Permutations of power set in Prolog - prolog

I am supposed to write a program in Prolog which when given a list,returns the permutation of its powerset.
one thing I forgot to mention: I already have a predicate that reverses a list: deep_reverse(List,RevList).
for example: ?-sublist_perm([a,b,c],X).
will return:(duplicates are allowed)
X = [] ;
X = [c] ;
X = [b] ;
X = [b, c] ;
X = [c, b] ;
X = [a] ;
X = [a, c] ;
X = [c, a] ;
X = [a, b] ;
X = [b, a] ;
X = [a, b, c] ;
X = [b, a, c] ;
X = [b, c, a] ;
X = [a, c, b] ;
X = [c, a, b] ;
X = [c, b, a]

You ask two things in one question: How to get all sublists and how to permutate a list:
sublist_perm(In, Out) :-
sublist(In, Temp),
permutation(Temp, Out).
sublist([], []).
sublist([_|XS], YS) :-
sublist(XS, YS).
sublist([X|XS], [X|YS]) :-
sublist(XS, YS).
See also: man page for permutation/2.
findall(X, sublist_perm([a,b,c], X), XS),
XS = [[],[c],[b],[b,c],[c,b],[a],[a,c],[c,a],[a,b],[b,a],


Why are solutions in the wrong order?

I have been asked to
define a predicate subseq/2, with signature subseq(-,+),
which is true when both its arguments are lists, and its first
argument can be constructed by removing zero or more elements
from its second argument.
... with intended solution order:
?- subseq(X, [a, b, c]).
X = [a, b, c] ;
X = [a, b] ;
X = [a, c] ;
X = [a] ;
X = [b, c] ;
X = [b] ;
X = [c] ;
X = [].
My code:
subseq([], []).
subseq([], [_|_]).
subseq([X|XS], [X|YS]) :- subseq(XS, YS).
subseq([X|XS], [_|YS]) :- subseq([X|XS], YS).
My code's solution order:
?- subseq(X, [a, b, c]).
X = []
X = [a]
X = [a, b]
X = [a, b, c]
X = [a, c]
X = [b]
X = [b, c]
X = [c] ;
How do I achieve the intended solution order?
In Prolog, the order of the rules is crucial. To get the desired output, simply change the order of the rules, like this:
subseq([X|XS], [X|YS]) :- subseq(XS, YS).
subseq([X|XS], [_|YS]) :- subseq([X|XS], YS).
subseq([], []).
subseq([], [_|_]).
?- subseq(X,[a,b,c]).
X = [a, b, c]
X = [a, b]
X = [a, c]
X = [a]
X = [b, c]
X = [b]
X = [c]
X = []
Little tweaks can change the order:
sub_list_forwards(Sub, Long) :-
sub_list_forwards_(Long, Sub).
sub_list_forwards_([], []).
% Either pick H, or don't
sub_list_forwards_([H|T], S) :-
(S = Sub ; S = [H|Sub]),
sub_list_forwards_(T, Sub).
Result in swi-prolog:
?- sub_list_forwards(S, [a,b,c]).
S = [] ;
S = [c] ;
S = [b] ;
S = [b, c] ;
S = [a] ;
S = [a, c] ;
S = [a, b] ;
S = [a, b, c].
Or tweak the selection line to be:
(S = [H|Sub] ; S = Sub),
... which results in the order you were given:
?- sub_list_forwards(S, [a,b,c]).
S = [a, b, c] ;
S = [a, b] ;
S = [a, c] ;
S = [a] ;
S = [b, c] ;
S = [b] ;
S = [c] ;
S = [].
Note that neither of these leave an unwanted choicepoint at the end, because they use first-argument indexing on [] vs [H|T] with 1 selection each.
Does the order matter? What would be an optimum order? It probably varies.
In general it is best to put the base case (i.e. [], []) first, for flexibility (and because they sometimes contain a cut).
This is programming, rather than mathematics, so meaningful variable names/initials are far better for readability than using the likes of X and Y continually.
