Halton sequence extension - algorithm

I am trying to fill an area defined by 2 intervals [a,b] x [c,d] with points uniformly distributed and I am implementing the Halton sequence. I am using the following code (which generates subunitary numbers).
The number I is input.
The number H is output.
for i = 1:N
H = 0
half = 1 / 2
I = rand() % MATLAB rand()
do while ( I is not zero )
digit = mod ( I, 2 )
H = H + digit * half
I = ( I - digit ) / 2
half = half / 2
x(i) = H
For the x-axis I use base 2 and for the y-axis I use base 3.
Because I divide by 2, 3 I seem to be unable to fill the whole [0,1] x [0,1] space completely. I have to fill [0,1] x [0,1] and I actually fill [0,0.5] x [0,0.35]. And when I try to extend the algorithm for [a,b] x [c,d] I get points in [a,b-0.5] x [c,d-1].
What can I do to fill the correct full intervals?


How do i do a recalculate algorithm in octave

i have to choose a random column in a random matrix , but sometimes the programs pick a random number that is bigger than the size of the matrix.
n = 3 + (10-3)*rand(1,1);
t = round(n);
x = randi(t,t);
u = 3 + (10-3)*rand(1,1);
f = round(u);
if f < n & f ~= 0
for k = 1:t
e(k,1) = x(k,f);
So i used a if to solve that problem ,but i dont know how to recalculate a random number when the proposition f < n & f ~= 0 is false. Please Help
Not 100% this is what you're trying to do, but:
t = randi( [3,10], 1 ); % select a random number 't' in the range 3:10
x = randi( t, t ); % create a t-by-t matrix of random values in the range 1:t
r = randi( t ); % select a random number in the range 1:t
c = x(:,r) % select the rth column from 'x'

What kind of algorithm would find a grid of squares in a reasonable time?

