How to associate file during folder copy on Mac OS X - macos

I involved with the development of an application that is intended to deploy on multiple desktop system including the Macintosh.
Our team decided we would like to a drag and drop installation for the Macintosh. However, the application is intended to ship with other content besides the application itself such as example files.
Originally these files were placed in the application bundle, however this was discovered to be problematic as the cross platform libraries used for the user interface will not allow someone to access the contents in the bundle. Also force users to have to dive into a bundle to find content does not offer a great user experience.
To that end, we decided to pull these examples file and what not out of the bundle and place them in a separated folder that lived along side the application bundle. To make sure everything including the examples and the application were copied together during the drag and drop installation, a new top level folder was created that contained everything to be copied.
The problem that now exists is that whereby when originally just the application bundle was copied over to the system, the copying of this top level folder does not cause file associations for the application to occur automatically.
What can be done to associate an application with certain files when someone installs by dragging a folder contain the application bundle?

I suggest you to deliver it separately in one dmg. So your dmg structure will look like next:
MyApp -> Applications
MyApp Examples -> Application Support
Simple, user-friendly, no problems with association.

Actually it looks like the file association is working after all. Someone reported a defect against the installation not making the associations. However, I just tested the installation on a clean system and copying over the folder does seem to make the associations.


Can I put info about multiple executables inside the same bundle in Info.plist?

I have a Qt app that uses Assistant to display help.
On Mac, I am packaging he Assistant inside the bundle. The only way I can include all its libraries is by placing the Assistant executable inside the same MacOS folder as the app executable, and properly link all the library dependencies.
Is there a way to place information about both executables in the Info.plist ?
No, you can't put info about multiple executables inside the same Info.plist. (Well, you an always puts custom keys into the Info.plist and store whatever property list data you like there, but the system won't pay any attention to those keys.)
Why not bundle the Assistant into its own bundle and put that bundle inside the main app's bundle? The Assistant bundle would have its own Info.plist file. Also, if you create a question about whatever linking or dynamic loading problems made you think you had to put it all into the main bundle, you might find there's a better solution.
placing the Assistant executable inside the same MacOS folder
I recommend not to do this. The Assistant is a resource to the main application and so it should reside in the resources folder. If you want to launch the Assistant app from the main app, you can then locate it by name.
You can only define one application in the Info.plist. If you were to add more, there would be a conflict in keys.
For example, CFBundleIdentifier is a unique URI that names the bundle (e.g. The OS uses the URI to register the application with the OS when an application is, for example, copied to the /Applications folder. The OS expects the key to be a child of the root dictionary and its value must be unique. If there were multiple keys named CFBundleIdentifier, it would not know which is valid.
Although you can throw almost any junk into a Mac application bundle, much good will not come to you.
If I understand right, you have both a Mac Application (bundled normally) and a side-application you call the "Assistant" you want embedded in the same application bundle.
You also mention libraries (.dylib's I guess) that must reside in the same directory as the assistant.
Now - if these libraries are only used by the Assistant side-application, I would recommend that you bundle the assistant as a Code-bundle (Apple provides lots of information about these, and you have easy to use templates from Xcode). You can then use Xcode to copy it into the right place within the main application's bundle (I'd choose "Plugins") and use NSBundle APIs to launch it.
However, if those .dylibs are shared between the main app and the assistant - then I'd say go ahead, stick your assistant, .dylibs and main app's binary files in the same "MacOS-X" directory, and use posix APIs, or shell command to launch the assistant. Of course it will share (if possible) every resource of the main application, because they are located at the same place. However, the main app's bundle can only have ONE CFBundleExecutable entry, and that should point to your main application's binary.

Qt: OSX: Where to put (both file manager and exec accessible) resources?

im a bit confused about the most proper way to manage resources (files and folders) needed by the application.
I make it clear:
I have an executable ( developing on mac osx with qt ), and a i have a fixed folder hierarchy, where a bunch of configuration files are kept. Those files might be manually edited, added or delete.
Now on windows or linux, i would just easily get those files by simply accessing parent folders, and those folders are freely accessible by any OS file manager.
But in OSX my executable is inside the .APP bundle.
Then i should be able to retrieve resources from within the bundle ( even if resources management in qt creator sucks ), but the user should also be able to open and edit the app bundle, which is not feasibl at all... and i neather want to deploy any resource manager nor put the configs in (eg.)home subfolder ( i want to keep everything together ).
Is there any solution?
In OS X terms your config files should really be in Application Support, the user can access them there. However they can also access them from the app bundle if you put them in there by right clicking and selecting View Package Contents, you can then change the files and save them.