Using (S = [H|Sub] ; S = Sub), produces the sensible:
?- nth1(5, L, e), sub_list_forwards([a,b,c], L).
L = [a, b, c, _, e] ;
L = [a, b, c, _, e, _] ;
L = [a, b, c, _, e, _, _] ;
L = [a, b, c, _, e, _, _, _] ;
... rather than a stack overflow, and so is preferable.

A Prolog program for permutation parity

I wrote this small program in Prolog.
odd_even_flip(odd, even).
odd_even_flip(even, odd).
% flip_one, for A = a, B = b, P = [a, .., b, ..], gives M = [b, .., a, ..]
flip_one(A, B, P, M) :-
append([A|As], [B|Bs], P),
append([B], As, L),
append([A], Bs, R),
append(L, R, M).
permutation_parity([X|L], [X|P], R) :- permutation_parity(L, P, R).
% abc
permutation_parity([X|L], [Y|P], R) :-
X \= Y,
flip_one(Y, X, [Y|P], M),
permutation_parity([X|L], M, Res),
odd_even_flip(Res, R).
permutation_parity([], [], even).
I expect it to find the parity of a permutation P of list L. The few queries that assert that a given permutation of a given list is indeed even or odd worked fine.
However, from my experience with Prolog, I would expect that permutation_parity([a, b, c], X, Y). would show me all permutations of [a, b, c] but that is not happening.
Rather, I get X = [a, b, c], Y = even. and that is all.
I tried to add member(Y, L) in the rule that follows %abc as I was thinking that will help Prolog to know how to instantiate X in permutation_parity([a, b, c], X, Y) but that helped to no avail.
If someone could help me see what I am missing it would be great. Thanks in advance.
You only need to use unification to correctly instantiate the variable X (assuming that permutation_parity/3 is called with a proper list as its first argument). So I suggest you modify your code as follows:
permutation_parity([], [], even).
permutation_parity([X|Xs], [X|Zs], P) :-
permutation_parity(Xs, Zs, P).
permutation_parity([X|Xs], Zs, P) :-
permutation_parity(Xs, Ys, Q),
flip_first([X|Ys], Zs),
odd_even_flip(Q, P).
flip_first(L0, L1) :-
append([X|Xs], [Y|Ys], L0),
append([Y|Xs], [X|Ys], L1).
odd_even_flip(odd, even).
odd_even_flip(even, odd).
?- permutation_parity([a,b,c], Permutation, Parity).
Permutation = [c, a, b],
Parity = even ;
Permutation = [b, c, a],
Parity = even ;
Permutation = [b, a, c],
Parity = odd ;
Permutation = [c, b, a],
Parity = odd ;
Permutation = [a, c, b],
Parity = odd ;
Permutation = [a, b, c],
Parity = even.
?- permutation_parity([a,b,c], [a,c,b], Parity).
Parity = odd ;
?- permutation_parity([a,b,c], Permutation, even).
Permutation = [c, a, b] ;
Permutation = [b, c, a] ;
Permutation = [a, b, c].
perm_parity(L0, L1, P) :-
same_length(L0, L1),
permutation_parity(L0, L1, P).
The predicate same_length/2 is defined in SWI-Prolog as follows:
same_length([], []).
same_length([_|T1], [_|T2]) :-
same_length(T1, T2).
?- perm_parity(L, [a,b,c], P).
L = [b, c, a],
P = even ;
L = [c, a, b],
P = even ;
L = [b, a, c],
P = odd ;
L = [c, b, a],
P = odd ;
L = [a, c, b],
P = odd ;
L = [a, b, c],
P = even.

Prolog: How to create all possible combinations without repetitions

I am trying to create a predicate that finds all possible combinations without repeating same numbers. I tried using permutation predicate, but it found duplicated lists. For example:
permutation([0,1,1], L).
L = [0,1,1];
L = [0,1,1];
L = [1,0,1];
L = [1,1,0];
L = [1,0,1];
L = [1,1,0];
What I need:
newPermutation([0,1,1], L).
