Read files in subfolders - vbscript

I'm trying to make a script that we can output a specific string ino a files from a list of files in different subfolders.
My script works but onl for one directory. I need some help to make it works with subfolders
Const ForReading = 1
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set folder = objFSO.GetFolder("D:\vbs\logs\") ' here i have loads of subfolders with *.txt
Set outfile = objFSO.CreateTextFile("D:\vbs\ok\test.txt") ' my output file
for each file in folder.Files
Set testfile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(file.path, ForReading)
Do While Not testfile.AtEndOfStream
If instr (testfile.readline, "central") then ' i output every lines where there is the word "central"
outfile.writeline testfile.readline
End If
if instr (testfile.readline, "version") then ' i use this to parse my output file to get a indication between every files read
num = testfile.readline
mag = Split(num)
elseif testfile.AtEndOfStream = true then
outfile.writeline "Shop " & mag(4)
end if

See this answer to a similar question for a folder recursion example.
One remark about your existing code, though: each call of the ReadLine method reads the next line from the file, so something like this:
If instr (testfile.readline, "central") then
outfile.writeline testfile.readline
End If
will not output the line containing the word "central" (as your comments say), but the line after that line.
If you want to output the line containing the word you're checking for, you have to store the read line in a variable and continue with that variable:
line = testfile.ReadLine
If InStr(line, "central") Then
outfile.WriteLine line
End If

I would encapsulate your entire For...Each block into a new subroutine and then add a new For...Each block to capture all subFolders in the parent folder. I added that functionality to your script, see below.
Const ForReading = 1
Const Start_Folder = "D:\vbs\logs\" ' here i have loads of subfolders with *.txt
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set outfile = objFSO.CreateTextFile("D:\vbs\ok\test.txt") ' my output file
'Call the Search subroutine to start the recursive search.
Search objFSO.GetFolder(Start_Folder)
'Close the outfile after all folders have been searched
Sub Search(sDir)
for each file in sDir.Files
Set testfile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(file.path, ForReading)
Do While Not testfile.AtEndOfStream
If instr (testfile.readline, "central") then ' i output every lines where there is the word "central"
outfile.writeline testfile.readline
End If
if instr (testfile.readline, "version") then ' i use this to parse my output file to get a indication between every files read
num = testfile.readline
mag = Split(num)
elseif testfile.AtEndOfStream = true then
outfile.writeline "Shop " & mag(4)
end if
For Each subFolder In sDir.SubFolders
'Call the Search subroutine to start the recursive search on EACH SUBFOLDER.
Search objFSO.GetFolder(subFolder.Path)
End Sub


Renaming multiple files in a loop

I have a folder with 8 Excel files with the following naming convention:
These files are used for monthly reports, therefore the date will obviously always be different.
I will be using a macro to manipulate the data in each worksheet, however I cannot create the macro due the changing file name (the date) - the only guarantee I have is that each of these files will DEFINITELY contain a partial string match.
I have a script that finds the files in the location and will rename the file, but it only renames 1 file and its not the first file in the folder.
My issue is using the For Each loop effectively.
Here's the code I have:
Dim fso, folder, file
Dim folderName, searchFileName, renameFile1, renameFile2, renameFile3, renameFile4, renameFile5, renameFile6, renameFile7, renameFile8
folderName = "C:\test\"
'Future FileName
renameFile1 = "All Groups.csv"
renameFile2 = "Groups Excluded.csv"
renameFile3 = "No Exclusions.csv"
renameFile4 = "HR.csv"
renameFile5 = "AD Users.csv"
renameFile6 = "Encryption Status.csv"
renameFile7 = "ePO4 Not Encrypted.csv"
renameFile8 = "ePO5 Not Encrypted.csv"
' Create filesystem object and the folder object
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set folder = fso.GetFolder(folderName)
' Loop over all files in the folder until the searchFileName is found
For Each file In folder.Files
' See If the file starts with the name we search
If InStr(file.Name, "All_Groups") then
file.Name = renameFile1
End If
If InStr(file.Name, "Groups_Excluded") Then
file.Name = renameFile2
End If
If InStr(file.Name, "No_Exclusions") Then
file.Name = renameFile3
End If
If InStr(file.Name, "HR") Then
file.Name = renameFile4
End If
If InStr(file.Name, "AD_Users") then
file.Name = renameFile5
End If
If InStr(file.Name, "Encryption_Status") then
file.Name = renameFile6
End If
If InStr(file.Name, "ePO4") then
file.Name = renameFile7
End If
If InStr(file.Name, "ePO5") then
file.Name = renameFile8
End If
Exit For
' echo the job is completed
WScript.Echo "Completed!"
The original code I found was exactly as above, but with only one If statement inside the For Each loop and the Exit For was inside the If statement.
Currently when I execute the script, the code renames only one file and its always the HR file first.
If I execute the script again, it then starts with All Groups, then Groups Excluded, and so on.
And the "Echo Completed" does not do anything either.
If you just want to rename your files to "canonical" names you could do something like this, assuming that you just want the date from the beginning of the filename removed and the underscores replaced with spaces:
Set re = New RegExp
re.Pattern = "\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}_(.*\.csv)"
For Each f In folder.Files
For Each m In re.Execute(f.Name)
f.Name = Replace(m.Submatches(0), "_", " ")
If the files have the same "date" you only need Find for that, for excample (if the date is a iso date "YYYYMMDD") (Date Returns "today" date)
IsoDate=CStr(Year(Date)) & Right("0" & CStr(Month(Date)),2) & Right("0" & CStr(Day(Date)),2)
And the for each:
For Each file In folder.Files
If InStr(file.Name, IsoDate) = 1 then 'if is in the start of the string
file.Name = Mid(file.Name, Len(IsoDate)+1) 'The same name with out date
End IF

