Finding initial speed and angle to hit a known position (parabolic trajectory) - algorithm

I am currently doing a small turn based cannon game with XNA 4.0. The game is very simple: the player chooses the speed and angle at which he desires to shoot his rocket in order to hit another player. There is also a randomly generated wind vector that affects the X trajectory of the rocket. I would like to add an AI so that the player could play against the computer in a single player mode.
The way I would like to implement the AI is very simple: find the velocity and angle that would make the rocket hit the player directly, and add a random modifier to those fields so that the AI doesn't hit another player each time.
This is the code I use in order to update the position and speed of the rocket:
Vector2 gravity = new Vector2(0, (float)400); // 400 is the sweet spot value that i have found works best for the gravity
Vector2 totalAcceleration = gravity + _terrain.WindDirection;
float deltaT = (float)gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalSeconds; // Elapsed time since last update() call
foreach (Rocket rocket in _instantiatedRocketList)
rocket.RocketSpeed += Vector2.Multiply(gravity, deltaT); // Only changes the Y component
rocket.RocketSpeed += Vector2.Multiply(_terrain.WindDirection, deltaT); // Only changes the X component
rocket.RocketPosition += Vector2.Multiply(rocket.RocketSpeed, deltaT) + Vector2.Multiply(totalAcceleration, (float)0.5) * deltaT * deltaT;
// We update the angle of the rocket accordingly
rocket.RocketAngle = (float)Math.Atan2(rocket.RocketSpeed.X, -rocket.RocketSpeed.Y);
I know that the basic equations to find the final X and Y coordinates are:
X = V0 * cos(theta) * totalFlightTime
Y = V0 * sin(theta) * totalFlightTime - 0.5 * g * totalFlightTime^2
where X and Y are the coordinates of the player I want to hit, V0 the initial speed, theta the angle at witch the rocket is shot, totalFlightTime is, like the name says, the total flight time of the rocket until it reaches (X, Y) and g is the gravity (400 in my game).
What I am having problems with, is knowing where to add the wind in those formulas (is it just adding "+ windDirection * totalFlightTime" in the X = equation?), and also what to do with those equations in order to do what I want to do (finding the initial speed and theta angle) since there are 3 variables (V0, theta and totalFlightTime) and only 2 equations?
Thanks for your time.

You can do this as follows:
Assuming there is no specific limit to V0 (i.e. the robot can fire the rocket at any desired speed) and using the substitutions
Choose an arbitrary value for Vx. Now your first equation simplifies to
X=VxT so T=X/Vx
to solve for T. Now substitute the value of T into the second equation and solve for Vy
Y=VyT + gT^2/2 so Vy = (Y - gT^2/2)/T
Finally you can now solve for V0 and theta
V0 = Sqrt(Vx^2 + Vy^2) and Theta = aTan(Vy/Vx)
Note that your initial choice of Vx will determine the trajectory the missile will take - if Vx is large then T will be small and the trajectory will be almost a straight line (like a bullet fired at a nearby target) - if Vx is small then T will be large and the trajectory will be an arc (like a mortar round's path). You dis start with three variables (V0, totalFlightTime, and theta) but they are dependent variables so choosing any one (or in this case Vx) plus the two equations solves for the other two. You could also pre-determine flight time and solve for Vx, Vy, theta and V0, or predetermine theta (although this would be tricky as some theta wouldn't provide a real solution.


