Symfony2 reverse proxy - separating the caching of the same URL based on a cookie or other setting - caching

I'm using the default Symfony2 reverse proxy, and I need to separate caching of the same URL based on a cookie setting.
The site allows for a 'basic' site view by scaling down images and removing JavaScript. As the content is the same I have used the same URL, but of course caching is an issue.
I need to be able to cache them separately (or just ensure the cache is cleared).
I have tried changing the Vary header which normally I have set to:
Vary: Accept-Encoding
..and have set it to either:
Vary: Accept-Encoding, basic
Vary: Accept-Encoding, normal
That actually works brilliant in Chrome on my Mac, but Safari ignores it. I stopped checking other browsers at this point.
What's the best way to do it?

Vary: Accept-Encoding tells the client or your reverse proxy to seperate caching of the url for different encodings. ( i.e. with/without gzip).
This is especially useful if you have older browsers not supporting gzip being served the page without gzip and for newer browsers with gzip ... so your reverse proxy will cache both variants of the same url. Without this setting your reverse proxy might end up serving gzipped content to browsers not supporting it... giving unwanted results.
What you are looking for is probably the ETag header which is kind of like a "cookie" for caching.
The client will send the etag of his cached version and you can then choose from your application wether the client's cached version is valid or not.
$response = new Response();
if( $response->isNotModified($this->get('request')) )
// automatically returns null content response with http 304 ( not modified ) header
return $response;
// .. otherwise return a new response, possibly with a different ETag
// $reponse->setEtag(md5('another_identifier'));
return $this->renderView('MyBundle:Main:index.html.twig', array(), $response);
inspired by this blogpost.


Cache-Control, expires and last-modified headers with Laravel 7 app not responding with the correct Status Code

Ok folks, here is my question
My struggle is with Cache-Control: public, max-age=259200 header that I have set up via middleware.
Here is how I did it:
Route::get('/', 'MainPageController#getMain')->middleware(['cache.headers:public;max_age=2592000', 'cacheable:2592000']);
The second middleware('cacheable:2592000') on the same route caches responses with Php Redis
Now the problem, I can see that the Cache-Control in the response header, but what I do not see is last-modified and expires headers on all of the text/Html type responses.
Also, I somehow need to set up the Last-Modified header to correspond with the date from the updated_at column. I have tried to add it manually to the main view, just to check if it works, but found another problem, when content is cached with Php Redis, the header won't show up.
Also, I do see that the content is served from disk cache yet the Status Code: 200 (from disk cache) shown as 200 instead of 304.
My app is built with Laravel 7 on Ubuntu 20.04 / NGINX with the Forge server.
If you need any additional information, please let me know.

ASP.NET MVC Page with ResponseCache on action DOES return new content instead of cache

I followed this tutorial ( to implement ResponseCache on my controller-action.
In short, I added
services.AddResponseCaching(); and app.UseResponseCaching(); in the startup and this tag [ResponseCache( Duration = 30)] on my controller.
Then I added a <h2>#DateTime.Now</h2> in my view and what I expected.... was the same for 30 seconds.
But it doesn't, it just shows the new time on every reload (F5).
I made sure my devtools in chrome do not say 'disable cache'.
It's both with and without the chrome devtools open, on my local machine, now trying on a brandnew .net core mvc project.
One thing I noticed (with devtools open) is that the request has this header: Cache-Control: max-age=0. Does this influence the behaviour?
I thought it would mean something because it looks like the request says 'no cache' but that strikes me as weird because I didn't put the header in and I would say the default behaviour of chrome wouldn't be to ignore caches?
A header like Cache-Control: max-age=0 effectively disables all caching. Resources are basically expired as soon as they come off the wire, so they are always fetched. This header originates from the server. The client has nothing to do with it.
Assuming you haven't disabled response caching manually in some way by accident. Then, the most likeliest situation is that you're doing something where the response caching middleware will never cache. The documentation lists the following conditions that must be satisfied before responses will be cached, regardless of what you do:
The request must result in a server response with a 200 (OK) status code.
The request method must be GET or HEAD.
Terminal middleware, such as Static File Middleware, must not process the response prior to the Response Caching Middleware.
The Authorization header must not be present.
Cache-Control header parameters must be valid, and the response must be marked public and not marked private.
The Pragma: no-cache header must not be present if the Cache-Control header isn't present, as the Cache-Control header overrides the Pragma header when present.
The Set-Cookie header must not be present.
Vary header parameters must be valid and not equal to *.
The Content-Length header value (if set) must match the size of the response body.
The IHttpSendFileFeature isn't used.
The response must not be stale as specified by the Expires header and the max-age and s-maxage cache directives.
Response buffering must be successful, and the size of the response must be smaller than the configured or default SizeLimit.
The response must be cacheable according to the RFC 7234 specifications. For example, the no-store directive must not exist in request or response header fields. See Section 3: Storing Responses in Caches of RFC 7234 for details.
However, in such situations, the server should be sending Cache-Control: no-cache, not max-age=0. As a result, I'm leaning towards some misconfiguration somewhere, where you have set this max age value and either forgot or overlooked it.
This is working for me in a 3.1 app to not let F5/Ctrl+F5 or Developer Tools in Firefox or Chrome bypass server cache for a full response.
In startup add this little middleware before UseResponseCaching().
// Middleware that fixes server caching on F5/Reload
app.Use(async (context, next) =>
const string cc = "Cache-Control";
if (context.Request.Headers.ContainsKey(cc))
const string pragma = "Pragma";
if (context.Request.Headers.ContainsKey(pragma))
await next();
Haven't noticed any problems...

