How to know if the pipe is empty -- WIN32 - winapi

I'm writing a program that communicate with its child process using anonymous pipe. And I want to know if there are contents in the pipe for me to read. Because calling ReadFile for an empty pipe would result in halting.
The child process is another software so I can't change it. I can only redirect its i/o.

You can use the PeekNamedPipe function to examine the state of the pipe without blocking.


What exactly happens when I pipe an output?

A pipe in Bash takes the standard output of one process and passes it
as standard input into another process. Bash scripts support
positional arguments that can be passed in at the command line.
I am working with Linux commands and pipes have always come up. What does it mean to pipe the standard output of one process? I understand that the output will be sent to the next command in the pipeline but how? How exactly does it happen? Why does variables created in a sub shell not be piped?
What does it mean to pipe the standard output of one process?
It means to execute pipe system call. Then, fork one process, execute dup2 system call to duplicate file descriptor representing standard output stream to one of the file descriptors returned by pipe. Then, fork the second process, do the same dup2 but with the standard output file descriptor and the other file descriptor returned by pipe.
but how? How exactly does it happen?
Calling write system call from one process on one of the file descriptors returned by pipe system call, it executes a handler for the pipe, a kernel function, that takes the content of the buffer from userspace process and places it in a circular hold buffer.
When the other process executes read system call on the other file descriptors returned by pipe system call, the kernel function reads the element from the pipe circular hold buffer and copies data to the buffer given by the user, and advances the hold buffer.
Can I pipe contents of a variable? Can you include this in your answer?
You can execute a process that writes the content of the variable to standard output and connect the process to a pipe. I.e. echo "$var" |.

Namedpipe writeFIle questions Win32

I am writing a win32 app which is using the namedpipe for inter-process communication. When one process is trying to writeFile, it will write the structure (tell other process how many bytes and other info), then it will write the actual data by calling WriteFile again.
The other process, when it is reading, it read the first msg, and then read the second msg based on the information got from the first msg.
My questions are:
If the server process is writing the data, but the client process hasn't read it yet, is it possible to lost the first msg when the client is reading? Example, when the server is calling WriteFile at the second time to write actual data, will the previous msg was overwritten?
Is there any best solution to use waitforsingleobject to sync?
A pipe is a little like a real pipe -- when you write more to the pipe, it doesn't overwrite what was already in the pipe. It just adds more data to the pipe that will be delivered after the data that you previously wrote to the pipe.
I rarely find WaitForSingleObject useful for a pipe. If you want to block the current thread until it receives data from the pipe, you can just do a synchronous read, and it'll block until there's data. If you want to block until there's input from any of a number of sources, you usually want WaitForMultipleObjects or MsgWaitForMultipleObjects, so your thread will run when any of the sources has input to process.
The only times I can recall using WaitForSingleObject on a pipe were with a zero timeout, so the receiver would continue other processing if there was no pipe input, and every once in a while check if the pipe has some data to process. While it initially seems like PeekNamedPipe would work for this, it's really most useful for other purposes -- though it might work for you, to read the header data and figure out what other code to invoke to read and process the entire message.
Having said all that, I feel obliged to point out that I haven't written any new code using named pipes in quite a while. I can think of very few situations in which I'd even consider them today -- I'd almost always use sockets instead.

Windows IPC: Can I send binary data over an anonymous pipe?

I need to send data from child processes to parent. Some of this data is HTML, plain text, etc. but it may also be necessary send image data, zip file data, etc.
As I understand it, anonymous pipes use the child process standard input and standard output. Conventionally stdin and stdout only convey textual data: would there be any problem with sending non printable characters using this mechanism?
There is no relation between anonymous pipes and stdin/out. As one process has only one stdin/out, you could create only one anonymous pipe per process that way, which sounds stupid, doesn't it? You can redirect stdin/out of a child process to the pipe, yes. But you don't have to, if the child process is able to report itself by another means (like logfile or network activity). A call to CreatePipe gives you reading and writing handles and it's up to you how you use them. Sending arbitrary binary data is indeed possible. Anonymous pipe is in no way different from named pipe in that respect.
Even if you do choose to use stdin/stdout redirection to pass the pipe handle(s) to the child process, you shouldn't have any problems provided the child process uses the Windows API to send the data rather than the C runtime library functions.
That is, WriteFile will work perfectly, but printf would not be a good idea.
You can use GetStdHandle to get the handle(s) to the pipe(s) for use with the Windows API functions.

