Conduit Search was inadvertently installed and now my Firefox displays a Bing page rather than a 404 [closed] - firefox

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Closed 4 years ago.
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This was inadvertent on my part. I was installing a DivX upgrade and the "Install blah blah" checkbox (I only got a quick glance) was checked by default - on Mac OS, certain windows and application can steal my "focus" away from me so if I hit ENTER while I'm in, say TextWrangler, but the installer window steals my focus just before I hit ENTER and the "Install Conduit Search" is already checked, well, this add-on gets installed before I can stop it from happening! I hate that behavior on Mac OS passionately.
Now, I'm trying to remove it. Mostly because I hate the fact that Bing appears all over the place. I hate Bing, too.
Anyway, I followed instructions here: and here: but about:config doesn't contain anything, nor does "Add-ons", Extension, or Plug-ins...nor does /Library/InputManager/
Right now, I have removed all traces of Bing and Conduit found in "Manage Search Engines" and anything in about:config, but a 404 page still redirects to the "Whoops! The page could not be found. Try giving it another chance below." and at the bottom of the page, it says "Why did I get this page?". When I click on "Why did I get this page?", it tells me because I installed "Community Toolbar", which I guess I did, but I see no signs of it what-so-ever. The Plugins and Extensions settings for my Firefox do not contain anything that I'm not familiar with and most certainly don't contain anything about Conduit or Community or even Toolbar for that matter. If I go to "View" > "Toolbars", the only thing listed there is "Navigation" and "Bookmarks". There is an "Add-on Bar" but when I enable/disable, it appears to only be for my 1Password App.
I am stumped. I like to keep my browsers lean and mean and not install any of this crap. I'm not sure why I chose to install DivX in the first place but that's another lesson for another day.
The goal at hand is to get rid of this Conduit/Bing crap. Conduit's customer service is pretty non-existent, as expected.
The only sign that it exists is when I go to a URL and get a 404 page, it takes me to rather than just a 404 page. In about:config, there is a "alternate_error_page" key listed but its value is "blocked", meaning "about:blocked" is how you see why a page was blocked.
I don't know where else to turn. Please help!

I also needed to delete the file

I found it!
Here: /Applications/
There is a file called Conduit Search.xml. I deleted that and my browser is now 100% back to normal.

Geoffrey's answer is final missing piece. I was still getting conduit search page when I go to 404 page on a web site until I found his answer. Thanks. You save my day.
And the culprit of it is DivX installer on Mac. If you just installed it and having stuck with this Devil, be sure to check out this page to remove it.

Open your Firefox browser and type “about:config” in address bar
Now you can see a list of items “Preference Name” and its values. Now type "search” in the filter box on top of that window...
Check all strings contents as "CONDUIT" - and rightclick-reset..

Removing /Applications/ and /Applications/ Search.xml did not fix the conduit search from appearing on new tabs for me.
What finally fixed it for me was clicking "Restore" in the bottom left of the offending page.


CTRL+G not workiing:: cannot include image using that shortcut in markup here

when inserting image your markup help suggests using CTRL+G.
Nothing happens with CTRL+g but if I use CTRL+G (caps) then Microsoft edge starts talking to me, reading from the top of you web page down. I went to Microsoft's community forum and and was told basically that is how CTRL+G works but was unable get an answer on how to turn that off or to rename the key to something else. I don't like edge but I do use it when I need active-x for forums as I keep chrome locked down tight. Is there a way to stop this? I usually get good answers a Microsoft but "that is how it works" was not expected.

Access 2013 Update Query blocked by Disabled Mode

I am attempting to run an update query and receiving an error in the status bar "The action or event has been blocked by Disabled Mode".
EVERYONE IS RECOMMENDING THIS ARTICLE. The action or event has been blocked by Disabled Mode
PLEASE READ THE BULLET POINTS BELOW. That article does NOT fix the issue
1) I have no messages asking to enable or anything like that.
2) I have checked and there is nothing labeled security warnings or anything like that on the External Data tab
3) I have checked the Access Option for Trust Center Settings "Show Message Bar" is checked.
4) I have googled anything else I can find. There was a reference to Database Tools tab, but there should be some "Show/Hide" section that doesn't exist and
I can't seem to find what they're asking about. Any help would be so appreciated.
Though I was working with the tech guys at my work and they were saying that it's not a trusted location.
I answered my own question. I'm on a work computer, it's managed (naturally). So there is an un-editable list under Trusted Locations. When I moved my DB to one of those locations, all started working fine.
Hope this helps other people.

Adding buttons to Finder toolbar?

