Duplicated /blog link at pagination section - octopress

I new to octopress and I passed thought an issue with main page links.
All links was duplicated like /blog/blog and I fixed this at source files.
Now, everything is fine but "Blog Archives" link (/blog/blog/archives) at div with class "pagination", at index.html, close to footer section.
I looked into source files and it appears fine but if I run "rake generate", after change the wrong url at index.html, it backs to /blog/blog/archives.
Which file I need to change to fix that issue?
The header "Blog Archives" is fine.

I solved changing permalink: /blog/:year/:month/:day/:title/ for permalink: /:year/:month/:day/:title/ in _config.yml, like hsigrist said in the comment.


Jekyll Collection of _posts Not Rendering on _site

can someone help me?
I have a Jekyll site on netlify ( that is working great.
I followed this tutorial to create a Jekyll admin path with CMS ( to administrate the posts I want to write.
Basically, I created a new admin folder with two files, index.html and config.yml. My new file config.yml is like so...
It is working properly, I can create and update the posts on the _posts folder as expected.
Wherever, I'm trying to create a blog on a subpath of that site, like for loop through the posts on _posts on such path, but I doing something wrong and can't figure out what is it.
The last thing I tried was to create a collection for the posts on the main file _config.yml like so...
I tried two permalinks, add/remove the folder and add layout, but I think I'm forgetting something.
To help you guys understand the whole project, my index.html has
layout: default
and the layout default is on the folder _layouts and contains many imports that are on the folder _includes.
Finally, I tied to loop through the collection of _posts on index.html adding code like bellow on the file posts_list.html that was imported as you can see above...
<h1>Latest Posts</h1>
{% for p in site.posts %}
{{ p.title }}
<!-- {{ p.excerpt }} -->
{% endfor %}
and also creating a new html file called posts.html on the same folder of index.html with the same code above, but in both cases the posts are not rendering.
Finally, this is my whole project...
If you want more info about what I'm doing, just ask,
Thanks for helping me...
My posts are .md files, here is an example...
As you can see I also created some extra layouts, one for compiling all posts blog and another for show the post itself post.
Change the extension to .md (on your posts and index file) and add frontmatter, referencing your template. Your posts.md and index.md files should look like this:
layout: default
Check for errors... if there are none it should output just fine.
Thank you for sharing your code at https://github.com/nielsenrechia/nr.github.io.
I see that you created random comments in your config file. They mess things up. Clean up your config file and use the right indents and new lines. Check out the Jekyll documentation at https://jekyllrb.com/ for help. Further you seem to reference your posts by calling site._posts. That should be site.posts. Finally, you do not need to specify the posts collection in the config file. It is assumed that it exists and uses the _posts folder.
Here is an image of the working posts section:

Joomla 2.5 url shows two url with index.php and without

my url is http://www.clippingpathoutsource.com and it works fine but when I click to the logo of the page then the url shows http://www.clippingpathoutsource.com/index.php
Could anyone please help me?
it is difficult to identify the problem without looking at the code in the template file...
check the following:
1) In Template check index.php for below block of code
<div class="logoArea">
<a href="/index.php">
2) Instead of "/index.php" in the href attribute of the a tag put your domain name.

How to link to a page with page.url without the html extension in Jekyll?

I'm building a website in Jekyll. To remove html extension in posts I added the following to _config.yml
permalink: /kb/:title
To remove html extension from pages, I created folders for each page, and placed an index.html file in each page folder.
Now the posts and pages work without html extension, but when I link to a page with page.url it returns the whole link (/kb/index.html) instead of just /kb.
What variable can I use to link to a page without html extension?
The value returned by {{ page.url }} reflects what the permalink for the page is.
To get the urls to not include the "index.html" part you will need to add a permalink setting to the front matter for each of these pages. This actually removes the need of having all the files named "index.html" and in separate folders.
So your front matter would contain something like:
permalink: /scratchpad/level/relative/
Note the trailing slash, if you omit this then Jekyll would create a file called "relative" instead of a directory containing an index.html file.

