What happens in Hopscotch Hash Tables when there are more than sizeof(Neighborhood) actual hash collisions? - data-structures

Relevant link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hopscotch_hashing
Hopscotch hash tables seem great, but I haven't found an answer to this question in the literature: what happens if my neighborhood size is N and (due to malfeasance or extremely bad luck) I insert N+1 elements which all hash to the same exact value?

In the original article it is written that table needs to be resized:
Finally, notice that if more than a constant number of items are hashed by h into
a given bucket, the table needs to be resized. Luckily, as we show, for a universal
hash function h, the probability of this type of resize happening given H = 32 is

There are two cases where we need resize hopscotch hash
you have H collisions for the given bucket
the load factor is really too big to find the free bucket. In practice, you should setup a uplimit for search free bucket.
Given the universal hash function, you only have 1/32! chance to get into case #1, in other word, if you continuously insert 2^35 elements, then you have one chance to resize due to collisions.
The case #2 is more popular reason for resize in practice, you could refer to some quadratic implementations for how they decide to resize[C# hashmap and Google sparse hashmap], there is no real implementation for linear probe due to its cluster drawback, i.e. can't guarantee constant lookup.


Is there a specific scenario of a hash table that isn't full yet an insertion can't occur?

What I mean to ask is for a hash-table following the standard size of a prime number, is it possible to have some scenario (of inserted keys) where no further insertion of a given element is possible even though there's some empty slots? What kind of hash-function would achieve that?
So, most hash functions allow for collisions ("Hash Collisions" is the phrase you should google to understand this better, by the way.) Collisions are handled by having a secondary data structure, like a list, to store all of the values inserted at keys with the same hash.
Because these data structures can generally store arbitrarily many elements, you will always be able to insert into the hash table, but the performance will get worse and worse, approaching the performance of the backing data structure.
If you do not have a backing data structure, then you can be unable to insert as soon as two things get added to the same position. Since a good hash function distributes things evenly and effectively randomly, this would happen pretty quickly (see "The Birthday Problem").
There are failure-to-insert scenarios for some but not all hash table implementations.
For example, closed hashing aka open addressing implementations use some logic to create a sequence of buckets in which they'll "probe" for values not found at the hashed-to bucket due to collisions. In the real world, sometimes the sequence-creation is pretty basic, for example:
the programmer might have hard-coded N prime numbers, thinking the odds of adding in each of those in turn and still not finding an empty bucket are low (but a malicious user who knows the hash table design may be able to calculate values to make the table fail, or it may simply be so full that the odds are no longer good, or - while emptier - a statistical freak event)
the programmer might have done something like picked a prime number they liked - say 13903 - to add to the last-probed bucket each time until a free one is found, but if the table size happens to be 13903 too it'll keep checking the same bucket.
Still, there are probing approaches such as linear probing that guarantee to try all buckets (unless the implementation goes out of its way to put a limit on retries). It has some other "issues" though, and won't always be the best choice.
If a hash table is implemented using open addressing instead of separate chaining, then it is a good idea to leave at least 1 slot empty to simplify the algorithm.
In open addressing when we are trying to find an element, we first compute the hash index i, then check the table at indexes {i, i + 1, i + 2, ... N - 1, (wrapping around) 0, 1, 2, ...}, until we either find the element we want or hit an empty slot. You can see that in this algorithm, if no slot is empty but the element can't be found, then the search would loop forever.
However, I should emphasize that enforcing merely simplifies the search algorithm. Because alternatively, the search algorithm can remember the starting index i, and halt the search if the entire table has been scanned and it lands back at index i.

When to use hash tables?