Predict Collision Between 2 Uniform Circular Motion Objects

this is my first question on the forum and my algebra is rusty so please be indulgent ^^'
So my problem is that i want to predict collision between two uniform circular motion objects for which i know velocity (angular speed in radian), distance from the origin (radius), cartesian coordinate of the center of the circle.
I can get cartesian position for each object given for t time (timestamp) using :
Oa.x = ra X cos(wa X t)
Oa.y = ra X sin(wa X t)
Oa.x: Object A x coordinates
ra: radius of a Circle A
wa: velocity of object A (angular speed in radian)
t: time (timestamp)
Same goes for object b (Ob)
I want to find t such that ||Ca - Cb|| = (rOa + rOb)
rOa: radius of object a
Squaring both side and expanding give me this :
||Ca-Cb||^2 = (rOa+rOb)^2
(ra * cos (wa * t) - rb / cos (wb * t))^2 + (ra * sin (wa * t) - rb / sin (wb * t))^2 = (ra+rb)^2
From that i should get a quadratic polynomial that i can solve for t, but how can i find a condition that tell me if such a t exist ? And possibly, how to solve it for t ?
Your motion equations are missing some stuff I expect this instead:
a0(t) = omg0*t + ang0
x0(t) = cx0 + R0 * cos(a0(t))
y0(t) = cy0 + R0 * sin(a0(t))
a1(t) = omg1*t + ang1
x1(t) = cx1 + R1 * cos(a1(t))
y1(t) = cy1 + R1 * sin(a1(t))
where t is time in [sec], cx?,cy? is the center of rotation ang? is starting angle (t=0) in [rad] and omg? is angular speed in [rad/sec]. If the objects have radius r? then collision occurs when the distance is <= r0+r1
so You want to find smallest time where:
(x1-x0)^2 + (y1-y0)^2 <= (r0+r1)^2
This will most likely lead to transcendent equation so you need numeric approach to solve this. For stuff like this I usually use Approximation search so to solve this do:
loop t from 0 to some reasonable time limit
The collision will happen with constant frequency and the time between collisions will be divisible by periods of both motions so I would test up to lcm(2*PI/omg0,2*PI/omg1) time limit where lcm is least common multiple
Do not loop t through all possible times with brute force but use heuristic (like the approx search linked above) beware initial time step must be reasonable I would try dt = min(0.2*PI/omg0,0.2*PI/omg1) so you have at least 10 points along circle
solve t so the distance between objects is minimal
This however will find the time when the objects collide fully so their centers merge. So you need to substract some constant time (or search it again) that will get you to the start of collision. This time you can use even binary search as the distance will be monotonic.
next collision will appear after lcm(2*PI/omg0,2*PI/omg1)
so if you found first collision time tc0 then
tc(i) = tc0 + i*lcm(2*PI/omg0,2*PI/omg1)
i = 0,1,2,3,...

Algorithm to store particle position on a grid (Chaining mesh)

I have a particle distribution, i.e. a set of 3D array x,y and z that give the positions of N particles. I divide my domain into cells and I would like to program an algorithm which gives me how many particles I have in a cell.
I am looking for something that doesn't use too much memory. If the distribution of particles were mono-dimensional a smart idea is to sort the particles with decreasing x.
In this way we only need to save, for every cell, the particle with smaller x within the cell. For example I know that the 7th particle is the particle with the smaller x that belong to cell i. Therefore, in cell i, we have to find particles 0 to 7.
My question is: how can I extend this to 3D? Or, how can I build a chaining mesh?
This is not a trivial problem. You might want to look at R-trees and indeed Spatial databases in general.
I think your problem can be solved much easier.
Make a 3D-array of 'cells'. Loop through your particles and increment value of a cell current particle belongs to.
Sample code:
cells = int[X][Y][Z]
for p in particles:
cx = cast_to_int((p.x / maxX) * X)
cy = cast_to_int((p.y / maxY) * Y)
cz = cast_to_int((p.z / maxZ) * Z)
UPD: works only if all cells have the same correspondent sizes (i.e. x1 = x2 = xn, y1 = y2 = yn...).

