Separating vowels and consonants - ruby

How can you separate vowels and consonants from strings, to create a filter?
How can i replace the consonants and vowels with other letters
I came up with this
while searching online, but not sure exactly how it works past the filtering part of ^aeio, to get consonants. is good for transforming text:
str = "while searching online, but not sure exactly how it works past the filtering part of ^aeio, to get consonants."
p'aeiou', '')
#=> "whl srchng nln, bt nt sr xctly hw t wrks pst th fltrng prt f ^, t gt cnsnnts."
p'^aeiou', '') # the ^ negates
p'aeiou', 'eioua')
#=>"wholi sierchong unloni, bat nut sari ixectly huw ot wurks pest thi foltirong pert uf ^eiou, tu git cunsunents."

Do you mean split like this?
1.9.3-p327 > s = "abcqwertyaeiouvbnmi"
=> "abcqwertyaeiouvbnmi"
1.9.3-p327 > s.split(/([aeiou]+)/)
=> ["", "a", "bcqw", "e", "rty", "aeiou", "vbnm", "i"]
If so, then you could just loop through the resulting array replacing characters as you go.

s = "iamagoodboy"
v,c = s.chars.partition{|i| ["a","e","i","o","u"].include?(i)}
p v #=> ["i", "a", "a", "o", "o", "o"]
p c #=> ["m", "g", "d", "b", "y"]
Now you can iterate on v and c as you want.


How do I split a string without keeping the delimiter?

In Ruby, how do I split a string and not keep the delimiter in the resulting split array? I though tthis was the default, but when I try
2.4.0 :016 > str = "a b c"
=> "a b c"
2.4.0 :017 > str.split(/([[:space:]]|,)+/)
=> ["a", " ", "b", " ", "c"]
I see the spaces included in my result. I would like the result to simply be
["a", "b", "c"]
From the String#split documentation:
If pattern contains groups, the respective matches will be returned in the array as well.
Answering your explicitly stated question: do not match the group:
# ⇓⇓ HERE
or, even without groups:
or, in more Rubyish way:
'a b, c,d e'.split(/[\p{Space},]+/)
#⇒ ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e"]
String#splitsplits on white-space by default, so don 't bother with a regex:
"a b c".split # => ["a", "b", "c"]
Try this please
str.split(' ')

Ruby split binary string where the previous character is different from the next one

I wonder how could I split a binary string in Ruby.
I want to split the string where the previous character is different from the next one.
for example if i have the string
#s = "aaaabbabbaa"
I would like to create an array of strings
#array[0] = "aaaa"
#array[1] = "bb"
#array[2] = "a"
#array[3] = "bb"
#array[4] = "aa"
How could i do this?
Enumerable#chunk does that, but its defined on Enumerable - and String does not include Enumerable. Transform it into an Array of chars (and glue them back to strings) , like:
s = "aaaabbabbaa"
p array = s.chars.chunk(&:itself).map{|a| a.last.join} #=>["aaaa", "bb", "a", "bb", "aa"]
You could use a regular expression with scan:
#array = #s.scan(/((.)\2*)/).map(&:first)
#=> ["aaaa", "bb", "a", "bb", "aa"]
str = "aaaabbabbaa"
r = /
(?<=(.)) # match any character in capture group 1, in positive lookbehind
(?!\1) # do not match capture group 1, negative lookahead
/x # free-spacing regex definition mode
#=> ["aaaa", "a", "bb", "b", "a", "a", "bb", "b", "aa", "a"]
By using two lookarounds no characters are lost when splitting on the regular expression.
using Enumerable#chunk_while
str = "aaaabbabbaa"
p str.chars.chunk_while(&:==).map(&:join)
Output : ["aaaa", "bb", "a", "bb", "aa"]

How to extract each individual combination from a flat_map?