What are the cases when using hash table can improve performance, and when it does not? and what are the cases when using hash tables are not applicable?
What are the cases when using hash table can improve performance, and when it does not?
If you have reason to care, implement using hash tables and whatever else you're considering, put your actual data through, and measure which performs better.
That said, if the hash tables has the operations you need (i.e. you're not expecting to iterate it in sorted order, or compare it quickly to another hash table), and has millions or more (billions, trillions...) of elements, then it'll probably be your best choice, but a lot depends on the hash table implementation (especially the choice of closed vs. open hashing), object size, hash function quality and calculation cost / runtime), comparison cost, oddities of your computers memory performance at different cache levels... in short: too many things to make even an educated guess a better choice than measuring, when it matters.
and what are the cases when using hash tables are not applicable?
Mainly when:
The input can't be hashed (e.g. you're given binary blobs and don't know which bits in there are significant, but you do have an int cmp(const T&, const T&) function you could use for a std::map), or
the available/possible hash functions are very collision prone, or
you want to avoid worst-case performance hits for:
handling lots of hash-colliding elements (perhaps "engineered" by someone trying to crash or slow down your software)
resizing the hash table: unless presized to be large enough (which can be wasteful and slow when excessive memory's used), the majority of implementations will outgrow the arrays they're using for the hash table every now and then, then allocate a bigger array and copy content across: this can make the specific insertions that cause this rehashing to be much slower than the normal O(1) behaviour, even though the average is still O(1); if you need more consistent behaviour in all cases, something like a balance binary tree may serve
your access patterns are quite specialised (e.g. frequently operating on elements with keys that are "nearby" in some specific sort order), such that cache efficiency is better for other storage models that keep them nearby in memory (e.g. bucket sorted elements), even if you're not exactly relying on the sort order for e.g. iteration
We use Hash Tables to get access time of O(1). Imagine a dictionary. When you are looking for a word, eg "happy", you jump straight to 'H'. Here the hash function is determined by the starting alphabet. And then you look for happy within the H bucket (actually H bucket then HA bucket then HAP bucket anbd so on).
It doesn't make sense to use Hash Tables when your data is ordered or needs ordering like sorted numbers. (Alphabets are ordered ABCD....XYZ but it wouldn't matter if you switched A and Z, provided you know it is switched in your dictionary.)

Such a thing as a constant quality (variable bit) digest hashing algorithm?

Problem space: We have a ton of data to digest that can range 6 orders of magnitude in size. Looking for a way to be more efficient, and thus use less disk space to store all of these digests.
So I was thinking about lossy audio encoding, such as MP3. There are two basic approaches - constant bitrate and constant quality (aka variable bitrate). Since my primary interest is quality, I usually go for VBR. Thus, to achieve the same level of quality, a pure sin tone would require significantly lower bitrate than a something like a complex classical piece.
Using the same idea, two very small data chunks should require significantly less total digest bits than two very large data chunks to ensure roughly the same statistical improbability (what I am calling quality in this context) of their digests colliding. This is an assumption that seems intuitively correct to me, but then again, I am not a crypto mathematician. Also note that this is all about identification, not security. It's okay if a small data chunk has a small digest, and thus computationally feasible to reproduce.
I tried searching around the inter-tubes for anything like this. The closest thing I found was a posting somewhere that talked about using a fixed size digest hash, like SHA256, as a initialization vector for AES/CTR acting as a psuedo-random generator. Then taking the first x number of bit off that.
That seems like a totally do-able thing. The only problem with this approach is that I have no idea how to calculate the appropriate value of x as a function of the data chunk size. I think my target quality would be statistical improbability of SHA256 collision between two 1GB data chunks. Does anyone have thoughts on this calculation?
Are there any existing digest hashing algorithms that already do this? Or are there any other approaches that will yield this same result?
Update: Looks like there is the SHA3 Keccak "sponge" that can output an arbitrary number of bits. But I still need to know how many bits I need as a function of input size for a constant quality. It sounded like this algorithm produces an infinite stream of bits, and you just truncate at however many you want. However testing in Ruby, I would have expected the first half of a SHA3-512 to be exactly equal to a SHA3-256, but it was not...
Your logic from the comment is fairly sound. Quality hash functions will not generate a duplicate/previously generated output until the input length is nearly (or has exceeded) the hash digest length.
But, the key factor in collision risk is the size of the input set to the size of the hash digest. When using a quality hash function, the chance of a collision for two 1 TB files not significantly different than the chance of collision for two 1KB files, or even one 1TB and one 1KB file. This is because hash function strive for uniformity; good functions achieve it to a high degree.
Due to the birthday problem, the collision risk for a hash function is is less than the bitwidth of its output. That wiki article for the pigeonhole principle, which is the basis for the birthday problem, says:
The [pigeonhole] principle can be used to prove that any lossless compression algorithm, provided it makes some inputs smaller (as the name compression suggests), will also make some other inputs larger. Otherwise, the set of all input sequences up to a given length L could be mapped to the (much) smaller set of all sequences of length less than L, and do so without collisions (because the compression is lossless), which possibility the pigeonhole principle excludes.
So going to a 'VBR' hash digest is not guaranteed to save you space. The birthday problem provides the math for calculating the chance that two random things will share the same property (a hash code is a property, in a broad sense), but this article gives a better summary, including the following table.
Source: preshing.com
The top row of the table says that in order to have a 50% chance of a collision with a 32-bit hash function, you only need to hash 77k items. For a 64-bit hash function, that number rises to 5.04 billion for the same 50% collision risk. For a 160-bit hash function, you need 1.42 * 1024 inputs before there is a 50% chance that a new input will have the same hash as a previous input.
Note that 1.42 * 1024 160 bit numbers would themselves take up an unreasonably large amount of space; millions of Terabytes, if I'm doing the math right. And that's without counting for the 1024 item values they represent.
The bottom end of that table should convince you that a 160-bit hash function has a sufficiently low risk of collisions. In particular, you would have to have 1021 hash inputs before there is even a 1 in a million chance of a hash collision. That's why your searching turned up so little: it's not worth dealing with the complexity.
No matter what hash strategy you decide upon however, there is a non-zero risk of collision. Any type of ID system that relies on a hash needs to have a fallback comparison. An easy additional check for files is to compare their sizes (works well for any variable length data where the length is known, such as strings). Wikipedia covers several different collision mitigation and detection strategies for hash tables, most of which can be extended to a filesystem with a little imagination. If you require perfect fidelity, then after you've run out of fast checks, you need to fallback to the most basic comparator: the expensive bit-for-bit check of the two inputs.
If I understand the question correctly, you have a number of data items of different lengths, and for each item you are computing a hash (i.e. a digest) so the items can be identified.
Suppose you have already hashed N items (without collisions), and you are using a 64bit hash code.
The next item you hash will take one of 2^64 values and so you will have a N / 2^64 probability of a hash collision when you add the next item.
Note that this probability does NOT depend on the original size of the data item. It does depend on the total number of items you have to hash, so you should choose the number of bits according to the probability you are willing to tolerate of a hash collision.
However, if you have partitioned your data set in some way such that there are different numbers of items in each partition, then you may be able to save a small amount of space by using variable sized hashes.
For example, suppose you use 1TB disk drives to store items, and all items >1GB are on one drive, while items <1KB are on another, and a third is used for intermediate sizes. There will be at most 1000 items on the first drive so you could use a smaller hash, while there could be a billion items on the drive with small files so a larger hash would be appropriate for the same collision probability.
In this case the hash size does depend on file size, but only in an indirect way based on the size of the partitions.