L = [0,1,1];
L = [1,0,1];
L = [1,1,0];
Can someone please help me with that? Thanks a lot...
The repetition-free permutations of [0, 1, 1] are the possible interleavings of the lists [0] and [1, 1]:
?- list_list_interleaving([0], [1, 1], Interleaving).
Interleaving = [0, 1, 1] ;
Interleaving = [1, 0, 1] ;
Interleaving = [1, 1, 0] ;
We can define this as:
list_list_interleaving([], Ys, Ys).
list_list_interleaving([X | Xs], [], [X | Xs]).
list_list_interleaving([X | Xs], [Y | Ys], [X | Interleaving]) :-
list_list_interleaving(Xs, [Y | Ys], Interleaving).
list_list_interleaving([X | Xs], [Y | Ys], [Y | Interleaving]) :-
list_list_interleaving([X | Xs], Ys, Interleaving).
For more than two distinct elements, we need the ability to interleave all the lists in a list:
lists_interleaving([Xs], Xs).
lists_interleaving([Xs, Ys | Lists], Interleaving) :-
lists_interleaving([Ys | Lists], Interleaving0),
list_list_interleaving(Xs, Interleaving0, Interleaving).
For example:
?- lists_interleaving([[a, a], [b], [c, c]], Interleaving).
Interleaving = [a, a, b, c, c] ;
Interleaving = [a, b, a, c, c] ;
Interleaving = [a, b, c, a, c] ;
Interleaving = [a, b, c, c, a] ;
Interleaving = [b, a, a, c, c] ;
Interleaving = [b, a, c, a, c] ;
Interleaving = [b, a, c, c, a] ;
Interleaving = [b, c, a, a, c] ;
Interleaving = [b, c, a, c, a] ;
Interleaving = [b, c, c, a, a] ;
Interleaving = [a, a, c, b, c] ;
Interleaving = [a, c, a, b, c] ;
Interleaving = [a, c, b, a, c] ;
Interleaving = [a, c, b, c, a] ;
Interleaving = [c, a, a, b, c] ;
Interleaving = [c, a, b, a, c] ;
Interleaving = [c, a, b, c, a] ;
Interleaving = [c, b, a, a, c] ;
Interleaving = [c, b, a, c, a] ;
Interleaving = [c, b, c, a, a] ;
Interleaving = [a, a, c, c, b] ;
Interleaving = [a, c, a, c, b] ;
Interleaving = [a, c, c, a, b] ;
Interleaving = [a, c, c, b, a] ;
Interleaving = [c, a, a, c, b] ;
Interleaving = [c, a, c, a, b] ;
Interleaving = [c, a, c, b, a] ;
Interleaving = [c, c, a, a, b] ;
Interleaving = [c, c, a, b, a] ;
Interleaving = [c, c, b, a, a] ;
The key observation here is that interleaving is not the same as just inserting elements into a list at an arbitrary position: Interleaving keeps the relative order of the elements of the lists. So the first occurrence of a will always precede the second occurrence of a. We can see this more clearly if we label the elements:
?- list_list_interleaving([a1, a2], [b1, b2], Interleaving).
Interleaving = [a1, a2, b1, b2] ;
Interleaving = [a1, b1, a2, b2] ;
Interleaving = [a1, b1, b2, a2] ;
Interleaving = [b1, a1, a2, b2] ;
Interleaving = [b1, a1, b2, a2] ;
Interleaving = [b1, b2, a1, a2] ;
a1 always precedes a2, b1 always precedes b2.
So we can do what we need if our input is separated into such a list of lists. This is a multiset of the elements of the original list. We can compute multisets like this:
list_multiset([], []).
list_multiset([X | Xs], Multiset) :-
list_multiset(Xs, Multiset0),
( ClassX = [X | _],
select(ClassX, Multiset0, MultisetWithoutClassX)
-> Multiset = [[X | ClassX] | MultisetWithoutClassX]
; Multiset = [[X] | Multiset0] ).
For example:
?- list_multiset([a, b, c, a, c], Multiset).