Application permission issues on OS X, when distributing application

we are making an Application for OS X, however, when the .app is copied on another MAC, we have problems with reading and writing files
on one MAC, everything works great from the start...
the other one will not write certain files and another 2mac will not write certain different files
if i go to show application contents and wants to edit the file by myself, i get a writing permission denied
how to distribute an MAC application so there are no such issues? so all files can be read and write by the current user
does there have to be some authorization or code sign, or smth. different in this form, in addition to normal code?
thank you
It sounds like your application tries to write files within its own application bundle. The correct solution here is: DON'T DO THAT! The only time your application bundle should be written to is when it's installed or updated.
Files that the application needs to write to should be stored in the user's home folder, generally under ~/Library. See this note in Apple's dev docs.
Preference and settings files in ~/Library/Preferences/<appbundleid>.plist; use NSUserDefaults.
Data the app manages for the user in ~/Library/Application Support/<appname> (the docs say to use the bundleid, but everyone -- Apple included -- uses the app name instead).
Cache files in ~/Library/Caches/<appbundleid>.
Temp files, use NSTemporaryDirectory
If you need to share settings & files between users, that should generally go in /Library/Application Support/<appname>, except that you really shouldn't be doing that at all.
In the past I've always used PackageMaker to create installers. An installation package can authenticate with root privileges so you can set permissions after the install. I don't have it in front of me right now but if you look around you should be able to see a Post-Installer script line. Write a shell script that manually sets the permissions of each file you have in question and then have the package execute that script after the install is finished.
You can find PackageMaker at /Developer/Applications/Utilities/PackageMaker

Development folder structure on OS X 10.6

I have switched to Mac as my main development machine (coming from Fedora) and was just curious as to what people used as there development folder structure. For example in Fedora I always had ~/opt for user programs ~/src for source code I was working on and ~/bin for files I constantly executed. Is there a Mac de facto. What do you guys perfer?
I use the directory ~/Developer as the root of my development-related files. Inside that I have ~/Developer/Code for code snippets, tutorial code, test ideas, etc. I have a ~/Developer/Projects directory to hold in-development projects. This contains a few subdirectories, including Archives for projects I've abandoned, and Current for current development work. ~/Projects is also a symlink to ~/Developer/Projects/Current.
To add to #mipadi, after a recent fresh install of OSX 10.10.2 (Yosemite) I noticed that if you create a ~/Developer folder, that folder automatically receives a special folder icon (with a hammer on it). This property seems to be an artifact of older versions of Xcode, in which it would automatically create the folder for you.
I have 3 folders in home:
Sandbox - my source control checkouts
Dev - projects that are not in source control (tests, experiments, etc.)
3rdPartyDev - 3rd party code I've downloaded and want to keep around
I try to keep as much 3rd party code around as possible. With the Mac's Spotlight feature, you can instantly search all the code at once. If there's an API I need to see example code for, I just Spotlight for it and chances are some code in there is already using it.
I have a big messy folder called "code" full of Xcode projects.
In Mac, for all developer projects there is a specific folder inside the home directory called ~/Developer, which when you create automatically has a customised icon.
You can thus subdivide using this:
Experiments: things you just want mess around with.
Public: open source
Private: private projects
Learning: If you're on a learning path to track your progress and milestones.

how do I package support files in a cocoa app

I'm building an application where I want to provide the user with a few dozen templates that will internally take the form of property lists. I would also want to group them in categories, which would conveniently be achieved using folders.
While I have contemplated shipping these files as simple resources in my application, I don't like the idea of this single location containing dozens and dozens of files, and besides it doesn't seem to be possible to group them in folders.
I can see that many applications have installed such resources in their application support directory (~/Library/Application Support//...), but I can't seem to find any documentation resource on how to achieve this.
I don't like the idea of this single location containing dozens and dozens of files, and besides it doesn't seem to be possible to group them in folders.
It is. Put them in folders in your project directory, then add the top-level folder(s) to your project. Make sure you add it/them as folder reference(s) and not group(s) (see? that sheet does have a purpose!).
Then, add the folder reference(s) to your Copy Bundle Resources or Copy Files phase.
One word of warning: When you change one of the files in the folder, you may need to “touch” the folder to get Xcode to re-copy it. You can do this in Xcode or from the terminal.
You can group items in sub-folders of your app bundle's Resources directory. Unless you want users to edit these plists, keeping them in your app bundle allows users to drag-n-drop install your app, rather than having to use an installer package (a big win).
You can group them into folders in your application bundle by adding a "New Copy Files Build Phase" to your project as described in this forum post:
