Adding a new action into resource controller routes form handling - laravel

I am opening a form inside one of the pages generated by JeffreyWay's laravel generator.
Except it keeps saying unknown action even though i added the action in the WorkorderController. If I change it to the default actions that was created it worked fine.. like action => 'WorkordersController#create'
Does anyone know how to register a new action using the Route::Resource?
in my form
{{ Form::open(array('action' => 'WorkordersController#time')) }}
in my WorkorderController
public function time()
return 'hello world';
in my routes
Route::resource('workorders', 'WorkordersController');

The fastest way to resolve this is creating a separate route to your action:
Route::resource('workorders', 'WorkordersController');
Route::post('workorders/time', array('as'=>'workorders.time', 'uses'=>'WorkordersController#time'));
But you also can extend the whole Laravel router system and add new actions.


What it is the solution for this problem Laravel Action

Action App\Http\Controllers\AdminController#dbTanger not defined.
And this is My AdminController
public function dbTanger() {
$data = Db::table('ressos')
return view('backend.layouts.admin.typeFilterTanger',compact('data','pagi'));
And this is the view
<div class="Filter">
<p>Filter Using Ville</p>
so if anyone can help me please
and thank you all
Since Laravel 9, the default Controller namespace has not been included in the RouteServiceProvider so you need to be explicit about where to locate controllers (or add the default namespace to your RouteServiceProvider).
What you can do is the following:
{{ action('\App\Http\Controllers\AdminController#dbTanger') }}
However, I would recommend using the route helper in conjunction with named routes as this is easier to manage should files change or move location in the future.
Route::get('/admin/dbTanger', [AdminController::class, 'dbTanger'])->name('admin.dbTanger');
Then use it as follows:
{{ route('admin.dbTanger') }}
The outcome is the same, just easier to manage and maintain long-term.
That error would mean you didn't define a route to this action so there is nothing in the route collection to be found for that action.
Define a route for this action and you would be able to use that action helper to create a URL to a route that uses this action.

Inertia.JS reload props after post request

I am currently pretty confused why Inertia.js is not reloading or rerendering my page.
I have a form that could be filled, once submitting this will execute:"/ban", ban);
This will redirect to a POST in the web.php of my Laravel.
That looks like this:
Route::post("/ban", [Speler::class, "ban"]);
This redirects to a class called "Speler", in there is a function called "ban".
Once done some SQL statements it will execute this return:
return Redirect::route("speler", [$steam])->with("success", "Ban doorgevoerd!");
This will go back to the web.php, and go to the route speler with the session data "success".
That redirect goes into the web.php:
Route::get("/speler/{steam}", [PageLoader::class, "speler"])->name("speler");
This one goes to the PageLoader controller, and execute the "speler" function.
But here it gets weird, this will return a Inertia::render of the same page the person was on, but would need to add another prop, or change the prop. (so i can show a popup with te text that it succeeded)
return Inertia::render("Panel/Speler",
["steamNaam" => $steamNaam, "discord" => $discord, "karakterAantal" => $karakterAantal, "karakters" => $karakters, "sancties" => $sanctiesReturn, "punten" => $aantalPunten, "steamid" => $steamid, "success" => $melding]
The "success" prop contains $melding that simply contains a string.
But for some reason it doesn't seem to re-render the page, the form stays filled, and the props are the same.
Does someone have a solution?
If you setup your form with the form helper, you can reset the form on a successful post like this:'/ban', {
preserveScroll: true,
onSuccess: () => form.reset(), // reset form if everything went OK
The success message, which you set with
return Redirect::route("speler", [$steam])->with("success", "Ban doorgevoerd!");
is usually taken care of by the Inertia middleware and made available as 'Shared data'. See this docs page on how to configure that. Shared data is rendered in $page.props variable. That is where you can find the Ban doorgevoerd! message. You can show these to the user as follows:
<div v-if="$page.props.flash.message" class="alert">
{{ $page.props.flash.message }}
Depending on your implementation, you would need to watch this property. See the FlashMessages component on the pingCRM demo app for an example implementation.