Multiset = [[a, a], [b], [c, c]].
So then the distinct permutations (combinations, whatever) are the interleavings of a list's multiset representation:
distinct_permutation(List, Permutation) :-
must_be(ground, List),
list_multiset(List, Multiset),
lists_interleaving(Multiset, Permutation).
This works:
?- distinct_permutation([0, 1, 1], Permutation).
Permutation = [0, 1, 1] ;
Permutation = [1, 0, 1] ;
Permutation = [1, 1, 0] ;
It's much faster than slaggo's solution, but so far only works on ground lists:
?- time(aggregate_all(count, distinct_permutation([1,1,1,2,2,2,3,3,3,3,4,4,4,4,4],P), C)).
% 63,090,949 inferences, 3.958 CPU in 3.958 seconds (100% CPU, 15941609 Lips)
C = 12612600.
It remains to handle lists containing variables. The heavy lifting in all of this is done by select/3. All we need is to "just" implement a reified select_t/4 similarly to memberd_t/3. Unfortunately I haven't managed to do this so far. Suggestions are very welcome, or for someone to take this approach and run with it.
Edit: And now with fully pure support for arbitrary lists
I was thinking too complicated above: select/3 is not needed, nor any reified version of it. The above version uses select/3 for a relation that (operationally) adds an element to a multiset: If there is already an equivalence class containing X, it is extended by another X element, whereas if there isn't such a class, a new class [X] is added.
But we can write this much more directly as well:
list_multiset([], []).
list_multiset([X | Xs], Multiset) :-
list_multiset(Xs, Multiset0),
multiset_elem_inserted(Multiset0, X, Multiset).
multiset_elem_inserted([], X, [[X]]).
multiset_elem_inserted([[X|Xs] | Classes], X, [[X,X|Xs] | Classes]).
multiset_elem_inserted([[Y|Ys] | Classes0], X, [[Y|Ys] | Classes]) :-
dif(X, Y),
multiset_elem_inserted(Classes0, X, Classes).
This handles variables correctly, enumerating on backtracking all possible ways of constraining any pair of terms in the list with =/2 or dif/2:
?- list_multiset([X, Z, X, Y], Multiset).
X = Z, Z = Y,
Multiset = [[Y, Y, Y, Y]] ;
X = Y,
Multiset = [[Y, Y, Y], [Z]],
dif(Z, Y) ;
Z = Y,
Multiset = [[Y, Y], [X, X]],
dif(X, Y),
dif(X, Y) ;
X = Z,
Multiset = [[Y], [Z, Z, Z]],
dif(Z, Y),
dif(Z, Y),
dif(Z, Y) ;
Multiset = [[Y], [X, X], [Z]],
dif(X, Y),
dif(X, Y),
dif(Z, Y),
dif(Z, X) ;
And this carries over to the distinct permutations too (we can now remove the must_be from distinct_permutation):
?- distinct_permutation([X, Y], Permutation).
X = Y,
Permutation = [Y, Y] ;
Permutation = [Y, X],
dif(X, Y) ;
Permutation = [X, Y],
dif(X, Y) ;
?- distinct_permutation([X, Y], Permutation), X = Y.
X = Y,
Permutation = [Y, Y] ;
?- distinct_permutation([X, Y], Permutation), dif(X, Y).
Permutation = [Y, X],
dif(X, Y),
dif(X, Y) ;
Permutation = [X, Y],
dif(X, Y),
dif(X, Y) ;
For ground lists you may do what #GuyCoder suggested: distinct(permutation([1,1,0],L)).
