IPython command not found Terminal OSX. Pip installed - macos

Using Python 2.7 installed via homebrew. I then used pip to install IPython. So, IPython seems to be installed under:
I think this is true because there is a IPython directory and ipython egg.
However, when I type ipython in the terminal I get:
-bash: ipython: command not found
I do not understand why this ONLY happens with IPython and not with python? Also, how do I fix this? What path should I add in .bashrc? And how should I add?
Currently, my .bashrc reads:

I had this issue too, the following worked for me and seems like a clean simple solution:
pip uninstall ipython
pip install ipython
I'm running mavericks and latest pip

Check IPython whether is installed by below command:
$python -m IPython
If you got this result as above picture.
Then run this command on terminal and add into ~/.bash_profile file
$alias ipython='python -m IPython'
So try run "ipython" again on terminal. It works fine for me.
Reference topics:
ipython on MacOS 10.10 - command not found
iPython installed but not found

Create .pydistutils.cfg in your homedir with following content:
And then: pip install -U --user ipython. Of course $HOME/bin must be in your $PATH. Packages are going to be installed in $HOME/Library/Python, so user only, not system wide.

Try run brew install ipython:
then run xcode-select --install;
run brew install git,
If you got this result as above picture. Refer to enter link description here
At last, run brew install ipython

I use pip3 install ipython is OK.
maybe ipython rely on python3

After trying to a number of solutions like above with out joy, when I restarted my terminal, Ipython command launched. Don't forgot to restart your terminal after all the fiddling!
P.S. I think the brew install Ipython did it ... but can't be sure.

For me the only thing that helped was:
python -m pip install --upgrade pip
Upgrading pip did the work and all the installations started working properly!
Give it a try.


Pip is not installing anything

Whenever i try to install anything through pip, nothing happens. When i type in the command for installing a module and press enter, Nothing happens and the next prompt shows up.
This command
C:Users\ABC>python -m pip install target-package
How do i fix this ?
I am using Windows 10.
I couldn't find any working solution for this problem.
I have tried re-installing pip and upgrading pip but nothing works.
What is your output when you run pip -V and python -V commands in your cmd?

How to fix 'zsh: command not found: airflow'?

I am trying to install airflow in my python environment within a linux server and zsh shell. I was able to pip install successfully using the command:
pip --proxy http://xxxxx install --user --no-cache-dir -U --upgrade-strategy only-if-needed --force-reinstall apache-airflow
I can also import airflow from JupyterLab but when I tried airflow version or airflow initdb. It is prompting
zsh: command not found: airflow
Would appreciate any thoughts on this. Thanks!
I had to add the following line to my .zshrc.
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/Caskroom/miniconda/base/bin
I then ran source ~/.zshrc and Airflow worked.
This is a downside of installing miniconda with brew cask I suppose.

