How do I force parsing an XML node as hash array? - ruby

This is my simplified myXML:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
When I parse it with the Crack gem myHash is:
{"LineNumber"=>"3.1", "Item"=>"A0001", "Description"=>"Apple"},
{"LineNumber"=>"4.1", "Item"=>"A0002", "Description"=>"Peach"}
The Crack gem creates the hash Line as an array, because there two <Line> nodes in myXML. But if myXML would contain only one <Line> node, the Crack gem would not parse it as an array:
"Line"=> {"LineNumber"=>"4.1", "Item"=>"fruit-004", "Description"=>"Apple"}
I want to see it still as an array no matter if there's only one node:
"Line"=> [{"LineNumber"=>"4.1", "Item"=>"fruit-004", "Description"=>"Apple"}]

After you convert the XML document to a hash you could do this:
myHash["Line"] = [myHash["Line"]] if myHash["Line"].kind_of?(Hash)
It will ensure that the Line node will be wrapped in Array.

The problem is, you're relying on code to do what you really should do. Crack has no idea that you want a single node to be an array of a single element, and that behavior makes it a lot more difficult for you when trying to dive into that portion of the data.
Parsing XML isn't hard, and, by parsing it yourself, you'll know what to expect, and will avoid the hassle of dealing with the "sometimes it's an array and sometimes it's not" returned by Crack.
require 'nokogiri'
doc = Nokogiri::XML(<<EOT)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
That sets up the DOM, so it can be navigated:
hash = {}
message ='Message')
hash[:member_id] ='MemberId').text
hash[:member_name] ='MemberName').text
lines ='Line').map do |line|
line_number ='LineNumber').text
item ='Item').text
description ='Description').text
:line_number => line_number,
:item => item,
:description => description
hash[:lines] = lines
message ='Message') finds the first <Message> node.'MemberId').text finds the first <MemberID> node inside <Message>.'MemberName').text is similar to the above step.'Line') looks for all <Line> nodes inside <Message>.
From those descriptions you can figure out the rest.
After running, hash looks like:
[{:line_number=>"3.1", :item=>"fruit-004", :description=>"Peach"},
{:line_number=>"4.1", :item=>"fruit-001", :description=>"Peach"}]}
If I remove one of the <Line> blocks from the XML, and re-run, I get:
:lines=>[{:line_number=>"3.1", :item=>"fruit-004", :description=>"Peach"}]}
Using search to locate the <Line> nodes is the trick. search returns a NodeSet, which is akin to an Array, so by iterating over it using map it'll return an array of hashes of the contents of <Line> tags.
Nokogiri is a great tool for parsing HTML and XML, then allowing us to search, add, change or remove nodes. It supports CSS and XPath accessors, so if you are used to jQuery or how CSS works, or XPath expressions, you'll be off and running quickly. The tutorials for Nokogiri are a good starting place to learn how it works.


How can I copy nodes from one xml file to another, using Nokogiri?

I am trying to do the following:
I have the following xml_1 file, which I generated.
<TITLE>Computer Parts</TITLE>
<COST> 123.00</COST>
<ITEM>Video Card</ITEM>
<MODEL>All-in-Wonder Pro</MODEL>
<COST> 160.00</COST>
Because I am trying to generate a big xml file, I prefer to generate them in pieces and combine them in the end.
In that way I have cleaner and more readable code.
In the end I want to copy the xml files (xml_2,xml_3,etc) in sequence in the xml_1 file.
So, lets say that I have another xml_2 file like the following:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
And so on.. I can have xml_3 .. xml_n.
My question is:
Is it possible using Nokogiri in a ruby file to copy the nodes of one xml file to another?
Thanks in advance!
See Nokogiri::XML::Node#<< to append children:
require 'nokogiri'
doc1 = Nokogiri::XML('<doc><foo>Foo</foo></doc>')
doc2 = Nokogiri::XML('<doc><bar>Bar</bar></doc>')
doc3 = Nokogiri::XML('<doc><gah>Gah</gah></doc>')
doc1.root << doc2.root.children # Append doc2's root's children to doc1's root.
doc1.root << doc3.root.children # Append doc3's root's children to doc1's root.
doc1.to_xml # =>
# <doc>
# <foo>Foo</foo>
# <bar>Bar</bar>
# <gah>Gah</gah>
# </doc>
Per the docs, you can append any node, document fragment, or node set, so you can select the target nodes in just about any way you want (CSS selectors, XPath, DOM, etc).

