How to proxy all HTTP requests with node-http-proxy - node-http-proxy

I am trying to setup node-http-proxy. My goal is to put a proxy on my website. I could manually do this by doing the GETs on the server and then changing the links in the HTML but I would like to use an existing solution if there is one. Maybe I don't fully understand what node-http-proxy is. Here is my test code:
require("http-proxy").createServer(function (req, res, proxy) {
proxy.proxyRequest(req, res, {
host: '',
port: 80
I go to localhost:8000 and it returns NPR. But the source that is returned still includes links directly to NPR such as:
<script type="text/javascript" src="">
So if I were using the proxy to gain access to a website that is blocked it would not work. Nor would it work if I were using the proxy to keep the end server from knowing the client downloaded something. Basically the only HTTP proxying that is happening is with the initial GET (I think).
Is node-http-proxy capable of proxying all HTTP requests or is that something I will have to do manually?

sudo npm install npr -g
does the work, you may want to take a look at it.


"Not allowed to request resource" in Safari and "Blocked loading mixed active content" in Firefox. Perfect functionality in Chrome

I am working on an app using a React frontend and Express backend, with GraphQL setup through Apollo (I am following and modifying tutorial
I am currently attempting deployment, and am doing so with Heroku. Everything functions perfectly on my local machine before deployment and on Heroku in Google Chrome. However, I get the aforementioned errors in Safari and Firefox, respectively. Wondering why this is happening in these browsers and how to fix.
I have spent about 10 hrs doing research on this. Things I tried that made no difference:
I tried adding CORS to my express backend
I tried serving the graphql endpoint as HTTPS
Moving app.use(express.static) in main app.js server file
I couldn't find many other things to try. Everywhere I looked seemed to say that CORS fixed the problem, but mine persists.
Github link:
Live Heroku App:
App.js (express backend):
const cors = require('cors')
// const fs = require('fs')
// const https = require('https')
// const http = require('http')
app.use(express.static(path.join(__dirname, 'client/build')));
app.use(cors('*')); //NEXT TRY app.use(cors('/login')) etc...
app.get('/login', (req, res) => {
res.sendFile(path.join(__dirname, "client", "build", "index.html"));
app.get('/register', (req, res) => {
res.sendFile(path.join(__dirname, "client", "build", "index.html"));
server.applyMiddleware({ app }); // app is from the existing express app. allows apollo server to run on same listen command as app
const portVar = (process.env.PORT || 3001) // portVar cuz idk if it will screw with down low here im tired of dis
models.sequelize.sync(/*{ force: true }*/).then(() => { // syncs sequelize models to postgres, then since async call starts the server after
app.listen({ port: portVar }, () =>
console.log(`🚀 ApolloServer ready at http://localhost:3001${server.graphqlPath}`)
app.on('error', onError);
app.on('listening', onListening);
app.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({ extended: true }));
app.use(function(req, res, next) {
res.header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*");
res.header("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "Origin, X-Requested-With, Content-Type, Accept");
Full file is on Github, I tried to post only relevant parts above.
The expected result is that it works in all browsers. It seems from my research that since Heroku serves on HTTPS, Safari and Firefox do not allow requests to HTTP (which is where the graphql server is located, http://localhost:3001/graphql'). When I tried serving Apollo on HTTPS, Heroku just crashed, giving me H13 and 503 errors.
Thanks for any help...
This may also happen during local development when running the front end using HTTPS, but the back end using HTTP.
This is because CORS treats two URLs as having the same origin "only when the scheme, host, and port all match". Matching scheme means matching protocols e.g. both http, or both https.
One solution for local development is to proxy the back end using a tool such as ngrok.
Suppose the front end uses an environment variable which indicates the back end's URL:
BACK_END_API_URL=http://localhost:3005. Then do the following.
Install ngrok
Identify what port the back end is running on e.g. 3005
Run ngrok http 3005 at the command line, which will establish both http and https endpoints. Both will ultimately proxy the requests to the same back end endpoint: http://localhost:3005
After running ngrok it will display the http and https endpoints you can use. Put the one that matches the front end protocol you're using (e.g. https) into your front end environment variable that indicates the back end's URL e.g.
Was going to delete this because it is such a silly problem but maybe it will help someone in the future:
I simply replaced all of my 'http://localhost:PORT' endpoints in development with '/graphql'. I assumed that localhost meant local the machine running the code. But an app running on Heroku does not point to localhost. The express server is served on the url ( in our case...
At any rate I am so glad I came to a solution. I have a full stack app deployed and connected to a db. Hopefully this post can save someone lots of time.

