Fire AJAX twice from same component (simultaneously) - ajax

Well, I want to fire AJAX from one component but for two destinations, let some code clear out what I mean with that :
<p:growl id="growl" showDetail="true" sticky="true" />
<p:inputText value="#{someBean.someProperty}" >
<f:ajax event="blur" render="growl" listener="#{someBean.someListenerMethod}"/>
<f:ajax event="blur" render="updatable" />
<h:outputText value="#{someBean.someProperty}" id="updatable" />
So once the blur event occures, the <h:outputText> and the <p:growl> will be "AJAXed" (in primefaces tongue : updated). I had this example in mind and anther one that replaces the second <f:ajax> with an update attribute in <p:inputText>, but neither done me good.
Hopefully, you're going to know better and aid me solving this out, thanks in advance.

You can add more than one item inside the render attribute :
<f:ajax event="blur" render="growl updatable" listener="#{someBean.someListenerMethod}"/>


Having ajax rendering multiple messages in jsf

In this example
<f:ajax event="blur" render="errorsID">
<h:inputText id="nameID" value="#{tempName}">
<f:validateLength minimum="2"/>
<f:converter converterId="upCase"/>
<h:inputText id="emailID" value="#{tempEmail}">
<f:validateRegex pattern="[\w\.-]*[a-zA-Z0-9_]#[\w\.-]*[a-zA-Z0-9]\.[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z\.]*[a-zA-Z]"/>
<f:converter converterId="lowCase"/>
<h:messages id="errorsID" errorStyle="color:red"/>
I have the latest error message in real time but never both, as soon as i make an email error it displays that overriding the name error and vice versa, but if i remove the f:ajax component and use a h:commandButton to refresh, i have both the errors properly displayed. Do i need to use a different event ?

JSF won't load everything at the same time

In my JSF application if I refresh the page everything get's rendered exceted the primeface graphicimages and jsf <f:ajax /> isn't working. If I wait 5 seconds the ajax calls are working again and graphicimages are getting loaded.
Another example is when I upload an image. The image get procced, uploaded and the site get's refreshed. After this the image is displayed, but ajax calls won't work after a few seconds after.
The app runs on a JBoss 7.1 with JSF 2.1
Is this a problem with slow hardware or something else. I would be happy with any hints because I don't really know where to look for a solution.
<p:selectOneRadio id="options" value="#{gameWriter.uploadCover}">
<f:selectItem itemLabel="ja" itemValue="true"/>
<f:selectItem itemLabel="nein" itemValue="false"/>
When you define the f:ajax, try to give the UI components you want to execute and update. Also give the event. If you want process the whole form and update the whole page, you can use #form and #all in the f:ajax.
An example with #form and #all with f:ajax is as follows.
<p:selectOneMenu id="cmb" value="#{investigationItemController.current}" >
<f:selectItem itemLabel="Please select an item" />
<f:selectItems value="#{investigationItemController.items}" var="ii" itemLabel="#{}" itemValue="#{ii}" />
<f:ajax event="change" execute="#form" render="#all"/>
<h:outputLabel id="lbl" value="#{investigationItemController.current}" />
An example with primefaces ajax command is as follows.
<p:selectOneMenu id="cmb" value="#{investigationItemController.current}" >
<f:selectItem itemLabel="Please select an item" />
<f:selectItems value="#{investigationItemController.items}" var="ii" itemLabel="#{}" itemValue="#{ii}" />
<p:ajax event="change" process="cmb" update="lbl"/>
<h:outputLabel id="lbl" value="#{investigationItemController.current}" />
We can add more than one or for one UI Component if we want to execute the logic for more than one event.
Events for standard JSF UI component can be taken after removing the 'on' from the list of attributes of the UI component starting with 'on'. For example if JSF UI support onChange as an attribute you can use event="change".
For primefaces UI components, the possible events are listed under Primefaces documentation.
It is essential to correctly select the event in order for a successful ajax response.

