Missing formulas in broken homebrew - macos

After doing a Ctrol+C on a 'brew update' command, can't see all available formulas (searching with brew search command, E.g any php package)
I've tried with brew doctor and cleanup commands without any luck.
How can I fix this without uninstalling brew and all its programs?

I'm wondering about this as well. I switched to an older version of scala, now the formula is missing and I can't install the latest version. I'm going to uninstall and reinstall homebrew for a quickfix for now.


How to manually install zenity in homebrew?

Zenity is required for some apps like winetrick-gtk and its not installed automatically when you install winetricks. The problem is brew install zenity does not work, as such a package does not exist. The question is how can I install it manually in Homebrew?
I have installed zenity using Macports. However, every time I use Homebrew I get a warning complaining that Macports is installed. So if I can install it using Homebrew I will be able to get rid of Macports as I don't use it at all.
For anyone arriving now, the x11 tap has been merged upstream, so you can simply brew install zenity and everything should work.
The homebrew-x11 tap provides a formula for zenity, so just brew install homebrew/x11/zenity.
If anyone wants a (largely compatible) "port" that doesn't require X:
brew install ncruces/tap/zenity
Source code: https://github.com/ncruces/zenity

How can I install GNU Octave on Mac with Fink ?

I tried to install GNU Octave on my Mac using Fink by this instruction
I think I have followed all the instructions but I can't run Octave.
How can I check if it is installed correctly?
I tried typing 'octave' in the terminal but it says 'command not found'
Or, is there any easy instruction for Octave installation?
I've found many install guides but they are all different and assumes some knowledge.
Incidentally, I have installed Octave GNU today twice on two different machines (both running Lion).
I needed the latest version of Octave (3.6.4), and used Homebrew.
I already had XCode installed, so the rest:
Install Homebrew
Based on the instructions in this page, I ran:
ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.github.com/mxcl/homebrew/go)"
Install Octave
Following this guide, I ran:
brew tap homebrew/science
brew update && brew upgrade
brew install gfortran
brew install octave
Install AquaTerm
Notice that you need this before you install gnuplot (or gnuplot won't see aqua as a valid terminal and you may get 'unknown or ambiguous terminal type' error).
Simply downloaded the latest version (1.1.0) dmg from SourceForge.
Install gnuplot
brew install gnuplot
You could try installing it with Home Brew. Once you download and install Home Brew, use this guide to get Octave installed.
Easiest option would be using the precompilled .app
I've tried the precompiled .app, but had issues with certain functions (like sound),
whereas the macports version always worked.
I usually install it using macports:
sudo port install octave
for the basics.
You might need other port variants/octave modules installed:
sudo port install octave octave-signal octave-plot octave-image octave-signal
Need to have XCode with Command Line Tools first and Macports with this route though
How to know if a Fink package is installed
By default (and this should be your case too if you didn't changed it), Fink installs everything under /sw, i.e. the binaries you are looking for should be in /sw/bin/.
Run ls /sw/bin/octave*and, depending on the output, you then have two choices :
Either the Octave binary is inside /sw/bin, in that case run echo $PATH and learn more about PATH Variable to fix your problem.
Otherwise, if there is nothing inside, there might have been a problem with the install. Try running fink install octave once more, look closely at the output and update your post if necessary.
This is simply an update on the instruction provided by Izhaki (that I ran on Mac OSX 10.8.4).
You may be required to update XCode to 4.6.3. This can be done through the AppStore.
If you encounter the error:
Error: Download failed: http://threadingbuildingblocks.org/sites/default/files/software_releases/source/tbb41_20130613oss_src.tgz
brew install octave
Then invoke:
brew update
brew install octave
and the install will pick up where it left off. Other than that, the instruction worked seamlessly.

homebrew uninstall ruby

I just installed ruby via
brew install ruby
I have been advised to install it via RVM, even if I use Homebrew, but first I want to uninstall the ruby that homebrew just installed.
Can I simply do
brew uninstall ruby
Or do I need to do something else?
Yes, brew uninstall ruby should do the trick.
For more info, you can type man brew in your terminal.
Doing brew uninstall ruby will work. If you really want to be sure, you can run brew cleanup after running the first command. Homebrew just removes unnecessary packages with the brew cleanup command. In some cases, the last command is necessary for the formula to be completely gone. (An example is with the tree formula, I had to use brew cleanup for it to be entirely uninstalled.)
(I know this is late but this can apply to anyone who is viewing this)
This might help other people who used rbenv to manage their ruby versions & have installed rbenv using the command below
brew install rbenv ruby-build
You can uninstall ruby by
brew uninstall rbenv && brew uninstall ruby-build
You can refer to the Installing Ruby section of this guide.

SVN using wrong sqlite version

when running my svn from /usr/local/bin/ it says:
svn: E200029: Couldn't perform atomic initialization
svn: E200030: SQLite compiled for 3.7.13, but running with 3.6.12
sqlite3 --version gives me 3.7.13
What went wrong and how can I fix it?
I'm on Mac OS X (10.6.8).
/usr/local/bin/sqlite3 --version 3.7.13
/usr/bin/sqlite3 --version 3.7.13
//edit2: I "fixed" this by installing svn via homebrew and using /usr/local/bin/svn explicitly
Let me sum up the fixes and suggestion from the answers below:
(please upvote the corresponding answer)
For Mac users:
(re-)install svn via homebrew or whatever you use (you may need to brew link --force sqlite3)
For Fedora users:
try yum update sqlite3 or yum install sqlite
I experienced the same issue, I solved downloading http://www.sqlite.org/sqlite-amalgamation-, unpacking the archive using tar/gunzip and coping sqlite3.c from the resulting directory into $svn-src-folder/sqlite-amalgamation/sqlite3.c.
Run configure/make/sudo make install and you should solve.
I had brew, svn 1.8, working fine in OSX 10.8.
I upgraded to 10.9, broke. For some reason the symlinks brew makes in /usr/local/bin were removed by the 10.9 installation?
brew update didnt fix.
brew install svn fixed svn, or so I thought.
Then actually using svn 1.8 (/usr/local/bin first in my path) I also had the above sqlite error message. A newer sqlite being in /usr/local/Cellar, but not symlinked in /usr/local/bin or anything.
brew install sqlite3 ... didnt fix it. And I noticed brew says for this component it doesnt symlink. ok.
BUT, after that reinstall, a further reinstall of svn
brew svn uninstall
brew svn install
DID fix it. dont know why. Now can svn co successfully.
After re-linking subversion, I had also to re-link sqlite3
brew link --force sqlite3
It means subversion was compiled with SQLite version 3.7.13, but now you are running SQLite 3.6.12.
All you need to do is recompile/reinstall your subversion again.
update sqlite3!!
I had similar issue on Fedora Core 20
Did the following:
yum update sqlite3
For me, yum install sqlite in fedora fixed the problem.

How to install PerlMagick on Mac OSX using Homebrew?

I have successfully installed ImageMagick using Homebrew but I can't get PerlMagick to install properly using the instructions here: http://www.imagemagick.org/script/perl-magick.php
I get a lot of errors on Magick.xs. Anyone has any idea how to do this properly?
Following this reply, I simply uninstalled mono (which brew doctor had been complaining about), un- and reinstalled brew imagemagick.
cpanm then reported Image::Magick to already be installed. And it worked, too.