Algorithm to control acceleration until a position is reached

I have a point that moves (in one dimension), and I need it to move smoothly. So I think that it's velocity has to be a continuous function and I need to control the acceleration and then calculate it's velocity and position.
The algorithm doesn't seem something obvious to me, but I guess this must be a common problem, I just can't find the solution.
The final destination of the object may change while it's moving and the movement needs to be smooth anyway.
I guess that a naive implementation would produce bouncing, and I need to avoid that.
This is a perfect candidate for using a "critically damped spring".
Conceptually you attach the point to the target point with a spring, or piece of elastic. The spring is damped so that you get no 'bouncing'. You can control how fast the system reacts by changing a constant called the "SpringConstant". This is essentially how strong the piece of elastic is.
Basically you apply two forces to the position, then integrate this over time. The first force is that applied by the spring, Fs = SpringConstant * DistanceToTarget. The second is the damping force, Fd = -CurrentVelocity * 2 * sqrt( SpringConstant ).
The CurrentVelocity forms part of the state of the system, and can be initialised to zero.
In each step, you multiply the sum of these two forces by the time step. This gives you the change of the value of the CurrentVelocity. Multiply this by the time step again and it will give you the displacement.
We add this to the actual position of the point.
In C++ code:
float CriticallyDampedSpring( float a_Target,
float a_Current,
float & a_Velocity,
float a_TimeStep )
float currentToTarget = a_Target - a_Current;
float springForce = currentToTarget * SPRING_CONSTANT;
float dampingForce = -a_Velocity * 2 * sqrt( SPRING_CONSTANT );
float force = springForce + dampingForce;
a_Velocity += force * a_TimeStep;
float displacement = a_Velocity * a_TimeStep;
return a_Current + displacement;
In systems I was working with a value of around 5 was a good point to start experimenting with the value of the spring constant. Set it too high will result in too fast a reaction, and too low the point will react too slowly.
Note, you might be best to make a class that keeps the velocity state rather than have to pass it into the function over and over.
I hope this is helpful, good luck :)
EDIT: In case it's useful for others, it's easy to apply this to 2 or 3 dimensions. In this case you can just apply the CriticallyDampedSpring independently once for each dimension. Depending on the motion you want you might find it better to work in polar coordinates (for 2D), or spherical coordinates (for 3D).
I'd do something like Alex Deem's answer for trajectory planning, but with limits on force and velocity:
In pseudocode:
xtarget: target position
vtarget: target velocity*
x: object position
v: object velocity
dt: timestep
F = Ki * (xtarget-x) + Kp * (vtarget-v);
F = clipMagnitude(F, Fmax);
v = v + F * dt;
v = clipMagnitude(v, vmax);
x = x + v * dt;
clipMagnitude(y, ymax):
r = magnitude(y) / ymax
if (r <= 1)
return y;
return y * (1/r);
where Ki and Kp are tuning constants, Fmax and vmax are maximum force and velocity. This should work for 1-D, 2-D, or 3-D situations (magnitude(y) = abs(y) in 1-D, otherwise use vector magnitude).
It's not quite clear exactly what you're after, but I'm going to assume the following:
There is some maximum acceleration;
You want the object to have stopped moving when it reaches the destination;
Unlike velocity, you do not require acceleration to be continuous.
Let A be the maximum acceleration (by which I mean the acceleration is always between -A and A).
The equation you want is
v_f^2 = v_i^2 + 2 a d
where v_f = 0 is the final velocity, v_i is the initial (current) velocity, and d is the distance to the destination (when you switch from acceleration A to acceleration -A -- that is, from speeding up to slowing down; here I'm assuming d is positive).
d = v_i^2 / (2A)
is the distance. (The negatives cancel).
If the current distance remaining is greater than d, speed up as quickly as possible. Otherwise, begin slowing down.
Let's say you update the object's position every t_step seconds. Then:
new_position = old_position + old_velocity * t_step + (1/2)a(t_step)^2
new_velocity = old_velocity + a * t_step.
If the destination is between new_position and old_position (i.e., the object reached its destination in between updates), simply set new_position = destination.
You need an easing formula, which you would call at a set interval, passing in the time elapsed, start point, end point and duration you want the animation to be.
Doing time-based calculations will account for slow clients and other random hiccups. Since it calculates on time elapsed vs. the time in which it has to compkete, it will account for slow intervals between calls when returning how far along your point should be in the animation.
The jquery.easing plugin has a ton of easing functions you can look at:
I've found it best to pass in 0 and 1 as my start and end point, since it will return a floating point between the two, you can easily apply it to the real value you are modifying using multiplication.

