../include/wx/mac/carbon/private.h:1459: error: ‘Cursor’ does not name a type - macos

I have been using RapidSVN on a Linux machine for the past few years - it has become an excellent tool for managing my source.
Yesterday my trusty Linux laptop had a couple of strokes so I decided it was time to replace it. Today I went out and purchased a new Mac Book Pro with the flashy display and solid state drives.
Then I went hunting for an SVN tool to run on Mac. I found that RapidSVN will run on a Mac as it was developed using wxWidgets (cross platform windowing).
So, I needed to install wxWidgets, however this doesn't come as an executable so I had to download the tar ball. To compile I realised I don't have a compiler installed yet... so, install Xcode 4.4, then learn that doesn't install a compiler either... find the Xcode preference to install the command line tools (compiler).
So, now I have Xcode installed, a gcc compiler, and tracking back up it comes to wxWidgets. It takes a little working out but I manage to extract the files into a directory in my home folder, (following instructions of course), and from the 'build' folder I run the ../configure command (which seems to work) and then the 'make' command which fails:
In file included from ../include/wx/mac/private.h:4,
from ../src/common/dynlib.cpp:48:
../include/wx/mac/carbon/private.h:1459: error: ‘Cursor’ does not name a type
../include/wx/mac/carbon/private.h:1488: error: ‘ClassicCursor’ does not name a type
make: *** [baselib_dynlib.o] Error 1
So I go hunting for a solution only to find this bug: http://trac.wxwidgets.org/ticket/14536 which unfortunately indicates this is not going to be fixed.
Changed 10 months ago by csomor
* status changed from new to closed
* resolution set to wontfix
A dismal day in the land of computers. I am now stuck for the next 5-6 years on a computer that will never be able to compile anything using wxWidgets - I rather feel like taking it back to Apple and getting my money back.
So where to from here? Is there a binary version of wxWidgets available? Is there a binary version of RapidSVN available? Should I downgrade to OSX 10.x something less than I am currently on? Should I upgrade to unstable wxWidgets?

This is an interesting but not very understandable read. What exactly are you trying to achieve? If you're looking to use the best available version of wxWidgets under OS X, get 2.9.4 or the current svn version and build it using the Xcode version you have already with Cocoa support. If you absolutely need to continue to use Carbon (why?), either install Xcode 3, available from Apple, or get 10.6 (or 10.5) SDK in some other way and pass it as the SDK to use to configure using --with-macosx-sdk option as explained in the documentation.

VZ is right. If you need to use wxWidgets 2.8 on OS X (and there are legitimate reasons for needing to do so), get the 10.6 SDK. Copy it alongside the already installed 10.7 and/or 10.8 , and select it in the project/target's build settings.

From here I have given up trying to compile anything on my current OSX. I am not going to downgrade or install multiple versions of different libraries in order to satisfy the lack of support for the latest current stable versions.
From here I will download and install binaries only.

I have Mac OSX Lion and just did this:
brew install wxmac
and was able to get through the install with no issues.


How can I use the pre-compiled binaries to update to clang 3.3 on Mac OS 10.6.x?

I'm trying to install/update my clang from Apple clang version 1.7 (tags/Apple/clang-77) (based on LLVM 2.9svn) to clang version 3.3. I've downloaded the pre-compiled binaries into usr/bin/, as suggested by other posts (How can I update clang to 3.3 on Mac OS X 10.6).
The point of this installation/update is to be able to use C++ code (not written by me, and written for a newer machine OS 10.8.x) on my mac. I would preferentially use Xcode to update this, but unfortunately, Apple has not made the necessary version of Xcode available for free without a developer's subscription.
I've edited my PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH to include clang3.3/bin/ and clang3.3/lib, but I get an "Illegal Instruction" error and it's not clear to me why this is.
What I'd really like is to try the whole process again from the beginning with a step-by-step outline of the process, like is seen here (How to install clang pre-built binaries ubuntu 12.04), except for Mac OSX system, not Ubuntu.
I realize there are some previous threads that ask almost the same question, but I am asking specifically for these versions (and from a standpoint that includes very little experience installing via terminal/understanding pathways/etc.).
Thanks for any help.

Is it possible to build MonoDevelop 3 on Mac OSX 10.5.8 (Leopard)?

A while ago I had downloaded MonoDevelop 3 for Mac, only to find out that it doesn't run on version 10.5.8 (Leopard). Later I found a terse statement on some obscure website (which I can't find now). I can't find anything on the MonoDevelop website about minimum system requirements for MD version 3.XX on a Mac.
Is it possible then to build MD 3 to run on my Mac Leopard machine, or am I stuck having to upgrade to Snow Leopard? Or, is there a dependency which requires a minimum version of Xcode (in the 4.xx series?) to build it?
If someone could even point me to some information about what I need to build it for my Mac, that would be great.
Instructions for building MonoDevelop on OS X are here. I haven't built it on 10.5 in years but can't think of any major reason why it shouldn't work. It has a build time dependency on some of the Unix tools from Xcode (make, autoconf etc) but an older Xcode should work fine, or you might be able to get them on Homebrew. The main dependency is Mono, and the GTK+ included with Mono, and I'm not sure what the dependency of those is - try the latest packages. There may be a few places in MD itself where we took minor dependencies on newer things (e.g. P/Invokes) that you could fix as you run into them.