For arbitrary lists you may enumerate all distinct solutions with the help of dif/2:
permutation_no_dup([], []).
permutation_no_dup(L, PL):-
same_length(L, PL),
length(L, Len),
numlist(1,Len, RLMax),
reverse(RLMax, LMax),
length(LCur, Len),
maplist(=(1), LCur),
permutation_no_dup(LCur, L, LMax/LCur-L, [], PL).
permutation_no_dup([], _, _, PL, PL).
permutation_no_dup([], _, LMax/LCur-L, PL, PL1):-
dif(PL, PL1),
next(LCur, LMax, NLCur),
permutation_no_dup(NLCur, L, LMax/NLCur-L, [], PL1).
permutation_no_dup([Take|LCur], L, Info, PL, PL1):-
nth1(Take, L, Item, L1),
permutation_no_dup(LCur, L1, Info, [Item|PL], PL1).
next([Cur|LCur], [Max|_], [NCur|LCur]):-
Cur < Max,
succ(Cur, NCur).
next([Cur|LCur], [Cur|LMax], [1|NLCur]):-
next(LCur, LMax, NLCur).
same_length([_|Xs], [_|Ys]) :-
same_length(Xs, Ys).
Sample run:
?- permutation_no_dup([0,1,1], L).
L = [1, 1, 0] ;
L = [1, 0, 1] ;
L = [0, 1, 1] ;
?- permutation_no_dup([X,Y], L), X=Y.
X = Y,
L = [Y, Y] ;
With the above code, I get this output with SWI 8.0.2 which is obviously wrong:
?- permutation_no_dup([x,y,Z,Z],P), P=[x,y,z,z].
?- P=[x,y,z,z], permutation_no_dup([x,y,Z,Z],P).
P = [x, y, z, z],
Z = z ;
but rearranging the call to dif/2 in the second clause of permutation_no_dup/5 so it now reads:
permutation_no_dup([], _, _, PL, PL).
permutation_no_dup([], _, LMax/LCur-L, PL, PL1):-
% dif(PL, PL1), % <-- removed dif/2 from here
next(LCur, LMax, NLCur),
permutation_no_dup(NLCur, L, LMax/NLCur-L, [], PL1),
dif(PL, PL1). % <-- Moved dif/2 to here
permutation_no_dup([Take|LCur], L, Info, PL, PL1):-
nth1(Take, L, Item, L1),
permutation_no_dup(LCur, L1, Info, [Item|PL], PL1).
Now we get:
?- permutation_no_dup([x,y,Z,Z],P), P=[x,y,z,z].
Z = z,
P = [x, y, z, z] ;
?- P=[x,y,z,z], permutation_no_dup([x,y,Z,Z],P).
P = [x, y, z, z],
Z = z ;

Prolog: eliminate repetitions in query

I've been trying to write a simple code, that would behave in this manner:
| ?- hasCoppiesOf(X,[a,b,a,b,a,b,a,b]).
X = [a,b] ? ;
X = [a,b,a,b] ? ;
X = [a,b,a,b,a,b,a,b] ? ;
| ?- hasCoppiesOf([a,b,a,b,a,b,a,b], X).
X = [] ? ;
X = [a,b,a,b,a,b,a,b] ? ;
X = [a,b,a,b,a,b,a,b,a,b,a,b,a,b,a,b] ? ;
X = ...
This desire resulted in next piece of code:
hasCoppiesOf([H1|T1], [H1|T2]) :-
append(T1, [H1], X),
hasCoppiesOf([H1|T1], X, T2).
hasCoppiesOf(A, A, B) :-
hasCoppiesOf(A, B).
hasCoppiesOf(A, [H1|T1], [H1|T2]) :-
append(T1, [H1], X),
hasCoppiesOf(A, X, T2).
And it gives me what I want on the second query, however, the first results in:
?- hasCoppiesOf(X,[a,b,a,b,a,b,a,b]).
X = [a, b] ;
X = [a, b] ;
X = [a, b] ;
X = [a, b] ;
X = [a, b] ;
X = [a, b] ;
X = [a, b] ;
X = [a, b] ;
X = [a, b, a, b] ;
X = [a, b, a, b] ;
X = [a, b, a, b] ;
X = [a, b, a, b] ;
X = [a, b, a, b] ;
X = [a, b, a, b] ;
X = [a, b, a, b] ;
X = [a, b, a, b] ;
X = [a, b, a, b, a, b] ;
X = [a, b, a, b, a, b] ;
X = [a, b, a, b, a, b] ;
X = [a, b, a, b, a, b] ;
X = [a, b, a, b, a, b] ;
It seems to be working fine, but that repetition of the same answers bothers me. It's, probably, a simple mistake, but is there a way to make the output prettier?