Finding the spin of a sphere given X, Y, and Z vectors relative to sphere

I'm using Electro in Lua for some 3D simulations, and I'm running in to something of a mathematical/algorithmic/physics snag.
I'm trying to figure out how I would find the "spin" of a sphere of a sphere that is spinning on some axis. By "spin" I mean a vector along the axis that the sphere is spinning on with a magnitude relative to the speed at which it is spinning. The reason I need this information is to be able to slow down the spin of the sphere by applying reverse torque to the sphere until it stops spinning.
The only information I have access to is the X, Y, and Z unit vectors relative to the sphere. That is, each frame, I can call three different functions, each of which returns a unit vector pointing in the direction of the sphere model's local X, Y and Z axes, respectively. I can keep track of how each of these change by essentially keeping the "previous" value of each vector and comparing it to the "new" value each frame. The question, then, is how would I use this information to determine the sphere's spin? I'm stumped.
Any help would be great. Thanks!
My first answer was wrong. This is my edited answer.
Your unit vectors X,Y,Z can be put together to form a 3x3 matrix:
A = [[x1 y1 z1],
[x2 y2 z2],
[x3 y3 z3]]
Since X,Y,Z change with time, A also changes with time.
A is a rotation matrix!
After all, if you let i=(1,0,0) be the unit vector along the x-axis, then
A i = X so A rotates i into X. Similarly, it rotates the y-axis into Y and the
z-axis into Z.
A is called the direction cosine matrix (DCM).
So using the DCM to Euler axis formula
theta = arccos((A_11 + A_22 + A_33 - 1)/2)
theta is the Euler angle of rotation.
The magnitude of the angular velocity, |w|, equals
w = d(theta)/dt ~= (theta(t+dt)-theta(t)) / dt
The axis of rotation is given by e = (e1,e2,e3) where
e1 = (A_32 - A_23)/(2 sin(theta))
e2 = (A_13 - A_31)/(2 sin(theta))
e3 = (A_21 - A_12)/(2 sin(theta))
I applaud ~unutbu's, answer, but I think there's a simpler approach that will suffice for this problem.
Take the X unit vector at three successive frames, and compare them to get two deltas:
deltaX1 = X2 - X1
deltaX2 = X3 - X2
(These are vector equations. X1 is a vector, the X vector at time 1, not a number.)
Now take the cross-product of the deltas and you'll get a vector in the direction of the rotation vector.
Now for the magnitude. The angle between the two deltas is the angle swept out in one time interval, so use the dot product:
dx1 = deltaX1/|deltaX1|
dx2 = deltax2/|deltaX2|
costheta = dx1.dx2
theta = acos(costheta)
w = theta/dt
For the sake of precision you should choose the unit vector (X, Y or Z) that changes the most.