Hide directory in source code

Actually my question is How is folder path hidden ? Firstly I am using Joomla.
I found a website 4 months ago, so i don't remember name of the website which is Joomla site. They hide their folder path.
Between to head> sth. head(tags). If you look at source code, you can see this part. And then this part include template name.
For example:
<link type="text/css" href="http://www.site.com/templates/template_name/css/style.css" rel="stylesheet"></link>
So we can learn to what the name of the template. But they hide this part. When i looked this part(http://www.site.com/templates/template_name/css), i can see only /style.css.
Do you have any idea?
You need two things to accomplish that.
A (system) plugin, that changes every template related URL to the 'official' format, eg.
$url = str_replace('/templates/template_name/css/', '/style/', $url;
An .htaccess redirect reverting the change.
RewriteRule ^style/(.*)$ templates/template_name/css/$1 [R=301,L]
If you want obscure template names, and a few modules and plugins from HTML source, the easy way is use a CSS and JS compressor like jbetolo or RokBooster.
But keep in mind that you will make a bit more hader to find your template name, but still possible via other ways. Like some images if they are not compressed in HTML.

Configuring Jekyll for github PROJECT pages

I am at my wits end here. I've been trying to look at all other example github project pages I could find and even the blogs but none exhibit the problems I am getting. First, I am trying to create a project page for my repo. I did this by following the usual tutorials, creating a gh-pages branch in my project repo and pushing.
I managed to do these and template my files. I even managed to use HAML and SASS(they still both get converted to html/css and that's what I push to the repo so no problem there). I just think that I am configuring my jekyll wrong. First, I don't see any configurations in other people's pages that use baseurl or url on config.yml.
The problem with mine is when looping through my posts:
{% for post in site.posts %}
{{ post.title }}
{% endfor %}
It always generates the href as href="/post-title"
my _config.yml btw only has this:
permalink: /exercises/:title
The problem with this when I click the link, it always points to http://corroded.github.com/exercises/title-here when it should actually be http://corroded.github.com/projectname/exercises/title-here
I have actually tried hard coding the path by doing:
<a href="http://corroded.github.com{{ post.url }}"> and this works. It goes to the post BUT it shows it as plain text and not as the generated html. I know I am missing something very simple here but I can't seem to find it and I've been wrestling with this the whole weekend.
Oh and I forgot to add: doing this in my localhost, I can access everything at:
http://localhost:4000/ and clicking on links will get me to http://localhost:4000/exercises/title-here and IT WORKS. So I have a pretty good guess that it has something to do with the configuration.
EDIT: This answer has been added to the Jekyll documentation at http://jekyllrb.com/docs/github-pages/.
I finally figured out the trick, if you're looking for a solution with the standard URL for GitHub Pages (username.github.io/project-name/). Here's what to do:
In _config.yml, set the baseurl option to /project-name -- note the leading slash and the absence of a trailing slash.
Now you'll need to change the way you do links in your templates and posts, in the following two ways:
When referencing JS or CSS files, do it like this: {{ site.baseurl }}/path/to/css.css -- note the slash immediately following the variable (just before "path").
When doing permalinks or internal links, do it like this: {{ site.baseurl }}{{ post.url }} -- note that there is no slash between the two variables.
Finally, if you'd like to preview your site before committing/deploying using jekyll serve, be sure to pass an empty string to the --baseurl option, so that you can view everything at localhost:4000 normally (without /project-name getting in there to muck everything up): jekyll serve --baseurl ''
This way you can preview your site locally from the site root on localhost, but when GitHub generates your pages from the gh-pages branch all the URLs will start with /project-name and resolve properly.
More conversation about this problem on issue #332.
When you have a slash at the front of your permalink, it means that all URLs should be relative to the site root. This is the reason that it's going to http://corroded.github.com/exercises/title-here instead of http://corroded.github.com/projectname/exercises/title-here. Try it without the first slash:
permalink: exercises/:title
The same thing goes for any URLs you create with HTML. If you have:
<a href="/about">
it will always go to the root of the domain (e.g. http://corroded.github.com/about). If you're project is called 'projectname', you can use HTML like
<a href="/projectname/about">
to link directly to pages (e.g. http://corroded.github.com/projectname/about).
Of course, you can also use relative URLs (i.e. URLs without a leading slash) as well. You just have to be aware of where you are in the directory tree.