I found a result that there is a grid of size 9x13 with following properties:
Every cell contains a digit in base 10.
One can read the numbers from the grid by selecting a starting square, go to one of its 8 nearest grid, maintain that direction and concatenate numbers.
For example, if we have the following grid:
Then one can select the leftmost upper number 3 and select direction to the right and down to read numbers 3, 32 and 325.
Now one has to prove that there is a grid of size 9x13 where one can read the squares of 1 to 100, i.e. one can read all of the integers of the form i^2 where i=1,...,100 from the square.
The best grid I found on the net is of size 11x11, given in Solving a recreational square packing problem . But it looks like it is hard to modify the program to find integers in rectangular grid.
So what kind of algorithm would output a suitable grid in a reasonable time?
I just got a key error from this code:
import random, time, sys
N = 9
M = 13
K = 100
# These are the numbers we would like to pack
numbers = [str(i*i) for i in xrange(1, K+1)]
# Build the global list of digits (used for weighted random guess)
digits = "".join(numbers)
def random_digit(n=len(digits)-1):
return digits[random.randint(0, n)]
# By how many lines each of the numbers is currently covered
count = dict((x, 0) for x in numbers)
# Number of actually covered numbers
covered = 0
# All lines in current position (row, cols, diags, counter-diags)
lines = (["*"*N for x in xrange(N)] +
["*"*M for x in xrange(M)] +
["*"*x for x in xrange(1, N)] + ["*"*x for x in xrange(N, 0, -1)] +
["*"*x for x in xrange(1, M)] + ["*"*x for x in xrange(M, 0, -1)])
# lines_of[x, y] -> list of line/char indexes
lines_of = {}
def add_line_of(x, y, L):
lines_of[x, y].append(L)
except KeyError:
lines_of[x, y] = [L]
for y in xrange(N):
for x in xrange(N):
add_line_of(x, y, (y, x))
add_line_of(x, y, (M + x, y))
add_line_of(x, y, (2*M + (x + y), x - max(0, x + y - M + 1)))
add_line_of(x, y, (2*M + 2*N-1 + (x + N-1 - y), x - max(0, x + (M-1 - y) - M + 1)))
# Numbers covered by each line
covered_numbers = [set() for x in xrange(len(lines))]
# Which numbers the string x covers
def cover(x):
c = x + "/" + x[::-1]
return [y for y in numbers if y in c]
# Set a matrix element
def setValue(x, y, d):
global covered
for i, j in lines_of[x, y]:
L = lines[i]
C = covered_numbers[i]
newL = L[:j] + d + L[j+1:]
newC = set(cover(newL))
for lost in C - newC:
count[lost] -= 1
if count[lost] == 0:
covered -= 1
for gained in newC - C:
count[gained] += 1
if count[gained] == 1:
covered += 1
covered_numbers[i] = newC
lines[i] = newL
def do_search(k, r):
start = time.time()
for i in xrange(r):
x = random.randint(0, N-1)
y = random.randint(0, M-1)
setValue(x, y, random_digit())
best = None
attempts = k
while attempts > 0:
attempts -= 1
old = []
for ch in xrange(1):
x = random.randint(0, N-1)
y = random.randint(0, M-1)
old.append((x, y, lines[y][x]))
setValue(x, y, random_digit())
if best is None or covered > best[0]:
now = time.time()
sys.stdout.write(str(covered) + chr(13))
attempts = k
if best is None or covered >= best[0]:
best = [covered, lines[:N][:]]
for x, y, o in old[::-1]:
setValue(x, y, o)
return best
for y in xrange(N):
for x in xrange(N):
setValue(x, y, random_digit())
best = None
while True:
if best is not None:
for y in xrange(M):
for x in xrange(N):
setValue(x, y, best[1][y][x])
x = do_search(100000, M)
if best is None or x[0] > best[0]:
print x[0]
print "\n".join(" ".join(y) for y in x[1])
if best is None or x[0] >= best[0]:
best = x[:]
To create such a grid, I'd start with a list of strings representing the squares of the first K (100) numbers.
Reduce those strings as much as possible, where many are contained within others (for example, 625 contains 25, so 625 covers the squares of 5 and 25).
This should yield an initial list of 81 unique squares, requiring a minimum of about 312 digits:
def construct_optimal_set(K):
# compute a minimal solution:
numbers = [str(n*n) for n in range(0,K+1)]
min_numbers = []
# note: go in reverse direction, biggest to smallest, to maximize elimination of smaller numbers later
while len(numbers) > 0:
i = 0
while i < len(min_numbers):
q = min_numbers[i]
qr = reverse(min_numbers[i])
# check if the first number is contained within any element of min_numbers
if numbers[-1] in q or numbers[-1] in qr:
# check if any element of min_numbers is contained within the first number
elif q in numbers[-1] or qr in numbers[-1]:
min_numbers[i] = numbers[-1]
i += 1
# if not found, add it
if i >= len(min_numbers):
numbers = numbers[:-1]
return min_numbers
This will return a minimal set of squares, with any squares that are subsets of other squares removed. Extend this by concatenating any mostly-overlapping elements (such as 484 and 841 into 4841); I leave that as an exercise, since it will build familiarity with this code.
Then, you assemble these sort of like a cross-word puzzle. As you assemble the values, pack based on probability of possible future overlaps, by computing a weight for each digit (for example, 1's are fairly common, 9's are less common, so given the choice, you would favor overlapping 9's rather than 1's).
Use something like the following code to build a list of all possible values that are represented in the current grid. Use this periodically while building, in order to eliminate squares that are already represented, as well as to test whether your grid is a full solution.
def merge(digits):
result = 0
for i in range(len(digits)-1,-1,-1):
result = result * 10 + digits[i]
return result
def merge_reverse(digits):
result = 0
for i in range(0, len(digits)):
result = result * 10 + digits[i]
return result
