Joomla 1.5 font page blank page - joomla

I am new to the Joomla CMS I would like to say first. The server the website was being hosted on just updated their PHP the 5.4. It worked correctly for a time then the front page stopped displaying anything. I have tried almost everything that's suggested to fix the problem but nothing seems to work. From checking the error_log, exporting the website and re installing it on a new hosting service that still supports PHP 5.2, viewed the PHP errors and made small changes to the file's code that logged as syntax errors so they wouldn't occur and nothing, still blank. Starting from scratch is not on options for me because I need to keep that template intact since I was not the one that created it. If anyone out there has any suggestion it would be appreciated.
When turning on the error reporting in the configuration file I get
Beginning error messages
Strict Standards: Non-static method JLoader::import() should not be called statically in C:\xampp\htdocs\restore\libraries\loader.php on line 186
Strict Standards: Non-static method JLoader::register() should not be called statically in C:\xampp\htdocs\restore\libraries\loader.php on line 71
Strict Standards: Non-static method JFactory::getApplication() should not be called statically in C:\xampp\htdocs\restore\index.php on line 31
Strict Standards: Declaration of JSite::getPathWay() should be compatible with that of JApplication::getPathway() in C:\xampp\htdocs\restore\includes\application.php on line 377
Strict Standards: Non-static method JRegistryFormat::getInstance() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in C:\xampp\htdocs\restore\libraries\joomla\registry\registry.php on line 373
Ending error messages
just list a few. I have tried going through and editing them with now luck.

I have found the problem. On if its modules was causing the blank page error in some way.
I was able to find this out by first making a copy of the current site using Akeeba Backup plugin.
Installed is on my localhost.
Installed a fresh version of Joomla 1.5 (with out default data)
Then edited the configuration.php file's database connection settings
/* Database Settings */
var $dbtype = 'mysql';
var $host = 'localhost';
var $user = 'root';
var $password = 'password';
var $db = 'dbname';
var $dbprefix = 'jos_';
to use the database created from the copied version of the website I installed on my localhost.
With that being done the fresh version of joomla I created had all the database information
I needed to recreate a new website with the same content.
I then started copying the components, modules, plugins, template, and modules from the copied
version to the fresh version.
Note: Some of the plugins and modules needed to be re-installed.
I would check to see if the fresh version was still functioning correctly every time I copied a directory over. Then, bam I got a blank front end page on the fresh version after I copies over a certain module.
So I found a version of the module that worked for 1.5 on the W3 and re-installed it.
Solving the mystery of my blank front end page.
It took quite a few hours to pinpoint the problem but I'm thankful for the people that responded to my question on the forums I posted it on. And I hope this can help anyone out there that comes across a mysterious blank front end page.

This issue really isn't a Joomla specific one, but PHP. To learn more about troubleshooting these issues in PHP, there is a good discussion at How to get useful error messages in PHP and What is the recommended error_reporting() setting for development? What about E_STRICT?


Laravel webfox/laravel-xero-oauth2 getting Class "App\Models\XeroAPI\XeroPHP\Models\Accounting\Invoice" not found

So I have installed the webfox/laravel-xero-oauth2 extension via composer and configured my xeroController and the webhook controller as defined in the docs for this ( the connection works and I am able to show that Xero is connected.
I then started work on submitting an invoice and as per the last part of the docs i opened the link ( To facilitate this I used a working non Laravel invoice app from inhouse and progressed well but when i run this on an environment where I can connect to Xero (I am using a staging site here rather than configuring ngrok or some such thing) and i get the error above. The code where this error has happened is as follows:
$xero = resolve(\XeroAPI\XeroPHP\Api\AccountingApi::class);
$xeroTenantId = $xeroCredentials->getTenantId();
$type = XeroAPI\XeroPHP\Models\Accounting\Invoice::TYPE_ACCREC;
$client = $this->client();
Now I searched in the api and found the reference to this in my projects vendor folder vendor/xeroapi/xero-php-oauth2/lib/Models/Accounting/Invoice.php on line 361 it is shown const TYPE_ACCREC = 'ACCREC'; So It seems I'm not referencing this correctly? On the inhouse this is being found with no issue (although the folder structure is not the same as in Laravel so not sure how helpful this is but it is in it's vendor folder and following the exact same path).
What have I missed? I use phpStorm and it is saying that this is an undefined namespace. I have also this message on the line where we connect to Xero but a dd has verified that this works, the error is shown after this line too. I have ran composer dump-autoload and I have also cleared out all caches to rule this out but same error.