zsh command cannot found pip

How can I use pip in oh-my-zsh? I was trying to install nltk through pip, but it told me zsh: command not found: pip. When I check plugins under .oh-my-zsh/custom/plugins, there is a folder named pip. I don't know what the problem is.
$ echo $PATH
$ type pip
pip is an alias for noglob pip
Maybe you have installed both python2 and python3. python3 may have been installed later.
You may try to use pip3 instead of pip.
First, input the command:
pip3 -V
If you see the version, the pip3 can be used.
Then you can input command line to install nltk:
pip3 install nltk
I got a way to help you use pip in zsh. We can use nano to edit files. In nano, ctrl+X to save and exit
In the ~ directory, input the command:
nano .bash_profile
You may see some codes like:
# Setting PATH for Python 3.5
# The original version is saved in .bash_profile.pysave
export PATH
Copy them and paste them to the end of .zshrc file by using command:
nano .zshrc
Then input the command:
pip -V
If you see the version, pip can be used.
In case you do
which pip
and it doesn't show the path, just do
which pip3
This will print the path which is /usr/local/bin/pip3
Then do open ~/.zshrc or nano ~/.bash_profile.
Make alias for pip like:
alias pip=/usr/local/bin/pip3
N.B: You copy that line above and paste in your .zshrc file.
After do source ~/.zshrc and close .zshrc
For me it's working to do
python -m pip install [package_name]
instead of
pip install [package_name]
If you installed python3.x, you should run with pip3(not pip)
So you are using oh-my-zsh framework for zsh or Z shell.
First, try the command:
pip3 -V
If you get something like this below, that means you have the pip3 package already and must be having python3 as well.
pip 22.0.4 from /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.10/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pip (python 3.10)
Then edit your .zprofile instead of .bashprofile as you are using zsh. This is the command.
nano ~/.zprofile
Then it should have the two alias like this.
# Setting PATH for Python 3.10
# The original version is saved in .zprofile.pysave
export PATH
alias python=python3
alias pip=pip3
Make sure you save it. Exit and Re-open you terminal. Type the command:
pip -V
It should have the same result as the pip3 -V like this:
❯ pip -V
pip 22.0.4 from /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.10/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pip (python 3.10)
Then you can use pip or pip3 interchangeably for installing your nltk package like this.
pip install nltk
I'm on MacOS and use ZSH. It seems pip 2.7 can't be found, although it is installed. I believe my paths to "pip" are linked wrong (I also have python3 and pip3 installed via brew).
To get around the issue I created an alias. If you don't have an .aliases file, create one in your homedir. Then open the file:
nano ~/.aliases
and add:
## PIP for python2.7 ##
alias pip="python -m pip "
You need to tell ZSH to pick up the alias file (assuming you don't have this setup already). Open your .zshrc:
nano ~/.zshrc
The add the following near the bottom of the file:
[ -f "$HOME/.aliases" ] && source "$HOME/.aliases"
From the terminal, run:
source ~/.zshrc
Or quit your terminal and reopen it.
Now you can run:
pip install <command>
Edit your rc file:
vim ~/.zshrc
Find the config plugins and delete the pip entry.
In a new terminal:
which pip
This will show you the real path of pip
If you're running into this issue, it probably is due to versioning complications. Python 2 versus Python 3 on your OS may be resolving unexpectedly. Below is a quick workaround to get you to functioning behavior.
Try using the below for Python 2:
python -m pip install <command>
Try using the below for Python 3:
pip3 install <command>
In my case my OS was Ubuntu 20.04 and the pip doesn't come with python.
So, i've installed pip through the command
sudo apt install python3-pip
and I'm done.
To ensure run pip -V or pip3 -V
My pip script is missing for some reason, so I have to install it.
$ python -m ensurepip --upgrade
More methods can be found here:pip installation
You should consider upgrading.
Enter this in your terminal
/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.10/bin/python3.10 -m pip install --upgrade pip
and then...
Type: pip -V