circle-circle collision

I am going to develop a 2-d ball game where two balls (circles) collide. Now I have the problem with determining the colliding point (in fact, determining whether they are colliding in x-axis/y-axis). I have an idea that when the difference between the y coordinate of 2 balls is greater than the x coordinate difference then they collide in their y axis, otherwise, they collide in their x axis. Is my idea correct? I implemented this thing in my games. Normally it works well, but sometimes, it fails. Can anyone tell me whether my idea is right? If not, then why, and is any better way?
By collision in the x axis, I mean the circle's 1st, 4th, 5th, or 8th octant, y axis means the circle's 2nd, 3rd, 6th, or 7th octant.
Thanks in advance!
Collision between circles is easy. Imagine there are two circles:
C1 with center (x1,y1) and radius r1;
C2 with center (x2,y2) and radius r2.
Imagine there is a line running between those two center points. The distance from the center points to the edge of either circle is, by definition, equal to their respective radii. So:
if the edges of the circles touch, the distance between the centers is r1+r2;
any greater distance and the circles don't touch or collide; and
any less and then do collide.
So you can detect collision if:
(x2-x1)^2 + (y2-y1)^2 <= (r1+r2)^2
meaning the distance between the center points is less than the sum of the radii.
The same principle can be applied to detecting collisions between spheres in three dimensions.
Edit: if you want to calculate the point of collision, some basic trigonometry can do that. You have a triangle:
| \
| \ sqrt((x2-x1)^2 + (y2-y1)^2) = r1+r2
|y2-y1| | \
| \
| X \
(x1,y2) +------+ (x2,y2)
The expressions |x2-x1| and |y2-y1| are absolute values. So for the angle X:
|y2 - y1|
sin X = -------
r1 + r2
|x2 - x1|
cos X = -------
r1 + r2
|y2 - y1|
tan X = -------
|x2 - x1|
Once you have the angle you can calculate the point of intersection by applying them to a new triangle:
| \
b | \ r2
| \
| X \
cos X = --
a = r2 cos X
From the previous formulae:
|x2 - x1|
a = r2 -------
r1 + r2
Once you have a and b you can calculate the collision point in terms of (x2,y2) offset by (a,b) as appropriate. You don't even need to calculate any sines, cosines or inverse sines or cosines for this. Or any square roots for that matter. So it's fast.
But if you don't need an exact angle or point of collision and just want the octant you can optimize this further by understanding something about tangents, which is:
0 <= tan X <= 1 for 0 <= X <= 45 degrees;
tan X >= 1 for 45 <= X <= 90
0 >= tan X >= -1 for 0 >= X => -45;
tan X <= -1 for -45 >= X => -90; and
tan X = tan (X+180) = tan (X-180).
Those four degree ranges correspond to four octants of the cirlce. The other four are offset by 180 degrees. As demonstrated above, the tangent can be calculated simply as:
|y2 - y1|
tan X = -------
|x2 - x1|
Lose the absolute values and this ratio will tell you which of the four octants the collision is in (by the above tangent ranges). To work out the exact octant just compare x1 and x2 to determine which is leftmost.
The octant of the collision on the other single is offset (octant 1 on C1 means octant 5 on C2, 2 and 6, 3 and 7, 4 and 8, etc).
As cletus says, you want to use the sum of the radii of the two balls. You want to compute the total distance between the centers of the balls, as follows:
Ball 1: center: p1=(x1,y1) radius: r1
Ball 2: center: p2=(x2,y2) radius: r2
collision distance: R= r1 + r2
actual distance: r12= sqrt( (x2-x1)^2 + (y2-y1)^2 )
A collision will happen whenever (r12 < R). As Artelius says, they shouldn't actually collide on the x/y axes, they collide at a particular angle. Except, you don't actually want that angle; you want the collision vector. This is the difference between the centers of the two circles when they collide:
collision vector: d12= (x2-x1,y2-y1) = (dx,dy)
actual distance: r12= sqrt( dx*dx + dy*dy )
Note that you have already computed dx and dy above when figuring the actual distance, so you might as well keep track of them for purposes like this. You can use this collision vector for determining the new velocity of the balls -- you're going to end up scaling the collision vector by some factors, and adding that to the old velocities... but, to get back to the actual collision point:
