Login as ec2-user won't go away - amazon-ec2

I have an Amazon EC2 instance based off of a RHEL 6.4 64bit AMI. After setting up this server with programs, etc; I created my own AMI Image off of it. All good, until I tried creating a new instance off of my AMI. When I try to login as root, it asks me to login in as ec2-user. My modified instance from which the AMI was built was already corrected for this and so I don't see how it can come back.
Your help, as always is appreciated!


Installing Software on an AWS EC2 Windows 2019 Instance

Do EC2 instances automatically save changes made inside a running instance?
For example, after creating an EC2 Windows 2019 instance, I login as Administrator using RDP and install some software. If the EC2 instance is terminated or rebooted, will the software still be installed when I restart the EC2 instance?
In layman terms, you should consider your EC2 instance as a new virtual machine running on cloud. Terminate is used to delete an EC2 instance. AWS docs say:
An instance reboot is equivalent to an operating system reboot. In most cases, it takes only a few minutes to reboot your instance. When you reboot an instance, it keeps its public DNS name (IPv4), private IPv4 address, IPv6 address (if applicable), and any data on its instance store volumes.
If you terminate the instance its lost but if you restart the instance all the installed softwares will be there but if you want to create another instance with the same packages installed then you can create AMI out of instance and next time use that AMI to create new instance and all softwares will be preinstalled in the new win instance

AWS Windows Instance for Service Catalog (YAML Config)

Can anyone point me in the right direction for how to update an EFS OnDemand EC2 instance (YAML) to a Windows EC2 instance?
I.e. how to get the user's credentials to login to a launched Windows instance (Remote Desktop)?
Also, has anyone found a way to copy paste from the local machine to the Golden AMI instance?
You go to the EC2 console and click the checkmark for the EC2 instance. Then there's a menu option to show you the password. For copy paste... you should just be able to ctrl+c, ctrl+v just like anywhere else. "Golden AMI" isn't a real thing, it's just a phrase people use to mean "we made this AMI and it's got our special sauce" (could be configs, security scanners, whatever...).
I don't really understand the other question you're asking.

How to change windows hostname while launching in amazon cloudformation template

I want to mention the host name of the instance in the Cloud Formation Template while launching the teplate for a windows instance. How can I do that?
The user data field is not getting executed since it was not enabled. Need to enable user-data in ec2-config in windows machine and stop the machine and then take the AMI. By using new AMI this would work.

AWS EC2 Instance OS repair

I have Apache server running on Centos5.4 Ec2 instance. Unfortunately while removing Bash from Centos, it also removed basic shared libraries.
Now afterward I can't SSH to that EC2 instance but Apache server is still running (I can access my site through URL).
Any idea how can I get the SSH access back? or can repair Centos Ec2 instance?
You can always contact the AWS support directly. They are very accommodating. send a message to them and they will recover your access, if it is doable from their end.
You may call, or you may send a message from your AWS account.

EC2 instance stopped working after creating an Image

I'm totally new to AWS.
I managed to have an instance that runs PHPMyAdmin.
then I created an image (EBS AMI) for this instant and could not connect any more to my
phpmyadmin interface.
I know it's really stupid, but I don't know why it happens.
Make sure all needed services (e.g. ssh, Apache / nginx, MySQL) on your server get started when booting. If you create an AMI of your system AWS will shut down your server for the time the image creation takes place.
So ssh into your instance, take a look at the running processes and start the ones which you miss.
If you are taking an image from the AWS console, all services will be stopped and server will be restarted for the image to be created. However, you need to restart all the services ex: mysql, apache etc.
