Issue in phpmyadmin - xampp

I have some issues on my phpmyadmin. If I search for any id it will showing the value in its view :
But when I select inline edit option they are not showing. Also if I fetch it through query I am not getting the values.
If I sort the result by clicking on column title its not working on first click. I have to click many times for this. This error suddenly occured today.
Should I change the xampp or this is due to cache problem or like that????

I think that it's a weird problem too. Try to restore default configuration, but start with the cache. If not, re install xampp.
Good luck.


Oracle APEX ORA-01722 when creating Interactive Report

I keep getting an ORA-01722 whenever I try to save the page. This happens when I try to:
Create a region as an Interactive Report: Tried 3 different tables, from the autmatic creation to typing the sql myself; With 1 or all columns; even doing a select 1 colX from dual;
Change any classic report to interactive report and click save.
If I create the interactive report from the template wizard, change to classic and try to move back, same issue.
I've already tried only varchar columns, disables all features from the IR, gave it static id and basically turned everything off and on again :/
I've also prayed, cried and now I"m going for a walk to see if anything changes..
I'm hoping I can get help from you guys because I'm running out of options here.
I had a very similar issue but with Chrome. It worked for me to change to Firefox. It did however not help to dissable all chrome extensions.
Thanky you Paulo for posting solution.
As of jun/20 the issue is on chromium. I had to use firefox and noticed it wasn't happening, tried on chrome and opera and it was also ok.

Magento 2.3.5p1 Blank Tab Issue in Configuration Screens

I have a fresh install of Magento 2.3.5p1 running. Passed all requirements for set up, running PHP73 , MySQL 56 and so on and everything looks fine until you go to Stores > Configuration.
Under the General > General Tab, I have a blank area and the same for Sales > Shipping Settings, Sales > Shipping Methods, Sales > Payment Methods, Sales Tax
This is what the screen looks like for reference
I have tried compile, static:content deploy, reindexing, cache flushing and everything else I can think of.
I also have version 2.3.3 running on exactly the same site (using different directories and database of coure) and it runs perfectly, but from v2.3.4 I've had this issue with tabs being blank, and can't figure it out.
So I managed to solve the issue myself in the end.
The most frustrating thing about this was that it wasn't throwing any errors anywhere, until I tried to visit the products page which generated and error report containing the error;
Warning: Magento\Framework\Locale\TranslatedLists::getCountryTranslation(): Cannot load resource element 'XK'
So, to fix the issue (probably not a great fix for everyone but certainly ok for scenario), was to go to the directory_country table in the database and delete the 'XK' row, now everything has returned and works perfectly. Hope this helps someone else suffering with the same issue.

Joomla error "MODULO BY ZERO"

This error showed up as plain text on white background after logging in to the Maintenance Login window on the public front end of our Joomla 3.5.1 site. We are using a template from TemplateMonster called "theme3289" (default version), aka "Truckie".
For no apparent reason, we found we could not log in to the Maintenance Login window on the public front end. We got the error:
"Modulo by zero" on a plain white background.
No part of the front public end of the site could be navigated to, even by pasting in a link. However, we could navigate fine to the backend ([]/administrator)
Not sure exactly what caused this, but we did have the internet connection go down in the middle of saving an article. After re-gaining connection, the new article was missing. We had also made some simple content changes (not configuration or settings changes) in the articles inside the TM Parallax module.
Looking for help on this "Modulo by zero" error.
RESTORED DATABASE BACKUP = Solved the problem. I am pretty sure it was some kind of database error or corruption. We tried clearing the cache (Joomla System Menu) and a number of other things. Nothing worked.
We had two staff working on the site at the time of the error, one a newbie, one an advanced beginner. Interviewing them with "what were you doing at the time" didn't seem to lend any clues. Unless perhaps the TM Parallax module may have a bug (???) - or a corruption somehow when internet went down while saving an article.
SOLUTION: We restored a recent backup copy of the database made only 2 hours prior to the ERROR. This solved our problem.
This worked for us.
I faced this issue today, and I found out the cause. Its simple actually,as the issue says your code somewhere is attempting to do division or modulo by 0. Maybe you had added a new field with value 0 in your db after taking backup and the data there was causing it. This may not be helpful for you now but I'm leaving this here to make it easy if someone has a similar issue and ends up here.
I think the problem was caused by a change in the template. For example, some templates do not allow specific values to be zero, and will crash when this happens.
A good idea to discover the root cause of the problem is to compare the templates settings of the backup to the template settings of the problematic site. If everything is exactly the same, then you should compare the modules, and finally the menu items. It is not a fun job to do, but will help you isolate the problem in case it happens again.
For your reference. Just had this issue and the above information did not help. Finally found the solution:
In Article > global Options > Blog/Featured layout I had the columns set to 0

magento dropdown on frontend can't be selected

I suddenly realised that my Magento select boxes on the frontend can't be selected. When I click on the specific option it freezes like there's something preventing the default action of selecting the option and the options remain expanded. I have no ideas what to do. Tried to inspect it with Firebug and see if there are any errors but it shows none. very very nasty issue and can't find any answer googling about it - magento 1.9.1 is my version.
THe problem was only in Firefox and not in other browsers so hopefully it will be resolved in next version.

Magento product not saving

I have come across very different kind of problem. Suddenly in Magento products uploaded not updating anymore.
In detail, when we open products to update and click save button, nothing happens. It started happening suddenly, everything was working fine before.
Please help, its a big problem. I dont know what to do and which files to check.
May be you missed some mandatory field to fill. Check every tab if you have any error asking to fill the fields.
Or, there will be some javascript errors. Check if any JS errors are there, and post it here.
I found where it was gone wrong.
in js/prototype/validation.js
This file used by admin product option validation, which I have changed and didn't realize to check for admin validations.
Small change like this solved the problem.
// put your code for front-end validation
Thanks to all.
I came here after having the same problem. "Save" suddenly stopped working on the product page. The only thing I had done was update prototype.js from 1.7 to 1.7.1 to support fade() in IE10 b/c I have a custom fade on thumbnails.
Well prototype.js 1.7.1 responds with TypeError: value.gsub is not a function when you click save.
Had to revert back because I dont know how to fix it.
if magento is configured to work with elasticsearch and elasticsearch is unreachable it also results in this error