I'm fairly new to ruby and it's my first question here on stackoverflow so pardon me if I'm being a complete noob.
The code which i am working with contains this line -
puts (6..6).flat_map{|n| ('a'..'z').to_a.combination(n).map(&:join)}
What the code does is that its starts printing each of the combinations starting from "abcdef" and continues till the end (which i have never seen as it has 26^6 combinations).
Of course having an array of that size (26^6) is unimaginable hence I was wondering if there is any way by which i can get next combination in a variable, work with it, and then continue on to the next combination ?
For example I calculate the first combination as "abcdef" and store it in a variable 'combo' and use that variable somewhere and then the next combination is calculated and "abcdeg" is stored in 'combo' and hence the loop continues ?
(6..6).flat_map { |n| ... } doesn't do much. Your code is equivalent to:
puts ('a'..'z').to_a.combination(6).map(&:join)
To process the values one by one, you can pass a block to combination:
('a'..'z').to_a.combination(6) do |combo|
puts combo.join
If no block is given, combination returns an Enumerator that can be iterated by calling next:
enum = ('a'..'z').to_a.combination(6)
#=> #<Enumerator: ["a", "b", "c", ..., "w", "x", "y", "z"]:combination(6)>
#=> ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f"]
#=> ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "g"]
#=> ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "h"]
Note that ('a'..'z').to_a.combination(6) will "only" yield 230,230 combinations:
#=> 230230
As opposed to 26 ^ 6 = 308,915,776. You are probably looking for repeated_permutation:
#=> 308915776
Another way to iterate from "aaaaaa" to "zzzzzz" is a simple range:
('aaaaaa'..'zzzzzz').each do |combo|
puts combo
Or manually by calling String#succ: (this is what Range#each does under the hood)
'aaaaaa'.succ #=> "aaaaab"
'aaaaab'.succ #=> "aaaaac"
'aaaaaz'.succ #=> "aaaaba"

Format data in string to array?

I need to convert data from a string to an array. The string looks like this:
The array that I want to receive should look like this:
[a, b, c1, c2, c3, d, e, f11, f22, f33, g]
I tried to use the split method but it works poorly.
arr = str.split(' ');
keys = arr[0][2..-2]
keys = keys.split(',')
Do you have any ideas how it could be implemented?
Here's what I'd use:
string = '{a,b,c{1,2,3},d,e,f{11,22,33},g}'
array = string.scan(/[a-z](?:{.+?})?/).flat_map{ |s|
if s['{']
prefix = s[0]
values = s.scan(/\d+/)
([prefix] * values.size).zip(values).map(&:join)
array # => ["a", "b", "c1", "c2", "c3", "d", "e", "f11", "f22", "f33", "g"]
Here's how it works:
string.scan(/[a-z](?:{.+?})?/) # => ["a", "b", "c{1,2,3}", "d", "e", "f{11,22,33}", "g"]
returns the string broken into chunks, looking for a single letter followed by an optional string of { with some text then }.
values = s.scan(/\d+/) # => ["1", "2", "3"], ["11", "22", "33"]
As it's running in flat_map, if { is found, the numbers are scanned out.
([prefix] * values.size).zip(values).map(&:join) # => ["c1", "c2", "c3"], ["f11", "f22", "f33"]
And then an array of the prefix, with the same number of elements as there are values is created and zipped together, resulting in:
[["c", "1"], ["c", "2"], ["c", "3"]], [["f", "11"], ["f", "22"], ["f", "33"]]
The join glues those sub-arrays together. And flat_map flattens any subarrays created so the resulting output is a single array.
You need to arr = str.split(',') in the first step, because there is no whitespace between the values.
Also keep in mind you have {} to handle too.
This worked for me with simple regex and gsubing (though Tin Man's solution is better ruby):
def my_string_to_array(input_string)
groups = input_string.scan(/\w+\{.*?\}/)
groups.each do |group|
modified = group.gsub(',', ",#{group.match(/\w+/)[0]}").delete("{}")
input_string.gsub!(group, modified)
created_array = input_string.delete("{}").split(',')
string = '{a,b,c{1,2,3},d,e,f{11,22,33},g}'
=> ["a", "b", "c1", "c2", "c3", "d", "e", "f11", "f22", "f33", "g"]
The way it works is that it first finds the groups having alphabets followed by braces and digits (like c{1,2,3})
For each such group, it modifies it by gsubing ',' with ',<alphabet>' and removing the braces.
Next, it replaces these groups with the modified ones in the original string.
And finally it removes the starting and ending braces in the original string, and converts it into an array.