Vue Cli Webpack Proxy

I've been developing with the vue-cli and the Webpack template. Everything works flawlessly but I'm having some issues using a custom host. Right now Webpack listens to localhost:8080 (or similar) and I want to be able to use a custom domain such as Has anybody figured this out?
This might be where the problem resides:
I also added this to the proxyTable:
proxyTable: { 'localhost:8080' : '' } and it gives me a console response [HPM] Proxy Created / ->
Any advice, direction or suggestion would be great!
I successfully added a proxy to my Webppack project this way:
var mProxy = proxyMiddleware('/', {
target: '',
changeOrigin: true,
logLevel: 'debug'
This seems to work, but still not on port 80.
Console Log:
[HPM] Proxy created: / ->
I can assume the proxy is working! But my assets are not loaded when I access the url.
Is important to note I'm used to working with Mamp -- and its using port 80. So the only way I can run this proxy is to shut down Mamp and set the port to 80. It seems to work, but when I reload page with the proxy URL -- there is a little delay, trying to resolve, and then console outputs this:
[HPM] GET / ->
And this displays in the browser:
Error occured while trying to proxy to:
The proxy table is for forwarding requests to another server, like a development API server.
If you want the webpack dev server to run on this address, you have to add it to your OS's hosts file. Vue or we pack can't do this, it's the job of your OS.
Google will have simple guides for every OS.

How to enable CORS on Sonatype Nexus?

I want to develop a Monitoring-WebApp for different things with AngularJS as Frontend. One of the core-elements is showing an overview of Nexus-Artifacts/Repositories.
When I request the REST-API I'm getting following error back:
No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource.
Origin 'http://localhost:9090' is therefore not allowed access.
To fix this error, I need to modify the response headers to enable CORS.
It would be great if anyone is familiar with that type of problem and could give me an answer!
The CORS headers are present in the response of the system you are trying to invoke. (Those are checked on the client side [aka browser this case], you can implement a call on your backend to have those calls and there you can ignore those headers, but that could become quite hard to maintain.) To change those you'll need a proxy. So your application will not call the url directly like
There are at least two ways: one to add a proxy directly before the sonar server and modify the headers for everyone. I do not really recommend this because of security reasons. :)
The other more maintaneable solution is to go through the local domain of the monitoring web app as follows:
To achieve this you need to setup a proxy where your application is running. This could map the different services which you depend on, and modify the headers if necessary.
I do not know which application http server are you going to use, but here are some proxy configuration documentations on the topic:
For Apache HTTPD mod_proxy you could use a configuration similar to this:
ProxyPass "/proxy/nexus/" "http://localhost:9090/"
ProxyPassReverse "/proxy/nexus/" "http://localhost:9090/"
It is maybe necessary to use the cookies as well so you may need to take a look at the following configurations:
For Nginx location you could employ something as follows
location /proxy/nexus/ {
proxy_pass http://localhost:9090/;
For node.js see documentation:
module.exports = (req, res, next) => {
proxy.web(req, res, {
target: 'http://localhost:4003/',
buffer: streamify(req.rawBody)
}, next);
}; client served from CDN

According to the documentation:
A standalone build of is exposed automatically by the server as / Alternatively you can serve the file found at the root of this repository.
<script src="/"></script>
var socket = io('http://localhost');
socket.on('connect', function(){
socket.on('event', function(data){});
socket.on('disconnect', function(){});
However, I would like to serve the client from a separate CDN (it's cheaper, faster, and reduces load on my server).
How can I do this? Do I have to disable the default?
As long as the version of the client you are using is the same as what you use on your server, there should not be any problem serving it from a CDN.
That said, the client is tiny (24kb), and if caching is setup properly, this should have very little impact on your server.
update: as mentioned by #maxwell2022, has its own cdn starting with 1.0.0, so you can use:
<script src=""></script>
You can find here CDN links to the client script files.
...and so on.
According to the wiki, if you choose to serve the client yourself, you can clone the repository and look at the dist/ subdirectory. There are 4 files to serve (this may change):
Just make sure you update these files whenever you update the server.

Can I use XMLHttpRequest on a different port from a script file loaded from that port?

I have website that use XMLHttpRequest (jQuery, actually). I also have another site running on the same server, which serves a script file that makes XHR requests back to THAT site, ie.
http://mysite:50000/index.html includes
<script src="http://mysite:9000/otherscript.js"></script>
and http://mysite:9000/otherscript.js includes
url: 'http://mysite:9000/ajax/stuff'
The problem is - this doesn't work. The AJAX requests from the loaded script simply fail with no error message. From what I've been able to find this is the old same origin policy. Given that I control both sites, is there anything I can do to make this work? The "document.domain" trick doesn't seem to do a thing for XMLHttpRequest.
Nope- can't do this with XHR. Same-domain policy is very restrictive there- same host, same port, same protocol. Sorry! You'll have to resort to other tricks (iframes, title manipulation, etc) to get it to work.
You can do this by adding Access-Control-Allow-Origin header.
If you are using PHP
or in Node.js
response.writeHead(200, {'Access-Control-Allow-Origin':''});
This should do the trick for you. It always works for me.
I just solved a similar issue with a PHP service I'm currently playing around with (not sure how relevant a PHP solution is to this directly, but...) by making a single line proxy PHP page, SimpleProxy.php:
echo file_get_contents('http://localhost:4567');
And in my XMLHttpRequest I use 'SimpleProxy.php' in place of 'http://localhost:4567', which effectively puts the request on the same domain as my .js code.