collision point: pcollision= ( (x1*r2+x2*r1)/(r1+r2), (y1*r2+y2*r1)/(r1+r2) )
To figure out how to find the new velocity of the balls (and in general to make more sense out of the whole situation), you should probably find a high school physics book, or the equivalent. Unfortunately, I don't know of a good web tutorial -- suggestions, anyone?
Oh, and if still want to stick with the x/y axis thing, I think you've got it right with:
if( abs(dx) > abs(dy) ) then { x-axis } else { y-axis }
As for why it might fail, it's hard to tell without more information, but you might have a problem with your balls moving too fast, and passing right by each other in a single timestep. There are ways to fix this problem, but the simplest way is to make sure they don't move too fast...
This site explains the physics, derives the algorithm, and provides code for collisions of 2D balls.
Calculate the octant after this function calculates the following: position of collision point relative to centre of mass of body a; position of collision point relative to centre of mass of body a
This function calulates the velocities after a 2D collision vaf, vbf, waf and wbf from information about the colliding bodies
#param double e coefficient of restitution which depends on the nature of the two colliding materials
#param double ma total mass of body a
#param double mb total mass of body b
#param double Ia inertia for body a.
#param double Ib inertia for body b.
#param vector ra position of collision point relative to centre of mass of body a in absolute coordinates (if this is
known in local body coordinates it must be converted before this is called).
#param vector rb position of collision point relative to centre of mass of body b in absolute coordinates (if this is
known in local body coordinates it must be converted before this is called).
#param vector n normal to collision point, the line along which the impulse acts.
#param vector vai initial velocity of centre of mass on object a
#param vector vbi initial velocity of centre of mass on object b
#param vector wai initial angular velocity of object a
#param vector wbi initial angular velocity of object b
#param vector vaf final velocity of centre of mass on object a
#param vector vbf final velocity of centre of mass on object a
#param vector waf final angular velocity of object a
#param vector wbf final angular velocity of object b
CollisionResponce(double e,double ma,double mb,matrix Ia,matrix Ib,vector ra,vector rb,vector n,
vector vai, vector vbi, vector wai, vector wbi, vector vaf, vector vbf, vector waf, vector wbf) {
double k=1/(ma*ma)+ 2/(ma*mb) +1/(mb*mb) - ra.x*ra.x/(ma*Ia) - rb.x*rb.x/(ma*Ib) - ra.y*ra.y/(ma*Ia)
- ra.y*ra.y/(mb*Ia) - ra.x*ra.x/(mb*Ia) - rb.x*rb.x/(mb*Ib) - rb.y*rb.y/(ma*Ib)
- rb.y*rb.y/(mb*Ib) + ra.y*ra.y*rb.x*rb.x/(Ia*Ib) + ra.x*ra.x*rb.y*rb.y/(Ia*Ib) - 2*ra.x*ra.y*rb.x*rb.y/(Ia*Ib);
double Jx = (e+1)/k * (Vai.x - Vbi.x)( 1/ma - ra.x*ra.x/Ia + 1/mb - rb.x*rb.x/Ib)
- (e+1)/k * (Vai.y - Vbi.y) (ra.x*ra.y / Ia + rb.x*rb.y / Ib);
double Jy = - (e+1)/k * (Vai.x - Vbi.x) (ra.x*ra.y / Ia + rb.x*rb.y / Ib)
+ (e+1)/k * (Vai.y - Vbi.y) ( 1/ma - ra.y*ra.y/Ia + 1/mb - rb.y*rb.y/Ib);
Vaf.x = Vai.x - Jx/Ma;
Vaf.y = Vai.y - Jy/Ma;
Vbf.x = Vbi.x - Jx/Mb;
Vbf.y = Vbi.y - Jy/Mb;
waf.x = wai.x - (Jx*ra.y - Jy*ra.x) /Ia;
waf.y = wai.y - (Jx*ra.y - Jy*ra.x) /Ia;
wbf.x = wbi.x - (Jx*rb.y - Jy*rb.x) /Ib;
wbf.y = wbi.y - (Jx*rb.y - Jy*rb.x) /Ib;
I agree with provided answers, they are very good.
I just want to point you a small pitfall: if the speed of balls is high, you can just miss the collision, because circles never intersect for given steps.
The solution is to solve the equation on the movement and to find the correct moment of the collision.
Anyway, if you would implement your solution (comparisons on X and Y axes) you'd get the good old ping pong!
The point at which they collide is on the line between the midpoints of the two circles, and its distance from either midpoint is the radius of that respective circle.
