How to index the following for multifaceting in elasticsearch? - elasticsearch

If I have a People collection. Each person may have multiple hobbies. (e.g. Running, Climbing, Swimming, Jumping Jacks).
How would I index a single person with all those attrubutes such that I could apply a facet to them? Could someone provide a sample oh how data should be indexed given the following:
Person | Hobbies
Joe | Chess, Jumping Jacks, Swimming
Person | Hobbies
Bob | Rowing
And how I would go about being able to get facets for "hobbies" key? (note that "Jumping Jacks" is a single value, but whitespace separated word.

If you both want to search on the hobbies field and make a facet on it, you need to use a multi_field. That's how you can index the same field in different ways. Usually the version for search needs to be tokenized and at least lowercased, plus language dependent analysis if you want, while the facet version doesn't even need to be analyzed since the facet entries need to be the same that you had in your source documents.
"people" : {
"properties" : {
"hobbies" : {
"type" : "multi_field",
"fields" : {
"hobbies" : {"type" : "string", "index" : "analyzed"},
"facet" : {"type" : "string", "index" : "not_analyzed"}
The above mapping would create two different fields for the same hobbies field as input. The first one, which you can refer to in your queries just using the hobbies name using the default standard analyzer; the second one is not analyzed and can be used for the facet. You can refer to it as hobbies.facet.
As a result you can search for jumpingand find a match, but your facet will look like the following:
Chess (1)
Jumping Jacks (1)
Swimming (1)
Hobbies (1)
Rowing (1)


Elasticsearch fuzziness with multi_match and bool_prefix type

I have a set of search_as_you_type_fields I need to search against. Here is my mapping
"mappings" : {
"properties" : {
"description" : {
"type" : "search_as_you_type",
"doc_values" : false,
"max_shingle_size" : 3
"questions" : {
"properties" : {
"content" : {
"type" : "search_as_you_type",
"doc_values" : false,
"max_shingle_size" : 3
"tags" : {
"type" : "text",
"fields" : {
"keyword" : {
"type" : "keyword"
"title" : {
"type" : "search_as_you_type",
"doc_values" : false,
"max_shingle_size" : 3
I am using a multi_match query with bool_prefix type.
"query": {
"multi_match": {
"query": "triangle",
"type": "bool_prefix",
"fields": [
So far works fine. Now I want to add a typo tolerance which is fuzziness in ES. However, looks like bool_prefix has some conflicts working with this. So if I modify my query and add "fuzziness": "AUTO" and make an error in a word "triangle" -> "triangld", it won't get any results.
However, if I am looking for a phrase "right triangle", I have some different behavior:
even if no typos is made, I got more results with just "fuzziness": "AUTO" (1759 vs 1267)
if I add a typo to the 2d word "right triangdd", it seems to work, however looks like it now pushes the results containing "right" without "triangle" first ("The Bill of Rights", "Due process and right to privacy" etc.) in front.
If I make a typo in the 1st word ("righd triangle") or both ("righd triangdd"), the results seems to be just fine. So this is probably the only correct behavior.
I've seen a couple of articles and even GitHub issues that fuzziness does not work in a proper way with a multi_match query with bool_prefix, however I can't find a workaround for this. I've tried changing the query type, but looks like bool_prefix is the only one that supports search as you type and I need to get search result as a user starts typing something.
Since I make all the requests from ES from our backend What I also can do is manipulate a query string to build different search query types if needed. For example, for 1 word searches use one type for multi use another. But I basically need to maintain current behavior.
I've also tried appending a sign "~" or "~1[2]" to the string which seems to be another way of specifying the fuzziness, but the results are rather unclear and performance (search speed) seems to be worse.
My questions are:
How can I achieve fuzziness for 1 word searches? so that query "triangld" returns documents containing "triangle" etc.
How can I achieve correct search results when the typo in the 2d (last?) word of the query? Like I mentioned above it works, but see the point 2 above
Why just adding a fuzziness (see p. 1) returns more results even if the phrase is correct?
Anything I need to change in my analyzers etc.?
so to achieve a desired behavior, we did the following:
change query type to "query_string"
added query string preprocessing on the backend. We split the query string by white spaces and add "~1" or "~2" to each word if their length is more 4 chars or 8 chars respectively. ~ is a fuzziness syntax in ES. However, we don't add this to the current typing word until the user types a white space. For example, user typing [t, tr, tri, ... triangle] => no fuzzy, but once "triangle " => "triangle~2". This is because there will be unexpected results with the last word having fuzziness
we also removed all ngram fields from the search fields as we get the same results but performance is a bit better.
added "default_operator": "AND" to the query to contain the results from one field for phrase queries

How to boost individual words in a elasticsearch match query

Suppose I want to query "Best holiday places to visit during summer" in a Elasticsearch cluster. But I want holiday, visit and summer to have high priority than other words:
Something Like this: Best holiday^4 places to visit^3 during summer^2.
I know about field boosting but what I want to do is not achievable by boost.
Basically I want to boost individual words.
Does any one have any idea about doing this in Elasticsearch 5.6 above??
You could use query_string to boost individual terms like this:
"query" : {
"query_string" : {
"fields" : ["content", "name"],
"query" : "Best holiday^4 places to visit^3 during summer^2"

can terms lookup mechanism query by other field but id?