Delete lines starting from bottom

I got this code which deletes 10 lines starting from the top.
Is it possible to do the same but starting the delete from the bottom to the top of the txt file?
So if I have 30 lines, I want the last 10 or 20 lines to be deleted.
strFileName = "C:\scripts\delete.txt"
iNumberOfLinesToDelete = 10
Set objFS = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objTS = objFS.OpenTextFile(strFileName, FOR_READING)
strContents = objTS.ReadAll
arrLines = Split(strContents, vbNewLine)
Set objTS = objFS.OpenTextFile(strFileName, FOR_WRITING)
For i=0 To UBound(arrLines)
If i > (iNumberOfLinesToDelete - 1) Then
objTS.WriteLine arrLines(i)
End If
If you read the entire file into an array of lines you'd use more or less the same approach for removing lines from beginning or end.
To remove lines from the beginning you start at an offset after the lines that you want removed:
filename = "C:\path\to\your.txt"
numLinesToRemove = 10
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
txt = Split(fso.OpenTextFile(filename).ReadAll, vbNewLine)
Set f = fso.OpenTextFile(filename, 2)
For i = numLinesToRemove To UBound(txt)
f.WriteLine txt(i)
To remove lines from the end of the file you stop before the lines that you want removed:
filename = "C:\path\to\your.txt"
numLinesToRemove = 10
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
txt = Split(fso.OpenTextFile(filename).ReadAll, vbNewLine)
Set f = fso.OpenTextFile(filename, 2)
For i = 0 To UBound(txt) - numLinesToRemove
f.WriteLine txt(i)
This approach only works for small files, though. If you need to process large files you usually can't read the entire file into memory. If you did your computer would start swapping data from memory to disk, causing the system to slow down to a crawl. To avoid this you normally read the file line by line in a loop and write to a temporary file, then replace the original file with the temp file after processing is complete.
Removing lines from the beginning of a file is still fairly trivial, because TextStream objects have a Line property that holds the current line number (i.e. the number of the line that the next ReadLine call would read).
Set f = fso.OpenTextFile(filename)
Set tmp = fso.OpenTextFile(filename & ".tmp", 2, True)
Do Until f.AtEndOfStream
If f.Line <= numLinesToRemove Then
tmp.WriteLine f.ReadLine
End If
However, you can't do that for removing lines from the end of the file, because you don't know the number of lines beforhand. One way to deal with this is to create a ring buffer the size of the number of lines you want to remove, fill it as you read lines from the input file, and write lines to the output file when they are removed from the buffer. That way the last numLinesToRemove lines are still in the buffer (not written to the output file) when the loop terminates.
ReDim buf(numLinesToRemove) 'ring buffer
i = -1 'ring buffer pointer
Set f = fso.OpenTextFile(filename)
Set tmp = fso.OpenTextFile(filename & ".tmp", 2, True)
Do Until f.AtEndOfStream
i = (i + 1) Mod numLinesToRemove 'advance ring buffer pointer
'if current buffer slot is filled write it to the output file ...
If Not IsEmpty(buf(i)) Then tmp.WriteLine buf(i)
'... then put current line from input file into current buffer slot
buf(i) = f.ReadLine
In both cases you'd replace the original file after processing is complete, e.g. like this:
fso.DeleteFile filename
fso.MoveFile filename & ".tmp", filename
just loop backwards in your for statement
For i=UBound(arrLines) To (UBound(arrLines) -10) step -1

