port wp7 phonegap application to win8(not wp8) - windows

I've developed a hybrid phonegap application for wp7/iOS/Android. Now customer wants to support window 8(not the windows phone 8). Actually it is possible to create javascript windows store app, but I can't find any way to use C# plugins. Is it possible to create win 8 app without rewriting whole project?

Not sure about the plugin support for Win8 but there is a cordova project for Win8 that might be helpful, I'm guessing you would probably have to add to your plugins to support it, depending on what plugins your using.


Synchronizing Desktop App Converter app settings across devices

Roaming settings options FAQ in Microsoft documentation says:
The Desktop Bridge helps you bring your existing Windows desktop apps to the Universal Windows Platform. From here, minimal code changes will be required to take advantage of Azure AD app data roaming. The Desktop Bridge provides your apps with an app identity, which is needed to enable app data roaming for existing desktop apps.
But there's no mention of what the "minimal code changes" are.
Should the app make use of Windows.Storage.ApplicationData.Current.RoamingSettings API? I use C++ Win32. Do I need to load .NET framework to use the API? Or is there Win32 alternative?
Should the app make use of Windows.Storage.ApplicationData.Current.RoamingSettings API? I use C++ Win32. Do I need to load .NET framework to use the API? Or is there Win32 alternative?
First, I want to let you know that not all UWP APIs are available for the general desktop app. Please check the UWP APIs available to a packaged desktop app (Desktop Bridge) and UWP APIs callable from a classic desktop app
Then, please see Enhance your desktop application for Windows 10 for more details.
In addition:
Some Windows 10 experiences (For example: a touch-enabled UI page) must run inside of a modern app container . If you want to add these experiences, extend your desktop application with UWP projects and Windows Runtime Components.
Please also check Extend your desktop application with modern UWP components document for more reference.

React native vs Xamarin forms

We need to build a commercial mobile app that is supported on iOS, Android and UWP platforms. We have been looking at react native and xamarin forms to do so. What is more recommended/preferable technology to implement this?
Reasons why we wanted to use react native in first place:
1) more experience in JavaScript
2) Some of the UI designs in our mobile app includes having cross platform features which by default could be native to either IOS or android. Such as having icon badges on tab items, having toggle search box in navigation bar. On react native we found these were more easily achievable by git hub plugins but in xamarin forms you need to write custom renderers to achieve so.
Reasons why started investigating on xamarin forms: Since the app needs to run windows phones too, we stared using react native XP plugin to support that. But end prototype on windows phone wasn't very impressive in terms of performance and user experience of some of react native plugins we have used. Plus we also had to do quite a bit UI customisation in terms of specifying width/heights to make components work.
I have been develop on Xamarin a few years now. My honest opinion is that there is a lot of third party libraries and components that only has support for Android and iOS only. Maybe you you check out what third party libraries you need and work back from there.
If Windows Phones are an honest target for you going forward, unless you can limit to those capable of UWP apps (Win 10 Mobile) then scratch Xamarin from the list. Windows Phone 8 and 8.1 support is deprecated and will be dropped soon from Forms.

Phonegap Build. Windows Phone Push Notification Support

im currently using https://build.phonegap.com/plugins/324 plugin but it has no support for windows phone. is there any plugin out there that can be used in conjuction with phonegap build that supports notifications in windows?
I tried pushwoosh on wp8, it is very simple and works!
I am pretty sure it works also on other platforms.
Pushplugin is supposed to support wp8 as well now but to me is not working and impossible to get support.

Is there an Adobe AIR like product for just HTML5 (no flash) on Windows

I would like to create a Windows desktop app using HTML5 features, specifically H.264 video,Web SQL Database,FileReader API. I don't want to use AIR (which currently does not support the video tag, instead uses Flash). Ideally I would like an exe file that just wraps the latest version of webkit in a basic window. It should be stand alone, not rely on the user having Chrome etc. installed. It could load an index.html file in the same directory as the exe. That is it.
I have been unable to find anything like this. I was going to build it myself using QTWebkit but the latest version (4.8.0) does not support the Video tag due to some kind of build issue. I assume the 4.8.1 version will fix this.
Does anyone out there know of something like this that is available now?
For anyone coming across this, Titanium for desktop is no longer supported by Appcelerator, but the project is still supported as an open source initiative. As of today (10/14/2012), it is called TideSDK. According to their Twitter account, they're behind in the 1.3 release due to some sponsored work that will end up in the code base.
Additional options not yet mentioned include AppJS (OSS, requires node.js) and Sencha Desktop Packager (quite pricey).
I think titanium is not totally gone. There is this stuff called tideSdk
I couldn't try it out yet also , so video support and the codec are open for your exploration. Here is how they say:
Create multi-platform desktop apps with HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript
TideSDK is the new standard for creating beautiful and unique desktop
apps using your web development skills.
I recently thought about doing the same thing, you can still do it with air without using flash, but you could also use Chrome Packaged apps, mozilla prism (although inactive today) or Microsoft HTA (html application).
You can think of using a framework that does the browser embedding for you like Titanium. It's mostly used for creating apps that can be published to iphone, android, and windows devices. It will create a windows MSI install.
Another option is to use the CEF project ( Chromium Embedded Framework for C/C++). I havn't looked at it much, so I can't tell you how difficult/easy it is to work with. Their main site also has wrappers for Java, .NET, and other languages.

Creating a screensaver for windows and mac - Silverlight?

I am not sure even of a starting point with this.. however knowing that Silverlight works across win/mac platforms (as far as I know!), is it possible to create a silverlight based screensaver?
If not, are there any tools (no flash skills unfortunately!)
Any starter points would be cool..
By now Silvelight is being deprecated, but if you need to run web pages as a screensaver, my startup is creating a product to do exactly that, it's called Screensaver Ninja and you can find more about it at https://screensaver.ninja. That means that all you have to do is develop the web app and leave the screensaver part to us.
Here's a screenshot of how you configure it:
Silverlight is only usable as a web browser plugin on Mac OS X. It cannot be practically used to build screensavers.
Additionally, there's good reason to believe that Silverlight is being abandoned by Microsoft. I'd avoid it for any new development.
