Wget span host only for images/stylesheets/javascript but not links - download

Wget has the -H "span host" option
Span to any host—‘-H’
The ‘-H’ option turns on host spanning, thus allowing Wget's recursive run to visit any host referenced by a link. Unless sufficient recursion-limiting criteria are applied depth, these foreign hosts will typically link to yet more hosts, and so on until Wget ends up sucking up much more data than you have intended.
I want to do a recursive download (say, of level 3), and I want to get images, stylesheets, javascripts, etc. (that is, files necessary to display the page properly) even if they're outside my host. However, I don't want to follow a link to another HTML page (because then it can go to another HTML page, and so on, then the number can explode.)
Is it possible to do this somehow? It seems like the -H option controls spanning to other hosts for both the images/stylesheets/javascript case and the link case, and wget doesn't allow me to separate the two.

Downloading All Dependencies in a page
First step is downloading all the resources of a particular page. If you look in the man pages for wget you will find this:
...to download a single page and all its requisites (even if they exist on
separate websites), and make sure the lot displays properly locally, this author likes to use a few options in addition to -p:
wget -E -H -k -K -p http://<site>/<document>
Getting Multiple Pages
Unfortunately, that only works per-page. You can turn on recursion with -r, but then you run into the issue of following external sites and blowing up. If you know the full list of domains that could be used for resources, you can limit it to just those using -D, but that might be hard to do. I recommend using a combination of -np (no parent directories) and -l to limit the depth of the recursion. You might start getting other sites, but it will at least be limited. If you start having issues, you could use --exclude-domains to limit the known problem causers. In the end, I think this is best:
wget -E -H -k -K -p -np -l 1 http://<site>/level
Limiting the domains
To help figure out what domains need to be included/excluded you could use this answer to grep a page or two (you would want to grep the .orig file) and list the links within them. From there you might be able to build a decent list of domains that should be included and limit it using the -D argument. Or you might at least find some domains that you don't want included and limit them using --exclude-domains. Finally, you can use the -Q argument to limit the amount of data downloaded as a safeguard to prevent filling up your disk.
Descriptions of the Arguments
If a file of type application/xhtml+xml or text/html is downloaded and the URL does not end with the regexp \.[Hh][Tt][Mm][Ll]?, this
option will cause the suffix .html to be appended to the local filename.
Enable spanning across hosts when doing recursive retrieving.
After the download is complete, convert the links in the document to make them suitable for local viewing. This affects not only the
visible hyperlinks, but any part of the document that links to external content, such as embedded images, links to style sheets,
hyperlinks to non-HTML content, etc.
When converting a file, back up the original version with a .orig suffix.
This option causes Wget to download all the files that are necessary to properly display a given HTML page. This includes such things as
inlined images, sounds, and referenced stylesheets.
Do not ever ascend to the parent directory when retrieving recursively. This is a useful option, since it guarantees that only the files
below a certain hierarchy will be downloaded.
Specify recursion maximum depth level depth.
Set domains to be followed. domain-list is a comma-separated list of domains. Note that it does not turn on -H.
Specify the domains that are not to be followed.
Specify download quota for automatic retrievals. The value can be specified in bytes (default), kilobytes (with k suffix), or megabytes (with m suffix).

Just put wget -E -H -k -K -p -r http://<site>/ to download a complete site. Don't get nervous if while downloading you open some page and its resources are not available, because when wget finishes it all, it will convert them!

for downloading all "files necessary to display the page properly" you can use -p or --page-requisites, perhaps together with -Q or --quota

Try using the wget --accept-regex flag; the posix --regex-type is compiled into wget standard but you can compile in the perl regex engine pcre if you need something more elaborate:
E.g. The following will get all pngs on external sites one level deep and any other pages that have the word google in the url:
wget -r -H -k -l 1 --regex-type posix --accept-regex "(.*google.*|.*png)" "http://www.google.com"
It doesn't actually solve the problem of dipping down multiple levels on external sites, for that you would have to probably write your own spider. But using the --accept-regex you can probably get close to what you are looking for in most cases.

