Visual Studio 2010/2012 Git Plugin - visual-studio-2010

I am looking for suggestions for a git integration with VS 2010/2012 that allow developers use the basic operations (commit, push,pull,switch branches, tagging)

There are several:
Git Source Control Provider
Visual Studio Tools for Git a.k.a. Microsoft Git Provider from Microsoft.
Git Extensions
1 and 2 gives you deep integration with the source control UI of Visual Studio, like padlock icons on files:
1 uses the ordinary Pending Changes tab, but adds some functions, like Switch Branch:
2 surely represents the future of Git integration in Visual Studio since Microsoft is behind it.
Note that 2 requires Visual Studio 2012 (with update 2 even), so if VS2010 support is a requirement you cannot use it. 2 is built into Visual Studio 2013
However, it sounds like you might prefer 3. Git Extensions is simpler and just gives you a simple toolbar with commit, pull, push, stash (not switch branch, though):

Visual Studio for Git with VS 2012, it's matured now (version 1.0).
I like deep integration with VS 2012 especially switch between branch seamlessly, you will work with any branch at any time.
Another thing is that it's working very well with Bitbucket.


Disappearance of git repositories in Visual Studio 12

I have been using Visual Studio (12) with Test Complete for a few years and had several cloned git repositories. I was using the Visual Studio GUI to connect, commit and pull. I would access it by doing a "TEAM -> Connect to Team Foundation Server" and I could choose from the clones repositories. Today when I do it there is none there (see image):
I did some Googling and talked to a coworker who does the same thing. He told me under Tools->options->source control to add "Microsoft GIT Provider" which must have been what I had had. So I went to the menu (see below). "Microsoft GIT Provider" is there and I can click but it doesn't change in the menu (I can't actually select it though it is there). See picture below (and I apologize for the writing but Snipping Tool does not have Text Input):
I did get a git bash window and go to the directory and was able to do a "git status" which means the repositories are actually still there so it must be a VS issue. I have Visual Studio Professional 2012, version 11.0.50727.1 RTMREL. Several items are listed. The ones with Visual Studio are "Visual Studio 2012 Code Analysis Spell Checker" and "Visual Studio 2012 Share Point Developer Tools" and "Microsoft Visual Studio Tools for Applications 2012"
Any idea what may have happened? GIT provider got uninstalled somehow or what? I am not sure. I guess I could do things from the command line. Push and Pull are straightforward but some others are more complicated and it is much simpler to do from GUI.
Any Ideas?

Version control on Visual Studio SSIS project

I am working on a visual studio integration service project (SSIS).
The edition of Visual Studio is Community Edition
What i want to do is to manage versioning (like source control for code)
I have tried to work with git. It works fine, i can commit changes.
But Integration Services Projects are not made of code: They are made with visual components.
I would like for example to run a "diff" command between 2 versions and show me clearly which components has changed between 2 revisions.
Git client is embedded in Visual Studio Community Edition but i can not run this kind of "diff".
Is there a way to do that with TFVC for example or another tool ?
There is a tool called BIDS Helper - BI Developer Extensions which is a Visual Studio extension. Among its numerous features is a "smart diff" of SSIS files. It cleanses two SSIS files from its numerous generation GUIDs etc and compares component configuration.
Downside - you have to prepare two files yourself, the BIDS Helper is not integrated into Git or any other Source control client.

How do I clone a repository from a point in time using Visual Studio 2019

I made a couple mistakes in Code in and pushed to master by mistake. How do I clone a specific repository from a point in using the git hub feature in Visual Studio 2019?
If you know the specific commit SHA then you could use git checkout <commit id> in the terminal. It appears this feature is not supported natively in visual studios just yet

Is TFS available in Visual Studio for Mac

I haven’t find TFS in Visual Studio for mac, Is any alternative tools available for that.
TFS is a rather broad term and describes a whole suite of solutions. I’m assuming that you mean the version control section for my answer.
There is no support for TFVC, which is the older versioning control system that used to be default in TFS.
Since some time now, TFS and VSTS (basically the cloud hosted version of TFS) have switched to Git. Git is supported from Visual Studio for Mac as well as a lot of other tools of course.
If you still want to use TFVC, I have only found one option which isn't pretty. I installed Eclipse (the IDE for Java) which has a plugin for the TFVC version control. It looks and works pretty similar to how it looks in Visual Studio for Windows. It has some quirks and I would be surprised if it is still actively maintained, so use with caution and if you have the possibility look into switching to Git.
Edit though they seem to be working on it! If you check out the linked blog post you will see that support is in the works and I think there is a preview you can download today.
For Visual Studio Mac, TFS is supported for now. There has been a uservocie, you can vote up and monitor it.
TFS Version Control
However, this is only a preview feature as you can see the comment from PM:
I’m happy to say that our first preview of this feature is now
available – check out the announcement blog post.
I’ll continue to share out updates here as we make updates to the
Jordan Program Manager, Visual Studio for Mac
According to the comment below the blog post, it seems not stable for now. If you want a more stably solution of using TFS source control on Mac, you could try to use Visual Studio Code, which is more of a fast, lightweight code editor.
With the help of Visual Studio Team Services extension on Visual Studio Code, it allows you to connect to Team Services and Team Foundation Server and provides support for both Team Foundation Version Control (TFVC) and GIT. More details can be found at Connect VS code with TFS on mac
As of VS 2019 for MAC, support for preview as well has been dropped.
The preview TFVC extension for Visual Studio for Mac is no longer supported in Visual Studio 2019 for Mac.
As per this doc, it's recommended to use GIT for version control. Otherwise, if there's no option then to use TFS on macOS several options are also provided in the link.
Option 1. Use Visual Studio Code and the Azure Repos extension, for a
graphical UI
Option 2. Connect to your repo using the Team Explorer Everywhere Command Line Client (TEE-CLC)
Also, there's eclipse plugin available for TFVC on mac

How do I select Visual SVN as my source control provider

I am using Visual Studio Ultimate which come with TFS. However I am using Visual SVN as my source control.
I have installed VisualSVN server and the Visual Studio plug in.
What should I do to switch from TFS to Visual SVN.
When I go do Tools/Options/Source Control/Plug-in selection, I have the choice between "None" and TFS.
VisualSVN automatically "just works" when you open a SVN working copy - you don't need to mess with Visual Studio's SCC plugin settings. So you need to look at migrating your source code code into the SVN repository first. When you've done this, just check it out, open the solution and you're done. (You may want to remove all the "SccProjectName/SccProvider..." garbage from your project files beforehand)
To migrate your repository history from TFS to SVN, there's the TFS2SVN project (I've not used it though).
If you're not stuck on VisualSVN, try AnkhSVN. We use that here, and had no issues in getting it to work with VisualStudio 2010.
AnkhSVN is an open source plugin, so there's no need to pay for a license.
If VisualSVN is like AnkhSVN, you need to in tall VisualStudio first, then AnkhSVN. Then go into VisualStudio and select SVN in the Source Control Plug-in selection.