# given a grid where each element contains a single numeric digit,
# return list of every ordering of those digits less than SQK,
# such that you pick a starting point and one of eight directions,
# and assemble digits until either end of grid or larger than SQK;
# this will construct only the unique combinations;
# also note that this will not construct a large number of values,
# since for any given direction, there are at most
# (sqrt(n*n + m*m))!
# possible arrangements, and there will rarely be that many.
def construct_lines(grid, k):
# rather than build a dictionary type, use a little more memory to use faster simple array indexes;
# index is #, and value at index indicates existence: 0 = does not exist, >0 means exists in grid
sqk = k*k
combinations = [0]*(sqk+1)
# do all horizontals, since they are easiest
for y in range(len(grid)):
digits = []
for x in range(len(grid[y])):
# for every possible starting point...
for q in range(1,len(digits)):
number = merge(digits[q:])
if number <= sqk:
combinations[number] += 1
# now do all verticals
# note that if the grid is really square, grid[0] will give an accurate width of all grid[y][] rows
for x in range(len(grid[0])):
digits = []
for y in range(len(grid)):
# for every possible starting point...
for q in range(1,len(digits)):
number = merge(digits[q:])
if number <= sqk:
combinations[number] += 1
# the longer axis (x or y) in both directions will contain every possible diagonal
# e.g. x is the longer axis here (using random characters to more easily distinguish idea):
# [1 2 3 4]
# [a b c d]
# [. , $ !]
# 'a,' can be obtained by reversing the diagonal starting on the bottom and working up and to the left
# this means that every set must be reversed as well
if len(grid) > len(grid[0]):
# for each y, grab top and bottom in each of two diagonal directions, for a total of four sets,
# and include the reverse of each set
for y in range(len(grid)):
digitsul = [] # origin point upper-left, heading down and right
digitsur = [] # origin point upper-right, heading down and left
digitsll = [] # origin point lower-left, heading up and right
digitslr = [] # origin point lower-right, heading up and left
revx = len(grid[y])-1 # pre-adjust this for computing reverse x coordinate
for deltax in range(len(grid[y])): # this may go off the grid, so check bounds
if y+deltax < len(grid):
digitsll.append(grid[y+deltax][revx - deltax])
for q in range(1,len(digitsul)):
number = merge(digitsul[q:])
if number <= sqk:
combinations[number] += 1
number = merge_reverse(digitsul[q:])
if number <= sqk:
combinations[number] += 1
for q in range(1,len(digitsll)):
number = merge(digitsll[q:])
if number <= sqk:
combinations[number] += 1
number = merge_reverse(digitsll[q:])
if number <= sqk:
combinations[number] += 1
if y-deltax >= 0:
digitslr.append(grid[y-deltax][revx - deltax])
for q in range(1,len(digitsur)):
number = merge(digitsur[q:])
if number <= sqk:
combinations[number] += 1
number = merge_reverse(digitsur[q:])
if number <= sqk:
combinations[number] += 1
for q in range(1,len(digitslr)):
number = merge(digitslr[q:])
if number <= sqk:
combinations[number] += 1
number = merge_reverse(digitslr[q:])
if number <= sqk:
combinations[number] += 1
# for each x, ditto above
for x in range(len(grid[0])):
digitsul = [] # origin point upper-left, heading down and right
digitsur = [] # origin point upper-right, heading down and left
digitsll = [] # origin point lower-left, heading up and right
digitslr = [] # origin point lower-right, heading up and left
revy = len(grid)-1 # pre-adjust this for computing reverse y coordinate
for deltay in range(len(grid)): # this may go off the grid, so check bounds
if x+deltay < len(grid[0]):
digitsll.append(grid[revy - deltay][x+deltay])
for q in range(1,len(digitsul)):
number = merge(digitsul[q:])
if number <= sqk:
combinations[number] += 1
number = merge_reverse(digitsul[q:])
if number <= sqk:
combinations[number] += 1
for q in range(1,len(digitsll)):
number = merge(digitsll[q:])
if number <= sqk:
combinations[number] += 1
number = merge_reverse(digitsll[q:])
if number <= sqk:
combinations[number] += 1
if x-deltay >= 0:
digitslr.append(grid[revy - deltay][x - deltay])
for q in range(1,len(digitsur)):
number = merge(digitsur[q:])
if number <= sqk:
combinations[number] += 1
number = merge_reverse(digitsur[q:])
if number <= sqk:
combinations[number] += 1
for q in range(1,len(digitslr)):
number = merge(digitslr[q:])
if number <= sqk:
combinations[number] += 1
number = merge_reverse(digitslr[q:])
if number <= sqk:
combinations[number] += 1
# now filter for squares only
return [i for i in range(0,k+1) if combinations[i*i] > 0]
Constructing the grid will be computationally expensive overall, but you will only need to run the check function once for each possible placement, to select the best placement.
Optimize placement by finding the subset of overlapping areas where you can place a sequence of numbers - this should be tolerable in terms of time required, because you can cap the number of possible locations to check; e.g. you might cap it at 10 (again, find the optimal number experimentally), such that you test the first 10 possible placements against the function above to determine which placement, if any, adds the most possible squares. As you progress, you will have fewer possible locations in which to insert the numbers, so testing which placement is best becomes computationally less expensive at the same time that your search for possible placements becomes more expensive, balancing out each other.
This will not handle all combinations, and will not pack as tightly as trying every possible arrangement and computing how many squares are covered, so some might be missed, but compared to O((N*M)!), this algorithm will actually complete in your lifetime (I'd actually estimate a few minutes on a decent computer - more if you parallelize the check for placement).