Rename part of file

I require a VBScript that finds the most recent file in a folder and renames it. I have been able to write the script so that it finds the most recent file. However, I cannot figure out how to correctly have the file renamed once identified. I have been able to rename the file with a basic name, confirming the script works.
The file name needs the letter "A" added in the middle.
The file will already be saved as 20160229_TITLES and it needs to become 20160229A_TITLES.
Below is a script I tried to just pull the year and add the "A". I figured if I could get the year to add to the beginning, I could then add in the month and year. The date will always be the current date. This continues to cause an error message.
Option Explicit
Dim fso, folder, file, Date, recentFile
Dim folderName, searchFileName, renameFileTo
folderName = "C:\Ticket\Test\"
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set folder = fso.GetFolder(folderName)
Set recentFile = Nothing
For Each file In folder.Files
If (recentFile is Nothing) Then
Set recentFile = file
ElseIf FormatDateTime(file.DateLastModified) = Date Then
Set recentFile = file
End If
recentFile.Name = Replace(recentFile.Name, "_", "A_")
Assuming that the filename will always consist of a date followed by an underscore and some other text you could do several things:
replace underscores with "A_" (if there is only one underscore in the name):
file.Name = Replace(file.Name, "_", "A_")
split the name at the first underscore, append "A" to the first fragment and join the fragments back together:
arr = Split(file.Name, "_", 2)
arr(0) = arr(0) & "A"
file.Name = Join(arr, "_")
do a regular expression replacement:
Set re = New RegExp
re.Pattern = "^(\d{8})_"
file.Name = re.Replace(file.Name, "$1A_")
The answer #Ansgar provided helped me correctly rename the file, however, I learned that the script only searched for any file that was newer than any other file and renamed it. The following script correctly renames the file that was modified today. Thank you for all your help #Ansgar. :)
Option Explicit
Dim fso, folder, file, todaysDate, recentFile
Dim folderName, searchFileName, renameFileTo
folderName = "C:\Ticket\Test\"
todaysDate = Date()
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set folder = fso.GetFolder(folderName)
set recentFile = Nothing
For each file In folder.Files
If (recentFile is Nothing) Then
Set recentFile = file
ElseIf DateValue (file.DateLastModified) = todaysDate then
Set recentFile = file
Exit For
End IF
recentFile.Name = Replace(recentFile.Name, "_", "A_")

