Can't show Debug output on Visual Studio 2012 - debugging

I tried to configure the storage for my debugging data in Azure Storage by following the instructions in this page (source). After doing this the outputs from Diagnostics like Debug.WriteLine stopped appearing on the Debug output of Visual Studio which I didn't intend to happen.
After a while it was decided it wasn't necessary to store the debug data in the end, so I deleted the diagnostics.wadcfg file and removed the diagnostics configuration from the Web.config file of my role and from both ServiceConfiguration.Local.cscfg and ServiceConfiguration.Cloud.cscfg files, hoping that would restore the output to Visual Studio . It didn't.
How can I restore fully the Debug output to be displayed on Visual Studio console once again? It's really hard to work without these outputs of information.
Any help will be appreciated.

Try going to Visual Studio > Tools> Options > Debugging > Output Window > And check the options there for Output types.

Be sure you are runnning the project un Debug mode and not in Release mode.

In window--->Reset window layout


Visual Studio debug failure cannot find AssemblyAttributes.cs

After I leave my program running in Debug mode for an extended time, Visual Studio would prompt:
[Failure] Could not find file
[Failure] Could not find file
Console messages from the program would not appear in the "Output" tab anymore (this happens to all instances of VS that are currently debugging) and I would have to restart all debugging sessions.
Anyone encountering this problem? How do I fix it?
Thank you.
I went to and re-run the setup to update my Visual Studio to the latest version (2017 community). Since then the issue has not crop up again and I assume this has fixed it.

The Diagnostic Tools window does not support debugging using the 'Script' debug engine

I am getting this message in the Diagnostic Tools window in Visual Studio 2015 when debugging a C# MVC web application.
I've checked solutions to a similar problem: Visual Studio 2015 diagnostics tool does not support current debugging configuration but using administrator mode and disabling "Use Managed Compatibility Mode" do not help. I've also tried disabling Options -> Debugging -> Just-In-Time -> Script, which still has no effect. It's the only reference I can find to 'Script' and I don't know how to change my debug engine.
I've also tried this solution from the web about setting the Visual Studio locale to the same as the OS, but they're both using US English.
Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong?
My error message is
The diagnostic tools failed unexpectedly. The Diagnostic Hub output in the Output window may contain additional information.
Try to modify the Environment Variable TEMP as following rules and reopen Visual Studio. That works for me, maybe it also works for you. My IDE is Visual Studio Enterprise 2015 Update 3.
It must only one path in TEMP. For example,
Fail: %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Temp\;C:\OTHER_PATH
Pass: %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Temp
If you create a default MVC web app, and then debug your app, could you use the Diagnostics tool in your side? I test it in my side, it works well using the default settings, my OS and VS all are the English version. So you use the same language version, am I right?
If possible, you could check the following steps:
Reset your VS settings:
Open VS, TOOLS->Import and Export Settings Wizard->Reset all settings->select “No, just reset settings, overwriting my current settings”->Choose a Default Collection of settings(I often use the General or C#).
Please use the latest VS2015 with update 3.
Maybe you could download and install the match VS version as your windows directly, debug it again.

VS 2015 Diagnostic Tools window is blank

I'm using Visual Studio 2015. I'm trying to use Diagnostic Tools and somehow that window is always blank. There is nothing displayed in that window. There is no error too. I tried the same with empty IDE, loading a project, and debugging the project but in all scenarios it is completely blank, just the window heading and nothing else.
I've seen other issues with Diagnostic tools such as this, and this but I can't find anybody facing issue like this.
I tried reinstalling VS and also checked by installing VS 2015 Update 2, nothing helped.
It would be great help for me if anybody got any idea why it is happening or what can I do to find the issue or fix it?
Product version: Visual Studio Enterprise Edition 2015 with Update2
OS: Windows 7 Enterprise Service pack 1
I have experienced this same issue with VS 2017. For me, the problem is that my laptop has a 4K display, but I'm also connected to exernal monitors that are not 4K. VS seems to have trouble rendering the diagnostics tool panel when I move the VS window around or connect/disconnect the external displays. If I restart VS and open it on the desired monitor, it starts displaying again.
Please try to enable logs for the diagnostics tools based on instructions here. Probably, log contents can provide some hint for the reason of the issue.
Starting VS2015 as Administrator worked for me as a workaround.
The only error that I found in logs (enabled as in Andrey's answer) was this one:
Error --- datawarehouse.cpp --- Path should be secure at this point: 'C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\MICROSOFT VISUAL STUDIO 14.0\COMMON7\IDE\COMMONEXTENSIONS\MICROSOFT\CLIENTDIAGNOSTICS\APPRESPONSIVENESS\..\MemoryProfiler\DataModel'
Otherwise logs looked fine, with entries of Debug and Info importance only and nothing suspicious.
I had the same problem, when I blocked with SRP executable file of Microsoft Edge WebView2:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft\EdgeWebView\Application\110.0.1587.50\msedgewebview2.exe"
So, I you wish Diagnostic Tools working, you need to have Microsoft Edge WebView2 installed, or allowed it for execution.
To install it, run the file with arguments:
MicrosoftEdgeWebView2RuntimeInstallerX64.exe /silent /install

Visual Studio 2015 not responding

I have recently installed Windows 10 in my DELL laptop. I see quite often Visual Studio 2015 not responding.
Is there a log that I can turn on to see what's happening in the Visual Studio while loading a project, to see any add-on delaying the load? Or something like that in the Task Monitor to see which resource is causing the slowness like disk read or memory?
As per IInspectable's comment, I created a dump file from the Task Manager.
I don't see any thread information in this file. I tried to debug (by clicking debug from the actions menu) after loading the data in VS 2015 again. That takes a while to load the symbols, but at the end I see Source Not Available screen and stop there.
11/18/2015: tools team is working on this performance issue.
You could try enabling logging via the /Log command line option of the devenv.exe. See the Microsoft reference. (devenv.exe being the Visual Studio IDE)

Viewing the Visual SourceSafe log inside Visual Studio

Is there any way to view the activity log for the integrate SourceSafe inside Visual Studio 2005 Pro? I'd like to be able to quickly see the results of any Get Latest Version, Check In and Checkout actions, and I can't find a way to get that information without having to open the VSS client.
The output window (View - Output) echoes a lot. If it isn't verbose enough though I don't know how one would configure that.
That's what I was missing - I never saw the [Source Control] option for the "Show output from:" setting in the Output window. Great, thanks.