Find maximal x^y smaller than number

I have number A (build from digits 0,1,2,3). I want to find the smallest x and y, that if I do x^y i got the biggest number smaller than A
x^y <= A x^y is maximal
Plus x and y must not be decimal numbers, only "integers"
For example:
A = 7 => x^y = 2^2
A = 28 => x^y = 3^3
A = 33 => x^y = 2^5
As izomorphius suggested in comment, it will have always solution for x = A and y = 1. But that is not desirable result. I want x and y to be as much close numbers, as it can be.
A naive solution could be:
The "closest yet not higher" number to A by doing a^y for some constant a is:
afloor(log_a(A)) [where log_a(A) is the logarithm with base a of A, which can be calculated as log(A)/log(a) in most programming languages]
By iterating all as in range [2,A) you can find this number.
This solution is O(A * f(A)) where f(A) is your pow/log complexity
P.S. If you want your exponent (y) be larger then 1, you can simply iterate in range [2,sqrt(A)] - it will reduce the time complexity to O(sqrt(A) * f(A)) - and will get you only numbers with an exponent larger then 1.
It is not clear what you are asking, but I will try to guess.
We first solve the equation z^z = a for a real number z. Let u and v be z rounded down and up, respectively. Among the three candidates (u,u), (v,u), (u,v) we choose the largest one that does not exceed a.
Example: Consder the case a = 2000. We solve z^z = 2000 by numerical methods (see below) to get an approximate solution z = 4.8278228255818725. We round down an up to obtain u = 4 and v = 5. We now have three candidates, 4^4 = 256, 4^5 = 1023 and 5^4 = 625. They are all smaller than 2000, so we take the one that gives the largest answer, which is x = 4, y = 5.
Here is Python code. The function solve_approx does what you want. It works well for a >= 3. I am sure you can cope with the cases a = 1 and a = 2 by yourself.
import math
def solve(a):
""""Solve the equation x^x = a using Newton's method"""
x = math.log(a) / math.log(math.log(a)) # Initial estimate
while abs (x ** x - a) > 0.1:
x = x - (x ** x - a) / (x ** x * (1 + math.log(x)))
return x
def solve_approx(a):
""""Find two integer numbers x and y such that x^y is smaller than
a but as close to it as possible, and try to make x and y as equal
as possible."""
# First we solve exactly to find z such that z^z = a
z = solve(a)
# We round z up and down
u = math.floor(z)
v = math.ceil(z)
# We now have three possible candidates to choose from:
# u ** zdwon, v ** u, u ** v
candidates = [(u, u), (v, u), (u, v)]
# We filter out those that are too big:
candidates = [(x,y) for (x,y) in candidates if x ** y <= a]
# And we select the one that gives the largest result
candidates.sort(key=(lambda key: key[0] ** key[1]))
return candidates[-1]
Here is a little demo:
>>> solve_approx(5)
(2, 2)
>>> solve_approx(100)
(3, 4)
>>> solve_approx(200)
(3, 4)
>>> solve_approx(1000)
(5, 4)
>>> solve_approx(1000000)
(7, 7)

How to approach Vertical Sticks challenge?

