypeId, Comment, Member, Total, FactValues. Total is the calculated sum.
<script type="text/html" id="list-planning-template">
<tr data-bind="mouseOverButton: $data">
<td style="text-align: center">
<button class="actionbutton actionbutton-item" data-bind="selectItem: $root.selectedItems, itemId: FactId"></button>
<td data-bind="text: DataTypeId" />
<td data-bind="text: Comment().Text" />
<!-- ko foreach: FactMembers -->
<td data-bind="text: Member().Code"></td>
<!-- /ko -->
<td data-bind="text: Total" />
<!-- ko foreach: FactValues -->
<td style="width: 50px" data-bind="text: Value"></td>
<!-- /ko -->
I have been trying to add the Total property by extending the breeze entity object in the following way:
var FactCtor = function () {
this.Total = ko.computed({
read: function () {
var sum = 0;
if (this.FactValues) {
this.FactValues().forEach(function (fv) {
sum += fv.Value();
return sum;
deferEvaluation: true
}, this);
manager.metadataStore.registerEntityTypeCtor("Fact", FactCtor);
Essentially, what this code is supposed to do is to extend the entity by adding a knockout computed observable named Total with deferred evaluation. The function iterates through the breeze observable array FactValues and adds the values. I have been mucking about different versions of this code to no avail. Can anyone give me a hint on what is wrong with this code?
We were not able to get the code posted in my previous post to work. We were eventually able to overcome the problem by using a custom binding with breeze. Here is the code:
ko.bindingHandlers.getFyTotal = {
update: function (element, valueAccessor) {
var sum = 0;
var fact = valueAccessor();
if (fact.FactValues()) {
fact.FactValues().forEach(function (fv) {
sum += parseFloat(fv.Value());
The custom binding is then referenced in the HTML code the following way:
<td data-bind="getFyTotal: $data" />
Hope this may help others.
We have updated the above code to take advantage of ko.utils functions:
ko.bindingHandlers.getFyTotal = {
update: function (element, valueAccessor) {
var sum = 0;
var fact = valueAccessor();
if (fact.FactValues()) {
ko.utils.arrayForEach(fact.FactValues(), function (fv) {
sum += parseFloat(fv.Value());
I modeled your code outside of Breeze and it's working:
I made a small tweak of adding a reference to FactValues (observableArray) on your constructor to overcome what - I believe - is the looping/this issue in JavaScript.
However, I haven't tried this in Breeze and wanted to do something similar. I was unable to get a similar function working and ultimately, created the totals during the 'then' processing of my executeQuery:
...manager.executeQuery(....).then(function(data) {
.map(function(fv){ return fv.Value(); })
.reduce(function (total,curr) { return total+curr; });
I will try to get back to working on my version of this today and, if I find a better solution, I'll report back.

if else statement in Razor is not functioning

I am using an if else in Razor view to check for null value like this:
#foreach (var item in Model)
<tr id="#(item.ShopListID)">
<td class="shoptablename">#Html.DisplayFor(modelItem => item.Name)
<td class="shoptableamount">
#if (item.Amount == null)
String.Format("{0:0.##}", item.Amount);
However, no matter my model amount is null or having a value, the html rendered do not contain any value in the amount.
I wonder why this is happening. Any idea?
Decided to did it in controller:
// Function to return shop list food item amount
public string GetItemAmount(int fid)
string output = "";
// Select the item based on shoplistfoodid
var shopListFood = dbEntities.SHOPLISTFOODs.Single(s => s.ShopListFoodID == fid);
if (shopListFood.Amount == null)
output = "--";
output = String.Format("{0:0.##}", shopListFood.Amount);
return output;
and call at View like:
<td class="shoptableamount">
#Html.Action("GetItemAmount", "Shop", new { fid = item.ShopListFoodID })
You have to use the #()
#if (item.Amount == null)
#String.Format("{0:0.##}", item.Amount)
As noted in the comments and other answers, the Html.Display is not for displaying strings, but for displaying data from the ViewData Dictionary or from a Model. Read
I think you want to display "-----" if amount is null.
#foreach (var item in Model)
<tr id="#(item.ShopListID)">
<td class="shoptablename">#Html.DisplayFor(modelItem => item.Name)
<td class="shoptableamount">
#if (item.Amount == null)
String.Format("{0:0.##}", item.Amount);
That's because you are using the Display() method incorrectly. The overload you are using is Display(HtmlHelper, String). If you are looking for "--" to be the text, you should use something like:
There are actually two other ways to display text from a code block in razor besides the suggested #(""), using a <text> tag and it's shorthand #:
The code above will display -- three times.