Within a single layer of a domain you can check all links internally, and on third party servers with the following command.
wget --spider -nd -e robots=off -Hprb --level=1 -o wget-log -nv http://localhost
The limitation here is that it only checks a single layer. This works well with a CMS where you can flatten the site with the GET variable rather than CMS generated URLs. Otherwise you can use your favorite server side script to loop this command through directories. For a full explanation of all of the options, check out this Github commit.


wget: using wildcards in the middle of the path

I am trying to recursively download .nc files from: https://satdat.ngdc.noaa.gov/sem/goes/data/full/*/*/*/netcdf/*.nc
A target link looks like this one:
and I need to exclude this:
I do not understand how to use wildcards for defining path in wget.
Also, the following command (a test for year 1981 only), only downloads subfolders 10, 11 and 12, failing with {01..09} subfolders:
for i in {01..12};do wget -r -nH -np -x --force-directories -e robots=off https://satdat.ngdc.noaa.gov/sem/goes/data/full/1981/${i}/goes02/netcdf/; done
I do not understand how to use wildcards for defining path in wget.
According to GNU Wget manual
File name wildcard matching and recursive mirroring of directories are
available when retrieving via FTP.
so you must not use one in URL provided when working with HTTP or HTTPS server.
You might combine -r with --accept-regex urlregex to
Specify a regular expression to accept(...)the complete URL.
Observe that it should match whole URL, for example if I wish pages linked in GNU Package blurbs which contain auto in path I could do that by
wget -r --level=1 --accept-regex '.*auto.*' https://www.gnu.org/manual/blurbs.html
which result in download main pages of autoconf, autoconf-archive, autogen, automake. Note: --level=1 is used to prevent going further down than links shown in blurbs.

Reject a download below a minimum size in a bash script

I am downloading files using wget (curl would work too) like so,
wget somesite.com/files/{1..1000}.txt
I only want to download the files that are larger than a minimum size. File size is the only criteria I can use to determine whether I want the file, the file names are not descriptive, and all have the same extension.
As I understand it, when the request is made to the server, it returns the size of the file before the download starts, so it should be possible to reject the file without needing to download it.
Is there a flag for wget or curl that can do this, or script that add this functionality? I found two similar questions, here and here for curl & wget respectively, but neither had an answer that met these requirements. I am looking to avoid downloading the file and then rejecting it afterwards.
Alternativley, is there another terminal-based tool I can use that can do this?
Alternatively, is there another terminal-based tool I can use that can do this?
Yes, you could take a look at xidel:
$ xidel -s --method=HEAD https://www.somesite.com/files/{1..1000}.txt \
-f '$url[substring-after($headers,"Content-Length: ") gt 51200]' \
--download .
--method=HEAD prevents the entire content of these text-files from being read.
-f "follows" / opens the content of urls. In this case only those $urls that, for instance, are larger than 50KB (51200 bytes).
--download downloads those text-files to the current dir.
Alternatively you can do everything with an extraction-query:
$ xidel -se '
for $x in (1 to 1000) ! x"https://www.somesite.com/files/{.}.txt"
where substring-after(
"Content-Length: "
) gt 51200