If FileExists delete another file

I am trying to add a sub-routine to a VBScript. In short, I am trying to see if one type of file exists, it will delete another file.
There will be files like:
but on occassion there may be a file with an "x" at the end of the filename:
They would all be in the same folder. The "x" file has priority. So if it exist I want to delete the matching file file without the "x".
Here is what I have so far but errors. The check filesize routine I added works great but it's after that I am having no luck:
Dim oFSO, sDirectoryPath, oFOLDER, oFile
Set oFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
sDirectoryPath = "S:\SOCAL\Section_11\Road DXFs\"
RecurseFolders sDirectoryPath
Sub RecurseFolders(sFolder)
'Here we set the oFolder object, note that its variable scope is within
'this sub, so you can set it many times and it's value will only be
'that of the sub that's currently running.
Set oFolder = oFSO.GetFolder(sFolder)
'Here we are looping through every file in the directory path.
For Each oFile In oFolder.Files
'This just checks for a file size less than 100Kb
If oFile.Size <= 1085 And Right(LCase(oFile.Name),3) = "dxf" Then
oFile.Delete True
End If
For Each oFile In oFolder.Files
'This checks if there is a file with an 'x' at the end of filename
If FileExists (Right(oFile.Name),1) = "x" Then
oFile.Delete True
End If
'Here we do the recursive bit. We need to loop through each folder in
'the directory too and call the same sub to ensure we check every folder
'in the path.
For Each oFolder In oFolder.SubFolders
RecurseFolders oFolder.Path
End Sub
The script creates both files, but does not delete the file that does NOT have the "x". The error says for line 204, Char 5:
Wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment: 'Right'
The line the error refers to is: If FileExists (Right(oFile.Name),1) = "x" Then.
You have a few inherent problems that you need to correct in order to do this properly. First, you need to make the parenthesis correction mentioned by Ansgar Wiechers. Second, you should remove the duplicate loop. There's no need to loop over all of the files multiple times. Finally, you should store the files to be deleted until after the loop has finished. Deleting a file while it is in the file set that is currently being looped over could produce unexpected results or unexplained errors.
With that said, here's how I would approach this. You'll note all of the corrections I've mentioned.
Dim oFSO, sDirectoryPath, oFOLDER, oFile
Set oFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
sDirectoryPath = "S:\SOCAL\Section_11\Road DXFs\"
Dim arrFilesToDelete() 'an empty dynamic array to hold files to be deleted later
Dim i = 0 'an iterator used to track the array pointer
RecurseFolders sDirectoryPath
DeleteExtraFiles arrFilesToDelete
Sub RecurseFolders(sFolder)
'Here we set the oFolder object, note that its variable scope is within
'this sub, so you can set it many times and it's value will only be
'that of the sub that's currently running.
Set oFolder = oFSO.GetFolder(sFolder)
'Here we are looping through every file in the directory path.
For Each oFile In oFolder.Files
'Is the file a "dxf" file
If LCase(Right(oFile.Name)) = "dxf" Then
'This just checks for a file size less than 100Kb
If oFile.Size <= 1085 And Right(LCase(oFile.Name),3) = "dxf" Then
End If
'This checks if there is an 'x' at the end of filename
If LCase(Right(oFile.Name) 5) = "x.dxf" Then
'if so, store its counterpart for deletion later
sBadFile = Replace(oFile.Name, "x.dxf", ".dxf")
ReDim Preserve arrFilesToDelete(i)
arrFilesToDelete(i) = oFile.Path & "\" & sBadFile
i = i + 1
End If
End If
'Here we do the recursive bit. We need to loop through each folder in
'the directory too and call the same sub to ensure we check every folder
'in the path.
For Each oFolder In oFolder.SubFolders
RecurseFolders oFolder.Path
End Sub
Sub DeleteExtraFiles(arrFiles)
For Each sFile in arrFiles
If oFSO.FileExists(sFile) Then
oFSO.DeleteFile sFile
End If
End Sub
You put the inner closing parenthesis in the wrong place. The parameter 1 belongs to the function Right. Change this:
If FileExists (Right(oFile.Name),1) = "x" Then
into this:
If FileExists (Right(oFile.Name,1)) = "x" Then
With that said, there might be other issues with that line. VBScript doesn't have a built-in function FileExists and your code snippet doesn't reveal if that function is implemented elsewhere in your code, so whether passing it a character and comparing its return value to the character x actually makes sense is hard to say.
If you meant to use the FileSystemObject method FileExists you'd need to call it from the actual FileSystemObject instance:
If oFSO.FileExists(...) Then
and pass it a filename or path, not a single character or a boolean value.
If you want to test if for any given file foo.ext another file foox.ext exists, and in that case delete foo.ext you'd do something like this:
For Each oFile In oFolder.Files
xFilename = oFSO.GetBaseName(oFile) & "x." & oFSO.GetExtensionName(oFile)
If oFSO.FileExists(oFSO.BuildPath(oFile.Parent, xFilename)) Then
oFile.Delete True
End If

Remove Number and period in filename vbsript

I have already found a script that will replace underscore (_) and other text that I write in script. I need to modify this script so that it will also remove all the numbers in the filename too. I tried [0-9] and /d but that didn't remove the numbers in the filename. Also I tried to remove a period in the file name, but that also removed the file extension. So it took away the .csv too. Can someone help?
' VBScript to replace underscore in file name with space
' for each files in a folder
' Written by ApOgEE of
Dim sName
Dim fso
Dim fol
' create the filesystem object
Set fso = WScript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
' get current folder
Set fol = fso.GetFolder(".")
' go thru each files in the folder
For Each fil In fol.Files
' check if the file name contains underscore
If InStr(1, fil.Name, "_") <> 0 Then
' replace underscore with space
sName = Replace(fil.Name, "_", " ")
' rename the file
fil.Name = sName
End If
' echo the job is completed
WScript.Echo "Completed!"
The Replace function does only simple string replacements. It doesn't support wildcards or patterns. You're looking for regular expressions:
Set re = New RegExp
re.Pattern = "[0-9_.]"
re.Global = True
For Each fil In fol.Files
fil.Name = re.Replace(fil.Name, " ")