And honestly, that a mystery, why Prolog treats two identical arrays as different answers.
Or maybe it's just something wrong with my system?
The gentle guidance of the person in the comments helped me to solve this issue. However, if this question will be reading the person who wants to solve exactly the same problem - code not really working well, my apologies.
I think you just made your predicate more complex than it needs to be, probably just overthinking it. A given solution may succeed in multiple paths through the logic.
You can do this without append/3 by aligning the front end of the lists and keep the original list to "reset" on repeats:
% Empty list base cases
dups_list([], []).
dups_list([_|_], []).
% Main predicate, calling aux predicate
dups_list(L, Ls) :-
dups_list(L, L, Ls).
% Recursive auxiliary predicate
dups_list([], [_|_], []).
dups_list([], [X|Xs], [X|Ls]) :-
dups_list(Xs, [X|Xs], Ls).
dups_list([X|Xs], L, [X|Ls]) :-
dups_list(Xs, L, Ls).
Here are some results:
| ?- dups_list(X,[a,b,a,b,a,b,a,b]).
X = [a,b] ? a
X = [a,b,a,b]
X = [a,b,a,b,a,b,a,b]
| ?- dups_list([a,b,a,b,a,b,a,b], X).
X = [] ? ;
X = [a,b,a,b,a,b,a,b] ? ;
X = [a,b,a,b,a,b,a,b,a,b,a,b,a,b,a,b] ? ;
X = [a,b,a,b,a,b,a,b,a,b,a,b,a,b,a,b,a,b,a,b,a,b,a,b] ?
| ?- dups_list(A, B).
A = []
B = [] ? ;
A = [_|_]
B = [] ? ;
A = [C]
B = [C] ? ;
A = [C]
B = [C,C] ? ;
A = [C,D]
B = [C,D] ? ;
A = [C]
B = [C,C,C] ? ;
A = [C,D,E]
B = [C,D,E] ? ;
There may be a way to simplify the solution just a bit more, but I haven't played with it enough to determine if that's the case.
I think this is what you're trying for...
coppies(X,Z,[Y|Ys]):- \+member(Y,Z),coppies(X,[Y|Z],Ys).
coppies(X,Z,[Y|Ys]):- member(Y,Z),coppies(X,Z,Ys).
X = [2, 1].
BTW I've used some different names instead..
Okay, I got your problem, you want to eliminate the repetitions.
hasCoppiesOf([H1|T1], [H1|T2]) :-
append(T1, [H1], X),
hasCoppiesOf([H1|T1], X, T2).
hasCoppiesOf(A, A, B) :-
hasCoppiesOf(A, B),!. %Change here, place a cut after the termination.
hasCoppiesOf(A, [H1|T1], [H1|T2]) :-
append(T1, [H1], X),
hasCoppiesOf(A, X, T2).
This is the change that you need to make.
hasCoppiesOf(A, A, B) :-
hasCoppiesOf(A, B),!.
A Cut '!' terminates the unwanted backtracking and thereby repetitions.

Find at least one word of even length accepted by finite automaton

I Have an automaton.
The question here is: how to find at least one word of even length accepted by my given finite automaton?
states /* states(Q) <=> Q is the list of automata's states */
symbols /* symbols(Sigma) <=> Sigma is the list of automata's input symbols */
transition /* transition(X, A, Y) <=> δ(X, A)=Y */
startState /* startState(S) <=> S is the start state of automata */
finalStates /* finalStates(F) <=> F is the list of automata's final states */
states([q0, q1, q2]).
symbols([a, b]).
transition(q0, a, q1).
transition(q0, b, q2).
transition(q1, a, q2).
transition(q1, b, q0).
transition(q2, a, q1).
transition(q2, b, q2).