Py.test command not found, but library is installed

There are already two posts on stack overflow on this topic; however, none of them have resolved or addressed my specific situation.
I have installed pytest via pip install pytest. I am able to import the library in Python as well.
The problem is that when I try to use the py.test command in Terminal, I get py.test: command not found.
Does anyone have any insight as to why I am not able to use the command in the terminal?
EDIT: It even shows up as an installed package:
$ pip list
cycler (0.9.0)
matplotlib (1.5.1)
numpy (1.10.1)
pip (8.1.0)
py (1.4.31)
pyparsing (2.0.7)
pytest (2.9.0)
python-dateutil (2.4.2)
pytz (2015.7)
scipy (0.17.0)
setuptools (7.0)
six (1.10.0)
tensorflow (0.5.0)
vboxapi (1.0)
wheel (0.26.0)
using python -m pytest will work for you.
Or if you using virtual environment and installed pytest on virtualenv you should then run py.test alongside your virtual environment.
Check this website can be useful:http://pythontesting.net/framework/pytest/pytest-introduction/
I already had the latest version of pytest on macOS with Homebrew-installed Python 2.7 and this fixed it:
pip uninstall pytest
pip install pytest
Are you on a mac with homebrew by any chance?
I had the same issue and it basically came down to permissions/conflict with the mac os base installed python. pip install would not install or link stuff into /usr/local/bin (it happened with both virtualenv and pytest).
I uninstalled python 2.7 completely with homebrew (brew uninstall python).
Next, I reinstalled python with homebrew to fix pip (it was not a symlink in /usr/local/bin/pip where it should have been linked to Cellar) -- brew install python
Then I uninstalled pip with sudo -- sudo python -m pip uninstall pip to remove the pip owned by root
Now I uninstalled and reinstalled python with homebrew again to reinstall pip with the correct permissions brew uninstall python && brew install python
Next I fixed the python symlinks brew link python
Finally, pip install pytest worked! (and so did pip install virtualenv)
I found the information in the chosen answer from this post very helpful:
If you're not on a mac, sorry for the noise...
I may be late, but while exploring this I noticed that this can be because the Scripts folder for python is not present in the PATH.
For me this is my scripts folder:
If the path is a problem then running pip install pytest should actually you give you the warning with the path it was added to.
This should be present in the path. If on windows, edit the environment variables and this location to the PATH.
For me the path was incorrect because of an improper installation of python
I had the same issue. I had pytest v2.8.3 installed and the binary was on my path but under the name py.test. Upgrading to v3.0.3 added the regular pytest executable to the path.
I had the same problem. I have changed the Python installed folder permission to full access. And then uninstalled the pytest and installed again.
pip uninstall pytest
In my case, I had a similar issue in ubuntu 20.04. The below solution worked for me.
Cause: Shell remembers the previous version or previously used Path, hence we need to force the shell to 'forget' the old location - with -r
hash -r pytest
Then execute the tests it should work fine.
For MAC users:
Download python universal installer for mac:
Then try to install pytest module in terminal using this command:
pip install pytest
Hope this will fix the issue. Thanks!
use the command, pip install -U pytest and install it in your cmd prompt, it will solve the issueenter image description here
I used macbook air m2, and the way I deal with this problem is:
Command in terminal in macbook:
which pytest
/opt/anaconda3/bin/pytest -> my terminal shows this
Then you got the path of pytest, in the "Command", before "pytest", add its path and following with the path of python file you wanna test.
/opt/anaconda3/bin/pytest /Users/cindyng/Desktop/Testing.py
Done, and if you cannot find the path of python in macbook, "which python" also helps, and you can put it in "Home" and "Custom Python Builder".
Hope that helps, good luck!
I Fixed this issue via below steps.
1.First uninstall existing pytest.
2.Check python version.
3.then verify pytest version is supported with python version or not via github issue tracker.
4. via sudo install pytest
sudo pip install pytest
5. verify pytest version and insatlled correctly or not.
pip list
pytest --version
6.run any test using pytest test_abc.py
I encounter the same problem, python -m pytest works for me.

How can I install iterm2 bash-it themes?

The instructions aren't too newbie friendly. At least not for me.
Here is the github repo for bash-it: https://github.com/Bash-it/bash-it
I was able to clone the repo and run it.
Immediately once I close then reopen iterm I get the following errors. How can I resolve these?
I tried simply entering:
install argcomplete
sudo install argcomplete
sudo pip install argcomplete
nothing works.
Ultimately I want to install themes, specifically Zork: https://github.com/Bash-it/bash-it/wiki/Themes
The instructions simply say, export the BASH_IT_THEME variable. It doesn't tell you how. Then it says to define the following ... in your shell, but not how.
Can anyone help here?
Exporting a variable is simply done through
export variable
Exporting a Variable means it won't be just active in your currently opened shell but will also be available in programs that are being ran from that shell.
So for the Zork theme, do the following:
export BASH_IT_THEME='Zork'
To install pip (a packet manager for python), do the following:
sudo apt-get install python-pip
Afterwards, install pygments via
sudo pip install Pygments
argcomplete needs to be installed via pip as well:
pip install argcomplete