Difference between update and editing in controller - laravel

My table has the option edit. A row can be updated and saved to the database. While I was trying to implement this option I came across uncertainty. What do I have to do with the data from my edited row when it arrives at my controller? It doesn't seem clear to me do I have to use the edit, the update or combine them both? Do I need edit to find the id of the row that needs to be updated?
I am using the following code in methods to send data to my controller
<template slot="actions" slot-scope="row">
<span #click="updateProduct(row.item);" class="fas fa-pencil-alt green addPointer"></span>
updateProduct: async function(productData) {'/product/update', {
productData: productData
In my controller, I think I have to find the id. I am pretty sure I am confusing different methods together. Thanks for any input.
public function edit()
$product = Product::with('id')->find($id);
// do something with it
public function update(Request, $request){
'name' => $request->productData->Name,
'description' => $request->productData->Descr
the difference is significant. Edit is for displaying a form to apply changes and Update is used to set them up to server.
Edit is via GET http Update is via PUT http
In Laravel resource controller you can see these two functions "edit" & "update"
For example, you have a resource route 'post'
you can return your edit form with your previously stored data
you can call using GET method & URL will be "/post/{id}/edit" and the route will be "post.edit"
you can submit your data which you want to update
you can call using PUT/PATCH method & URL will be "/post/{id}" and the route will be "post.update"
For more information refer : -> controllers

How do I redirect to my form after a Laravel failed form validation

When there is a failed validation , my form page was redirected to 'localhost' which is the php info page instead of form page to be displayed again. I don't know what's wrong. P. S I'm working with laravel 5.2.35
Try this
return redirect()->back()->with('failAuth', true);
At the page where your form is, you can add this line
var failAuth = "{{Session:has('failAuth')}}";
if (failAuth)
alert("Authentication failed. Please resubmit your form"); //or whatever code you wanna execute
Hope it helps =)
You can use following code to achieve this:
You can refer to this at Laravel Validation
if ($validator->fails()) {
return redirect('your_form_url')
You can then display these errors by referencing $errors variable in your view.
Note: The $errors variable is bound to the view by the Illuminate\View\Middleware\ShareErrorsFromSession middleware, which is provided by the web middleware group. When this middleware is applied an $errors variable will always be available in your views, allowing you to conveniently assume the $errors variable is always defined and can be safely used.

Laravel href redirection

So I've started using Laravel and I found it very easy and now I'm creating my own restful services. My problem is I don't know if I am doing the href link correct, but yes it is working. Here is the code:
Add user
And in my controller I just render the blade:
public function create()
return view('accounts.create');
So if I click the link Add user, it will redirect me to localhost:8080/accounts/create which is working well. My question is, is there a better way of doing this? Like if ever I changed any in my routes file, I will not change anymore the href link?
Ideally, you will name the route in your routes file.
Something like,
Route::get('accounts/create', [as => 'createAccount', 'uses' => 'AccountsController#create']);
You will use it as follows
Add user
in your view.
This way, even if you change the url (accounts/create), or the action name (create), you will not have to change it in the view. Allows your view to be independent.
What you can do is give your route a name using the as key in the array in the second argument of your route:
Route::get('accounts/create', [
'as' => 'accounts.create',
'uses' => 'AccountController#create'
Then you can refer to this route in your application by it's name and it'll go to the same place even if you happen to change the URL. For an anchor tag you can do the following:
{{ URL::route('accounts.create') }}
If you're using a resource controller there will be predefined routes which you can see here under Actions Handled By Resource Controller:
You can always get a quick overview of your available routes and their names by running php artisan route:list
Route::get('accounts/create', array('as' => 'signup', 'uses' => 'UserController#create'));
Add user
This route is named as "signup" and you can change the url anytime as:
Route::get('accounts/signup', array('as' => 'signup', 'uses' => 'UserController#create'));
Yes, you can use the action() helper to call a method inside a controller and generate the route to it automatically on demand.
So let's consider you have a controller called FrontendController.php and a method called showFrontend( $section), and assuming that you have a route that matches this controller and method (let's say "frontend/show/{$section}", you can call:
action('FrontendController#showFrontend', array( 'index' ) )
That will return:
So basically it looks for the route associated to that method/controller. You can combine this with other helpers to create a whole URL.
NOTE: Consider the namespaces, in case that you have different folder for controllers, nested resources, etc.
I hope it helps!