Detecting if anonymous pipe is writable - to detect when to end process

So heres the situation (in windows):
Theres a child process started by the parent, which only has one pipe open, stdout.
In order for the parent to end the process, it calls pclose
We can't call read on the pipe to detect if its broken to end the process (because it's a write only pipe, read will always return immediately with an error)
Is there a way to get an event from the pipe when the read end (on the parent) closes? If not, we have to continuously write garbage to the pipe in order to detect when it closes, which is a sub-optimal and wasteful solution.

Basic Questions about Pipes

I have some basic questions about pipes I am unsure about.
a) What is the standard behavior if a process writing to a pipe gets killed (ie. SIGKILL SIGINT) Does it close the pipe? Does it flush the pipe? Or is the behavior undefined?
b) What is the standard behavior if a process returns normally? Is it guaranteed to flush the pipe and close the pipe? (without explicitly doing so of course).
I would like these answers to be as general as possible, but in reality if it depends entirely on the OS specs I can accept that! However, if there is a Posix standard or a current defined Windows behavior I would be very grateful to know.
a. What is the standard behavior if a process writing to a pipe gets killed (ie. SIGKILL SIGINT) Does it close the pipe? Does it flush the pipe? Or is the behavior undefined?
SIGKILL never allows any cleanup - the process dies, dead. With SIGINT, it depends on whether the process handles the signal. If so, it is likely to exit via exit(2), which flushes standard I/O file handles. The question is - was the pipe connected to standard output or via popen()? If so, outstanding buffered data may be flushed; if not, there is no buffered data so flushing is immaterial.
If there is unread data in the pipe, that data remains in the pipe, ready for the reader to collect - assuming there is a reader.
b. What is the standard behavior if a process returns normally? Is it guaranteed to flush the pipe and close the pipe? (without explicitly doing so of course).
It depends on whether the pipe was connected via standard I/O or not. If not, there is nothing pending. If so, then yes, any material in the buffers will be flushed as the standard I/O stream is closed.
c. Thanks for the info on signals and the unread data, but I'm a little confused about the standard I/O pipe connection. After you mentioned popen() I looked it up and the man page says its return value identical to an I/O stream and the streams are fully buffered by default. I'm just not clear on the difference between the two nor do I understand where the difference comes from.
The basic system call for creating pipes is pipe(2). It creates two file descriptors, one for the read end of the pipe, one for the write end. If you do nothing else with them, then they remain as file descriptors, with unbuffered output (via write(2) and related system calls). If the process terminates, there is no buffering in the application; the pipe is closed.
If you use popen(3), then it does a whole lot more work for you. It still invokes pipe(2) to create the pipes, but it then does a fork(2). The child arranges the correct configuration of the pipes and launches the child process. The parent also closes the unused end of the pipe, and uses fdopen(3) to create a standard I/O file stream for the calling process to use.
With the file stream, if there is data in the I/O buffer, then a close or equivalent will ensure that the outstanding data is flushed and the file descriptor is closed.
The normal behaviour is that all file descriptors are closed when a process terminates. This means that a pipe, like any other open file descriptor, is closed normally.
One interesting thing about pipes, though: in POSIX, if a process writes to a pipe that has been closed, the writer will get a signal, SIGPIPE.
A caveat: The difference between s SIGx termination and a normal termination is that, like any other file write, you may loose data that has been buffered (via a FILE write) and not yet written to the file descriptor.