It looks like you have successfully encoded your automaton in Prolog. What you are actually missing is the code to execute it. So let's think about what's needed to do that. First, we need to kick off the execution by passing the input to something to run it. That first thing will find the start state and use that. Then we'll run a loop, finding the transition for this state and the next input value and next state. If we run out of input and are in a final state, then we have succeeded. So it seems like the only thing special about the first call is that it looks up the initial state.
In true inductive fashion, let's write the termination condition first.
step(State, []) :- finalStates(FinalStates), memberchk(State, FinalStates).
This simply says that if we try to perform a step when we're out of input, the state we were in is in the list of final states. Now let's try to run a step that is not the final step. We'll recursively call step/2 to implement a loop.
step(State, [Sym|Tape]) :-
transition(State, Sym, NextState),
step(NextState, Tape),
This simply peels off the next symbol on the tape and finds the right next state based on it, and recurs. I have added the cut here to prevent it from attempting to find other transitions; if you were building an NFA you might want to remove that. Now what we are missing is the initial driver, which I'll just call evaluate:
evaluate(Tape) :-
step(Start, Tape).
Let's try this out on a few inputs:
?- evaluate([a,a,a,a]).
This succeeded because it transitioned from q0 -> q1 -> q2 -> q1 -> q2 and q2 is a final state.
?- evaluate([a,a,a]).
This failed because it transitioned from q0 -> q1 -> q2 -> q1 and q1 is not a final state.
Now on to finding strings that match. We can generate them quite easily since we have the set of symbols on-hand; let's make a little helper predicate:
symbol(X) :- symbols(Symbols), member(X, Symbols).
This is something we can use easily with maplist/2 to generate sample inputs:
?- length(L, 3), maplist(symbol, L).
L = [a, a, a] ;
L = [a, a, b] ;
L = [a, b, a] ;
L = [a, b, b] ;
L = [b, a, a] ;
L = [b, a, b] ;
L = [b, b, a] ;
L = [b, b, b].
Now you can do a classic generate-and-test thing with Prolog:
?- length(L, 3), maplist(symbol, L), evaluate(L).
L = [a, a, b] ;
L = [a, b, b] ;
L = [b, a, a] ;
L = [b, b, b].
To find an even list of symbols that works, make a helper for finding evens and we'll use between/3 to generate lists of those lengths and then do the same kind of thing:
even(X) :- 0 is X mod 2.
?- between(1,100,X), even(X).
X = 2 ;
X = 4 ;
X = 6 ;
X = 8 .
?- between(1,100,X), even(X), length(L, X).
X = 2,
L = [_2954, _2960] ;
X = 4,
L = [_2954, _2960, _2966, _2972] ;
X = 6,
L = [_2954, _2960, _2966, _2972, _2978, _2984] .
?- between(1,100,X), even(X), length(L, X), maplist(symbol, L).
X = 2,
L = [a, a] ;
X = 2,
L = [a, b] ;
X = 2,
L = [b, a] ;
X = 2,
L = [b, b] ;
X = 4,
L = [a, a, a, a] ;
X = 4,
L = [a, a, a, b] ;
X = 4,
L = [a, a, b, a] ;
X = 4,
L = [a, a, b, b] ;
X = 4,
L = [a, b, a, a] ;
X = 4,
L = [a, b, a, b] ;
X = 4,
L = [a, b, b, a] ;
X = 4,
L = [a, b, b, b] ;
X = 4,
L = [b, a, a, a] .
?- between(1,100,X), even(X), length(L, X), maplist(symbol, L), evaluate(L).
X = 2,
L = [a, a] ;
X = 2,
L = [b, b] ;
X = 4,
L = [a, a, a, a] ;
X = 4,
L = [a, a, b, b] ;
X = 4,
L = [a, b, a, a] ;
X = 4,
L = [a, b, b, b] ;
X = 4,
L = [b, a, a, b] ;
X = 4,
L = [b, a, b, b] ;
X = 4,
L = [b, b, a, a] ;
X = 4,
L = [b, b, b, b] ;
X = 6,
L = [a, a, a, a, a, a]