Choosing a Data structure for very large data

I have x (millions) positive integers, where their values can be as big as allowed (+2,147,483,647). Assuming they are unique, what is the best way to store them for a lookup intensive program.
So far i thought of using a binary AVL tree or a hash table, where the integer is the key to the mapped data (a name). However am not to sure whether i can implement such large keys and in such large quantity with a hash table (wouldn't that create a >0.8 load factor in addition to be prone for collisions?)
Could i get some advise on which data structure might be suitable for my situation
The choice of structure depends heavily on how much memory you have available. I'm assuming based on the description that you need lookup but not to loop over them, find nearest, or other similar operations.
Best is probably a bucketed hash table. By placing hash collisions into buckets and keeping separate arrays in the bucket for keys and values, you can both reduce the size of the table proper and take advantage of CPU cache speedup when searching a bucket. Linear search within a bucket may even end up faster than binary search!
AVL trees are nice for data sets that are read-intensive but not read-only AND require ordered enumeration, find nearest and similar operations, but they're an annoyingly amount of work to implement correctly. You may get better performance with a B-tree because of CPU cache behavior, though, especially a cache-oblivious B-tree algorithm.
Have you looked into B-trees? The efficiency runs between log_m(n) and log_(m/2)(n) so if you choose m to be around 8-10 or so you should be able to keep your search depth to below 10.
Bit Vector , with the index set if the number is present. You can tweak it to have the number of occurrences of each number. There is a nice column about bit vectors in Bentley's Programming Pearls.
If memory isn't an issue a map is probably your best bet. Maps are O(1) meaning that as you scale up the number of items to be looked up the time is takes to find a value is the same.
A map where the key is the int, and the value is the name.
Do try hash tables first. There are some variants that can tolerate being very dense without significant slowdown (like Brent's variation).
If you only need to store the 32-bit integers and not any associated record, use a set and not a map, like hash_set in most C++ libraries. It would use only 4-bytes records plus some constant overhead and a little slack to avoid being 100%. In the worst case, to handle 'millions' of numbers you'd need a few tens of megabytes. Big, but nothing unmanageable.
If you need it to be much tighter, just store them sorted in a plain array and use binary search to fetch them. It will be O(log n) instead of O(1), but for 'millions' of records it's still just twentysomething steps to get any one of them. In C you have bsearch(), which is as fast as it can get.
edit: just saw in your question you talk about some 'mapped data (a name)'. are those names unique? do they also have to be in memory? if yes, they would definitely dominate the memory requirements. Even so, if the names are the typical english words, most would be 10 bytes or less, keeping the total size in the 'tens of megabytes'; maybe up to a hundred megs, still very manageable.

