Play framework core classes externalized in maven module - spring

I'm starting a new project development and for now I'm quite pleased and interested by what Play! 2.1 offers. So I'd like to use it for the main website and end-user experience. However I wouldn't want to be dependent on Play for the rest of the project. I'd like to be able to write the admin module with say GWT anytime and so on.
So I'm thinking to use Play! as a kind of a front-end for my application which I'd write using Spring framework, Hibernate and Maven. I'll then package it as jar and add it to play as a SBT dependency.
The problem is this: how do I setup the development environment so I'll have 2 projects: one for the core classes using maven and the other for the website using play so that whenever I change code in the core project I won't have to build and redeploy the jar files to an internal maven repo from where play would be reading them. How can I achieve this kind of a setup?
BTW I'm using IntelliJ IDEA if this matters.


How to setup multiproject structure with maven?

I'm fairly unexperienced and all new to the whole world of build tools so here's my situation: I am developing a webapp with JSF, PrimeFaces and Hibernate on wildfly-9.0.2-final. All java files (incl. ManagedBeans, DAOs, Model classes, etc.) are currently in a regular eclipse java project called MyApp-CORE. There is no html or any other resources in that project, but all the third-party libraries like PrimeFaces, commons-xy, etc. Then I got two dynamic web projects with all the .xhtml files and stuff. Both web projects include the CORE in their build path (all done via eclipse built-in tools). Basically I followed Structure for multiple JSF projects with shared code so far. All projects are versioned using Git. I was now asking myself how to mavenize the whole thing and also how to properly include tests. The final result should be:
I want a build file for each web project that includes the CORE dependency and all of it's transitive dependencies, creates a .war file and deploys it either on the production system or locally (Depending on some parameters I want to be able to maintain).
This buildfile could then for instance test and build the CORE and then the .war file.
Since I'm using JSF, mostly the only option for testing is JSFUnit. Should I test each web project individually and put all the test cases there (which would be highly redundant because they're mostly the same, just a few features are different) or should I rather create a separate web project called MyApp-TEST which tests the CORE.jar and also - depending on some configuration - each web project.
I've already created a structure that makes it possible to include the core in the web project but unfortunately I loose the perks of hot deployment in wildfly when just including it as a dependency from my local maven repository.
So, to summarize it:
What would be a best practice for this setup, eventually leading to a continuous integration scenario?
How should I include the test cases (full integration tests that test actual UI behaviour)?
Which Tool (Maven, Gradle, Ant, etc.) would be best for that task?
Keep using hot deployment for smooth development?
Thanks in advance for any comments, hints or shared experience!

What is the recommended usage pattern for karaf-maven-plugin?

I have a bunch of java classes and a bundle activator class that I need to deploy to karaf.
I see that the karat-maven-plugin has kar packaging and karaf-assembly.
Also it generates features.xml
I can generate features.xml directly and it generates lines with wrap: for some of my dependent non-osgi jars.
But when I run karat-assembly, I run into the issue of the assembly goal not realizing that these jars are not osgi and end up with errors.
What it the recommended way to get a custom karaf with my application installed ?
Does the karat-assembly packaging need to have a features.xml generated and provided beforehand ? Or is it supposed to do the feature set generation by itself ? If it is the latter, then how do I get around the problem of the karat-assembly not recognizing non-osgi jars ?
I have spent a LOT of time with google and am stumped.
This is my procedure for creating a custom karaf distribution. It may not be "best practice" but it works for me. Maybe you can customize for your needs.
After developing my Camel routes and testing I generate my feature file based on a feature template found in /src/main/feature/feature.xml. The karaf-maven-plugin will generate the feature will in the feature folder inside /target.
I do a clean deploy to our maven artifactory.
I have a custom Karaf project do a clean install on that project. The project has dependencies to the initial project and I add all the features as boot level feature.
Once build I unzip the distribution and run the Karaf app. If everything looks ok its ready to be shipped.

Best way to develop with Spring Boot + IntelliJ

We've got a product that is built on top of Spring Boot and deployed via an executable war via embedded Tomcat, but during development we've adopted the approach of developing on a hosted Tomcat so our IDEs (IntelliJ mostly) will have hot-swap / redeploy support (rather than cycling our entire app, which takes a while to boot).
We recently added spring-boot-starter-websocket to our project & have run into issues with the hosted Tomcat's classloader using the embedded Tomcat's resources and crapping out. We can get around it by using profiles and marking the embedded libs as provided so that only our CI builds include them, but it's error prone & hacky at best.
So, my question is this: is there a better way of doing things? Using the Maven plugin or the runnable class introduces problems, as the maven plugin won't hotswap and the runnable class has issues finding classpath things like JSPs (wish we had switched to Thymeleaf beforehand, but next time ;)
The requirements for a "better" development cycle would be:
Code hotswap - aka not having to restart the app / server while developing (outside of making changes to method signatures & whatnot)
Good tooling support
Easy, repeatable setup -- pretty much "checkout and run"
You don't need tomcat for class reloading anymore. With Spring-boot 1.2 you can just debug the maven target spring-boot:run and have class reloading.
This works for me in intellij.

How to define gradle project as library dependency in Play?

I have a project, which is written using the Play Framework, say myproject-web. It is mostly a thin HTTP layer over another project, which forms the core of the entire business logic, called myproject-engine. In my build setup, myproject-web is a sbt project, whereas myproject-engine is a Gradle one.
What I want to achieve is that Play recognize myproject-engine as a dependency, and invoke gradle to build it whenever I try to build the play application (either on run, or automatically, as it happens in the dev mode) or when I do play dist. Is it possible? What is most important for me is that it automatically loads any dependencies that myproject-engine has.
Eventually, the state I want it to reach is that I host my Maven repo for these projects and then SBT can simply pull this package from over there and will get all its dependencies. Is this rather easy to setup? Even if it is, is it relatively easy to maintain?
As #Peter-Niederwieser pointed out in his comment, I think the only viable solution is to have a maven/ivy/gradle repository where the myproject-engine Gradle project is published to. With the correct resolvers the project becomes yet another project dependency, regardless of the build tool it uses.
See Resolvers in the official documentation of sbt.

Is Maven a framework that provides mainly an archetype like domain.controller-view in grails?

I´ve been reading lot about, but since there are several web frameworks that uses Maven for the project, I got confused, so I´m not entirely sure if Maven is an archetype that defines an schema to start developing apps by following good practices, or is just some piece of sdk that converts my code to bytecode. Thanks in advance to anyone who can drag me out of my confusion and gave me the required info. BTW is that rigth to say an archetype is a directory structure?
I am not sure if you are reading enough about maven, Maven is a build system which can help you build your application, manage your dependencies, run your tests, create reports and many other things.
First link in google result is
Apache Maven is a software project management and comprehension tool.
Based on the concept of a project object model (POM), Maven can manage
a project's build, reporting and documentation from a central piece of
Each application has many dependencies and many small tasks that needs to be done before you can run your application, developers define them in a file called POM and that will be a instruction for Maven to build the application. Maven can do pretty much everything other than writing your code. In that sense it is like Genie in the story of Aladdin, you wish for something it will bring it for you.
There is a Grails maven plugin that can populate Grails project with the same convention that Grails uses. It can work with Grails to execute your commands and many other. More importantly it will manage your dependencies.