Primefaces components to update when commandButton is clicked

Lets say we have button
<p:commandButton id="refreshButton" value="refresh all depending components"/>
Along the way I will add components that should be updated when the button is clicked. So using the update="text1,text2" will not suffice, as text3 might be added later on and shouldn't require changes to the refresh button.
<h:outputText id="text1" value="{bean.someValue1}></h:outputText>
<h:outputText id="text2" value="{bean.someValue2}></h:outputText>
... and later ...
<h:outputText id="text3" value="{bean.someValue3}></h:outputText>
What I want to do is to bind the components to the button, rather than the button having dependencies to the components
What you're asking is not possible. As least, not using the standard ways in the view.
But what is possible is to reference a common parent instead.
<p:commandButton ... update="texts" />
<h:panelGroup id="texts">
<h:outputText id="text1" ... />
<h:outputText id="text2" ... />
<h:outputText id="text3" ... />
Depending on the concrete functional requirement, which isn't clear from the question, there may be better solutions. But if it boils down to laziness and/or avoiding to "forget" to change the button, then I'm afraid that there's no magic fix.
I did a a temporary quickfix by using
<p:outputPanel autoUpdate="true">
<h:outputText id="text3" ... />
<p:outputPanel />
Guess it performance wise is not perfect, as it will be updated on all ajax events and not just the ones I'm interested in. But luckily this component is interested in all of them any ways, so it is not a problem atm.

Ajax, conditional rendering and backing beans

I am trying to display a page where the user, by the appropriate selection using a radio button, sees either a textbox or a combo box. This is relatively easy and I managed to do that by the following code:
<h:selectOneRadio id="selection" value="#{inputMethod.choice}">
<f:selectItem itemValue="#{inputMethod.TEXT}" itemLabel="textbox"/>
<f:selectItem itemValue="#{inputMethod.COMBO}" itemLabel="combobox" />
<f:ajax event="click" execute="#this" render="#form" />
<h:panelGroup id="Textbox" rendered="#{inputMethod.choice==inputMethod.TEXT}">
<h:inputText value="#{myBean.somevalue}" />
<h:panelGroup id="Combobox" rendered="#{inputMethod.choice==inputMethod.COMBO}">
<h:outputLabel Combobox:/>
<h:selectManyListbox id="CommunityListbox" value="#{myBean.choices}">
<f:selectItems value="#{myBean.selections}" var="u" itemValue="#{}" itemLabel="#{}"/>
The problem I have is that the setter for the combo box is never called.
In fact, the setter is only called for the component that is rendered by default (in this case whenever inputMethod.choice==inputMethod.TEXT). If I remove the conditional rendering, all setters are called as one would expect.
Any ideas or answers will be greatly appreciated!
PS: I am using jsf2.0, Glassfish 3.1, Netbeans 7.0 (in case this is of any importance)
You need to ensure that #{inputMethod.choice} evaluates exactly the same during the request of processing the form submit as it did during the request of displaying the form. Easiest is to put the bean in the view scope or to move the initialization logic into the (post)constructor of the request scoped bean.

Trigger JSF validation using ajax after focus lost

How do you trigger validation on an input component when the component loses focus using ajax instead of waiting for the form to be manually submitted?
Put a <f:ajax event="blur"> in the UIInput component which re-renders a <h:message> associated with the component in question.
<h:inputText id="foo" value="#{}" required="true">
<f:ajax event="blur" render="fooMessage" />
<h:message id="fooMessage" />
See also JSF 2.0 tutorial with Eclipse and Tomcat - the view and finetuning validation
Try this code:
<h:inputText value="#{bean.value}" valueChangeListener="#{bean.validateValue}">
<f:ajax event="blur" render="valueError"/>
<h:outputText id="valueError" value="#{bean.valueErrorMessage}" style="color: red;" />
If the user changes the value in your input component you can validate it with your valueChangeListener. If the user then moves to another input component the ouputText component will be rendered. There you can display a message if the validation failed.
