How does Node.JS and/or Meteor get a callback from the database when a 3rd party software update the database - oracle

I would like to use Meteor (Node.JS) to develop an application that will be used by 3,000+ concurrent users on a large size database.
I have looked at the nice examples and the idea to push changed data to the clients is very nice and very useful, but before I start the development I want to be sure how it works behind the scenes to be sure that when I have the application running with all these users it work fast with standard hardware.
I also require this to use Oracle as a database, but not sure that it is supported and if not, what are the requirements from an Oracle package to enable this facility.
I think that the server is having an active on going non-blocking query on the OPLOG table in mongodb and that is how we get the callback for all the changes in the database. Is that correct ? if so, is there a similar way to do it in Oracle ?
Thanks Roni.

I also require this to use Oracle as a database, but not sure that it is supported and if not, what are the requirements from an Oracle package to enable this facility.
Nope, meteor is currently mongo-only as they have implemented an in-browser library called minimongo. My guess is this project will never support oracle, but who knows. There is no mention of oracle support on the meteor project roadmap

Just happened to come across this question while searching at google.
However, if there are no native solutions. We can always figure out a way for a medium language to issue publishing.
Example Case:
Python will be used for synchronising data between Mongodb and Oracle (24/7 operation using cx_Oracle and MongoDB drivers from python)
Meteor Server will keep watch on what to publish
Meteor clients/browsers that subscribed to the channel that will be updated with oracle data.


oracle CRUD frontend

We have an existing system using Oracle DB and several applications working on/off it using JDBC/ODBC etc. For an additional interface for CRUD operations I am looking at a web based front-end. I dont see a whole of ideas in this areas, maybe because the ORacle DB is mostly enterprise and probably means the enterprises building their own custom apps?
Using the Oracle REST API services, build a front end using Angular/JS. This eliminates any need for oracle specific server side logic and almost ORacle independent. Are there any frameworks / opensource tools that fall in this area?
Please let me know any comments / feedback on this approach.
As far as I know there aren't really any options like this specifically for Oracle databases. You might be better off going with a desktop solution, of which there are many.
There is a web UI called "H2 Console" which claims to work with any JDBC connection. I have used this with MySql before with great success but have not tried it with Oracle.
The H2 Console application lets you access a database using a browser. This can be a H2 database, or another database that supports the JDBC API.
If you want something more 'user friendly' then as far as I know there are no existing solutions for this. You will probably have to build your own or educate your users on SQL.

Ajax without backend script

I have a simple database application in mind and I am thinking of making it browser-accessible instead of creating a standalone one.
I almost finished creating the DB schema in a PostgreSQL Server and I will now start developing. My first idea was using PHP or Ruby On Rails to manage the backend logic and interfacing with the DB, but since this application is fairly simple I think that I can easily implement all business and data manipulation logic with JavaScript or with the DB triggers.
So I am now wondering: is there a way to directly send the queries to a PostgreSQL Server, without server-side scripting?
More generally: can a PostgreSQL(9.3) Server receive the queries in Http requests and provide the results in Http responses?
I know this might sound stupid, and I am not looking for answers like "Use JS for presentation, PHP for logic and DB for data storage". I believe this is a lightweight solution for a very simple application, so I want to try it if possible!
Yes, That is possible.
What you can do is to send it via REST API. (post, get request ).
Here are some reference for you:
Please take a look at this for more HTTP API
This idea is currently not possible (as I tought when I answered you before).
I tought it was possible after checking this node-postgres library written in javascript but it uses Node.js specific functions not present in the web browser as stated by the library's creator himself and this answer at stack overflow.
There is this package called browserify that exports a Node.js javascript file into a browser front-end ready javascript file. The problem with node-postgres + browserify is that it throw some errors during the browserification process, precisely when it tries to access libpq (an API written in C for accessing PostgreSQL).
I'm sorry I have mistaken you
Yet I still have a suggestion for you. You can try CouchDB if you really want to build a backendless/serverless application. It is natively RESTful, handles authentication and authorization at some extent, is opensource but unfortunately: NoSQL. It processes queries based on Map/Reduce paradigm and Mango query language so it's an entire different world for you to discover if you are used with SQL.
[old answer, I'm leaving it here for learning purposes]
Have you considered using a PostgreSQL driver for JavaScript? It is not RESTful, but it can connect to PostgreSQL and query it!
The library is called node-postgres and you can download it via npm
Just don't forget to enable SSL connection in the PostgreSQL server and in the client to avoid man-in-the-middle attacks.
An here's a tip: if you need an ACL for allowing or denying selects or inserts for specific users you can manage that through PostgreSQL user management and privileges. PostgreSQL has row level security, allowing you to define which rows in a table can be selected updated and deleted for a given set of users or groups.

