Reduce security from views folder MVC -

In my views folder i want to use templates from jsrender but when i try to access anything from the Views folder it gives me 404 and 500 error as response not found.
What i just want to do is to access *. HTML file from the Views folder.
What should be the change in Web.Config of Views?

What i just want to do is to access *. HTML file from the Views folder
No, you can't. The Views folder has a special meaning in ASP.NET MVC and there's a handler which forbids access to any file in it. You just have to put your templates somewhere else. A ~/Templates folder doesn't seem like a bad idea.


Why are view files in CodeIgniter saved with .php extension?

From the CodeIgniter docs, I noticed that the view files are saved with .php extension, even if they only contain html. Is there a logical reason behind this?
It is not compulsory to save view files with the only .php extension we can also save them as HTML files, But to load the HTML views we also need to specify the filename with an extension like $this->load->view('my_view.html').
Also, you can check this link for the same discussion view extension in CodeIgniter 3
Q: When we load any class in CodeIgniter like we load the models, libraries in our controllers without specifying its extensions so how CodeIgniter loads the exact file with that name.
A: For this, There are the system functions defined in the CodeIgniter which concat the .php extension with the class name we pass e.g $this->load->library('form_validation')
For Example: How CodeIgniter 3 actually loads liberaries If you can check the system file in system/core/Common.php line no ~141 function
load_class for liberaries
So it will load system/libraries/Form_validation.php file
I hope this will make you clear that why view files in CodeIgniter saved with .php extension.
Codeigniter is a PhP framework, so it assumes the user is (eventually) going to use PhP.
Also, it isn't necessarily bad practice to always use .php instead of .html since .php handles html just fine. Could be viewed as potential future proofing your code.
One advantage of using the .php extension is that a server can be configured to not display the contents of the file. In other words, the lines of text (php code) that are eventually output to the browser (as html) cannot be seen directly. This provides a layer of security by hiding implementation details from the website user.
Because Codeigniter is a PHP MVC (Model-View-Controller) Framework. The view files are .php because they use PHP scripts. That's the idea, but it's not mandatory. You can include pure HTML. The view files are called by "name-of-the-view-without-the-extension".

need to add css,js files inside the modules folder CI hmvc

I am working on a CodeIgniter - HMVC
What I know:
is I should not create assets like css,js,images inside the application folder in codeigniter, but I have a necessity for it.
**What I am trying to achieve is : **
to create a standalone module and trying to use it in another project. In that case, I really need to add the necessary css,js,images files into the modules folder it self.
The Error I get is:
You don't have permission to access /v7-bitbucket/application/modules/some_modle/assets/bootstrap.min.css on this server.
How do I overcome this?
Please advice.
There are 2 ways I can think of for you to access this data.
The first one is using an htaccess and a custom rule, which redirects certain files to inside the other directory. This way, the user will still have access to only certain specific files outside of the public HTML folder.
The second option is to use PHP and render the content of the file in custom tags.
Ex: Instead of entering <link href="<?= $path ?>">, you would do <style><?= file_get_contents($path) ?></style>. This would be harder to cache, and a bit harder to implement for images.

Move Codeigniter's Model, View and controller folders outside Application

I would like to change/move the Model, View and Controllers folder from application folder and want them to be keep support in a new folder called app. Can someone please give me a solution which would work on CI-3*
index.php look for $application_folder and modify this.
You can move views separately using the $view_folder variable.
However, without changing the way the core of CI works you'd have to keep models/controllers inside of application.

What is the maximum layer of subdirectory at codeigniter controllers

I have a a project(codeigniter) where file directory is like that.
Now if I try to access
It calls codeigniter 404 page
But I can access
Actually I can get access any controller under controllers and controllers/tasks folder.
But I cannot get access under controllers/tasks/setup folder
My question is
Is there any limitation of sub-directory at codeigniter?
If Yes: Is there any way to solve the limitation and How?
If No: Why I cannot access the third layer sub-directory controllers?Did I do something wrong?
yes there is a default for the ci controllers file folder levels. i am using this solution:
the author includes a lengthy mod rewrite but if you already have a working htaccess rewrite file to eliminate index.php from the url then it will probably work as is.

Creating an admin section controllers and views in Code Igniter 2.0

I have created my site with controllers such as about, products etc... which gives me etc..
How would I create a admin section with the same controller name, like or ?
How do I organize my controllers?
2 more options to compliment WebweaverD answer.
Use Modular Separation
Create a second application folder and index file, that will be responsible for admin, connect them to the same system folder.
The second option is really easy to manage once you have set it up. There are variations but I find the structure below to be the most convenient.
app/ frontend codeigniter application folder
assets/ frontend js, css, images
app/ backend codeigniter application folder
assets/ backend js, css, images
system/ codeigniter system folder
The database.php file contains the code from CodeIgniter's config/database.php and is shared for all applications of your project - simply remove all code and add require_once('../../../../config/database.php'); to the config/database.php
index.php files inside public folders have two important variables $system_path and $application_folder, change them to
$system_path = '../../../system/codeigniter';
$application_folder = '../app';
constants.php file can have some constants like the ENVIRONMENT constant from the index.php files and some other. Just require_once() it from the index.php files.
Though there are pros and cons.
For those of you, who are developing on localhost and deploying to servers via FTP or other systems can simply upload one folder - apps and overwrite the target folder without fear of overwriting database.php settings (I'm sure most of you have them different from the local ones).
Adding one more application is easy - just duplicate one of existing. You can add as many applications as you want - api, ajax, user cabinet, etc.
This structure is meant to be used if you have a domain as and have the ability to add sub-domains to it, so you just configure the home folders for each of them: path/to/ path/to/ path/to/
You have a few options here:
1) CREATE A SUBFOLDER - Put them in a folder called admin within the controllers directory (in application/contollers/admin/products.php)
A word of warning here is that you can only go one folder deep or codeigniter gets upset. Also, it will use first level controller/methods first so be careful of naming conflicts - e.g if you have an admin controller with a products method in it, that will get called before it looks in the admin directory for a products controller. (when going to
2) USE THE ROUTES FILE - If it is just the urls you are worried about you could just call the controllers whatever you want and use the application/config/routes to redirect those paths to the controllers you want like this:
controller name: admin_products.php
routes file:
$route['admin/products'] = "admin_products";
3) USE A MASTER CONTROLLER FOR ALL - Final option would be to have a single admin controller and use named methods inside it, so for example you have admin.php controller with a products method within it this would then be called by admin/products uri (this will probably get messy though in a big application/site - not recommended)
Hope I have explained this OK for you, if you need any clarification please ask and I will try to elaborate.