SilverStripe Blog page not adding

I am trying to add a blog to a SilverStripe site using the Blog Module.
The package seemed to install fine (via composer require silverstripe/blog) and dev/build returned no errors. The ‘Blog’ page type is also available from the ‘Add page’ menu.
After adding a ‘Blog’ page, the site doesn’t redirect to http://localhost:8888/example/admin/pages/edit/show and simply remains on the http://localhost:8888/example/admin/pages/add/ page.
From what I can tell, the only result from this action is an ‘ARCHIVED’ page being added to the sitetree.
Have ?flush=all etc as per other suggestions to no avail and other page types are still being added fine.
Does anyone have any idea what might be going on here?
Currently using:
"silverstripe/cms": "3.6.1",
"silverstripe/framework": "3.6.1",
"phpunit/PHPUnit": "~3.7#stable"
"silverstripe/blog": "2.4.6"
[Edit 13/09/2017]
While simply adding a 'Blog' page produces no observable errors, adding a generic 'Page' and changing the page type to 'Blog' produces the following error in the php_error.log:
PHP Warning: require_once(/Applications/MAMP/htdocs/example/blog/_config.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/example/framework/core/manifest/ConfigManifest.php on line 141
PHP Fatal error: require_once(): Failed opening required '/Applications/MAMP/htdocs/example/blog/_config.php' (include_path='/Applications/MAMP/htdocs/example/vendor/phpunit/phpunit-mock-objects:/Applications/MAMP/htdocs/example/vendor/phpunit/php-token-stream:/Applications/MAMP/htdocs/example/vendor/phpunit/php-code-coverage:/Applications/MAMP/htdocs/example/vendor/phpunit/phpunit:/Applications/MAMP/htdocs/example/vendor/symfony/yaml:.:/Applications/MAMP/htdocs/example/framework:/Applications/MAMP/htdocs/example/framework/parsers:/Applications/MAMP/htdocs/example/framework/thirdparty:.:/Applications/MAMP/bin/php/php5.6.30/lib/php') in /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/example/framework/core/manifest/ConfigManifest.php on line 141
[Edit 13/09/2017]
Trialled the module on a clean install of SilverStripe as well as another project (both using 3.6.1 CMS and 2.4.6 Blog module); both work so far without issue. Perhaps it was an issue with this particular project. Would still be great to get clarification on what the root of this issue might have been.

An error has occurred. 0 The file Cache Storage is not supported on this platform.

after manually updating from Joomla 3.51 to Joomla 3.6 my website works without any problems, but when I try to reach my administraton zone i get anerror "An error has occurred. 0 The file Cache Storage is not supported on this platform. " anyone had this problem before?
Check that tmp and cache directories are writable by the server.
I had the same issue after update to Joomla 3.6
In configuration.php, replace $cache_handler with $cachelite.
This is actually a known issue, and I could've sworn I have answered this particular question myself. The Joomla developers state that this is should be the expected behavior when there is an issue with the cache adapter (most likely this issue is a permission issue on the cache folder or the administrator/folder - they are not writable by Apache).
We have discussed the issue at length here - and it has sparked a Twitter discussion on whether this is a feature or a bug. The Joomla development team insists it is a feature that was added for stability reasons (see their reply here) - despite the fact that the previous behavior did not cause the whole Joomla website to crash (the current behavior does).
The fix is typically simple and it almost always consists of making both the cache and the administrator/cache folder as writable by Apache.
The following setting should fix your issue.
(1) Go to your Files and find the configuration.php
(2) Open Configuration.php and locate public $cache_handler = 'file';
(3) change public $cache_handler = 'file'; to public $cachelite = 'file';
(4) Save the file.

CodeIgniter 2.0.2 syntax error blank page

CodeIgniter 2.0.2 syntax error blank page
i have CodeIgniter 2.0.2 (CI) and its annoing, that when i write lots of code and then just get blank page. Hard to debug without error. i got error reporting E_ALL in php.ini and in config of CI its turned on for every case of enviroment (devel, product) just for sure...
Does anyone knows, where the bug can be? How to turn it on? I think CI is rewriting php.ini error reporting setting somewhere somehow...
The other thing to check in your php.ini are the 'display_errors' and 'display_startup_errors' variables, they should both be set to 1.
In my (little) experience with CI this issue has been the most frustating one. I can understand that no framework is perfect, and any web developer is used to deal with errors (no matter if the framework or the developer is to blame). But that ANY error results in a blank page, with ZERO information in logs, console, whatever, is unacceptable.
If I recall correctly, in my case this was caused by of some combination of CI (ab)using the "silent error" PHP operator (e.g. prepending some db statements with the # operator, a not very clever way of avoiding leaking potentially private information to the end user), together with some bad use of *error_reporting*. See my post here (and see how many answers I got!).
I reported another related CI's idiocyidiosyncrasy related with logging here (again, zero answers)
please check the index.php which locate in the SAME LEVEL of the application folder
inside the index.php the second line
line 2:
ini_set("display_errors", "1"); //ensure it is set to 1
line 23:
define('ENVIRONMENT', 'development'); // development | testing | production
grep your php.ini for the word "error", turn them to On etc...
Do you have output compression turned on in the config? I find that will cause white pages when you have errors.
$config['compress_output'] = FALSE; // Should be set to this when developing.
I had the same problem and eventually fixed it when i noticed I had no 'logs' directory in my application folder

codeigniter modular extensions

I'm trying to implement modular extensions into a codeigniter 2 setup but am having a few problems. I followed the installation instructions on the wiki and everything was working fine. Then I started to play around a bit and try and use it. All I did was create a new module called users with the required folders and added a model class called users_m. I then tried to load this from my welcome module controller. According to the wiki this should be very straightforward. I simply added this line
to the constructor of my welcome controller.
Unfortunately at this point I get the white screen of death.
So I tried something else. This time I removed the load model line and added
This time I got the welcome page displayed and I got the profiler, but at the top of the page I got this error:
A PHP Error was encountered
Severity: Notice
Message: Undefined property: CI::$profiler
Filename: MX/Loader.php
Line Number: 145
I don't know if these two tries are related or not, but there's obviously something not right with my setup. Could someone point me in the right direction?
If you accessing the model from the controller in the same module, you can load it using just:
You only have to do $this->load->model(‘module/model_name’); when your cross loading between modules.
Just to make sure, your model is located here right?
As for the profiler error:
1) Have you done installation step 5 and put the Modular Extensions core files into application/core?
2) Do you have the latest version of HMVC? There have been updates to mx/loader.php in the last couple days.
Ps. great tutorial on HMVC:
if you have folder structure like:
then use this to call modelsin you controller
