Combine th:each with templating element using Thymeleaf - spring

I have a list of 'product' which I want to show as a list of row table using an html template.
The html template looks like:
<tr th:fragment="productTemplate">
<td th:text="${productName}">product name</td>
<td th:text="${productprice}>product price</td>
Here is what I did:
<tr th:each="product : ${products}" th:substituteby="product :: productTemplate" th:with="productName=*{name}, productPrice=*{price}" />
If I use th:include, there will be tr nested to each tr
If I use th:substituteby, substitute has the priority on th:each
I cant find a way to replace my loop items by an other.
Somebody have a solution to do this?

I got it:
<tr th:each="product : ${products}" th:include="product :: productTemplate"
th:with="productName=${}, productPrice=${product.price}"
th:remove="tag" />
And here, we can keep the template class on the tr element (that what I wanted)
<tbody th:fragment="productTemplate">
<tr class="my-class">
<td th:text="${productName}">product name</td>
<td th:text="${productPrice}">product price</td>
here's the result:
<tr class="my-class">
<tr class="my-class">
thanks to danielfernandez from the official thymeleaf forum

th:include is what you are looking for. The code below works for me. I prefer to put multiple fragments in one file so I've included that here.
<tr th:each="product : ${products}" th:include="/fragments/productFragment :: productRow" />
<tr th:fragment="productRow">
<td th:text="${product.productName}">product name</td>
<td th:text="${product.productPrice}">product price</td>


Why Xpath 3.0 works, but Xquery 3.0 doesn't work with the same expression

I launched Xpath in Oxygen. In Xpath 3.0 found what i need but in Xquery 3.0 doesn't find.
This is my Xpath expression
//table[tbody/tr/th/p[contains(text(), 'All Water System Contacts')]]/tbody/tr[3]/td[1]
This is my xml code
I put part code.
<table border="1" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" summary="." width="640">
<th colspan="3">
<p>All Water System Contacts </p></th>
<td align="center">AC - Administrative Contact - GENERAL MANAGER </td>
<td align="center">GRANT, JOHN, W <br/> PO BOX 869<br/> BIG SPRING, TX 79721-0869 </td>
<td align="center">
<table border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="border-collapse: collapse"
<th><b>Electronic Type</b></th>
<table border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="border-collapse: collapse"
<th><b>Phone Type</b></th>
<td align="center">BUS - Business</td>
<td align="center">432-267-6341 </td>
<td align="center">FAX - Facsimile</td>
<td align="center">432-267-3121 </td>
<td align="center">BUS - Business</td>
<td align="center">432-267-6070 </td>
<td align="center">OW - Owner </td>
SPRING, TX 79721-0869 </td>
<td align="center"> </td>
I tried different functions.
I don't know why it doesn't work and what difference
Please help me.
I suspect your real, complete input has an XHTML default namespace declaration xmlns="" and in oXygen for XPath you have the setting enabled to "use the default namespace of the root element" so your path works with XPath out of the box while for XQuery you need to make sure you explicitly set
declare default element namespace '';
in the prolog of your XQuery file or code sample.

Using variable inside src image with Thymleaf template

I developped an application using spring-boot and thymeleaf as a template
in my view I try to use a variable inside a loop but it's not worked. This is a snippet of my code:
<table >
<tr th:each="subTask : ${lstOtherSubTasks}">
<td><img th:src="#{/img/icons/${subTask.issueTypeId}.png}" title="TODO" /> // here the variable ${subTask.issueTypeId} not works
<p th:text="${subTask.issueTypeId}" /> here the value of the variable ${subTask.issueTypeId} is not null I get the good value
<td th:text="${subTask.resume}"></td>
<td th:text="${subTask.contenu}"></td>
You can't mix expressions and strings like you're doing. This works:
<img th:src="#{${'/img/icons/' + subTask.issueTypeId + '.png'}}" title="TODO" />

How to get TD text by TH name?

I'm using scrapy to parse a doc, this code is like my code structure that I want to parse, I want to get TD text by TH name, How ?
<div id="m_PanelField">
<table width="100%" cellspacing="1" border="0">
<td>lorem ipsum</td>
//td[../th='Etat'] OR .//tr[th='Etat']/td
Thank's for #helderdarocha and #paul-trmbrth

Optimal XPath Query for processing the sample HTML fragment

I have a feed that outputs HTML. The following segment is part of the output
<div class="leftnav">
<table border="0" cols="2">
<td colspan="2" class="topline"><span style="font-size: 1px"> </span></td>
<td colspan="2"><span class="bold">Article Cat1 </span></td>
<td class="date" colspan="2">
<td width="20"></td>
<td class="date">
<td colspan="2" class="topline"><span style="font-size: 1px"> </span></td>
<td colspan="2"><span class="bold">Article Cat2 </span></td>
<td class="date" colspan="2">
<td width="20"></td>
<td class="date">
I want to process above segment using XPATH so that output looks like this
Article Cat1
ArticleLink1 Article Cat2
What is the optimal XPATH that will produce the desired output? I tried //div[#class="leftnav"]/table/tr but this gives all the TR elements. I want to skip the first TR element so that I can get the output in the format I described above.
//div[#class="leftnav"]/table/tr[position() > 1]
Try the above
Stupid simple way:
substring-after(normalize-space(string(//*:div)), normalize-space(string(//*:div/*:table/*[1])))
Result: "Article Cat1 ArticleTitle1 ArticleLink1 nbsp Article Cat2 ArticleTitle2 ArticleLink2"
I don't know why, but (position() > 1) doesn't work in my environment, so I've used strings instead.

How to use "selenium-webdriver-xpath" to get the text value from <td>?

Find the below html code:
<table id="supplier_list_data" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="0" class="data">
<tr class="rowLight">
<td class="extraWidthSmall">
<td class="extraWidthSmall">
<td class="extraWidthSmall">
Now using xpath how to get the value xyz (means always the second "<td>") . Give me an idea please!
Try //tr/td[2]/data().
//tr/td selects all <td/> elements, [2] the second result inside each <tr/> and data() returns their contents.