Dropbox has the option of adding a button to the Finder toolbar. It even appears in the 'Customize Toolbar...' window.
I can't find any documentation on how this sort of thing is done.... Does anyone know how to do this, or can anyone point me towards some documentation or sample code?
I guess a start would be finding the location of the existing icons, and any related code.
I noticed that Dropbox has files in Library/DropboxHelperTools/Dropbox_u501 called mach_inject_bundle_stub.bundle and FinderLoadBundle which might be doing the magic. Dropbox is also putting the 'tick' badge on Finder icons. This code might be involved:
A Dropbox talk by Rian Hunter about the process is here, at around 15:30
Looking in the DropboxBundle file in the Dropbox_u501 shows the icons and some compiled code. The code suggests that Rian Hunter is the author:
Rian has his own version of the Mach Star code on his github - - tho it seems much older
There was a 'Code Injection Workshop' at Stanford a few weeks ago - - hosted by Rian. If anyone has notes from this please let me know!
You can use Finder Sync app extension(Starting in OS X v10.10).
A Finder Sync extension can:
Add, remove, and update badges and labels on items in a monitored folder.
Display a contextual menu when the user Control-clicks an item inside a monitored folder.
Add a custom button to the Finder’s toolbar.
Dropbox was using undocumented magic. There's no officially supported way to do this; the closest you can get without reverse engineering is Services.
(Update: As of macOS 10.11, what Dropbox was doing is no longer possible at all. System Integrity Protection now prevents code from being injected into system processes, such as the Finder.)
Rian's talk at PyCon 2011 (on does not explain anything more than "We reverse-engineered Finder." Although the mach_star stuff is valuable, it still doesn't explain how to get a sidebar icon working. And the Stanford 'Code Injection Workshop' has not posted any content about this method.
I've nm'd and class-dump'd both bundles that Dropbox installs for each user under /Library/DropboxHelperTools, and the output provides good insight. If I get back to it, I'll finish my research and post it. Odds are, it won't be for some time, so here's hoping this nudge helps someone else.
An easy intermediate answer that may be adequate for some people is to simply create icons that look like buttons.
e.g. I created 'new text file here' and 'new terminal here icons' for my Finder:
The method can be found here.
The disadvantage is that they must be square and do not have animations/menus or show up in 'customize toolbar' etc.

Firefox Open a new tab instead of a pop window? [closed]

Closed. This question does not meet Stack Overflow guidelines. It is not currently accepting answers.
This question does not appear to be about a specific programming problem, a software algorithm, or software tools primarily used by programmers. If you believe the question would be on-topic on another Stack Exchange site, you can leave a comment to explain where the question may be able to be answered.
Closed 3 years ago.
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I found that in recent version of Firefox, there was add a setting called "Open new windows in a new tab instead".
When I keep it on, all the pop windows(Using javascript "" function opened) opened in a new tab, which I realy need opened in a pop window(With settings like "menubar=no" and etc.). Some normal links with "target="_blank" attribute will open in new window if I keep it off.
So, is anyone here knows whether it's a bug or maybe I mistake someting?
I was having the same exact problem, but only with Firefox (3.*+) after a certain date and only on my Mac (Windows machines worked fine). Finally, I used the guest account on my Mac and saw that Firefox worked properly, so I tried disabling all extensions, to no avail. Finally, I manually searched through the about:config properties for anything that looked suspicious or non-default. As it turns out, I think I must have installed an extension that tweaked the property to 0 (instead of the default of 2) - once I changed it back, all was well. See the following for a thorough explanation of this property - which seems to be unexposed through Firefox's other tab/popup/window UI options:
For future searchers who find this question, there is a setting that you can toggle that opens all new windows in a new tab in Firefox.
Firefox Menu>Options>Tabs>Open new windows in a new tab instead - and un-check that check-box.
Switching between browsers for testing, I didn't realize there was that setting.
I know what you mean, but see the link below:
Firefox Support / Knowledge Base / Options window - Tabs panel
It writes:
If you have chosen to open pages in new tabs, Firefox will ignore this optionpreference and will open a new window from a link if the page author specified that the new window should have a specific size, because some pages can only be displayed correctly at a specific size.
I mean, Firefox does not ignore my preference when I open those links created by javascript "" scripts.

Windows7 explorer context strip hook?

Hy everybody,
I'm wondering if it's possible to add a new button via C++ or C# to windows 7 explorer "context strip"(don't know if this is correct name) - like on picture below.
My reason for this is because a lot of times I'm switching on&off "Show hidden files, folders and drives" functionality under Tools->Folder option->View. Therefore i want to simplify this process with a click of a button.
I was looking into ShellExecteEx function, but I am not sure I can do that. Can Anybody direct me in right direction?
I highly recommend using AutoIt for this task. Second URL comes complete with examples of how to insert buttons in various programs - however, be sure to read complete topic for misc. updates to the provided code.
Btw: I misread topic to begin with; gui 'context' related material in Windows is often taken to deal with right-click menus
Edit: limit on urls for new users on Stack Overflow mean I had to cut out some of less essential links - google away.
To answer part of the question, I think it is possible as for quite some time we've seen small programs to add a "New Folder" button to the explorer. I think those still works with Win 7.
Look at for example
[Edit] Forgot to clarify that Source Code for StExBar is on Google Code
