Trigger multiple emails from breezing forms - joomla

Im using breezing forms1.7.5 on Jomla 3
I want to trigger two different emails to two different email ids on form submit
Need Help

There is a field called "Mail recipient" in form Propertions, you just can put there multiple mails, example: ; ;
Yes, you need to separate, them with spaces before AND after semicolons.


Confirmation of the creation of a record via email in apex Oracle

I have this situation: I have a filling form, there I enter the details of sealing the object, I want to add an interesting function to the form, I want to send an e-mail in order to support the sealing permissions.
For example, I want to seal the doors, in the form I enter the email and press the send button, I receive a normer, which I must enter in the next field in the form, if the number is correct, I see the "create" button, if not, then the "Create" button does not visible
Has anyone already encountered this?
To show (or not) certain items or buttons you can use
dynamic actions (Show)
In your case, dynamic action might be a better choice.
The part which is related to "if the number is correct" is handled by validation.
If you want to send an email, simplest way is to use APEX_MAIL.
For some other options, have a look here:
If you want to send an SMS, there is no built-in support for this. You would need to send requests via an SMS gateway. By way of example, an API for integrating with one gateway (ClickSend) which might help you is:

How to add php script to forward a copy of a form

Currently using Joomlashine JSN Uniforms on a beta site. I need to send a duplicate submission to another email address. However, JSN Uniforms canot do this ATM, but there is Script section in form admin panel which includes
Custom Scripts (PHP) called on form processing
The $html string contains the HTML code of the form. You can modify it by adding a PHP script below. Remember to not include the tags.
On form Process
The $post variable contains $_POST data of the form. You can modify it by adding a PHP script below, before it is added to the database. Remember to not include the tags.
After form has been processed
The $post variable contains $_POST data of the form. You can modify it by adding a PHP script below, after form been processed successfully. Remember to not include the tags.
Form Setup
department (pulldown) 1. Sales & Service 2. Training & Standards
Department: Sales & Service has 2 email addresses (at the moment Uniforms can only assign 1 email address
is there a script I can use to have the submitted form send to the Department and have the form sent to
problem resolved by not messing around with Joomla but adjusting the email service to forward/alias to one address and simply setup Outlook client for each use for the primary email address

Send e-mail from an action

We are using Dynamics CRM 2016 on-premise.
I want to create an action which sends e-mails among other things.
The action has two input parameters of type "string".
I am able to use the parameters when I create an entity or in conditions in branches.
However, I am not able to use these parameters when I choose the "Send e-mail" task or if I try to create a new entity record of type e-mail.
The expression designer shows "Search for: Arguments" but the list of arguments is empty.
Any ideas why that is the case?
Edit: Image one shows the action with 2 string argumengs. Image 2 shows that I can use the argument as topic of a letter. Image 3 shows that the argument list is empty when I try to do the same for an e-mail.
I recreated the action, changed the computer, used a different user account.

Uipath email activity for multiple email

Is it possible to have an array of email addresses (string) to pass into the send email activity on uipath? I can't see a way on the activity, except using the cc but I have 10 email addresses for he same email
You can have multiple to addresses separated by the ; character.
The easiest way to do this is to use string.Join method and construct a string from the array.
Create Variable ccMail like this
string ccMail="firstMail;secondMail;thirdMail;"
then pass this variable to CC in mail Activity
for Reference:

Is it possible to use nested merge tags in Mandrill?

Is it possible to use nested merge tags?
What we need is to be able to define the UNSUB tag depending on the values from other merge tags, like on this example:
Is this correct?
Should be done in a different way?
It's not currently possible to nest merge tags. In this case, your best bet would be to add your own List-Unsubscribe headers (using the headers parameter in the API) and pass either your own URL, or a URL constructed with your merge tags but not the UNSUB merge tag.
From the API:
What happens when the [unsubscribe] link is clicked?
If a recipient clicks the generated link, the message status is changed to Unsubscribed and > the recipient's address is added to the Rejection Blacklist in your
Mandrill account. The redirect URL will be appended to include two
querystring parameters that can be used for processing the unsubscribe
in your own system or database:
md_id - the _id, as provided in the API call and webhooks of the
specific message where the unsubscribe link was clicked
md_email - a URL-encoded version of the recipient's email address
So you don't have to worry about generating an unsubscribe url for every user. Just put a generic url and mandrill automatically will append to you the email of that user in the md_email variable.
The documentation suggest that you do this then:
Click here to unsubscribe.
And mandrill will append the correct user email and id:
Since mandrill doesn't support nested merge tags, here is the solution for the case like yours if you dont mind after user click unsub, it did't go to mandrill's black list, since the unsubsription are all handled by your app.
Manually compose your unsubscribe link
At the end of your link, append the mandrill recipient email*|EMAIL|* e.g.
Put the link to your mandrill template
Unsubscribe Me
reference: mandrill doc
