URL for database on Appfog - appfog

I would like to execute a query on a database on appfog but I don't know the URL for it but I was given the passoword and username, your insight is highly appreciated. Thank you in advance.

You can connect to your database using your preferred method of the language you're using. See https://docs.appfog.com/services/mysql for more information (assuming it's a MySQL database).
The username, password, and host, are all in a "credentials" parameter, which is part of the VCAP_SERVICES environment variable. The page linked tells you how to access that variable in various languages.


Oracle ORDS SQL WEB setup to store app users data

I am new to development and learning through lot of youtube videos and oracle documentation. I have a question for which I was not able to find a solution online and was hoping someone could help answer it here..
I want to use oracle free tier cloud based autonomous transactional database and create the rest api on it using the below url as a reference.
However my question is if I create a web app where I can get the user to create account using username and password, what is the best practice to store the data and retrive for auth in the oracle database for auth user.
Is there a credentials table where I can store all the username and password details or should I use a encypted table.
Also, Can someone please help advise how to create sql post method query to retrieve the user creds for validation.
Thank you for all your guidence.
Thank you!
In the database you have a schema - this is the collection of objects -
stored procedures
rest apis
these are owned by a USER. A database user and schema in Oracle are largely synonymous and a user will have a password.
You then also have your application. Your application most likely also has users. These are completely different users than what you have in the database.
Now, your application COULD use database authentication, but that's highly not recommended. Why? Because then your application users could also theoretically go directly into the database.
It's not clear by your question if you're asking how to manage database usernames and passwords in general or if you mean in terms of your application.
For your application, we recommend you use either our OAuth2 workflows to secure your REST APIs, or you build your own authentication system...for example you could control access to your APIs in the Oracle Cloud using the API Gateway Service.
For managing passwords in the database, you should most definitely NOT store those in a table somewhere. THe user when they get their password, should securely manage that as they would the password to their online banking system.
The web interface we have would work just fine with online password managers like LastPass, but I'm not personally advocating or saying that would be good for your scenario.
Running SQL to find out someone's password isn't really what we do in Oracle. Either you already know it, or you change the password to something so that you definitely know it.

TimesTen JDBC URL format without DSN

I would like to ask what should be the format of JDBC URL when I know the server OP, port, user and password. I cannot use ODBC (DSN).
I have tried: jdbc:timesten:client://<server>:<port>/<db>, but it is not working.
Even though I could not find it anywhere I was able to get it working by trying huge amount of options. To save others some time, here is what worked for me.
jdbc:timesten:client:TTC_SERVER=<server>;TCP_PORT=<port>;TTC_SERVER_DSN=<DB name>;

Able to connect through CMD but not to Oracle SQL developer to Oracle DB

So I got connected to Oracle 11g in cmd as follows
However, when I type the same username and password in Oracle SQL Developer, it does not work. And I have uname and pwd, what goes in the connection name?
This what I got, when i entered a connection name and My uname and PWD
Oracle SQL Developer
Just give any string in your connection name, that is used for identify different connection in sql developer.
Connection name : Connection_1
username : system
password : yourpass
If you want to create another connection to another database or another schema then you have to give another name and by login you can directly access that particular schema.
Hope it will help.
I think the issue might be that SQL Developer uses a different tnsnames.ora file. The file can be set under:
Choose the correct tnsnames directory there.
Depending on your developer version, you might also want to set the Oracle Client folder.
After that in your connection dialog choose TNS instead of BASIC. And pick the tnsalias name from the list from the file.
Let me know if that works.
I also faced the same issue and after trying series of steps came to this conclusion.
1)Make sure to follow the blog to install the DB and check the validation steps too :
This blog makes sure that you are able to connect to SQL via CMD.
2) If you still face issue while connecting to SQL developer for the same configuration,check : Advanced system settings-->Environment variables-->system variables--> PATH
Make sure you have entry for the DB here.
Environment variable for DB
3) If above step is a success,check the tnsnames.ora and listener.ora files present in the location : dbhome_1\network\admin
These files should have a valid entry for the localhost and SID/service name.

Accessing unencrypted H2 database without credential knowledge

We are cleaning up servers for a customer and have stumbled upon an old application using an H2 database. While the accessing applications have credentials in their configuration files, none of them seem to work.
Even the "sa" user access is not known. As far as I can see, the password for "sa" defaults to an empty string, but access with "sa"/"" is denied (Wrong user name or password [28000-182] 28000/28000 (Help)).
As said, the database is not encrypted. Looking at the file, I can see the SQL statements for the tables, even some table contents.
Is there any way to gain access to that database? As far as my searches have shown it's only possible using the "sa" user. I'm looking for something along the lines of "--skip-grant-tables" from MySQL.
The easiest solution is probably:
Try to login to the database without password. This will fail (wrong user name or password), but it will run transaction log recovery so that the database is in a consistent state.
Then, use the Recover tool (org.h2.tools.Recover) to generate a SQL script.
Edit the script: Change the password for the default user.
Run the script. That way you get a new database.

Seting Schema for HSQLDB in JDBC connection

How does one set the schema for HSQLDB in the JDBC URL itself.
Kinda how you can do in MySQL with jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/
My current DB url looks like this
Also inside the dbanme there is a schema newSchema, which can be set using
set schema newSchema,
how do i do this using the jdbc URL itself.
have you already tried the standard protocol?
How are you trying to connect? through a standalone app or by creating a resource?
You might have seen this but still check here if not done:
I think need to specify the port number like as shown //
I have been doing some more testing. The suggested solution appears to be ineffective.
For example; if I set the schema to Test I still may not use SQL on tables in that schema. Essentially that extra stuff I put in there has no effect, even though I thought it was OK.
select * from BOOKMARKS;
SEVERE SQL Error at '<stdin>' line 5:
"select * from BOOKMARKS"
user lacks privilege or object not found: BOOKMARKS
SquirrelSQL has an option for an initial schema, so queries there work OK. The sqlTool accepts the URI but doesn't change/select the schema. It is slightly frustrating that I can't see HOW to report the current schema name in use btw.
So this answer doesn't solve the problem; I'm leaving it here because it will save the next person time when they find a good answer to the challenge.
back to the drawing board ...
original suggestion ...
I'd like to do this too. For example with mysql the example is:
mysql -h hostname:port schema
The port number, being one port per database. Now in HSQLDB, the URL is one database within a Catalog (that's how they spell it). Here's the solution I came-up with. I have ...
databsee: dev
In my RC file, ~/.config/sqltool.rc ...
urlid dev_test
url jdbc:hsqldb:hsql://localhost/dev;set schema test;
username programmer
password secret
I can use the connection ID dev_test to link to the test schema, the normal default is public. And you can run the sql tool with:
java -jar /usr/lib/hsqldb/lib/sqltool.jar --rcFile=~/.config/sqltool.rc dev_tmp
That approach worked with a Groovy Sql connection:
url: 'jdbc:hsqldb:hsql://localhost/dev;set schema test',
Worked just how I'd want it. So what I can do is append the schema I want to that URL connection string string. It may no be the solution but it will do what you describe.
Looking at the connection protocol: there is NO option for a schema nor for a catalog. So catalog will be part of your URL, eg. if you use a file base database, that is one catalog.