Disable cache in ExtLib REST control (which uses

In my XPage I have a xe:djxDataGrid (dojox.grid.datagrid) which uses xe:restService which seems to use
Everything works fine without proxy but my client accesses the application via a proxy because of corporate policy. After a user updates data in the DataGrid it shows old values when accessed behind the proxy.
When the REST Control/JsonRestStore sends an ajax GET request to get data, there is no Cache-Control parameter in request headers. And Domino does not place Expires parameter in the reponse headers. I believe that's why the old version of the GET request gets cached by the proxy.
We have tried to disable cache in browsers but that does not help which indicates the proxy is caching the requests.
I believe this could be solved either by:
Setting Cache-Control parameter in request headers OR
Setting Expires parameter in response headers
But I haven't found a way to set either of these. For the XPage Domino sets Expires:-1 response header but not for the ajax GET request which is:
This returns the JSON data to JsonRestStore and gets cached by the proxy.
One options is to try to get an exception to the proxy so requests to this site would bypass the proxy cache. But exceptions are generally not easy to get thru.
Any ideas? Thanks.
My colleque suggested that I could intercept the xhr GET requests made by and add a time parameter to the URL to prevent cache. Here is my question about that:
Prevent cache in every Dojo xhr request on page
#SvenHasselbach has a great solution for preventing cache for all xhrs:
It seems to work perfectly, &dojo.preventCache= parameter is added to the URLs and the requests seem to return correct JSON also with this parameter. But the DataGrid stops working when I use that code. Every xhr causes this error:
Tried with Firefox and Chrome. The first page of data still loads because xhr interception is not yet in place but the subsequent pages show only "..." in each cell.
The solution is Sven Hasselbach's code in the comment section of Julian Buss's blog which needs to be slightly modified.
I changed xhrPost to xhrGet and did not place the code to dojo.addOnLoad. When placed there it was not effective in the first XHR by the DataGrid/Store.
I also removed the headers modification because it overrides existing headers. When the REST control requests data from server with xhrGet the URL is always the same and rows requested are in HTTP header like this:
Range: items=0-9
This (and other) headers disappear when the original code is used. To just add headers we would have take the existing headers from args and append to them. I didn't see a need for that because it should be enough to add the parameter in the URL. Here is the extremely simple code I'm using:
if( !(dojo._xhrGet )) {
dojo._xhrGet = dojo.xhrGet;
dojo.xhrGet = function (args) {
args['preventCache'] = true;
return dojo._xhrGet(args);
Now I'm getting all rows and all XHR Get URLs have &dojo.preventCache= parameter which is exactly what I wanted. Next we'll test in customer environment to see if this solves their problem.
As Julian points out in his blog I could also use a Web Site Rule to set Expires or cache-control http response headers.
The customer reports it's working now for them!

Serving content depending on http accept header - caching problems?

