call "exit" from within shell script - bash

I'm trying to write a simple script (for an embedded system) that mounts an external file from the network and then calls exit on the command line (which exits the busybox terminal and boots the system from the newly-mounted root directory). Problem is, when I call exit from the shell script it exits the script, not the outer terminal. Any hints as to how to send the exit command outside the script?
My code looks something like this:
mount /mnt/root -o nolock
exit # exits the script, not the outside filesystem!

exit does indeed exit the current shell. However, running the script creates a new process, and it is that process that exits, not the shell from which you called the script.
You probably want to simply source the file:
$ source
Then is executed in the current shell, rather than a spawned process, and the exit will exit from your current shell (and therefore the terminal itself).

If you want that the scripts exits the outer terminal call it like this:
source your_script
or just
. your_script
where the . is the same as the source command. You can follow this article if you need more information.
Explanation: source will execute the script in the current shell and therefore the exit will be interpreted by the current shell - what will close the pseudo(!) terminal window, if the shell was the first shell in tree


I want to incorporate 'exit' inside a shell script

I have a code that is running something from the shell script and after that run it ends up in this state as a root
I want to exit this root state by running a command through the shell script to
Manually you can just type in 'exit' command and it will exit back to the original shell but if I add exit inside the shell script it will exit the shell script itself and will stopping running the shell script.
Can you help me with a command that I could add it into my shell script ?
Script lefts you as root? How do you do that?
Anyway, try to use logout from inside the script.
However, not sure it will help at all, because I think you have some troubles with script and/or your system environment.
Can you tell, how do your script gets superuser in the first place?

How to quit terminal after script exits?

I wrote a simple script
nohup $1 &
what it is supposed to do is if I execute 'scriptName' gedit, it must open gedit and then close the terminal. But, problem is terminal is not closed after the script is executed.
Things taken care of:
Checked terminal preferences to When command exits: Exit the terminal
I want to put this script in /usr/local/bin so, I cannot use execution like . ./scriptname
It appears like terminal is not the parent of this. How do I change this?
The approach you're trying won't work for the following reason:
The shell for your terminal session is one process; normally when you execute a shell script, the terminal session shell starts a second shell process and runs the script under that. So your exit at the end of the script tells the second shell to terminate - which it would do anyway, as it's reached the end of the script. While you could try killing the first shell process from the second shell process (see comment about $PPID in the other answer), this wouldn't be very good form.
For your script to work the way you expect it to work, you'll need to get your terminal session shell to run the commands in your script by using bash's builtin source command - type source /path/to/your/script gedit, or . /path/to/your/script gedit for short.
Because of the way you'd need to execute this, putting the script on your PATH wouldn't help - but you could create an alias (a "shortcut" that expands to a series of shell commands) to make running the script easier - add a line like alias your_alias_name='. /path/to/your/script' to your ~/.bashrc.
Given below the sample script.
echo "hi"
/bin/bash/ &
sleep 2
#sleep is used to pause the execution temporary to see the output.
kill -25 $PPID
Value that pass to kill command determines the behavior. Here you can find the different values.
Kill -25 worked for me to close the terminal and make sure to add "&" at the end of command. :)
I am presuming you are on a Mac - because you mention Preferences. The question is how did you start the script?
If you started the Terminal and then ran "scriptName" from the Terminal, the Terminal won't quit because it is still running your shell. Check the Preferences closely, it says "When the shell exits", not "When the command exits".

Bash: Execute script in context of calling shell

My understanding is that when I execute a script inside a BASH shell using syntax like $ ./ a sub-shell is started and the code runs in that shell, with STDOUT and STDERR output being printed on my shell, STDIN is taken from my shell. This is how script are interactive.
The top line of the file "myscript" is #!/bin/bash, this states the interpreter to be used to execute the syntax within the script file.
If I use the syntax source the code in my script is "pulled" in to my current environment and executed there, rather than in a sub-shell. I can't make the following code run in a script that I call with $ ./ and effect my current shell:
if [ $? -eq 0 ];
then echo -n "\[\033[00;35m\]\u\[\033[01;32m\]#\[\033[00;35m\]\h\[\033[00;32m\](\[\033[01;35m\]\W\[\033[01;32m\])\[\033[00;32m\]\$";
else echo -n "\[\033[00;35m\]\u\[\033[01;31m\]#\[\033[00;35m\]\h\[\033[01;31m\](\[\033[35m\]\W\[\033[31m\])\[\033[00;31m\]\$";
If I drop the #!/bin/bash and use source this script changes my command prompt. Can it be arranged in a script in such a fashion that I can call it with $ ./ and it will make the change to my current shell, not the sub shell?
Once you have called a script without source, it is running in a subshell and there is no way to change the environment of the parent shell.
You can source a script with a shebang line. It is simply ignored when sourced.