here is elasticsearch official website about terms:
As we can see, if we want to do terms lookup mechanism query, we should use command like this:
curl -XGET localhost:9200/tweets/_search -d '{
"query" : {
"terms" : {
"user" : {
"index" : "users",
"type" : "user",
"id" : "2",
"path" : "followers"
But what if i want to do query by other field of users.
Assume that users has some other fields such as name and can i use terms lookup mechanism finding the tweets by giving users name but not id.
I have tried to use command like this:
curl -XGET localhost:9200/tweets/_search -d '{
"query" : {
"terms" : {
"user" : {
"index" : "users",
"type" : "user",
"name" : "Jane",
"path" : "followers"
but it occurs error.
Looking forward to your help. Thank you!
The terms lookup mechanism is basically a built-in optimization to not have to make two queries to JOIN two indices, i.e. one in index A to get the ids to lookup and a second to fetch the documents with those ids in index B.
In contrary to SQL, such a JOIN can only work on the id field since this is the only way to uniquely retrieve a document from Elasticsearch via a GET call, which is exactly what Elasticsearch will do in the terms lookup.
So to answer your question, the terms lookup mechanism will not work on any other field than the id field since the first document to be retrieved must be unique. In your case, ES would not know how to fetch the document for the user with name Jane since name is just a field present in the user document, but in no way a unique identifier for user Jane.
I think you did not understand exactly how this works. Terms lookup query works by reading values from a field of a document with the given id. In this case, you are trying to match the value of field user in tweets index with values of field followers in document with id "2" present in users index and user type.
If you want to read from any other field then simply mention that in "path".
What you mainly need to understand is that the lookup values are all fetched from a field of a single document and not multiple documents.

Finding fields Elasticsearch has matched on

I am using Elasticsearch to search for a group a user should join. I have the user data nested into the search query. On return I get back the closest matched group that user should be in.
The field I am searching on is a nested field as follows:
`{"interests": [
{"topics":["python", "stackoverflow", "elasticsearch"]},
{"topics":["arts", "textiles"]}
However if you want an understanding of a match - how do you do this?
Elasticsearch does have an explain function which says what the scoring is made up of using tfidf, but not specifically what terms were used.
For example, if I search for 'Textile', the doc should match on 'textiles'. Thus I want the term 'textiles' to be returned in explain or some other way.
The only way I see that provides this need, is to store the search and the document retrieved and then process both to discover words ES has most likely matched on.
EDIT - for some more clarity of the question
An example in my index of a group which has "interests": ['arts', 'fine arts', 'art painting', 'arts and crafts', 'sports']
Now my search, I am looking for Arts and many other things. Now the term I am searching for comes up in this list many times, thus should always be a contributor.
What I want in the response is to say these words were matched ['arts', 'fine arts', 'art painting', 'arts and crafts']along with the degree to which they match i..e 'arts' should be higher than the others, but all others are also relevant
Elasticsearch allows you to specify the _name field for all queries and
filters. This means that you can separate your query into different parts with
separate names, which will allow you to determine which parts matched.
For example:
"query" : {
"bool" : {
"should" : [
{"match" : { "interests.topics" : {"query" : "python", "_name" : "py-topic"} }},
{"match" : { "interests.topics" : {"query" : "arts", "_name" : "arts-topic"} }}
Then, in your response, you will get back any array of which queries (or
filters) matched and you can determine if the py-topic query and/or the
arts-topic query matched above.

MongoDB compound indexes vs Single FIeld Indexes in terms of space consumption

According to this post compound indexes are bigger in terms of dimensions (I could not find much info on docs, so if you could point me there I would be grateful).
Suppose I have to search for the whole address (we can assume I will always have all the fields available both in collection and in the query) through a collection of addresses like
name: String,
street: String,
postcode: String,
City: String,
Country: String
My question is: how bigger a compound index would be?
If a compound index is bigger then a single field wouldn't it be better to add a hash of the concatenation of all values to all objects, add a single index to the hash field and search by that (although it do not sounds like a good practice)?
If a compound index is bigger then a single field wouldn't it be better to add a hash of the concatenation of all values to all objects, add a single index to the hash field and search by that (although it do not sounds like a good practice)?
These accomplish different things. A compound index has an order and that order has an effect. For instance, the index { 'country' : 1, 'city' : 1, 'postcode' : 1 } would allow to search for all address in a specific city of a specific country. A hash can't do that - hashes only support exact matches.
I don't see how this is bad practice at all, it's just a very narrow use case. Remember than every slight difference in spelling, additional white spaces, etc. will result in different hash values and that you can't even answer simple question like "how many address in country X do we store?". But if you don't need that, why not?
By the way, MongoDB has built-in support for this. If the address is embedded, using a hashed index on the entire subdocument will accomplish what you need:
MongoDB supports hashed indexes of any single field. The hashing function collapses embedded documents and computes the hash for the entire value,
> db.hash.insert( {"name": "john", "address" : { "city" : "Chicago", "state":"IL",
"country" : "US" } } );
WriteResult({ "nInserted" : 1 })
> db.hash.createIndex( { "address" : "hashed" } );
> This query uses the index and finds the document:
> db.hash.find({"address" : {"city" : "Chicago", "state": "IL", "country" : "US" } } );
> // this query wont find the document b/c of missing state, but is still fast (IXSCAN)
> db.hash.find({"address" : {"city" : "Chicago", "country" : "US" } } );