This problem is taken from interviewstreet.com
Given array of integers Y=y1,...,yn, we have n line segments such that
endpoints of segment i are (i, 0) and (i, yi). Imagine that from the
top of each segment a horizontal ray is shot to the left, and this ray
stops when it touches another segment or it hits the y-axis. We
construct an array of n integers, v1, ..., vn, where vi is equal to
length of ray shot from the top of segment i. We define V(y1, ..., yn)
= v1 + ... + vn.
For example, if we have Y=[3,2,5,3,3,4,1,2], then v1, ..., v8 =
[1,1,3,1,1,3,1,2], as shown in the picture below:
For each permutation p of [1,...,n], we can calculate V(yp1, ...,
ypn). If we choose a uniformly random permutation p of [1,...,n], what
is the expected value of V(yp1, ..., ypn)?
Input Format
First line of input contains a single integer T (1 <= T <= 100). T
test cases follow.
First line of each test-case is a single integer N (1 <= N <= 50).
Next line contains positive integer numbers y1, ..., yN separated by a
single space (0 < yi <= 1000).
Output Format
For each test-case output expected value of V(yp1, ..., ypn), rounded
to two digits after the decimal point.
Sample Input
1 2 3
3 3 3
2 2 3
10 2 4 4
10 10 10 5 10
1 2 3 4 5 6
Sample Output
Case 1: We have V(1,2,3) = 1+2+3 = 6, V(1,3,2) = 1+2+1 = 4, V(2,1,3) =
1+1+3 = 5, V(2,3,1) = 1+2+1 = 4, V(3,1,2) = 1+1+2 = 4, V(3,2,1) =
1+1+1 = 3. Average of these values is 4.33.
Case 2: No matter what the permutation is, V(yp1, yp2, yp3) = 1+1+1 =
3, so the answer is 3.00.
Case 3: V(y1 ,y2 ,y3)=V(y2 ,y1 ,y3) = 5, V(y1, y3, y2)=V(y2, y3, y1) =
4, V(y3, y1, y2)=V(y3, y2, y1) = 3, and average of these values is
A naive solution to the problem will run forever for N=50. I believe that the problem can be solved by independently calculating a value for each stick. I still need to know if there is any other efficient approach for this problem. On what basis do we have to independently calculate value for each stick?
We can solve this problem, by figure out:
if the k th stick is put in i th position, what is the expected ray-length of this stick.
then the problem can be solve by adding up all the expected length for all sticks in all positions.
Let expected[k][i] be the expected ray-length of k th stick put in i th position, let num[k][i][length] be the number of permutations that k th stick put in i th position with ray-length equals to length, then
expected[k][i] = sum( num[k][i][length] * length ) / N!
How to compute num[k][i][length]? For example, for length=3, consider the following graph:
Where I is the position, 3 'x' means we need 3 sticks that are strictly lower then I, and G means we need a stick that are at least as high as I.
Let s_i be the number of sticks that are smaller then the k th the stick, and g_i be the number of sticks that are greater or equal to the k th stick, then we can choose any one of g_i to put in G position, we can choose any length of s_i to fill the x position, so we have:
num[k][i][length] = P(s_i, length) * g_i * P(n-length-1-1)
In case that all the positions before I are all smaller then I, we don't need a greater stick in G, i.e. xxxI...., we have:
num[k][i][length] = P(s_i, length) * P(n-length-1)
And here's a piece of Python code that can solve this problem:
def solve(n, ys):
ret = 0
for y_i in ys:
s_i = len(filter(lambda x: x < y_i, ys))
g_i = len(filter(lambda x: x >= y_i, ys)) - 1
for i in range(n):
for length in range(1, i+1):
if length == i:
t_ret = combination[s_i][length] * factorial[length] * factorial[ n - length - 1 ]
t_ret = combination[s_i][length] * factorial[length] * g_i * factorial[ n - length - 1 - 1 ]
ret += t_ret * length
return ret * 1.0 / factorial[n] + n
This is the same question as https://cs.stackexchange.com/questions/1076/how-to-approach-vertical-sticks-challenge and my answer there (which is a little simpler than those given earlier here) was:
Imagine a different problem: if you had to place k sticks of equal heights in n slots then the expected distance between sticks (and the expected distance between the first stick and a notional slot 0, and the expected distance between the last stick and a notional slot n+1) is (n+1)/(k+1) since there are k+1 gaps to fit in a length n+1.
Returning to this problem, a particular stick is interested in how many sticks (including itself) as as high or higher. If this is k, then the expected gap before it is also (n+1)/(k+1).
So the algorithm is simply to find this value for each stick and add up the expectation. For example, starting with heights of 3,2,5,3,3,4,1,2, the number of sticks with a greater or equal height is 5,7,1,5,5,2,8,7 so the expectation is 9/6+9/8+9/2+9/6+9/6+9/3+9/9+9/8 = 15.25.
This is easy to program: for example a single line in R
V <- function(Y){(length(Y) + 1) * sum(1 / (rowSums(outer(Y, Y, "<=")) + 1) )}
gives the values in the sample output in the original problem
> V(c(1,2,3))
[1] 4.333333
> V(c(3,3,3))
[1] 3
> V(c(2,2,3))
[1] 4
> V(c(10,2,4,4))
[1] 6
> V(c(10,10,10,5,10))
[1] 5.8
> V(c(1,2,3,4,5,6))
[1] 11.15
As you correctly, noted we can solve problem independently for each stick.
Let F(i, len) is number of permutations, that ray from stick i is exactly len.
Then answer is
(Sum(by i, len) F(i,len)*len)/(n!)
All is left is to count F(i, len). Let a(i) be number of sticks j, that y_j<=y_i. b(i) - number of sticks, that b_j>b_i.
In order to get ray of length len, we need to have situation like this.
B, l...l, O
len-1 times
Where O - is stick #i. B - is stick with bigger length, or beginning. l - is stick with heigth, lesser then ith.
This gives us 2 cases:
1) B is the beginning, this can be achieved in P(a(i), len-1) * (b(i)+a(i)-(len-1))! ways.
2) B is bigger stick, this can be achieved in P(a(i), len-1)*b(i)*(b(i)+a(i)-len)!*(n-len) ways.
edit: corrected b(i) as 2nd term in (mul)in place of a(i) in case 2.