Determining if a prefix exists in a set

Given a set of strings, say:
and given a single string, say:
I would like a function that returns the smallest prefix not already inside the array.
For the above example, the function should return: "Caro". (A subsequent call would return "Carole")
I am very new to Ruby, and although I could probably hack out something ugly (using my C/C++/Objective-C brain), I would like to learn how to properly (elegantly?) code this up.
There's a little known magical module in Ruby called Abbrev.
require 'abbrev'
abbreviations = Abbrev::abbrev([
carolers = Abbrev::abbrev(%w[Carolers])
(carolers.keys - abbreviations.keys).sort.first # => "Caro"
Above I took the first element but this shows what else would be available.
pp (carolers.keys - abbreviations.keys).sort
# >> ["Caro", "Carole", "Caroler", "Carolers"]
Wrap all the above in a function, compute the resulting missing elements, and then iterate over them yielding them to a block, or use an enumerator to return them one-by-one.
This is what is generated for a single word. For an array it is more complex.
require 'pp'
pp Abbrev::abbrev(['cat'])
# >> {"ca"=>"cat", "c"=>"cat", "cat"=>"cat"}
pp Abbrev::abbrev(['cat', 'car', 'cattle', 'carrier'])
# >> {"cattl"=>"cattle",
# >> "catt"=>"cattle",
# >> "cat"=>"cat",
# >> "carrie"=>"carrier",
# >> "carri"=>"carrier",
# >> "carr"=>"carrier",
# >> "car"=>"car",
# >> "cattle"=>"cattle",
# >> "carrier"=>"carrier"}
Your question still doesn't match what you are expecting as a result. It seems that you need prefixes, not the substrings (as "a" would be the shortest substring not already in the array). For searching the prefix, this should suffice:
array = [
str = 'Carolers'
}.find{|s| !array.member?(s)}
I am not a Ruby expert, but I think you may want to approach this problem by converting your set into a trie. Once you have the trie constructed, your problem can be solved simply by walking down from the root of the trie, following all of the edges for the letters in the word, until you either find a node that is not marked as a word or walk off the trie. In either case, you've found a node that isn't part of any word, and you have the shortest prefix of your word in question that doesn't already exist inside of the set. Moreover, this would let you run any number of prefix checks quickly, since after you've built up the trie the algorithm takes time at most linear in the length of the string.
Hope this helps!
I'm not really sure what you're asking for other than an example of some Ruby code to find common prefixes. I'll assume you want to find the smallest string which is a prefix of the most number of strings in the given set. Here's an example implementation:
class PrefixFinder
def initialize(words)
#words = Hash[*{|x|[x,x]}.flatten]
def next_prefix
max=0; biggest=nil
#words.keys.sort.each do |word|
0.upto(word.size-1) do |len|
substr=word[0..len];"^" + substr)
next if #words[substr]
count = #words.keys.find_all {|x| x=~regex}.size
max, biggest = [count, substr] if count > max
#puts "OK: s=#{substr}, biggest=#{biggest.inspect}"
#words[biggest] = biggest if biggest
pf = Ca Car Carol Caroled Carolers))
pf.next_prefix # => "Caro"
pf.next_prefix # => "Carole"
pf.next_prefix # => "Caroler"
pf.next_prefix # => nil
No comment on the performance (or correctness) of this code but it does show some Ruby idioms (instance variables, iteration, hashing, etc).
=> inn = ["Alice","Bob","C","Ca","Car","Carol","Caroling","Carousel"]
=> y =
=> str="Carolers"
Split the given string to an array
=> x=str.split('')
# ["C","a","r","o","l","e","r","s"]
Form all the combination
=> x.each_index {|i| y << x.take(i+1)}
# [["c"], ["c", "a"], ["c", "a", "r"], ["c", "a", "r", "o"], ["c", "a", "r", "o", "l"], ["c", "a", "r", "o", "l", "e"], ["c", "a", "r", "o", "l", "e", "r"], ["c", "a", "r", "o", "l", "e", "r", "s"]]
Using Join to concatenate the
=> y = {|s| s.join }
# ["c", "ca", "car", "caro", "carol", "carole", "caroler", "carolers"]
Select the first item from the y thats not available in the input Array
=> {|item| !inn.include? item}.first
You will get "caro"
Putting together all
def FindFirstMissingItem(srcArray,strtocheck)
x.each_index {|i| y << x.take(i+1)} {|s| s.join} {|item| !srcArray.include? item}.first
And call
=> inn = ["Alice","Bob","C","Ca","Car","Carol","Caroling","Carousel"]
=> str="Carolers"
FindFirstMissingItem inn,str
Very simple version (but not very Rubyish):
str = 'Carolers'
ar = %w(Alice Bob C Ca Car Carol Caroling Carousel)
substr = str[0, n=1]
substr = str[0, n+=1] while ar.include? substr
puts substr