Chained Hash Tables vs. Open-Addressed Hash Tables

Can somebody explain the main differences between (advantages / disadvantages) the two implementations?
For a library, what implementation is recommended?
Wikipedia's article on hash tables gives a distinctly better explanation and overview of different hash table schemes that people have used than I'm able to off the top of my head. In fact you're probably better off reading that article than asking the question here. :)
That said...
A chained hash table indexes into an array of pointers to the heads of linked lists. Each linked list cell has the key for which it was allocated and the value which was inserted for that key. When you want to look up a particular element from its key, the key's hash is used to work out which linked list to follow, and then that particular list is traversed to find the element that you're after. If more than one key in the hash table has the same hash, then you'll have linked lists with more than one element.
The downside of chained hashing is having to follow pointers in order to search linked lists. The upside is that chained hash tables only get linearly slower as the load factor (the ratio of elements in the hash table to the length of the bucket array) increases, even if it rises above 1.
An open-addressing hash table indexes into an array of pointers to pairs of (key, value). You use the key's hash value to work out which slot in the array to look at first. If more than one key in the hash table has the same hash, then you use some scheme to decide on another slot to look in instead. For example, linear probing is where you look at the next slot after the one chosen, and then the next slot after that, and so on until you either find a slot that matches the key you're looking for, or you hit an empty slot (in which case the key must not be there).
Open-addressing is usually faster than chained hashing when the load factor is low because you don't have to follow pointers between list nodes. It gets very, very slow if the load factor approaches 1, because you end up usually having to search through many of the slots in the bucket array before you find either the key that you were looking for or an empty slot. Also, you can never have more elements in the hash table than there are entries in the bucket array.
To deal with the fact that all hash tables at least get slower (and in some cases actually break completely) when their load factor approaches 1, practical hash table implementations make the bucket array larger (by allocating a new bucket array, and copying elements from the old one into the new one, then freeing the old one) when the load factor gets above a certain value (typically about 0.7).
There are lots of variations on all of the above. Again, please see the wikipedia article, it really is quite good.
For a library that is meant to be used by other people, I would strongly recommend experimenting. Since they're generally quite performance-crucial, you're usually best off using somebody else's implementation of a hash table which has already been carefully tuned. There are lots of open-source BSD, LGPL and GPL licensed hash table implementations.
If you're working with GTK, for example, then you'll find that there's a good hash table in GLib.
My understanding (in simple terms) is that both the methods has pros and cons, though most of the libraries use Chaining strategy.
Chaining Method:
Here the hash tables array maps to a linked list of items. This is efficient if the number of collision is fairly small. The worst case scenario is O(n) where n is the number of elements in the table.
Open Addressing with Linear Probe:
Here when the collision occurs, move on to the next index until we find an open spot. So, if the number of collision is low, this is very fast and space efficient. The limitation here is the total number of entries in the table is limited by the size of the array. This is not the case with chaining.
There is another approach which is Chaining with binary search trees. In this approach, when the collision occurs, they are stored in binary search tree instead of linked list. Hence, the worst case scenario here would be O(log n). In practice, this approach is best suited when there is a extremely nonuniform distribution.
Since excellent explanation is given, I'd just add visualizations taken from CLRS for further illustration:
Open Addressing:
Open addressing vs. separate chaining
Linear probing, double and random hashing are appropriate if the keys are kept as entries in the hashtable itself...
doing that is called "open addressing"
it is also called "closed hashing"
Another idea: Entries in the hashtable are just pointers to the head of a linked list (“chain”); elements of the linked list contain the keys...
this is called "separate chaining"
it is also called "open hashing"
Collision resolution becomes easy with separate chaining: just insert a key in its linked list if it is not already there
(It is possible to use fancier data structures than linked lists for this; but linked lists work very well in the average case, as we will see)
Let’s look at analyzing time costs of these strategies
Source: http://cseweb.ucsd.edu/~kube/cls/100/Lectures/lec16/lec16-25.html
If the number of items that will be inserted in a hash table isn’t known when the table is created, chained hash table is preferable to open addressing.
Increasing the load factor(number of items/table size) causes major performance penalties in open addressed hash tables, but performance degrades only linearly in chained hash tables.
If you are dealing with low memory and want to reduce memory usage, go for open addressing. If you are not worried about memory and want speed, go for chained hash tables.
When in doubt, use chained hash tables. Adding more data than you anticipated won’t cause performance to slow to a crawl.
