I want to convert this file http://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/machine-learning-databases/statlog/german/ to .arff file because I want to use in weka, but i get an error while convert the file.
Convert your data file to .csv using microsoft excel.
Then convert yout .csv file to .arff using "save" facility of weka explorer.
I am trying to use the Python Client Library to add multiple files to a dataset I have created for AutoMl Translate. I was unable to find a good example for the csv file that is to be used. Here is the link to their Python Client Library example code to add files to a dataset.
I have created a csv in a bucket of the following form:
UNASSIGNED,gs://<bucket name>/x,gs://<bucket name>/y
Where I am trying to add two files called x and y.
and I get the following error:
google.api_core.exceptions.GoogleAPICallError: None No files to import. Please specify your input files.
The problem was how I formatted the csv file. Each file I want to add needs to have its own line,
The correct csv file would look like this:
UNASSIGNED,gs://<bucket name>/x
UNASSIGNED,gs://<bucket name>/y
I want to download data of a specific area from open street map. Whenever I try to export from openstreetmap.org it downloads the data in .osm format but I want the data to be in .pbf format. I have tried converting .osm file to .pbf file using osmconvert.exe but whenever I try to open the converted file in a text editor ( geany to be specific) it shows nothing. But when I tried opening the converted file in vim there was something but not readable. Can someone suggest me a way to download the data of specific area from open street map in readable pbf format?
For downloading area specific OSM files I would like to recommend the service of Geofabrik:
The format .osm usually is human-readable since it's XML-structured text.
The format .pbf is not human-readable because this is a binary format. PBF-formatted OSM data are highly compressed and need to be converted (for example to .osm or to .csv) before you can read them.
Further information can be found in OSM Wiki:
I downloaded big point cloud file with extension .pts and I want to convert it into .pcd format. What is the simplest and easiest way to do it?
Is .pts ASCII?
If so, you can easily write a parser for it and save it as a .pcd.
Or, if you are looking for a tool, meshlab can read in plain XYZ data and save it to .ply format (remove all header content, if there is any). .ply files are supported by the Point Cloud Library, you can either convert it or just read in the .ply.
I use SuperCSV to write Excel files. How can I add font formatting to some of the cells - strikethrough etc.?
If you're using SuperCSV to write an "Excel" file, you're just writing out a comma delimited file. If you need to start getting fancy and trying to add fonts, colors and other formatting tools, it may be time to step up from CSV as an output to an actual XLSX / XLSM. There is a tool out there called Apache POI. We use that on my team for when we need to have full featured Excel files. You can find it here: http://poi.apache.org/ Just be forewarned that conversion from SuperCSV to POI is not a fast or easy conversion.
As a follow up to this question, how can I edit the contents of a CSV file?
I ultimately need to replace all instances of something and I need to do that before I open the file for parsing (with FasterCSV).
So, using Ruby I need to open, edit, and save the CSV file.
you can use the CSV module.