Bash Unix Shell Script to Accept Input and Set System Variables

I'm trying to modify an existing shell script to accept user input and handle some system exports. The below is an excerpt from a larger script. After running this script, I echo $TEST_DIR and I don't get anything back. Any ideas?
if [ -z "$TEST_DIR" ]
echo "TEST_DIR was not set, please enter the path: "
read input_variable
export TEST_DIR=$input_variable
exit 1
Save this as
if [ -z "$TEST_DIR" ]
echo "TEST_DIR was not set, please enter the path: "
read input_variable
export TEST_DIR=$input_variable
And run it like this:
. ./
Or, equivalently:
source ./
source runs the script in the current environment and consequently lets you modify the environment in the script. Without it every command, which runs as a child of the shell process, is only given a copy of the current environment.
Note I removed the exit line, as it would terminate the shell in this case.
The problem is that you're running the script in a subshell - it's setting your TEST_DIR properly, but then the shell exits, and the parent shell doesn't keep the change.
You might be better off making this a function you can source from the parent shell. Shell scripts can't modify the environment of the calling shell, but a function can modify the shell it's executing in.
You probably don't want to do exit 1; that is used to indicate failure. You'd use exit 0 to indicate success — but, as described below, you don't want to do that, either, in this case.
The other problem is that if you run the script as child process, it cannot affect the environment of the parent process.
To work around that, in POSIX shells, you need to use:
or, in bash, you can also use:
The script does not have to be executable, just readable, and will be searched for on $PATH unless you specify a name containing a slash, just like other commands.
And, when you do the . or source, you definitely do not want any exit in the script because that will cause the main shell to exit. The shell reads the file as if you were typing it at standard input (more or less), so an exit that's executed will exit the shell.

How to run 'cd' in shell script and stay there after script finishes?

I used 'change directory' in my shell script (bash)
alias mycd='cd some_place'
pwd prints some_place correctly, but after the script finished my current working directory doesn't change.
Is it possible to change my path by script?
You need to source the file as:
Without sourcing the changes will happen in the sub-shell and not in the parent shell which is invoking the script. But when you source a file the lines in the file are executed as if they were typed at the command line.
While sourcing the script you want to run is one solution, you should be aware that this script then can directly modify the environment of your current shell. Also it is not possible to pass arguments anymore.
Another way to do, is to implement your script as a function in bash.
function cdbm() {
cd whereever_you_want_to_go
echo arguments to the functions were $1, $2, ...
This technique is used by autojump:
to provide you with learning shell directory bookmarks.
The script is run in a separate subshell. That subshell changes directory, not the shell you run it in. A possible solution is to source the script instead of running it:
# Bash
# or POSIX sh
It can be achieved by sourcing. Sourcing is basically execute the script in the same shell whereas normal execution(sh or ./ will create sub shell and execute script there.
cd development/
# Do whatever you want.
Execute by
. is shortest notation for source. So you can also do by
This will execute the script and change the directory of current shell to development/.
whenever you run a script on your login shell, a new subprocess is spawned and the script execution is done in a subshell.Once the script completes, the subshell exits and you are returned to the login shell.Hence whenever you do a cd through a script,the directory is changed to the path specified by cd, but by the time script finishes you come back to your login shell to the working directory from where you started the script.
The way to overcome this is use,
what source does is it executes the script as TCL script, i.e it has the same effect as when you typed each line on the command line of your login shell and it executed from there. So this way when the script finishes after cd , it stays in that directory.
Another practical solution is to end your script by opening another shell session.
For instance:
cd some_place
This is useful, in my case, for scripts located in my ~/bin for instance, called from any other place. It is just a bit painful to type source ~/bin/mygoodoldscript instead of mygoo<TAB><ENTER>.
The downside is that the additional shell takes up a few more resources (not much).
Though there are answers. I think the intention of question is to use script to navigate to specific path.
Here is a simple practical solution works here without cancel out existing terminal environment flag.
provide a bash/tch/sh script to work for path generation
/* */
#!/usr/bin/env bash
echo '~/workspace'
add alias to the script output
alias goto 'cd ``'
