Remove "price" from Magento product details page - magento

I am using tier pricing with a new install of Magento. I am running into some problems with removing the "price" when using tier price. When I leave it blank it show $0 and tiered soes not show at all. When I put a number in, it shows and the tier amounts show. I sell item in bulk, so I do not want the "price" attribute to show. How can I hide it? even if I have to put a price and hide it in the back end, thats fine. I only want my tiered prices to show on the details page. Any ideas?

If you don't want to modify or pollute your template, you can use this extension to hide/remove all kinds of product's price. AND it works for all kind of theme without modify any template or rewrite.
magento connect link:


Magento 1.9 Custom Math Pricing / Simple Product Issue with Price

I've installed an extension, Custom Math Pricing by Mico Solutions, and I am experiencing 2 issues with my site now.
Issue 1: When I customize the product, the price is updated correctly on the product page, however, when the product is sent to the cart, a portion of the price is missing (length x price per foot). I checked in the database to look for the price and could only find records of the wrong price so the price is only showing for the product page. The portion of the calculation that is missing from the price includes an attribute which is set as a variable rather than custom options. The custom options calculate perfectly.
Issue 2: When I customize a simple product and add it to the cart, I cannot go back to that product page and customize it a second time, the price remains fixed on the "base" price. Let's say the product has a base price of $10.00. When I customize it, the price stays at $10.00 but is different in the cart. I have to delete my browser cache and cookies in order to customize it again and by doing that, my cart is emptied.
So my question is, where in the code can I find the pricing that is being sent to the sales_flat_quote table in the database. Additionally, how can I debug or correct the issue of customizing a product a 2nd time?
It seems like you've got an issue with conflicting extensions. Your best bet is to go to the Admin modules section (Admin > System > Configuration > Advanced > Advanced) and disable anything else that appears to deal with product pricing. Reset the cache and index and try again. I am somewhat familiar with this extension and it's not compatible with configurable products... make sure your products are simple product types when adding products.

Associated Product not showing the different price

I have just added a product and everything works fine. The product is a top with different attributes: size and color.
However I want to have reduced price on one of the different colors like in a sale, so I went into the associated products section and changed the price. However, whenever I go to the website and click on the color of the reduced price top, it still shows the original price and not the one I just changed.
How can I get it to show the price I changed it to?
Out of the box the only way to do this is via the price offsets for each configurable option under "Super product attributes configuration" as shown in the attached image:
Otherwise, you can use an extension such as Simple Configurable Products
Go to system > Index Management and reindex Product Prices data
It sounds like you are using a configurable product with associated simple products. As far as I'm aware Magento only refreshes the product price for bundle product types.
I have seen a lot of people recommending this module.

Magento: Shopping cart price rule gets applied, but discount not subtracted from subtotal

I have created a shopping cart price rule in my Magento store (version, and it seems to get applied without issue on the frontend, but the discount isn't actually reflected in the subtotal or final total. The original item price is $45.00, and the discount should be $35.00, making the final price $10.00. Here are some screenshots of the setup. (Sorry, because I'm a new user it won't let me post images directly in this posting.)
Main rule page
Actions page
Cart showing that promotional code was applied
Reviewing order (last step before submitting order)
This particular item has some custom options set, which set the pricing for four individual options. The price for the product is $0.00, and then each option has it's own price (I didn't set this part up, so I'm not sure if I'm missing something from here too). Here's a screenshot of the product custom options page:
Any thoughts? I'm fairly new to Magento, so it's possible I'm just missing something obvious. Thanks in advance for any help or guidance!
I actually JUST figured out what was going wrong, or at least, I figured out a solution, though not sure exactly why this was affecting the shopping cart price rules. You're right that I wasn't even able to get a simple price rule to work - it simply wasn't working no matter how I changed the rule. Anyway, while working on another issue, I realized that I was missing the Subtotal/Grand Total box on the front-end of the shopping cart (I installed a clean copy of version on my localhost, which is when I noticed it was missing from my live site). When I re-enabled the Subtotal/Grand Total box, the rules started working again. (I suppose now that Magento has a place on the front-end to show the discount, it actually applies it, whereas before it would just do nothing.)
So, to re-enable the subtotal/grand total box, in the back end, I went to System > Configuration > Advanced > Enable the Mage_Tax module. Again, not sure why it was disabled in the first place, and I'm not sure if this affects anything else on the site, but it's been up for awhile now and I haven't noticed anything awry. Here's a screen capture of it working:
I think the problem comes from using SKUs with your custom options combined with restricting your price rule to the product SKU. Magento combines them using a hyphen - place a test order to see if this is the problem.
The SKU in a test order I made comes out something like this;
At least, that's the result I'm getting from version
The quickest solution I could find was to match the rule on the product url key rather than SKU. It isn't the most intuitive solution, but since you wouldn't change the URL on the product (I hope), it will work where SKU's with custom options fail.
In version 1.4, the URL key should be available to choose instead of SKU already. So you can just select url key instead of sku and insert your product's correct url key in your shopping cart price rule. Just replace "SKU is ..." with "URL key is ..." inserting the correct url key for your product.
In version 1.5 I had to enable "Use for Promo Rule Conditions" on the url_key attribute like this;
Log in to Magento admin area
Navigate to Catalog > Attributes > Manage Attributes
Locate the Atrtibute Code "url_key" and click to edit it
Change "Use for Promo Rule Conditions" to Yes
Save the changes
you may need to reindex the Product Flat Data index at this point
Then I could use it in my price rule.
Had this same exact problem on CE 1.9 running PHP7, applying the Inchoo "PHP 7 compatibility extension for Magento 1" solved the issue!

Please specify the product's option(s) in Magento

Actually i am using Elias_configurablebundle plugin for the configurable product as associated of the Bundle Product and to display GRID* for the configurable associated products i am using magento mechanics grid. here i have merged both of the extensions it showing GRID on bundle view page but showing Please specify the product's option(s)* on click of the **Add To Cart.
Although everything is fine, no required field left to fill out, i have applied any single custom options for any of the product.
so here i want to remove this validation so then it will directly redirect to shopping cart page.
Configurable products need to have their options chosen (say, color or size) in order to be added to the cart. Otherwise, there is no way to decide which simple product should be decremented from the inventory. So there is no way for you to "skip" selecting this information, other than hardcoding the selections for the configurable product.
If you do that, just use the simple products instead, and skip all the headache.
Another thing to check is that the options fields are actually inside the tags. Its fairly easy in Magento to move the option selects to a different column and not realize that you are moving them outside the add to cart form tags.
if the options are selected outside the form tags, then as far as the form is concerned no options have been selected.
Hope this helps someone down the road.

Magento admin section

In my magneto project, admin side invoices, I want to display the product name, sku and
manufactures, is it possible???
I know that when clicking View Link I can show, but I want to show the details in the table in the invoices page
Probably the best place to start is:
Everything within the /app/design/adminhtml/ is where you'll want to go to edit any available templates for the backend.
Remember that Magento is full of magic methods. So, often times if you want to output a particular attribute, simply call something like: echo $_item->getManufacturer();
Hope that helps.