Get low level xpath from XML with Nokogiri

I'm trying to store in an array all the unique Xpaths of the low level elements in the XML below, but like I'm doing in array a is being stored all the XML, not only the Xpath themselves. The XML has different levels of Xpath. I mean, some child elements only have 2 ancestors and others more than one.
This is the code I have.
require 'nokogiri'
doc = Nokogiri::XML(<<EOT)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<batter>Devil's Food</batter>
<topping>Powdered Sugar</topping>
<topping>Chocolate with Sprinkles</topping>
a = []
a = doc.xpath("//*")
puts a
I'd like to store in array "a" only the unique xpaths as below:
Maybe somebody could help me in how to do this.
Thanks for the help.
What you want to select is the "leaf" nodes. You can do it like so:
This means "select all elements that don't contain elements".
If you want the XPaths, you'll need to call .path on each node. But the paths provided by Nokogiri have explicit positions (e.g. /items/item[2]/topping[4]), so you'll have to apply a regex to remove them, then remove duplicates with uniq:
doc.xpath("//*[not(*)]").map {|leaf| leaf.path.gsub(/\[.*?\]/, '') }.uniq

How do I parse XML with Nokogiri css selectors, using loops?

I am trying to parse this sample XML file:
<Collection version="2.0" id="74j5hc4je3b9">
<Name>A Funfair in Bangkok</Name>
<PermaLink>Funfair in Bangkok</PermaLink>
<Description>A small funfair near On Nut in Bangkok.</Description>
<Item filename="AGC_1998.jpg">
<Title>Funfair in Bangkok</Title>
<Caption>A small funfair near On Nut in Bangkok.</Caption>
<Authors>Anthony Bouch</Authors>
<Copyright>Copyright © Anthony Bouch</Copyright>
<ThumbnailSize width="133" height="200" />
<PreviewSize width="532" height="800" />
<OriginalSize width="2279" height="3425" />
<Item filename="AGC_1164.jpg" iscover="True">
<Title>Bumper Cars at a Funfair in Bangkok</Title>
<Caption>Bumper cars at a small funfair near On Nut in Bangkok.</Caption>
<Authors>Anthony Bouch</Authors>
<Copyright>Copyright © Anthony Bouch</Copyright>
<Keyword>Bumper Cars</Keyword>
<ThumbnailSize width="200" height="133" />
<PreviewSize width="800" height="532" />
<OriginalSize width="3725" height="2479" />
Here is my current code:
require 'nokogiri'
doc = Nokogiri::XML("sample.xml"))
somevar = doc.css("collection")
#create loop
somevar.each do |item|
puts "Item "
puts item['Title']
puts "\n"
Starting at the root of the XML document, I'm trying to go from the root "Collections" down to each new level.
I start in the node sets, and get information from the nodes, and the nodes contain elements. How do I assign the node to a variable, and extract every single layer underneath that and the text?
I can do something like the code below, but I want to know how to systematically move through each nested element of XML using loops, and output the data for each line. When finished showing text, how do I move back up to the previous element/node, whatever it may be (traversing a node in the tree)?
puts somevar.css("Keyworks Keyword").text
Nokogiri's NodeSet and Node support very similar APIs, with the key semantic difference that NodeSet's methods tend to operate on all the contained nodes in turn. For example, while a single node's children gets that node's children, a NodeSet's children gets all contained nodes' children (ordered as they occur in the document). So, to print all the titles and authors of all your items, you could do this:
require 'nokogiri'
doc = Nokogiri::XML("sample.xml"))
coll = doc.css("Collection")
coll.css("Items").children.each do |item|
title = item.css("Title")[0]
authors = item.css("Authors")[0]
puts title.content if title
puts authors.content if authors
You can get at any level of the tree in this way. Another example -- depth-first search printing every node in the tree (NB. the printed representation of a node includes the printed representations of its children, so the output will be quite long):
def rec(node)
puts node
node.children.each do |child|
rec child
Since you ask about this specifically, if you want to get at the parent of a given node, you can use the parent method. You may never need to though, if you can put your processing in blocks passed to each and the like on NodeSets containing subtrees of interest.