Oracle instant client status

I saw some presentations about a very promising product "Oracle Instant Client".
Could you tell me what is the status of this product?
Is it really used?
How is the support from Oracle?
It seems to be kind of equivalent to the thin driver for Java. Is it really something as simple as unzip, modify 1 or 2 environment variables and run your client application?
Thanks & regards
Oracle Instant Client is still an Product needed to be installed, it just comes with less features i.e. SQL Plus.
You can add individual components per demand.
The Instant Client is about 60 MB in size, compare to an Full client about 600 MB up to 1 GB depends on features you add there on top.
For simple db connection of an Client App, Instant Client is fully capable to fulfil this. The Idea is / was to add some security, since advanced users could do an connection threat to your DB.
It seems to be kind of equivalent to the thin driver for Java. Is it really something as simple as unzip, modify 1 or 2 environment variables and run your client application?
Pretty much, though it depends what your client application is. And which bits you download. If you install all of the packages then it includes the JDBC drivers (thin and OCI), libraries for OCCI apps, SQL*Plus... well, you can see all that from the downloads list. It's a smaller, simpler version of the full client, and doesn't need to be installed, just unzipped, which makes it easier to distribute too.
If you have the full Server or Client software installed then there's not much benefit in having the instant client as well; unless you need different driver versions, or you want to remove execute permissions from the full Oracle binaries for some reason. But if you have a new box that needs to access a remote DB then it gives you everything you need, simply. (Not quite instantly, but not far off).
It's been around since 10g and is fully supported, but like everything else, only if you have a support contract. It's certinly still supported in the sense that there is a new version to go with Oracle 12c.
In some respects it's very much just for client use though. For example, we develop Pro*C modules that we have to compile with the full version, but then we can happily execute them on a server that only has the instant client, to access a remote DB. That's not an issue for Java though.

DataBase for Metro style apps in windows 8 Development?

Hi i am developing a metro style application where i will be connecting to web services and get the data from the web service and i will be binding it to the UI.
But my requirement is in my application i need to create tables and also provide relation between the tables and dump the data in to that local database and use that data in calling the other methods present in my service application (calling one more method in services by passing something as an input to that).
Can you please explain me the following :-
What is Database which is supported for metro style apps?
How can i create a database and create tables and dump the the data which i got as the response from my service application?
I am new to Metro style application development please help me out .
Thanks in Advance.
First of all WinRT has very poor db support. Most of this kind of things are done by web services, OData etc
BUT I`m almost 100% sure that you can use SQLite. On codeplex there are connectors from Win8 Metro app to SQLite DB so check this topic. I also saw somewhere on MS page that SQLite is support in some way. Check it
What Fixus said is correct. Personally , since my app doesnt have a large amount of data to store locally (it goes against the Metro guidelines to store large amounts of data) I serialize the objects instead to local storage. When needed, and if internet is available, the services will be called and the local data updated.
If you choose to use SQLlite make sure you use the real deal and not a third party db, as the DB library must be approved by Microsoft if you want to get the app accepted to the windows store. I'm not even sure that SQLite is yet approved, but by the looks of it they will be.
Tim Heuer always writes great articles on the subject, this one might help you
Let me know if you need help with serializing in WinRT, if you need it.
Best of luck!
We recommend using SQLite database with LinqConnect - Devart's LINQ to SQL compatible solution which supports SQLite engine (provided by You can employ LINQ and ADO.NET interfaces with our product. Starting from the 4.0 version, LinqConnect supports Windows Metro applications:
If you're building some application that has to keep working without any network connection, and needs to synchronize at some point in time, it is necessary to keep a local database.
You can read the following article, which has some basic guidelines and samples.

Best way to get database information to a program (windows and mac)

I'm using delphi at the moment and have a program that connects to another program (a server) which has the mysql database on it and sends the data back to the client. I have a web server that has the server program and the database but my question is can I just go straight from the client program I have made (windows and future mac) to the mysql database on the web server? Or do I really need the server program? If so, what do I need to do to connect my client program to the MySQL database over the internet?
You should be able to access the mysql database directly as long as you've created a user/pw combo for the database that allows remote access (Security discussion aside). You'll then want to search for a compatible mysql library that would ease the communication between your program and mysql. At the far technical end you might have to read/write directly to the mysql socket but that's possible as well.
Depends on whether your client programs will continue to be native applications or whether you plan to migrate to browser based clients.
If they're native applications you can obtain library components for the languages they're written in which will be able to communicate directly with the MySQL database. There are plenty of options for Delphi; I'm not familiar with what options might be available for native Mac development (but, of course, Embarcadero is in the process of rolling out a Delphi that can generate Mac applications).
If, however, you're planning on making your clients browser-based, ajax solutions want to talk to a web server rather than a database server. In that case, you will need to maintain your middleware. For a discussion of whether it's possible or desirable to have a browser based application communicate directly with a database server see this question.
I would use SOAP/XML for this, and leave the SQL out of the client entirely.
This is a typical use case where REST (for example using JSON encoded database records) can be helpful. It is easy to implement a Delphi client using lkJSON or SuperObject, to put the database records from the HTTP response into a TClientDataSet.
Yes, it's possible, but is it a good idea?
here's a basic discussion of 2 tier v 3 tier architecture