Pseudo number generation

Following is text from Data structure and algorithm analysis by Mark Allen Wessis.
Following x(i+1) should be read as x subscript of i+1, and x(i) should be
read as x subscript i.
x(i + 1) = (a*x(i))mod m.
It is also common to return a random real number in the open interval
(0, 1) (0 and 1 are not possible values); this can be done by
dividing by m. From this, a random number in any closed interval [a,
b] can be computed by normalizing.
The problem with this routine is that the multiplication could
overflow; although this is not an error, it affects the result and
thus the pseudo-randomness. Schrage gave a procedure in which all of
the calculations can be done on a 32-bit machine without overflow. We
compute the quotient and remainder of m/a and define these as q and
r, respectively.
In our case for M=2,147,483,647 A =48,271, q = 127,773, r = 2,836, and r < q.
We have
x(i + 1) = (a*x(i))mod m.---------------------------> Eq 1.
= ax(i) - m (floorof(ax(i)/m)).------------> Eq 2
Also author is mentioning about:
x(i) = q(floor of(x(i)/q)) + (x(i) mod Q).--->Eq 3
My question
what does author mean by random number is computed by normalizing?
How author came with Eq 2 from Eq 1?
How author came with Eq 3?
Normalizing means if you have X ∈ [0,1] and you need to get Y ∈ [a, b] you can compute
Y = a + X * (b - a)
2. Let's suppose
a = 3, x = 5, m = 9
Then we have
where [ax/m] means an integer part.
So we have 15 = [ax/m]*m + 6
We need to get 6. 15 - [ax/m]*m = 6 => ax - [ax/m]*m = 6 => x(i+1) = ax(i) - [ax(i)/m]*m
If you have a random number in the range [0,1], you can get a number in the range [2,5] (for example) by multiplying by 3 and adding 2.