Find string in NodeSet with XPath (Nokgiri)

I have this XML:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<!DOCTYPE pdf2xml SYSTEM "pdf2xml.dtd">
<page number="1">
<text top="91">Rapport</text>
<text top="102">foo</text>
<page number="2">
<text top="91">Rapport</text>
<text top="102">bar</text>
<page number="3">
<text top="91">Rapport</text>
<text top="102">asdf</text>
which I'm doing this with:
require 'nokogiri'
doc = Nokogiri::XML("file.xml"))
pages = doc.xpath("//page")
nodeset = pages[0].xpath("./text") + pages[1].xpath("./text")
I want to find a node by string in nodeset, like this
irb(main):011:0> nodeset.at_xpath("//text[text()[contains(., 'bar')]]")
=> #<Nokogiri::XML::Element:0x3fea6a4821d4 name="text" attributes=[#<Nokogiri::XML::Attr:0x3fea6a482170 name="top" value="102">] children=[#<Nokogiri::XML::Text:0x3fea6a481cac "bar">]>
but I don't want to use //
I have managed to do this
irb(main):018:0> nodeset.at_xpath("text()[contains(., 'bar')]")
=> #<Nokogiri::XML::Text:0x3fea6a481cac "bar">
but I want the whole <text> node.
What should my xpath query on nodeset look like?
For selecting parent of the current node you can use .. For example,
points to the first <page> node. If you want to select its parent again you can write
This will select <pdf2xml> node which is the parent of <page>.
On the similar lines you can use .. for selecting parent node in your example.
For more information you can refer this
Hope this helps.
Simpler than selecting the text() node and then selecting the parent node is to just select the node you want in the first place:
pages = doc.xpath("//page")
puts pages.xpath("text[contains(.,'bar')]")
#=> <text top="102">bar</text>
If it makes you feel better, you could alternatively explicitly test the text() child node of the text element instead of using the text equivalent for the element:
I just discovered that
nodeset.at_xpath("../text[text()[contains(., 'bar')]]")
works too.
Edit: But I think this is slower than /...

How can I concatenate two XML tags using Ruby/Nokogiri?

I am using Ruby to retrieve an XML document with the following format:
I want to know how to produce the following result, with the tags concatenated:
<name>LUIS JOHN</name>
Here is the code I am using:
file = "proyectos.xml" )
doc3 = Nokogiri::XML(file)
#participa ="person")
#participa.each do |i|
#par ="name").map { |node| node.children.text }
#par.each do |i|
puts #par[a]
puts '--'
a = a + 1
Rather than supply code, here's how to fish:
To parse your XML into Nokogiri, which I recommend highly:
require 'nokogiri'
doc = Nokogiri::XML(<<EOT)
That gives you a doc variable which is the DOM as a Nokogiri::XML::Document. From that you can search, either for matching nodes or a particular node. search allows you to pass an XPath or CSS accessor to locate what you are looking for. I recommend CSS for most things because it is more readable, but XPath has some great tools to dig into the structure of your XML, so often I end up with both in my code.
So,'users') is the CSS accessor to find the first users node.'person') will return all nodes matching the person tag as a NodeSet, which is basically an array which you can enumerate or loop over.
Nokogiri has a text method for a node that lets you get the text content of that node, including all the carriage-returns between nodes that would normally be considered formatting in the XML as it flows down the document. When you have the text of the node, you can apply the normal Ruby string processing commands, such as strip, squish, chomp, etc., to massage the text into a more usable format.
Nokogiri also has a children= method which lets you redefine the child nodes of a node. You can pass in a node you've created, a NodeSet, or even the text you want rendered into the XML at that point.
In a quick experiment, I have code that does what you want in basically four lines. But, I want to see your work before I share what I wrote.
Finally, puts doc.to_xml will let you easily see if your changes to the document were successful.
Here's how I'd do it:
require 'nokogiri'
doc = Nokogiri::XML(<<EOT)
The XML is parsed into a DOM now. Search for the users tags, then locate the embedded name tags and extract the text from them. Join the results into a single space-delimited string. Then replace the children of the users tag with the desired results:'users').each do |users|
user_names ='name').map(&:text).join(' ')
users.children = "<person><name>#{ user_names }</name></person>"
If you output the resulting XML you'll get:
puts doc.to_xml
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<users><person><name>LUIS JOHN</name></person></users>