I'm developing an application which is supposed to serve different content for "normal" browser requests and AJAX requests for the same URL requested.
(in fact, encapsulate the response HTML in JSON object if the request is AJAX).
For this purpose, I'm detecting an AJAX request on the server side, and processing the response appropriately, see the pseudocode below:
function process_response(request, response)
if request.is_ajax
response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json';
response.headers['Cache-Control'] = 'no-cache';
response.content = JSON( some_data... )
The problem is that when the first AJAX request to the currently viewed URL is made strange things happens on Google Chrome - if, right after the response comes and is processed via JavaScript, user clicks some link (static, which redirects to other page) and then clicks back button in the browser, he sees the returned JSON code instead of the rendered website (logging the server I can say that no request is made). It seems for me that Chrome stores the latest request response for the specific URL, and doesn't take into account that it has different content-type etc.
Is that a bug in the Chrome or am I misusing HTTP protocol ?
--- update 12 11 2012, 12:38 UTC
following PatrikAkerstrand answer, I've found following Chrome bug:
any ideas how to avoid this behaviour?
You should also include a Vary-header:
response.headers['Vary'] = 'Content-Type'
Vary is a standard way to control caching context in content negotiation. Unfortunately it has also buggy implementations in some browsers, see Browser cache vary broken.
I would suggest using unique URLs.
Depending of you framework capabilities you can redirect (302) the browser to URL + .html to force response format and make cache key unique within browser session. Then for AJAX requests you can still keep suffix-less URL. Alternatively you may suffix AJAX URL with .json instead .
Another options are: prefixing AJAX requests with /api or adding some cache boosting query params ?rand=1234.
Setting cache-control to no-store made it in my case, while no-cache didn't. This may have unwanted side effects though.
no-store: The response may not be stored in any cache. Although other directives may be set, this alone is the only directive you need in preventing cached responses on modern browsers.
Source: Mozilla Developer Network - HTTP Cache-Control

VBScript: Disable caching of response from server to HTTP GET URL request

I want to turn off the cache used when a URL call to a server is made from VBScript running within an application on a Windows machine. What function/method/object do I use to do this?
When the call is made for the first time, my Linux based Apache server returns a response back from the CGI Perl script that it is running. However, subsequent runs of the script seem to be using the same response as for the first time, so the data is being cached somewhere. My server logs confirm that the server is not being called in those subsequent times, only in the first time.
This is what I am doing. I am using the following code from within a commercial application (don't wish to mention this application, probably not relevant to my problem):
With CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP")
.open "GET", "http://myserver/cgi-bin/nsr/nsr.cgi?aparam=1", False
nsrresponse =.responseText
End With
Is there a function/method on the above object to turn off caching, or should I be calling a method/function to turn off the caching on a response object before making the URL?
I looked here for a solution: - not quite helpful enough. And here: - very unfriendly and hard to read.
I am also trying to force not using the cache using http header settings and html document header meta data:
Snippet of server-side Perl CGI script that returns the response back to the calling client, set expiry to 0.
print $httpGetCGIRequest->header(
-type => 'text/html',
-expires => '+0s',
Http header settings in response sent back to client:
<html><head><meta http-equiv="CACHE-CONTROL" content="NO-CACHE"></head>
response message generated from server
The above http header and html document head settings haven't worked, hence my question.
I don't think that the XMLHTTP object itself does even implement caching.
You send a fresh request as soon as you call .send() on it. The whole point of caching is to avoid sending requests, but that does not happen here (as far as your code sample goes).
But if the object is used in a browser of some sort, then the browser may implement caching. In this case the common approach is to include a cache-breaker into the statement: a random URL parameter you change every time you make a new request (like, appending the current time to the URL).
Alternatively, you can make your server send a Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store HTTP-header and see if that helps.
The <meta http-equiv="CACHE-CONTROL" content="NO-CACHE> is probably useless and you can drop it entirely.
You could use WinHTTP, which does not cache HTTP responses. You should still add the cache control directive (Cache-control: no-cache) using the SetRequestHeader method, because it instructs intermediate proxies and servers not to return a previously cached response.
If you have control over the application targeted by the XMLHTTP Request (which is true in your case), you could let it send no-cache headers in the Response. This solved the issue in my case.
Response.AppendHeader("pragma", "no-cache");
Response.AppendHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache, no-store");
As alternative, you could also append a querystring containing a random number to each requested url.