/usr/bin/make: no such file or directory

I recently installed Mac OS X on my system. This is probably a very basic question but when I run make it says make not found and there is no make under usr/bin. How to correct this?
The easiest way to get make, gcc and so on is to install Xcode (this can be found on the 'Applications' DVD that came with your computer, or you can download it from the Apple website, or you can download it from the App Store).
However, the Apple versions of those packages are old - you can use MacPorts to get newer, improved versions of those.

What is a recommended approach for building Emacs from the unreleased development sources in a Mac OS X environment?

I am sort of switching to a Mac based development environment as the Mac line of laptops and workstations contains some very nice systems, albeit pricey. As an occasional Emacs developer, I want to build Emacs from the git/bazaar sources. Much to my surprise, the first time I attempted to do this using Xcode4, I discovered that the version of autoconf supplied with Xcode is less than that required by Emacs. So this raises the question: what approaches do those who develop Emacs daily using Mac hardware take in order to have the required libraries and headers available to build and run the Emacs development code on OS X? Left to my own devices, I will fetch and build the versions of components required by Emacs that are not satisfied by Xcode and put those into /usr/local/... but it does occur to me that other approaches, using fink for one example, might be less work and/or more satisfying, hence the question. This also applies to the add-on packages for graphics support (pdf, dvi, png, etc.) that are not supplied by Xcode.
The directions in the file nextstep/INSTALL is to issue the following commands:
./configure --with-ns
make install
The resulting "app" can be found in nextstep/Emacs.app.
However, there is an XCode project provided with Emacs, but I haven't got it to work.
I use the macports package 'emacs-app', which is just emacs configured --with-ns. They're currently at version 23.2.1
Even if you want to build emacs direct from GNU repos, using macports to get autotools should save you some time and energy. The autoconf package is at 2.68, and emacs configure.ac requires 2.65

Python 3.1.1 on Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard

I've spent some time today playing with getting the source for python 3.1.1 to build on my MacBook Pro using the --enable-framework and --enable-universalsdk options with no success. I will humbly admit that I have no real clue why I can't compile 3.1.1 on Snow Leopard, I did make sure to get the new Xcode version for Snow Leopard, and made sure I also installed the 10.4u SDK. It seems to be choking on the 10.4 SDK during the make stage, and has several error regarding headers for wchar, cursor, and ncursor during the configure stage. I have been able to get a make from a plain configure, and most the test pass, but that just isn't challenging enough. Has anyone else attempted to build python 3.1.1 on a Mac running Snow Leopard
There is an automated installer here: http://python.org/ftp/python/3.1.1/python-3.1.1.dmg
You need to set MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET if you actually want to use an older SDK.
If you target 10.6, it may be that PPC building is not supported anymore, according to this bug report. In fact, that may be the case even if you target 10.4, using XCode 3.2 (haven't tried myself).
I don't have 10.6 installed yet so I can't say for sure it will work without issue but, in general, if you want to build a batteries-included framework build optimized for 10.6 of Python on OS X, you're best off using the installer build script in the source tree at Mac/BuildScript/build-installer.py after applying the patch in the bug report Martin referred to. Something like this should work [untested]:
./build-installer.py --sdk-path=/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.6.sdk --universal-archs=intel --dep-target=10.6 --src-dir=... --build-dir=...
That will build everything including dependent third-party libraries and the documentation but, be forewarned, you'll probably have to tweak things until you get it right and a few things aren't supported yet in 64-bit, most notably, tkinter. As mentioned above, the standard python.org 3.1.1 installer should likely work OK as long as you don't need 64-bit support.
[EDIT: I should clarify that, WRT 64-bit support, the problem isn't in tkinter, rather that the Apple-supplied versions of Tk in 10.5 and earlier were 32-bit only and so there was code in setup.py to prevent attempting to build a 64-bit version of tkinter on OSX. Perhaps that check can be removed now if the 10.6 Tk is 64-bit.]
Kenneth Reitz's soluton doesn't work for me. In fact, the install works fine but my default PATH still points to /usr/bin/python (v2.6.1.). I vaguely recall that we should be modifying our ~/.profile to point to /.../Frameworks and I expected the installer to do this for me (nope).
Anyway, /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.1/bin exists so we could add it.
But I'm curious why the python bin in there does a crash and burn on me.
No time to resolve this now. Bye.