WGET saves with wrong file and extension name possibly due to BASH

I`ve tried this on a few forum threads already.
However I keep on getting the some failure as a result.
To replicate the problem :
Here is an url leading to a forum thread with 6 pages.
What I typed into the console was :
wget "http://forex.kbpauk.ru/showflat.php/Cat/0/Number/107623/page/0/fpart/{1..6}/vc/1"
And here is what I got:
--2018-06-14 10:44:17-- http://forex.kbpauk.ru/showflat.php/Cat/0/Number/107623/page/0/fpart/%7B1..6%7D/vc/1
Resolving forex.kbpauk.ru (forex.kbpauk.ru)...
Connecting to forex.kbpauk.ru (forex.kbpauk.ru)||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: unspecified [text/html]
Saving to: '1'
1 [ <=> ] 19.50K 58.7KB/s in 0.3s
2018-06-14 10:44:17 (58.7 KB/s) - '1' saved [19970]
The file was saved as simply "1" with no extension as it seems.
My expectations were that the file will be saved with an .html extension, because its a webpage.
Im trying to get WGET to work, but if its possible to do what I want with CURL than I would also accept that as an answer.
Well, there's a couple of issues with what you're trying to do.
The double quotes around your URL actually prevent Bash expansion, so you're not really downloading 6 files, but a single URL with "{1..6}" in it. You probably want to not have quotes around the URL to allow bash to expand it into 6 different parameters.
I notice that all of the pages are called "1", irrespective of their actual page numbers. This means the server is always serving a page with the same name, making it very hard for Wget or any other tool to actually make a copy of the webpage.
The real way to create a mirror of the forum would be to use this command line:
$ wget -m --no-parent -k --adjust-extension http://forex.kbpauk.ru/showflat.php/Cat/0/Number/107623/page/0/fpart/1
Let me explain what this command does:
-m --mirror activates the mirror mode (recursion)
--no-parent asks Wget to not go above the directory it starts from
-k --convert-links will edit the HTML pages you download so that the links in them will point to the other local pages you have also downloaded. This allows you to browse the forum pages locally without needing to be online
--adjust-extension This is the option you were originally looking for. It will cause Wget to save the file with a .html extension if it downloads a text/html file but the server did not provide an extension.
simply use the -O switch to specify the output filename, otherwise wget just defaults to something like in your case its 1
so if you wanted to call your file what-i-want-to-call-it.html then you would do
wget "http://forex.kbpauk.ru/showflat.php/Cat/0/Number/107623/page/0/fpart/{1..6}/vc/1" -o what-i-want-to-call-it.html
if you type into the console wget --help you will get a full list of all the options that wget provides
To verify it has worked type the following to output
cat what-i-want-to-call-it.html

download list of images from urls

I need to find (preferably) or build an app for a lot of images.
Each image has a distinct URL. There are many thousands, so doing it manually is a huge effort.
The list is currently in an csv file. (It is essentially a list of products, each with identifying info (name, brand, barcode, etc) and a link to a product image.
I'd like to loop through the list, and download each image file. Ideally I'd like to rename each one - something like barcode.jpg.
I've looked at a number of image scrapers, but haven't found one that works quite this way.
Very appreciative of any leads to the right tool, or ideas...
Are you on Windows or Mac/Linux? In Windows you can use a powershell script for this, on mac/linux a shell script with about 1-5 lines of code.
Here's one way to do this:
# show what's inside the file
cat urlsofproducts.csv
http://bit.ly/noexist/obj101.jpg, screwdriver, blackndecker
http://bit.ly/noexist/obj102.jpg, screwdriver, acme
# this one-liner will GENERATE one download-command per item, but will not execute them
perl -MFile::Basename -F", " -anlE "say qq(wget -q \$F[0] -O '\$F[1]--\$F[2]--). basename(\$F[0]) .q(')" urlsofproducts.csv
# Output :
wget http://bit.ly/noexist/obj101.jpg -O ' screwdriver-- blackndecker--obj101.jpg'
wget http://bit.ly/noexist/obj101.jpg -O ' screwdriver-- acme--obj101.jpg'
Now back-substitute the wget commands into the shell.
If possible please use google sheets to run a function for this kind of work, I was also puzzled on this one and now found a way to by which the images are not only downloaded but those are renamed on the real time.
Kindly reply if you want the code.

Site Performance and Download

I am wanting to find an automated way to download an entire website page (not the entire site just a single page) and all elements on the page, then sum the size of these files.
When I say files, I would like to know the total size of HTML, CSS, Images, local and remote JS files, and any CSS background images. Basically the entire page-weight for a given page.
I thought about using CURL but was not sure how to enable it to grab remote and local JS files as well as images referenced in the CSS files.
Try wget:
make it download all required files with -p or --page-requisites option
download scripts and images local to the site and not further than 2 hops away (this should get local images and code) with -l 2 for --level=2
and change the code files to link to your local files instead of their original path with -k for --convert-links:
wget -p -l 2 -k http://full_url/to/page.html
